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Author Topic: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.  (Read 3384 times)

Iburi Ray

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Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« on: September 29, 2016, 04:36:06 AM »

Iburi Ray, Teostra

Match type:
OOC Bijuu Battle Death match

Zone: 10

-[14 day fight time]-
3 actions per person including any clones. Summons get 1 action per post.

Judge: Warren

Swift Release
Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Uchiha Return
Hijutsu: Kirisame
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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2016, 07:18:03 AM »

Teostra entered he zone with a rather relaxed saunter, his large size and equipped claws almost giving him the look of a gorilla. His hair was rather unkempt and his face covered with some stubble, it was almost like he just woke up for this purpose and donned some second hand clothes beneath his cloak. His eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in the familiar sight of this zone that he frequented long ago. Of course, time only added to the amount of weapons that littered the area compared to back then.

Thouh his hood and hair obscured view of his face, one would be able to see that the sclera of his left eye was a deep red, indicating that he had the second stage of his Kekkei Genkai. "Looks like it's time for another bout, Anuket...This will be a nice 「breath」 of fresh air for us." He spoke to himself, regardless if his opponent was there or not already. What his opponent wouldn't know was that simple phrase did more than it seemed as something sprang to life within the satchel hidden beneath his cloak.

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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2016, 07:33:57 AM »

Ray would enter the zone through his normal way of entry, that being just a smoke cloud outlined in that of the shape of a person, and in moments the outline would become an actual flesh and blood person.

Wearing his normal attire of a black sleeveless hoodie with a orange T-Rex outline on it, cargo shorts and blue sandals, he'd size up his opponent on looks at least at first. His eyes were the normal crystal blue color before they would quickly swirl and turn into his Mangekyo state. He smiled and walked forward before abruptly stopping 30 feet from his opponent. With a simple glance Ray would speak
"Your go my friend."

With those words take, Ray would take a neutral defensive stance and keep his eyes trained on Teostra.
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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2016, 02:52:56 PM »

Teostra responded with a quick nod before saying, "I expect no punches pulled, Iburi..." as he did a quick string of hand seals with his left hand (the 'fingers' of the claw doing the same). He then quickly leapt forward and was engulfed in a purple, spiraling wind that basically turned him into massive drill not unlike a certain Inuzuka skill, as he said Fūton: Garuzonis! The technique was just a little bit wider than his wingspan.

He spiraled towards his target, the edges of the drill digging away at the ground it came in contact with. He was unsure exactly how effective this would be, but he figured that striking an Iburi with this would be very disruptive. As he barreled towards Ray, something that looked like a wooden wad of snot came flying out from within. Just before he should come in contact with Ray, he could be heard saying 「scale」. This resulted in that wooden snot, his Jell statue, growing to its full size that was just a few inches taller than Teo. It landed a little bit away from them with a big 'plop'.

Fūton: Garuzonis
Statue: Jell-Full size

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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2016, 05:27:21 PM »

As Teo finished speaking and became engulfed in a wind that resembled something like the tunneling fang, Ray would quickly hit the ground causing a slab of rock to lift up in front of Ray blocking his view of Teo and Teo's view of Ray only for a few seconds. This would be more than enough time.

While hidden behind the slab Ray would use the air tunnels imbedded in his arms and palms to expel a cloud of smoke that would blanket an area of 50 feet behind the rock slab. This move not only gave Ray more coverage but an advantage as well. And being when Teo would eventually smash the rock, when and if he came in contact with the smoke would find his wind slowly dying as the smoke would absorb the wind and grow in size as well.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2016, 05:46:17 PM by Iburi Ray »
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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2016, 10:48:01 PM »

Teostra would indeed barrel forward and strike the rock slab, subsequently drilling right through it before smashing into the ground where Ray should be. Though the smoke may have been able to weaken the size of the drill a bit, it would not be fast enough to halt the attack. That is unless it acted up the wind through a chakra-draining mechanism, which would result in a surprising lack of effect on the drill jutsu. But, once Teostra came to a halt, he would be back on the attack.

Though the smoke disrupted his normal vision, he was able to also see the world through a kind of thermal view due to his kekkei genkai. Utilizing this ability, he'd search through the haze to track down his opponent. At the same time, he did a strange set of handsigns with his right hand and stated, "Doton: Doruk!" before the earth rose up around him and coated him with a layer that formed into a plate-like armor. His jell stood idly by and observed the fight from outside of the smoke, undulating as its two tentacle arms lazily hung from its frame.

Doton: Doruk
KG: Thermal View

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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2016, 11:14:23 PM »

Ray released a small breathe of air as the drill kept coming. Even though Teostra could still seem to track him, Ray would create 5 clones made from the smoke. This would give Ray a moment to disappear and reappear just outside the smoke cloud. This is where he would begin to build bakuton chakra in his arms, his MS watching the cloud waiting for Teostra to either appear or be in an opportune position for Ray to capitalize.

shadow clone justu.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 06:46:21 AM by Iburi Ray »
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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2016, 09:25:51 AM »

Teostra found himself in the middle of this cloud of smoke with the number of targets suddenly increasing. Clones, he figured. Not much he could do from in here though as he reached into his satchel with his left claw and did handsigns with the right hand  within his claw. He pulled out another statue and stated, "Anuket, 「scale」!" which resulted in his manticore statue to spring to its full size. In the same swift motion, he left up onto it's back and it took off. All the while, a small spiraling sphere of purple energy formed in the palm of his right claw.

Outside the smoke cloud, the Jell responded to the newly appeared Ray. Giving the man little time for respite, the Jell whipped it's arms out towards the man. They were surprisingly stretchy and would be able to reach from where it was, with the intent to wrap around him and bind his arms and legs.

Once Teostra breached the cloud and got back in the air (or if he didn't because something may have halted his progress) he'd aim his palm down towards the thermal signature of Ray that was closest to him and fire a purple beam as he called out, "Katon: Unodesuzoru!". Whether it was a clone or the real thing, he aimed to hit one of them at least.

Katon: Unodesuzoru

Jell: Arm wrap

Manticore: Full size

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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2016, 04:08:05 PM »

Though the real Ray was outside the cloud, the clones would indeed try and impede the man's progress only they did it using a different method. each of the five clones were special because inside each one contained blue vapor, which when inhaled would begin to attack ones central nervous system(CNS) and destroying any and all communication throughout the body. Only this blue vapor had a sweet smell. In order to get Teostra to inhale it each clone would attempt to attack Teostra though right before they would try and attack they would explode into smoke and partial blue vapor. The vapor itself would be extremely hard to see even with byakugan.

The jell that attempted to wrap Ray would find it that it wraps around nothing but air, as Ray utilizes his Iburi clans KG to turn into smoke. When the jell would attempt to wrap itself around Ray, he had been building chakra, bakuton chakra to be exact and when the arms would go through, Ray's smoke body he would flesh out his right arm and use some chakra he had built up, by punching the jell's arm. Should the jell be hit, the arms would in most likelyhood be blown off by the force of the explosion that exited Ray's body through his knuckles, though if it misses, he need not fret because his eyes were now locked in on the Jell.

Bakuton: Jiraiken
« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 04:09:09 PM by Iburi Ray »
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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2016, 08:22:33 AM »

The jutsu seemed to be a miss when the nearest clone just kind of burst into smoke, causing the beam to go right through it. Though, the beam struck the ground below and pierced through only to be followed by a slight explosion and eruption of lava from the impact point. Now, there was a big crater full of the stuff hidden within the smoke cloud. The manticore wasn't defenseless as more clones rapidly tried to approach him. It responded by swinging its tail towards them, firing off a barrage of piercing spines that would cause them to burst a little earlier than they might have intended.

Teostra did indeed inhale some of the vapor, but its effect would likely not be as Ray intended. In his past, he had access to an extremely powerful poison ability that he later created a way to extract in order to no longer bear its burden. Because of this, he was immediately able to detect that something was occurring based on the effects he would be feeling. His response to this was subconscious, much like one's immune system. His body temperature rapidly began to increase up until it reached the point where the poisonous vapor was denatured and rendered inert. By this time, he would have broken free from the border of smoke on the back of the manticore a short distance from Ray's location.

At the same time, the Jell's arms were blasted away from the explosive punch. But, this was rather ineffective considering the jelly-like consistency that made up its body. It just recoiled the remainder of the tendrils after finding out what it needed to know. It synced its movements up with Teo's as Teo did a strange string of handsigns utilizing the claws, each arm doing a different one. The left finished before the right as he called out, "Amu Ra Zoruku!" His claws became covered in a faint purple aura before it vanished from sight. As the Jell lashed out again with newly formed arms, the purple aura appeared on them just before they would be meant to wrap around Ray. Teo then held the sign with his right claw, in preparation as he kept his eyes on his opponent and watched his next move.

Body Temp Increase
Amu Ra Zoruku (transferred)
Jutsu on standby

Jell: Arm wrap again

Manticore: Tail stingers

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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2016, 08:48:07 AM »

Frowned seeing that both the vapor had no effect and the jell regrew its arms though he expected the latter to do so more than he anticipated the man could rid himself of the vapor. Now in his fully fleshed out human self he'd was aware that Teo would be behind him and the Jell in front. Swiftly dodging the new incoming tendrils Ray would have release the gravity seals on his calves, upping his speed to be on par with someone in the first gate. When he landed his immediate action would be to focus his right eye on Teostra and the manticore. When he focused his eye it would staft to bleed as he spoke the words "Amaterasu!"

The black flames would hopefully engulf both Teo and the Manticore he was attached to, but if anything he would hopefully get the manticore. Since it only took a matter of seconds for Ray's eye to focus on Teo and for him to say amaterasu, he was sure he would get them both or atleast do severe damage. Ray still kept his defense up as he popped a chakra pill in his mouth and awaited to see if Teo would avoid the carnage or not.

Released gravity seals
chakra pill
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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2016, 09:40:40 AM »

Teostra was indeed struck by the ocular technique, but the manticore took a nose dive to avoid it spreading to its body as Teo lept up and back. This dive allowed it to pick up some speed as it banked inwards to bring it closer to Ray. The black flame would quickly spread across his body as he was now in a kind of free-fall for a short distance. It was then when Teo aimed his right claw towards his opponent and called out, "Jigenton: Borutsu Gurabirei!"

But, the only thing that seemed to happen at Teo's location was an explosion. This was the earlier earth armor being blasted from his body, taking the Amaterasu with it hopefully as Teo landed below. At the same time, the Jell was at it again with another attack. This time, it launched a large glob of its body towards Ray which spread out to give it a net-like look. The whole thing was coated in that faint aura that was on its arms earlier.

But from the front-left and at a slightly closer range, Teo's attack was fired from the mouth of the manticore the moment it was cast. A large, clear sphere containing a small black one lurched towards the opponent. The sphere was the size of a house, but the smaller one within was not much bigger than a basketball. Though, it carved a path through whatever touched this outer sphere as whatever entered it was sucked into the center. This outer sphere acted much like the event horizon of a black hole.

Doruk shedding
Jigenton: Borutsu Gurabirei (transferred)

Jell: Net lauch

Manticore: Aerial maneuver

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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2016, 03:47:43 PM »

Though Teo may have been lucky to disperse the flames, the manticore would not be as it would be consumed by the black fire. It had no way to have the flames taken off and thus would continued to be burned, diving or not it wasn't normal fire and could only be put out by the user. Ray now focused on the last move the Manticore spit out and the jell net. With his chakra topped off again, he would fire off another smoke cloud towards the incoming attacks, only this time Ray wouldn't be the epicenter, and the smoke would would have the ability to absorb chakra.

The smoke cloud was able to do this because Ray's left eye had become rinnegan. Transferring the power of the petra path to this jutsu, he would hope would absorb the incoming black orb and the jell net, of course this would only happen if they were made of chakra.

Shutting off the smoke cloud when it reached 30 feet, Ray would stand by and await to see if the moves were indeed consumed, always ready on his feet.

smoke cloud
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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2016, 02:15:08 AM »

Ray might have been surprised to see that his attempt to siphon the chakra from the jutsu through his smoke would be unsuccessful. This was due to the fact that Teo's chakra was not like the chakra ninja normally used, as the people from his clan all utilize a different kind of chakra. This made it impossible for his chakra to be absorbed, but also impossible for him to absorb chakra. It seemed like the Jell net would capture the man as the Amu Ra Zoruku enhancement gave it the ability to capture and hold Ray even if he tried to turn into smoke again. The miniature black hole continued towards its target, with the intent to suck the two of them into its center and subject both Ray and the Jell's net to extreme crushing forces.

The manticore must have been grazed by the flames despite its effort to dodge, but this was alright. The thing felt no pain and would be able to move until it was reduced to nothing. If the Borutsu Gurabirei was somehow avoided, its last action would be to dive for Ray to slam into him with the intent to spread the fire to the one who made it.

Teostra on the other hand clapped his claws together as he observed this and called out, "Shudoruk!" For a second, his body was engulfed in flames. Immediately afterwards, these flames seemed to solidify into a silver armor that covered him. Teo's speed wasn't the best, but this armor enhanced it to the point where it would be comparable to Ray's enhanced speed. Then, with his claws already together, he did a string of handsigns as he waited to see what would happen next.

Standby jutsu

Manticore: Tackle after Borutsu Gurabirei

Jell: Amu Ra Zoruku enhanced capture

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Re: Teostra vs Iburi Ray Fight for the 7 tails.
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2016, 02:45:54 AM »

Would indeed be surprised but would quickly enact a defense as he would sink into the ground below in escape from the netting and the incoming black hole. Ray's mastery over the doton was impressive being that, that was his original style. He needed to utter the phrase "Doton: Dochū Senkō" allowing him to slip away from the attacks.

Traveling underground he would get as close as possible to the jell, when would begin to flood the surface with bakuton chakra. He would use 15% of the pool he had to create this minefield, resulting in an explosion that would easily engulf everything in a 3 mile radius, which could include Ray only he'd sink down farther out of the blast range, when he'd set it off, "Bakuton: Rajiusu Bakuha" resulting in a massive explosion that would hopefully put the jell out of commission along with the manticore that was eaten by the black flames. The explosion itself would be massive as it exploded outwards towards the sky, anything in its path would be obliterated to ash, while anything that survived should be considered dead anyways. The explosion would also topple old building sending debris in and around the area, making it also likely that Teo would have to dodge the debris and maybe even the explosion depending how high he was above the ground.

Bakuton: Rajiusu Bakuha
Doton: Dochū Senkō
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