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Author Topic: Welcome to Despair  (Read 1906 times)


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Welcome to Despair
« on: June 09, 2016, 05:58:04 AM »

Freedom came in an abruptness that startled the being of darkness, but the instant the hold upon him had slipped that little fraction, he had poured from his prior host with a vengeance and a thirst to unequal any entity ever seen within the realm before, nor likely ever to again. He could not fault his host for nearly starving him to death, at the end of their time together, for nostalgia wasn't his style. In truth he had forgotten his name already being driven by one need...hunger. Nothing else mattered. He had to feed, to drink deeply from the despair that squelched the bright shining souls that dared to dream. Hateful little turds, everyone of them.

Distancing himself from the past, from the location of his first liberating breath in ages, was no difficulty to the sentient being for over the years of his existence he had drained the brightest and the best of those within his reach. Just the need to taste more lent speed and strength to his hunt. Some nondescript mountain range loomed before him, and he paused to inhale deeply of all that was carried to him upon the winds. Had he mouth that produced such human failings as saliva, he would have drooled a pool large enough to drown a village.

Excitement filled him, swelling his form just from the faintest whiff...a low growl of pleasure resounded through the plains as lightning crashed over head. A dark cloud of purest pitch oozed over the sky blotting out the signs of nature that so characterized the area, Lightning Country. Continuing to travel, the monstrous conglomerate of failed dreams felt the being, one to rival his own need to leech the world of hope. Oh glorious undead soul from the ancient world! He had already begun his work for him, this unknown entity that was named Serean.

Nearly all the lightning plains were under the control of the Brotherless one, the ancient enemy of the Al-Kahtar. The despair raging across the land in the minds of the possessed and defenders alike was at an all time high. It was only natural that the lord of all vultures would circle this event to feed. Oh and fed he would.

His sinuous form shot out, snaking through the mountain passes already harvesting from the overwhelming plume of despair permeating the world. As yet he hadn't even needed to touch the minds of the indigenous folk, all he had to do was drink and gorge and wallow in the food orgy laid out before him.

Gods it was enough to make him drunk, were it not for his unending hunger and desire for more. Oh but he was certainly in the land of milk and honey tonight glutting himself and ending his famine in classic form. He nearly purred in delight...


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2016, 06:36:31 AM »

Bocchiere himself was currently miles away, barely within the Land of Lightning at all, but his Negative Emotions Sensing picked up the creature anyway even from such a vast distance. The thing was a palpable mass of negative energy, like someone detonated an atom bomb made out of hate. It was honestly quite surprising. The Jashinist looked in the direction the feeling was coming from as he ascended his eyes into their Mangekyo state and warped to his pocket dimension for rapid travel.

The man would spiral out about 20 meters in the air above the Reibi as it darted forward, Bocchiere hovering in the air above it as it did, watching the strange undulating beast. While it would not immediately see Bocchiere due to his position it would undoubtedly sense him immediately, since it too possessed the ability to sense negative emotions and Bocchiere was a veritable font of them himself.

Obviously Bocchiere did not know this or anything else about the creature, not even if it was sentient, so he'd begin by shouting loud enough for the thing to hear him, "The f*** are you supposed to be?!?"
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 06:39:48 AM by Bocchiere »

Iburi Ray

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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2016, 06:46:20 AM »

« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 07:07:20 AM by Iburi Ray »
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2016, 07:41:19 AM »

Naturally Reibi did indeed sense the man wink suddenly into existence above him. His whole body, every inch of his massive length, rolled and twisted in eel-like fashion with a speed to boggle the vision of the most proficient scout, to halt his charge into the darkness that had become his banquet hall.

Coiling up snake fashion, it reared its upper length into the air and now looked down upon the wee man. Although the bulbous end that served as his head did indeed contain a martinet face, and mewing lips, a mask of a human face...there was much too much about it that fell into the uncanny valley and did little to put one at ease. Readily he knew that here was something that might be termed a main course, after the finger food he had been sampling. Such a well of negativity radiated from the man that it was no wonder he sat up to take notice.

All the while he probed the man's mind with as little effort as one might breath. At first blush, for one might not gather all the scraps another held hidden in the deepest of their depths without a proper probing, enough lingered near the surface to paint a picture...a pathway to sew his poisons. Here was a hunger he could understand. He sniffed the air, if such could be said of the mechanisms he employed to taste despair.

His voice would permeate the land, targeting him alone should others be in the land to over hear.
"I am the holder of power you desire." And indeed the sound of his voice seemed to promise much more than his words did convey. It was through one's desires that he sewed despair, it was the gateway emotion to controlling another.


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2016, 08:19:48 AM »

He'd raise an eyebrow as the beast responded to him. In his mind-scape he'd inquire to Kurama, "This guy look familiar to you?" As the great Nine Tails slept, its head resting across its crossed arms, he'd open one eye, his lips curling into a snarl, "Whatever that thing thinks it is, it's not a Bijuu. I've never seen it before in my life." he'd say, before returning to rest.

Hmm, curious. Bocchiere had to agree with Kurama's assessment, whatever this thing was it seemed to be more tail than Tailed Beast. The big kanji for Zero emblazoned on its mask (and Bocch's Akatsuki ring, coincidentally) also gave him pause. Perhaps this was a beast mimicking the Bijuu? Or some artificial being created as a substitute for them? Whatever it was it had officially captured Bocchiere's interest.

"I'll be the judge of that." He'd call out loud to the creature as he made a single hand sign.

Moku Bunshin no Jutsu

Two wood clones would sprout from Bocchiere, quickly budding off from him to hover in the air alongside him, their Doujutsu in an identical state to his own. From there he'd instantly form another kata.

Doton: Yomi Numa

The ground where the Reibi sat coiled would collapse upon itself as Bocchiere's Ninjutsu transformed it into a sticky swamp. It would be deep enough that half the beast's body would sink into it before it reached the bottom and wide enough that, at least based on it's currently observable length, it would not be able to reach the banks once it was sunk in, and the beast was of course dead in the center of the bog. Unless the beast had some tricks up its sleeve this should be an effective way to restrain it, assuming it worked, Bocchiere had no problem holding beasts of a similar size with this same jutsu in the past.


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2016, 08:50:04 AM »

How delightful that right off the bat the man would provide him the very means through which to make his attack. Nothing spread doubt and second guessing like failure. To cause his attacker to question his own effectiveness would be the first chink in the armor he must pierce.

No small tsk to be sure, but then he was like no creature he had ever encountered, mind reading? No indeed, there was only one Reibi and Hiru would have remembered meeting this tasty morsel before. The creation of the clones created no interest to the Zero Tails, they had no souls, emotions, were mere tools to counter and nothing more. Certainly he would not be fooled upon who was the source of his desire. The mire was quite another matter, in that he was expected to get stuck in a swamp? His very soul was a mire, thick and stagnant beyond words to comprehend, his touch hard to shake off. It felt as though the perfect environment had been provided for the further gratification of his glory!

Like the leech that he was, in action and in form, he began pouring doubt into the man; the colossal stretched out and in hundreds of directions. It was as though someone had dipped their hand in a vat of honey and pulled out a thick strand that refused to disconnect from the whole...hundreds of hands pulling and pulling away from the center until they did indeed snap apart with a sickening sound like a suctioning seal breaking free. The smaller segments of the beast, hundreds of them, now fled through the mire. Some burrowed into the muck going with the downward pull. Others resisted the muck and seemed to just swim to the perimeters on every side.

A monologue of doubt began to creep into the mind of the man.
"This always worked before. How can you catch a creature that can divide itself into countless numbers and rush off in all directions? Am I losing my touch?"


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2016, 09:27:18 AM »

Well no Bijuu he had ever seen could do that. Though it didn't mean it wasn't the first time he'd dealt with this trick. Another ninja he had once killed had attempted something similar, tried to escape from him by hiding in a snake among hundreds of snakes. The chances of picking them off and luckily striking the correct one would be very low. Unless of course, like that time, Bocchiere went back to his good old friend. Gratuitous overkill.

His Sharingan would spin and turn purple as he ascended them into their Rinnegan state and clapped his hands together. As he drew them apart a small black sphere would be revealed floating between them. He'd thrust his hands outward and upward and the sphere would rocket out of his hands and higher up into the air

Chibaku Tensei

As it ascended vast chunks of the ground would begin to be torn asunder and pulled up into the air following the sphere. It acted as a center of gravity and should draw all the pieces of the beast in and trap them within the new heavenly body. The sphere was more than large enough to hold a Tailed Beast, many times the size of a mountain itself, and the force of gravity increased many times over would assist in pinning the beast down and burying it under the earth of its potential prison.

Considering how much of the ground was torn up (picture above) it seemed very unlikely any of the pieces of the Reibi would escape. Though if they did Bocch would be able to use his negative emotions sensing to feel them out.

Bocchiere and his clones would merely continue to hover for now, avoiding the chunks of rubble as they were drawn upward toward the sphere.


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2016, 10:34:52 AM »

Oh the energy he was expending. It was a glorious feast served up for Hiru's consumption. So while the bits and pieces of his being were drawn up from the earth ... the burrowing parts, the escaping parts at the edges, and even the front runners who were now on dry land... and brought back together, he drew upon Bocchiere's massive pool of negativity. All the while, each one would feed as they moved toward one another and bonded with one another to magnify the energy it was siphoning off. Reunion was the desired goal and his Chibaku Tensei was only making that process faster.

Leaping through the air, as the gravity of the giant mass of earth drew them upward, they merged with each other over and over until the huge coil of its length was once more erected. And with each cohesion the pool of negativity grew larger and larger. The Reibi's mind reeled from the rush of power that surged through its form. All the while the confining mass of the forming sphere would enclose about it as though it would indeed encapsulate the beast. He pulsed with the power of dark chakra as the earth formed its cocoon. Very few stragglers that had managed to delve the deepest into the earth were left upon the outer hull of the massive construct. These merged with one another turning its distinctive face toward Bocchiere and smiled. The satellite of the Tensai suddenly exploded outward as the massive collection of negative energy had fed Hiru's strength, empowering this creature who had sustained flight for an entire island in the sky, to thrust arm-like appendages outward with enough force to counter the artificial levels of its very own gravity field.

Shock waves of force filled with despair would cascade outward in 360 degrees about the monstrosity.
"There is no hope. I am weaker than this beast. Everything I do against it will fail. There will be no more kills. Jashin will cast me aside. I will become nothing. I should have lived a life instead of sacrificing mine to death. The splintered pieces of my body will lie upon the ground forever and I will be imprisoned on this field for all eternity. No one will reassemble me. I have devoured anyone who ever cared. I am alone and powerless! Betrayed!"

The sound of a woman's laughter, very familiar to his ear came across the wind blast. Her scent potent and welling up loss and futility in its wake. "You threw it all away. You could have been surrounded by those who cared. You have destroyed yourself with greed!" The attack of doubt and despair traveled at the speed of thought taking little time to attempt to wound with its lies and half truths picked up from the man himself and absorbed into the Reibi's mind to use against him.


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2016, 08:01:25 AM »

Bocchiere's face was twisted in a grimace of extreme disgust. The creature was clearly powerful, that much was obvious, but that was not what vexed him. These heretical thoughts were not his own. They may sound like his thoughts and come from his head, but they were not his. The nature of this creature began to reveal itself to him.

Negative emotion roiled out of the creature because it was full of them, literally. It tried to manipulate his mind because it fed on those emotions and from that feeding created the palpably dark chakra it wielded.

Bocchiere's face lifted into a small smile, "You're wrong. Your power is not what I seek."

The two clones flanking Bocchiere would each make a kata and form 2 more clones each, making 7 Bocchiere's in total. This would cause their chakra to drop down to only 1/6 of Bocchiere's overall chakra, which could be problematic. At least it would have been if the magnificent seven hadn't all entered 9 Tails Chakra Mode.

The crimson chakra cloak would engulf their bodies in a skin-tight layer of Kurama’s chakra, easily topping their pools off as well as increasing their abilities, physical and chakra-based, to the level of a Perfect Sage Mode user.

The six clones would ascend their eyes to Rinnegan states as well and dart off at high speeds into the air immediately surrounding the collapsing planetoid, and the Reibi, as it fell and would all weave the same series of kata at lightning speeds.


The six men would form a crimson red hexagonal barrier around the falling star, large enough to surround it and the Reibi, locking them within its confines. The six Bocchiere were outside the barrier as they maintained it, leaving the Reibi nothing to strike at. If it thought it could break this barrier it was mistaken. The Six Red Yang Formation, derived from the power of the Rinnegan, could not be broken. The clones would move closer together as they hovered, constricting the size of the barrier as much as they could, while beginning to descend, lowering it closer to the ground.

Bocchiere himself would descend, landing on the ground beneath his feet. He would not have to worry about the debris falling from the sky as his clones would have erected the barrier in time to catch it. Unless the Reibi was able to dart through the air at lightning speed all of its bits should have been caught as well.

At the same time, in Bocchiere's mental mindscape the Kyuubi growled in irritation. The Reibi's tauntings were cacophonous within Bocchiere's mind and he had had quite enough of them. With a roar the beast would sever the mental connection the leech had sneaked into Bocchiere’s mind, sincerely hoping the Reibi felt the backlash from the forcibly broken connection.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 08:17:58 AM by Bocchiere »


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2016, 08:19:16 AM »

Disdain filled the beast as he heard the man's denial. Such was the way with mortals, throwing up protestations and refusing to look in the mirror whenever anything got too close to a truth they wished to negate. No one could weaves more effective lies to believe than yourself. Weakness permeated the entire race with only the rare few able to know who and what they truly were without going mad. And yet those were the ones who tasted the best. Hiru would have licked his lips, had the gesture not been more than a mockery of the race from which he fed, for before him now was just such a man. Rage filled the being as he felt the rebuke of the bijuu that nurtured the negativity within his prospective feast. He struck out with the elongated appendages, his outer skin reddening in the process, and was bulked by the barrier of the clones.

Like a trapped rat he spun round the sinking enclosure venting his bile all the while.
"Throw off your delusions puppet of Jashin. You are nothing more than a worn out tool soon to be cast aside. Another comes who will replace you in the eyes of your Lord of Lies!"


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2016, 09:09:32 AM »

The clones would continue to move closer together and box in the beast, they needed to shrink the barrier if it was going to fit.

Bocchiere himself observed the proceedings and listened to the beast's rage, "Let me tell you what I am." He called out as he took a knee, slamming one palm onto the ground.

Kuchiyose: Rashōmon Naraku!

A great fissure would crack the ground, racing forward from Bocchiere's placed hand and extending for hundreds of feet before coming to a stop. From there the ground before him would begin to crumble inward in two great sheets, as if they were great stone doors swinging open. They might not be, but it was not far from the mark. Once the ground had crumbled away it would reveal the cast open doors of a titanic Rashōmon gate, the demonic face adorning them split in half down the middle. Inside was not a hole in the ground beneath it but an empty endless void. Should the beast be cast inside it would have its soul (if it had one) torn from its body and both its body and soul would be locked in an eternal stasis, not living or dying, until Bocchiere deigned to release it.

As the creature was lowered toward its prison Bocchiere continued, "You're right about one thing, I am a tool of my god, but he is a god of Death. Not Light, not Darkness, just the End, and that is the one truth of this world. That it will end, and that is what I am. The bringer of The End. The Void. The Death of All."

He'd raise his hand toward the beast, the ring on his finger bearing the same mark as the beast's Noh mask.

"Zero. You don't even know what that word means. You're not Zero. Darkness cannot exist without Light and you are a being of pure darkness."

As the clones lowered the barrier, shrinking it enough that it could fit inside the Rashōmon gate, Bocchiere would be face to face with the creature.
"You wield a power many would lust for, but not I, for I know the truth. True power is found not in the light or the dark. Those who want power, true power, need only to embrace the inexorable. When nothing remains in this world, when the light is extinguished, and the dark is swept away, the only thing left, will be Zero."

With that the clones would lower themselves with the beast into the gate as Bocchiere watched, now silent. Once they were inside the gate would shut itself and activate the seal which would disperse Bocchiere's clones and seal the Reibi away. For the foreseeable future.


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Re: Welcome to Despair
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2016, 09:23:30 AM »

As his body contracted, the pressure of the seal compressing and reducing his very essence, it was his turn to deny the inevitable. Perhaps he had fed too long and too deeply upon humanity, so that now he was the one in denial. Forced to look into the very face of his enemy, he shook his head, though in truth only the mask shifted in quivering motions for by then not so much as a coil could he shift.

Was it really this way? Was the end all that was inevitable in this world? How could this be?

His eyes shifted to the hell's gate, that empty void into which he was to be cast. His mind began to scream realizing that he would not be hosted by this creature but shut away into the nothingness of eternity. Maddness...Maddness...truth washed over him and in that instant he lost all sense of identity and went insane.

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