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Should the Gedo Mazo be added to the Bijuu Challenge List?

- 13 (52%)
- 12 (48%)

Total Members Voted: 25

Voting closed: June 15, 2016, 05:28:45 AM

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Author Topic: Should the Gedo Mazo be a challenge-able beast?  (Read 16380 times)


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2016, 12:43:42 AM »

For the first time in awhile, I came to a topic and after getting through about half of it, I'm like, "TL:DR".

I vote no. If I recall correctly I voted against making the 0-tails challengeable, but in case I don't recall correctly, just for the record, I don't currently think that making the Mazo challengeable is a good idea.

Why not? Well, my gut reaction was, "It's an item, not a biju" and then I read through Bocc's post on that argument and had to think a little harder on it. The Mazo is a summoned creature, practically an "item" akin to Edo Tensei zombies (they're not items, but they can be possessed). The Kiri swords aren't challengeable, animal summons to my knowledge are not challengeable, and Edo zombies are not challengable, so why would the Mazo be challengeable?

Don't get me wrong:

Hardly very fun at all to participate in an event that you know you are going to lose before you even make your opening post. That's nothing more than being a glorified npc for the express purpose of being just another target for the villain's rp enjoyment. Its much too one sided.

I totally agree with this. But I mean, really Kay, how is the Serean Event any better than Bocc getting the Gedo Mazo and maybe someday making the 10-tails? And don't state the seemingly obvious of it being a Warren vs Bocchiere thing, 'cause neither of them really play nice unless you're on the inside scoop of the cone.

At least Bocc's RP fights, the ones I've participated in anyways, don't boil down to: "You can't do anything but what I want you to do because I don't want you to do it because I am playing GM here". His also tends to work by general SL logic and not some special brand that comes out of the woodwork when a certain faction needs to exert undue influence on the masses.

There is no fun in trying to hunt something that is being withheld and dangled away from you SOLELY because of "reasons". I'm not saying Bocc doesn't have a chance at getting it IC (knowing Warren Bocc better have a fire suit for dem hoops) but there needs to be more perspective looking here.

Why were a bunch of biju rules revamped in the first place? At the heart, to make the fights more fair, civil, and accessible. For both hunter and hunted, hero and villain if you will.

This here:

When Kyo and I brought the dang gone thing into existence, it was for the express purpose of locking it up from ever entering the general public.

That's just evil right there. It was a canon item, it was eventually going to come into SL circulation. You two had just gotten to it first. Intending to effectively remove from RP something  because of the issues involved with it (including potential OPness) is almost the same as the argument I used for getting rid of the biju, and yet, here they still are causing mild headaches.

Warren is not going to use it to destroy the world, and you will Bocch.

I don't know Kayenta, Serean has been pretty frisky with the world's village boards, I wouldn't put it past him to at least try to bring the world to an end with it or some other means.

Funny you should mention spite though Warren because unlike Kay I can't really imagine you having good intentions. You claim to have important plans for the Mazo but how long have you had it now? At least a year. What are you still doing? Unless you're acting out Black Zetsu's plan in real time I can't imagine what you wouldn't be finished with by now.

You know Bocc, I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up in the conclusion to the Serean Event. Not one bit.

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2016, 12:55:33 AM »

I'm still relatively green around the gills concerning everything, but I'm just gonna throw in my two cents, cause I'm too broke to be throwing money away (but that's besides the point)

Why not just nerf the Mazo? I'm not fully aware of the full capabilities it holds, but just max it's power to the equivalent of Kurama. I'm no good at quoting, so I'm not gonna pick up any, but the techniques Bocch listed are destructive sans any nerfing.

Letting villains do bad thins, sates their homicidal impulses on site and not out in the real world. So allowing them to attempt to enact their evil plans should be fine. Whether their beatable or not is on yall since yall allowed it without any fuss (not sure about that, don't quote me). Anybody with Amaterasu can go to a village, not proficient in sealing, and burn it to the ground. Anybody with the strength to do so can cause havoc, but they don't because they want to play the good guy. Well, if it takes all the good guys to stop the bad guy, then that's how it needs to be done. Fate of the world is on the line!!

But it's really not if the Juubi is against the rules, and it's not like Kaguya is gonna pop up. So, once all the Bijuu are inside of it, it should act like the dragonballs, grant the collector with bragging rights and split.

I might have thrown three cents, but my vote no on the replacement, since the Reibi has been challengeable for quite some time.

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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2016, 01:54:16 AM »

Well Eric why are 9 fragments of the Juubis chakra and an evil hate ghost challenge-able but not the 10 tails body?

So jay if we left the Reibi on but added the mazo what would you say?


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2016, 02:09:35 AM »

Eric said...
I totally agree with this. But I mean, really Kay, how is the Serean Event any better than Bocc getting the Gedo Mazo and maybe someday making the 10-tails? And don't state the seemingly obvious of it being a Warren vs Bocchiere thing, 'cause neither of them really play nice unless you're on the inside scoop of the cone.

At least Bocc's RP fights, the ones I've participated in anyways, don't boil down to: "You can't do anything but what I want you to do because I don't want you to do it because I am playing GM here". His also tends to work by general SL logic and not some special brand that comes out of the woodwork when a certain faction needs to exert undue influence on the masses.

I believe it is way overdue for you to stop crying about not being permitted to come in and one shot a major village event into being over and walking away as the conquering hero. It was in the best interest of the other players in the RP that your one hit solutions not work, it was part of the storyline that those moves would not be effective in that specific case, and i believe you have demeaned yourself by crying over it long enough.

I myself have as yet to beat Serean. And this whole Al-Kahtar storyline is MY CREATION! And you know what? I love it. It is fun, it causes me to think, it pushes me to my limits. I am overjoyed that Warren stepped up with me to take such a huge hand in giving this RP I have been doing on SL for years, new life...I am much to shy to reach out to people...and getting others involved for site wide RP. I never would have done this and it would not have grown to such intricate details on my own.
So is it frustrating that my attacks did not work out the way that I wanted them to? Well yes. It is. But do I feel full of despair and wish to stop trying? Quite a lot of what we are doing against him does work. And we are learning more all the time toward defeating him. And that is because numerous people are plotting and planning and playing the storyline now. They got excited about this. They feel it is possible to complete. I do not like having to wait six years for my turn, but whatever, that is an activity issue outside this one we are currently discussing.

Warren is a good GM. His goal is not to obliterate the world and end RP.

And Maybe someday making the 10 tails? Seriously? This is the purpose behind Bocchiere's desire to have the Gedo Mazo. With this scenario, there will be no hope of winning, surviving, driving him off and saving the world.  And that is how it differs from the Serean event. I am against this and have stated it quite nicely and will do so again...

  • Don't pretend that we don't want the entire world destroyed by the Gedo Mazo and everything that we have ever done in RP for the last 10 years to be wiped from existence.
  • Don't pretend that the entire shinobi world in the manga outnumbered the Gedo Mazo so that Kiri's handful of rpers ever had a chance.
  • Don't pretend that it is fun for us to be glorified npcs.
  • Don't pretend that you cannot have this event in OOC.


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2016, 02:45:24 AM »

Adding is a yes in that it is part of the fragmented Ten-Tails. Using the chakra constructs and not the body doesn't seem fair. Plus, not in the subject of the gathering, it can be used just as well as any other user of the tailed beasts.

Once again, if they are gathered together, then it should risk a splitting in a dragonball like fashion. At least one for each zone. GM's could control the beasts until they get sealed into someone. It'll make more RP, give other players a chance for having a beast and reset the playing field.

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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2016, 02:58:55 AM »

Voting yes. I'm supposed to comment. If you want a reason why just look at someone else who said yes with their opinion and that should do it.

Although I wouldn't care if the 0 tails stayed as a challenge-able bijuu and the mazo become challenge-able either.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2016, 03:44:20 AM »

I'm voting yes. Bocc's two large replies totally sum up my feelings on the matter.


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2016, 03:55:58 AM »

...And Maybe someday making the 10 tails? Seriously...

Yeah, dead serious.

The same level of "it's definitely not going to go in my favor" feeling that you have regarding Bocchiere and the beasts is the same way I feel for the Serean event.

I believe it is way overdue for you to stop crying about not being permitted to come in and one shot a major village event into being over and walking away as the conquering hero. It was in the best interest of the other players in the RP that your one hit solutions not work, it was part of the storyline that those moves would not be effective in that specific case, and i believe you have demeaned yourself by crying over it long enough.

Get real Kayenta.

I don't know how things in your part of the world work, but in my part of the world, getting attacked means business.

Maybe if there had been a logical explanation behind why "one shot solutions" didn't work I wouldn't be so irritated and frustrated about it.

Maybe if it was taken into consideration that I was supposed to feel some loss when NPC's and even players from a village that I am very much a part of and still associated with are injured, caused to go nuts, and practically god-modded into being in such disrepair that no actual player would have EVER gotten away with, maybe I would not get riled up when I see you two trying to put Bocchiere down for going through logical channels to get the 9 beasts AND the Mazo.

I believe it is way overdo for you two to stop crying about other RPers shoving and butting in where they are not wanted and then doing that VERY thing in the name of "promoting RP". I don't want to see my village getting burned down by some invincible dragon, I don't want the dead from my home rising up and being all but undefeatable by some mysterious means that has yet to make any standard naruto sense.

I am angry as a player that I'm feeling exactly how I am supposed to be feeling - rage and indignation - at this uninvited, illogical, godmodding menace that was a few posts away from not even being acknowledged, pain and misery IC nearly averted for the pleasures of a few. What makes it worse is that familiar zoning mechanics don't even seem to be in play with this thing! If this is some sort of mass vendetta thing for all the times Suna got attacked, at least come right out and say it. >_>

 Literally, I need the joker's meme right now:

"Warren goes around and wrecks villages without chance of just retribution as Serean and nobody cares. Bocchiere goes around doing it as a Jashinist Madara and everybody freaks out".

... It'll make more RP, give other players a chance for having a beast and reset the playing field.

Reset the playing field only if the new gatherers can only get one biju and then have to walk away.   ;)
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2016, 04:05:19 AM »

omg...for months little bits of the event were going on and it was totally ignored by everyone in Konoha. To the point of the skelletal dragon walking around tearing stuff up and Dark actually posting that it was just another beautiful day in the neighborhood with nothing of interest going on.

don't give me that hype about caring over stuff with no chance to do anything about it.
It was not until I brought out an NPC and Anshin posted and kept replying that the higher ups of Konoha went...omg????? time to swoop in, retro insert ourselves into primary positions in the village, double post, and metagame knowledge of this thing from BS sources that are totally unrelated and shut this shit down.

laughing...and peeing my pants...all the way to the bathroom now.

like i said before Eric, you have embarrassed yourself enough over this for one life time. time to let it go man!



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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2016, 04:12:25 AM »

Honestly a reset could only be good. After the ooc event is done I'll probably start a clan just got people interested in trying that out. We're long over due for a cleansing fire honestly, I think it'd help a lot of the shit here.

But yeah I don't want the mazo challenge-able to make the juubi ic, I just can't think of any reason the Juubis chakra is challenge-able and its body isn't. Why did the bijuu become challenge-able in the first place anyway? It has no canon precedence. It seems to just be something we decided to do. Just like we can decide the mazo should be included as it logically should.



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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2016, 04:21:53 AM »

Got a tad long so I colored it for ease of reading.

Certainly destructive examples, just that not only can they easily counter each other but other things are capable of doing so as well, none are unique either no matter how strict one attempts to be about claims. Hypothetically if crammed with several beasts mazo trumps all of them, is unique, and if you put in all of em you get juubi. Even if the point of it removing all beasts from circulation via the worst hoarding imaginable is ignored, that still turns you into a god, and not to be an ass but still frankly speaking I can't imagine a single person besides myself who likes the juubi and could do it without their ego growing obscene beyond belief. Don't even start with the "but senjutsu" either, you give that power to anyone and its all ogre now, and that's why nobody wants to see it made on SL.

I don't see what you doing this all for spite (which you've admitted) has to do with my plans, but since you call them to question anyway then I have to say I can only wonder how you can't see the plethora of possible positive uses for it. Directly with it I've only dealt with Kyu and Kay, but its been alluded to or otherwise brought up in RP on far more occasions than that, and ventures of my zetsu duo go still beyond.

Nevermind the extensive research to their biology, the two I pulled from the statue were crafted new bodies largely in broad daylight at suna, not even to speak of the trek across nations to join iwa rebellion at its ending phase after that. Oh and who was it who arranged the deal for Warren, Mai and several dozen others to save every single bug infested person at iwa which was a significant majority of their populace? The zetsus again. After that they took a trek to the north pole, after which to places I've yet to reveal since I'm awaiting for various other events to unfold.

You probably didn't know about any of that though, did you? I tend to find people who criticize me/Warren over RP matters and the like rarely keep tabs on what I actually AM doing.

Oh wait no, you do know at least something of my Al-Kahtar/Serean themed events since you've been trash talking me about those too, was that why you thought only plans I do have are evil? Hah, while the mazo/zetsus are involved in those, that's not why I play a bad guy. A successful RP villain is not the one who wins or wrecks the most shit, its the one who gives the people he plays with intrigue and a fun time dealing with it all. I like seeing people have fun rather than be there ruining their day, and judging by the fair share of positive commentary I've gotten from people who either took part in or read of my events (if not both) I've been doing a good job too. I've had people asking if and how can they get in on the plotline, and as backwards as it is sometimes even if they can take Serean's side somehow. People like it, and as long as they continue to do so I'm going to continue too.

Other than Kay's death wish, I wonder just how many people are hammering your door begging you to kill them?

That enough to dispel your 'rotating door' belief Athos or do I have to start listing completely unrelated individual ventures too? Cause I've a fair number of those. I've no issues sharing much less doing public RPs either, because I've already done both and will continue to do so, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to twist my words like that again. I can't have an issue doing something I'm already doing.

Back to matter at hand, ok so mazo is involved already. Involve it even more? Easily done. I turned a fair part of the desert comfortably habitable with help of just a bunch of people and chakra, if I employed the bonkers amount of life force the statue has (which I'm going to) then I could do even more, so there's some good things for you. If you insist on evil instead then I haven't laid anything in stone, but if I had to throw something out the hat for now then I could mention the fact the only thing worse than an undead hella powerful villain is a living hella powerful villain.

<_< I've taken a few people to the moon but not for wooing purposes, no reason to cheat on somebody as fun and hot as Mai. I fixed up the castle too, sure, but no point living there when I've a nice secluded mansion at Hoshigakure. The former smells of dust and dead people anyway.

You wanting to use the mazo is hardly the only issue here, but it is certainly one of the core ones. You've basically already hoarded nigh all the beasts under the excuse of 'skill', and even if a rule such as the proposed max 2-3 per person was established you'd just try loophole it by divvying them to your alts again. Then you want to take it even further by making the juubi, and considering basically nobody wants to deal with it and fact just like I mentioned before it would remove all beasts from circulation, you would simply kill the point of there being beasts at all completely.

But what if you just want to do your grand OOC apocalyptic fight of whether you lose as juubi host or you get to destroy the world? This has been multiple times over well over a year now been told to you to be perfectly possible, you could start it right this instant if need be without the need for a single challenge or thread like this. Your claim of intending to just pass the beasts except Kurama out after if you were allowed to do that in fact only enforces the futility of all this.

Nothing would change at all in the end and you'd still get your fight, so what reason could you possibly have for the insistence for the IC challenges and everything, except pure spite against myself, Athos and other former hosts? You've already declared yourself the best fighter in the entire friggin universe, and nobody wants to challenge you, so...yeah, can't really see any other reason for it than just spite at this point.

This isn't about how or why the mazo should be challengeable, this is yet again about you and what you want, nothing else, and as usual you're trying to pull every trick from false assumptions to false accusations and even personal insults to try get your way. You have the audacity to claim you're just looking out for people who want to RP evil, to even accuse us of being the ones who want to just circle things in a "private cabal", when its actually you who's lying to people because in truth you want to keep everything to yourself and yourself alone.. To you, these other 'evil' RPers are just a tool to try drive your agenda, nothing more.

All your related claims and the like have been repeatedly countered? You start bringing in unrelated ones such as trying to instead loophole your way to the same result, and you certainly aren't missing a single opportunity to trash talk kiri people or anyone else that annoys you either. All claimed items should be defense obligated? Nobody would want to make anything again EVER if they had to drop all their doing and fight just because some random joe said 'hey I want your stuff', or then auto-lose it for zero logical reason whatsoever if they decline. Just research an item to try learn who has it, then go after them as a real ninja would? Nope, everyone has to suffer just because you want to hoard stuff.

You are partially right about one thing though. While I wouldn't wish the mazo destroyed and neither would kiri the swords, you can indeed bet your ass we'd rather give them to anybody else in the universe than you.

So if anyone is actually still reading by this point, I will conclude by answering your essentially same question for the hundredth time. Whatever Warren's origin may be, whatever non-canon powers or sealed entities he sports, none of it is as broken as the powered up mazo can be, and even if someone thought they were anyway they could basically just choose to ignore it all because they're just that...non-canon.

Powered up mazo however matches if not outright trumps about every single 'OP' jutsu there is, and argueably its basically invulnerable to all harm outside of Kamui, and possibly Amaterasu and Gudodama. Juubi is nigh universally voided, and even if it wasn't it would be even worse than the mazo, as well as once again remove the beasts thus completely killing the already almost totally dead aspect of this game.

And the juubi is all you want, you don't actually give a damn of the mazo, all you want is the ten tails. All this debacle is is you trying to use every trick in the book to strong arm things to cater to your personal power fantasy yet again...which you could have achieved years ago had you just dropped all this and gone full OOC route as you've repeatedly been told.

There is no "change" of hearts or opinions or anything of SL, people did not want the juubi and they still do not. If anything things are even worse than before by a significant margin, more people than ever want nothing to do with beasts or even hear a word of them, if they even acknowledge their existence at all anymore.

There is no reason whatsoever to try forcibly turn the mazo from an item into a challenge obligation, it has functioned perfectly well as a claimed list object and will continue to do so.

As has been stated before many times the appropriate manner to handle situations like this is to obtain the knowledge of who possesses the item you seek, then go hunt said person down in RP and try get it from them be it through battle, barter or whatever. Whether the thing in question is a sword, summon contract or a picture of a pink elephant matters none, its still the same deal.

I'm not obligated to accept these kinds of challenges for anything besides the Shukaku lest I want to do so myself, and I'm certainly not going to be acknowledging any retrograde rules made for the sole purpose of trying to bypass IC completely and steal my RP property, especially when I'm active and using said stuff...and you can bet your ass nobody else is going to accept it either. Frankly demanding with zero IC basis that someone has to fight or hand over their claimed things simply because you want it, especially since many claimed things are created by the people themselves, is just insulting.

Now, quite enough of my time has been spent entertaining this notion, defending my position, and explaining my thoughts. I'm gonna go do something that's actually fun, such as RP, so to you Bocchi I say just drop it and go do the OOC route you've been told to take over and over. You would get your battle/event immediately and stop wasting not just yours but everyone elses time as well, and actually let others play with beasts than you alone again. Hell, it was originally even YOU who said you should just do it all OOC, and you were immediately confirmed there is nothing preventing you from doing it.

As for the rest of you, if you want the mazo then by all means try learn I have it and try come get it from me.



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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2016, 04:32:36 AM »

... time to let it go man!

I'll let it go when NPCs from Konoha no longer has nightmares over the horror that came from the shadows.

I'll let it go when Kageri comes back.

I'll let it go when Warren and you stop pretending this Serean event is nothing more than a Bocchiere Event in an ethereal skin.

I"ll let it go when you wolves stop pretending to be sheep half the time you're in the pasture.

I'll temporarily let it go when it comes to making formal, impartial decisions regarding persons involved.

omg...for months little bits of the event were going on and it was totally ignored by everyone in Konoha. To the point of the skelletal dragon walking around tearing stuff up and Dark actually posting that it was just another beautiful day in the neighborhood with nothing of interest going on.

You would THINK that that would be a hint that the people of Konoha wanted no part in what was going on. You would think. But you haven't stayed around SL for this long and not hardened your tenacity organs.

It was not until I brought out an NPC and Anshin posted and kept replying that the higher ups of Konoha went...omg????? time to swoop in, retro insert ourselves into primary positions in the village, double post, and metagame knowledge of this thing from BS sources that are totally unrelated and shut this shit down.

 That's like Bocc busting up into Kirigakure demanding the swords and not until one of the enemies in disguise and a lone Kiri nin decide to take up the mantle that everybody gets on board with trying to seriously stop him. Except Bocchiere Izanagis every single attack made at him and his allies, and seems to have limitless sharingan eyes with which to use it with, and not a single Izanami user is in the crowd. And when asked why he has so many eyes, he just says, "lol, blessings of the death god fools" and carries on.

You telling me you'd be cool with that? Even if he had supporters? If your answer is anything but yes then we are on the same podium making the same general speech with different details.

... But yeah I don't want the mazo challenge-able to make the juubi ic, I just can't think of any reason the Juubis chakra is challenge-able and its body isn't. Why did the bijuu become challenge-able in the first place anyway...

For one, the Mazo really is not all that uniquely useful if there are absolutely no plans on using its full potential with all the beasts, I.E, making the juubi or some variation on that theme. It's not worth your effort to get it if all you're going to do is stuff biju in there like a snake its mouse prey.

Second, the biju were made challengeable because people felt they needed to be used to generate RP, but not have people go through hoops just to even be seen as a hunter. It had little to do with random inclinations.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2016, 05:16:56 AM »

I vote no. Only reason why the Reibi is even challengeable is because I put it in the "biju system" Before it had traveled around mostly as an item. For most of it's time the Tsuchikage Hide had it. However, it was not bound by the normal biju rules. If Hide felt like defending it, he would. If not, he wouldn't. Completely on his whim.

When I attained the beast, I offered to place it under the realm of the biju rules so people would see it as legitimate. Before, a large percentage of SL ignored it as a scapegoat to getting your own "biju". It was not taken in because it was seen as a biju, but because I offered and nobody cared to say no. Basically the reibi was it's own independent kingdom, and when I took it, I offered the biju rules to vassalize it, no longer making it independent.

My point? Reibi only came under circulation because I offered, and the community accepted. This will not happen in this circumstance.

While I detest hoarding an item so nobody can get it. Precedence has shown us your opinion will not will this one out Bocc. I believe the mazo should be challengable. I also believe the same with some items (say the seven swords). Time and time again, this has been shot down by the community. It will be no different this time. 

The mazo will only become part of the system, should the owner (warren or someone in the future) offer to place it in the rules, or the community overwhelmingly agrees it should be so. Not by a vote or two in favor, a large majority as your asking someone to defend an "item" they had not previously. This would require many more in favor than against, as only a large majority can possibly force Warren to equivocate, else he look extremely poor.

Considering the vote is mostly tied, and previous discussions about making people defend things has turned south, this is not a winnable argument for you at this time, regardless of your well use of logic as to why it should be.

I should be an SL lawyer >>
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So just use the word mmmkay!


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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2016, 05:52:47 AM »

Well Trev it certainly will be hard to get it passed if you agree with everything I'm saying but still vote no in what I guess would be the opposite of a self-fulfilling prophecy? A forcibly fulfilled prophecy? Anyway.

And Warren if you're going to call me out on insulting you, which I haven't been doing, it makes you look a little hypocritical if you follow it up by calling me a selfish lying scumbag. Also if you find it insulting that I keep bringing up how you're constantly cheating by not following the bijuu rules have you considered that maybe following the bijuu and no longer constantly cheating would fix that problem? This isn't a joke, please just follow the rules you agreed to follow.

we're getting super off track though, this isn't about Warren's rp event, I don't care about that at all.

Believe it or not Warren this isn't about you personally. I'm 23, I don't plan to be here forever, and I'm thinking about how I'd like things to be when I go. I would prefer that we don't have a community that just removes things from rp at their personal whims. Which you've admitted. So because you've had people interact with Zetsu that came from the Mazo that counts as interacting with it? You've removed it completely from rp save from the other people who also wanted it removed. That would be like Kiri completely locking away the seven swords and the only people who ever interact with them are the swordsmen themselves in the privacy of the armory from which they are never removed. But it's ok people see the swordsmen sometimes and that's just as good! No it isn't the items are still removed from rp for no reason.

Also, when did I ever say I wasn't pursuing you IC? I am, just not directly, and it's hard to find good help these days. I assumed you'd just void me on sight, if you want to rp after our bijuu fight is over and I'll have more than enough info to find you we can do that and then I'll offer the Mazo into defense like Trev did with the Reibi once I capture it.

I'd also like to note I did ask Warren to just share the Mazo with me and that it would return to being the Mazo after the Juubi event (this was before I decided it would be better to do it OOC) and he said no. As to you saying why don't I just do it OOC, well why don't you just do your rp event OOC in pm's only in people who have said they are interested in doing it? You're getting an ego boost from doing it the same way I want to capture all the bijuu and essentially make the Juubi. Having been able to gather all the pieces needed to make the Juubi and then doing the event OOC is good enough for me.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 06:17:43 AM by Bocchiere »

Iburi Ray

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Re: Should the Gedo Mazo replace the Reibi as a challengeable beast?
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2016, 06:29:32 AM »

From what I have read, I think that the Gedo shouldn't replace the Reibi, but possibly seen as something you can challenge for. While it is obvious why this was thread was formed, I do not care and will hand out "my" logic. Seeing Bocch's logic being that the Gedo Mazo is basically the shell for the ten tails, but it is classified as a summon right? Well by rules of SL, if the players agree on it, you can challenge for rights to a summon. It's happened for my summons before. So should the Mazo replace the Reibi, no. Should it be challengeable beast/summon yes I believe it should be. My overall vote is No for how it is worded. My vote will change if it is worded along the lines of "Should the Gedo Mazo be able to be challenged for?"
That my peeps is my feelings.
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

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