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Author Topic: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku  (Read 6419 times)


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Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« on: May 27, 2016, 03:42:36 AM »

Alright let's make sure I'm doing this right.

] Challenging a Host
You cannot challenge any host until after their 14 day grace period is over.


You must check forum host preference threads to stay informed.

He doesn't have one so done, I guess.

You must post to the host's preference thread to make a valid challenge. Notify the host through a pm on SL that you have issued a formal challenge.

He doesn't have one, so I'm posting this here, and sending a pm as well.

You and the Host have 1 week to set up and begin the match.

Haha, oh boy.

You are bound by the activity rules too. Notify host of inactivity in pm and his preference thread or forum match if applicable. After 14 days in a notified inactivity you will bow out gracefully and may challenge this host for this bijuu again after 3 months.


You must post to match every 7 days. After 7 days from a non-notified inactivity, you will bow out gracefully and may challenge this host for this bijuu again after 3 months.


After losing a challenge, you may not challenge the same host for the same beast for 3 months. However, you may challenge this same host for a different beast in his possession without waiting.


OOC matches are 1v1. Preferences can alter this upon agreement of all parties involved.
You may have more than one OOC match going at the same time.

I'd love to make it IC but feel like Warren probably won't be up for that, guess we'll hash that one out.

Ok all done right, official challenge made? Let's get started.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2016, 07:31:48 AM »

Seems legit... let's see what happens

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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2016, 11:05:46 AM »

Yeah no IC. Win or lose I don't care how much you want to take a dump on me, but I'm not taking the risk of letting you do so to everyone I've an RP with.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2016, 06:40:09 PM »

Yeah no IC. Win or lose I don't care how much you want to take a dump on me, but I'm not taking the risk of letting you do so to everyone I've an RP with.

Well you know I just want to get the Mazo. If you put the Mazo on the line I'll put ALL my bijuu on the line. We could keep it OOC then.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2016, 07:21:01 PM »

No. OOC.

Neutral area would be barren dirt plain or some such I suppose.

Only leaves question of whats usable and what banned.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2016, 07:55:15 PM »

I want it to be IC. You say no. I say that's fine, you know I just want it to be IC so I can get the Mazo too, you put it up and I'll put up SEVEN bijuu and we can make the fight OOC. You say no. That isn't much of a compromise.

Just make the fight IC. I don't care about killing people anymore. If you die just finish the rp your doing and then do one where you come back to life. That's my compromise with people since to remain IC I usually have to kill them, so I just say revive yourself whenever however you like, I'm not going to try and argue to keep you dead.

For an area I'm fine with just an empty barren waste.

I have my wiki page you can look over, let me know if you have anything to discuss. Is this still up to date for you?

Warren's Stuff

or well only thing of mention might be out of the five natures fire might be strongest, he's really resilient to fire and other fiery things, can without repercussion lift his bodyheat so high he could walk through rain or snowfall dry, do fire techniques with little to no seals

That's fine since I basically am the same as well.


Of course fine.

simple sound techniques like upping shouts to plain inhumane levels




eight gates, nothing special, but he has body covering black metal armor that can be summoned in pieces or entirely by ashura path, simulates the initial gates by removing users pain and fear, durable to the point its likely the wearer gets broken before the metal does, if bones get broken it stabs metal in to reinforce and keep the bones together, if a joints smashed like arm bent back by elbow it forcibly bends it back to restore function

Berserk always ok

breaking bones is not easy tho, no shikotsumyaku but his bones have been enhanced with minor amounts of kaguya material


humanoid but not human, so variety of things are in different places and shapes/sizes, like organs, nerves and the like

I suppose this is fine, what are you exactly? An alien like Hagoromo?

tomoed rinnegan like sasuke had, both eyes stead of just one tho, basically enables using both eyes abilities at once, don't have his teleport thing tho, mangekyo is normal amaterasu/tsukyomi type but he can emit energy that distorts space-time things in his vicinity so stuff like kamui intangibility or space time at all really don't work. susanoo obviously.

What does use both eyes at once mean? Other than that, unless it has other abilities, that sounds fine.

huge bone dragon through animal path, can fly and breathe fire, fire vaguely amaterasu-like in that it burns anything but can be extinguished


hollow mask, rarely if ever use it tho

Going to have to say no to Bleach powers

a grim reaper-esque demon sealed inside, wards off things like soul remove attempts, grants a weapon and release

Ok so you have passive immunity to soul removal techniques, can you elaborate on what a "weapon and release" is?

weapons a hand scythe, can swap to a bladed whip/daggertail, bigger scythe, and back, can channel some jutsu and gets stronger the more blood its given

That's fine

crimson release or whatever one wants to call it. largely immune myself unless considerably power is used, when I get burned too. 'corrupts' things by adding the demons power, makes them stronger and red or darker, makes fire catch onto even rock, makes water react like oil to red fire in sense it lights on fire if subject to it, overall trying to absorb the techniques is highly corrosive to insides of others, level of power used is correlative to how much curse seal is opened up to point level 2 temporarily manifests the whole demon

My only issue with this is that just having a "My Jutsu Get Stronger Release" sounds suspiciously like Sage Mode and I of course take issue with you have Sage Mode (Or an equivalent ability) as well as Rinnegan. If you can explain to me that it is not like that then it should be fine.

shukaku obviously, so sand and magnet don't really get much higher than that. used in combination with rinnegan's black rods to create black sand, high durability like iron sand but no poison, conducts my chakra and disrupts others' chakra tho, if compressed has been shown to withstand even amaterasu susanoo arrow (actual canon fact)

Neat idea, that's fine.

lesser amount of every other beast, I don't really do their specialties, but it does make chakra shroud like naruto's after getting power from rikudou sennin. flight and truth seeking balls from that obviously, but doubt you want me to use the gudodama

That's a pretty tough pill to swallow honestly. Naruto had the beasts chakra in him before Hagoromo gifted his right? And it didn't supplement his abilities at all. You'd need Six Paths Senjutsu Chakra to gain the Goudama and such and I can't agree to you have Sage Mode and Rinnegan.

the yin and yang palm powers from rikudou sennin, yang doesn't do all that much battle wise lest used together with yin, yin does shape manipulations and the like as one might expect

That's fine.

the star techniques from hoshi, only person on site who knows how to cure the side effects

The wiki says, "utilises chakra-enhancing radiation produced by a meteorite that fell 200 years prior to the start of the series." So do you have  the meteor on you at all times? It seems pretty bull that you're claiming yet another buffing ability but explicitly removing the downside.

custom hiraishin-esque space time move, can be tagged to other things via either a carved seal or a specific but temporary chakra charge"



Let me know what you think and if there is anything else of course. We also need to come to a consensus on Six Paths Power/Chakra, what it does and how you use it, so we're not both using it but having it behave in totally different ways.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2016, 08:48:49 PM »

Err just what do you want exactly? IC for mazo+shukaku? ._. OOC for Shukaku? Or what. I'm not following.

There's no term for what he is, but closest equivalent would be homunculus I suppose. Artificial humanoid creature thing.

Sasuke had one tomoed rinnegan and one sharingan, Warren has two tomoed rinnegan.

Weapon is the hand scythe etc thing mentioned in the line right below.
not limited to that specific length, can extend a little bit
Big scythe has no specific picture.

Release is also mentioned right below, the crimson thing. Overly simplified its basically CS-amplified techniques, similar to how Sasuke's chidori turns from blue to a black hatabaku chidori with CS power. Just with higher risk-reward, say I blast some doomsday lazor it can roast the fuck out of my hand just as well as you.

So no, while I could for example copy Sasuke/Juugo trick of imbuing a susanoo for example, it doesn't by any means have senjutsus BS sudden 3X power up with zero risk and no chakra drain.

I don't only have chakra from every beast, but also both halves of Hago's power aka the palm markings, and CS. Regardless of whether one considers the balls to be mix of every beasts chakra and rikudou chakra, or every element put together and nature energy, I can still do it.

However if you want no gudodama then arguing over how they're acquired is pointless. You got Ohnoki's trick and I have like...2-3 ways to fly, so also pointless debate because we'd both be able to do it anyway.

As for chakra cloak itself, I do say its similar but not exactly like Naruto's, so if you want to cut the BS we can just say our cloaks are equal power and I won't use the balls.

Keeping meteor at hand isn't necessary because once you've completed your training next to it, you'll always have it. I don't remove the drawback, I simply know how to fix the inevitable damage afterward much like Tsunade did to Mizura. Calling it a buffing ability would also be false because it doesn't really mix with anything, only 'combo' jutsu ever seen is rasengan and even that only cause its just spinning the chakra, not trying to add fire or whatever into it.

You denying my custom teleports basically the same as denying kuchiyose no jutsu, because that's what its based off of, something I spent quite a few RL years at that establishing. Or what, would you rather I insist you drop incineration tech? Or whatever you call the fire-hozuki thing.

I dunno about rikudou chakra. If we both claim to use the exact same version of it or something, that means basically nothing happens cause we'll just go up the same level in power. Same stalemate would happen with limbo tbh.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2016, 05:42:33 AM »

My assumption was that you would never simply put the Mazo on the line in a fight. So I wanted an IC match so I'd have a chance to steal it, learn of it, something. If you would agree to put up the Mazo with Shukaku then I'd still put up my bijuu and agree to the match being OOC, no argument. Sounds like a good compromise to me.

So does the Tomoe Rinnegan do anything but let you use your Mangekyo jutsu while your Rinnegan is active? Does it mean you maintain the Sharingan's better penetrative vision and tracking and such too?

Ok, it didn't click that the crimson release was what it gave you. That sounds fine then.

I of course don't care about flight so that is fine. If you are not claiming Senjuts or Goudama I have no problem with you saying your combined bijuu form is as strong as my Kurama transformations.

If that's what the star does then that is fine.

My issue with your teleport tech is you say it's basically Hiraishin and it's a pet peeve of mine when people just slightly change a claimed thing they don't have so they can use it. Not saying that was your logic when you made the jutsu but the fact that it's Hiraishin but slightly different, and you don't have Hiraishin, makes me want to say no. It's not that it's god mod. I did the same thing for Ryoji I wanted to void the Dragon Blade he had because it's just poor mans Samehada.

If you want to agree we just both don't have it that's fine with me. I use it less for a power up and more for the combination jutsu aspect though, Kamui Lightning Blade and such. I made a page for it, how does my explanation differ from yours?


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2016, 06:35:49 PM »

So you want OOC with you putting up every beast you got and me shukaku and mazo.

Does everything a normal and MS can do too, its basically the two eyes put together, which is actually canon cause Sasuke's eye does so too. Only real difference to him is that Warren's both eyes are like that, while Sasuke has just one and the switching places teleport thing. Other than that it has no battle applicable techniques, doing shit like making a portal to Kaguya's dimension is far too slow and chakra consuming.

The fact I made it specifically to step away from Hiraishin is why I refuse to drop it. Even I'd get it if it was just the product of "hiraishins cool so I'll just make something because lol magic", but this is the product of a longass development involving mixing reverse summoning, transcription and seals. Either you carve a complex as hell seal to two locations, with either chakra or blood left behind in each, and as long as you know where you're going activating either one will take the maker to the other. Transcription imbues the jutsu as a limited time chakra charge into something, activating once specific pre-set conditions are met such as 3 sec wait time or particular hand seal made, provided the charge hasn't either dispersed on its own by then or from act of someone else.

TL;DR hiraishin user teleports themselves, I get teleported by the seal.

I've so far only really used the palm markings, not a generalized "rikudou chakra" at all due to how broken it'd easily turn into if others started claiming its use. In any case, like I said I can't see that and limbo turning into anything else but stalemates so its best we just don't.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 06:41:14 PM by Warren »


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2016, 06:57:37 PM »

Yes, exactly.

Is there a particular way you get tomoe'd Rinnegan? Because that's just strictly better than regular Rinnegan. Sasuke got it in one eye because he got half of the SosP's chakra, we can assume, so if he got it all he'd have it in both eyes, but why did you get them? Also, the wiki notes,

"His Rinnegan contains six tomoe split between its first two ripples and retains all of the abilities of his Mangekyō Sharingan.[13] If Sasuke overuses the power of his Rinnegan, the tomoe will disappear until it has fully recharged, a process which takes a considerable amount of time. During this time, he is unable to use the Rinnegan's full power and apparently cannot even activate the Mangekyō in his other eye."

So you've basically lost the boon of having EMS, you can screw your eyes up again. You don't go blind but you degrade into a normal rinnegan, lose all the Mangekyo abilities, and have all your Rinnegan abilities weakened. I don't mind you claiming the tomoe rinnegan as long as you mind this weakness as well.

Ok, the teleport jutsu sounds fine then.

Like I said, if you'd rather just agree to not use it at all than that's fine with me. That means you'd not be using your other custom Rinnegan technique, correct, the space time negating one? 


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2016, 08:06:25 PM »

I'll have to think on it a bit.

I never quite believed in the ability to turn rinne and sharingan back and forth, so made rinne the base state, with practice learned to use sharingan techniques by briefly materializing the tomoe. In short custom. Eventually Sasuke's thing was revealed, revealing it was actually a potential base state for rinnegan, so I trained further to make it pseudo permanent for myself as well, not unlike how Itachi could keep his sharingan active nigh constantly.

I've offered helping few others get it, so far only one has taken the offer, they achieved it due to a legit non-implanted eye, severe trauma and life-or-death situation. Hardly perma state for them yet though, can only keep it active brief periods as of yet.

In short, in my book you get it via custom means, but even if one refutes that I have the palm markings so my base is solid either way.

Also I am aware of the drawback, yes.

No "rikudou chakra" or limbo then. The anti space time isn't a rinne tech though, as I believe I spoke of once to you. Seeing as space-time techs employ chakra, all you basically do is release the opposite sort of power, so the technique's thrown out of whack and cancelled. The whole opposites counter each other thing pretty much. Its something even you could do, had you ever learned how.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2016, 08:13:20 PM »

Oki dokie.

I'll have to do something for myself with that later then.

I'm fine with no Rikudou chakra and no Limbo, I was under the impression your unique Rinnegan technique was the anti-space time ability though. I guess you just noted it then as for why you had Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi instead of Kamui? My misunderstanding. So if you just exude chakra from your body that means it has just a short range of effect around you?


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2016, 10:04:46 PM »

Stakes aside for a sec I had a thought, who the hell is supposed to judge this if one will be needed. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be biased for some reason or another.

I suppose the unique'd be limbo or something. And of course depends a bit on power, but generally doesn't go past few meters at most lest one splurges power into it. In theory I suppose you could lock down an area by peppering it with rods and conducting chakra into those, but it'd be rather cost-ineffective.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2016, 12:10:21 AM »

Well that's awkward. My plan was to just ask you who you'd find to be acceptable and work from there.

And ok, I have no problem with that, I have a similar barrier technique.


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Re: Official Challenge to Warren for Shukaku
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2016, 12:14:03 AM »

Someone ring? >>
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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