Roleplay > Rules/Foundation

SL Official Bijū Guidelines/Rules

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--- Quote from: KayentaMoenkopi on November 06, 2016, 03:09:05 PM ---I would prefer if a new thread for official guidelines and such were created. The topic to this one changed to old rules with the date of its last edit so we can reference those on the odd chance they are needed. Like...sent to the all things bijuu we can point to them and say...we tried that, it didn't work. You may have to get Kamui to move this thread, not sure if you can do that as just a village board mod.

and then fix the formatting on the mastery section cause I am about to have an aneurysm.

and these rules have not been ratified but were still at rough draft status, near as I can recall.

I like the post where you list edits. that is quite nice to cross reference with the wikia and keep things up to date.

This can be deleted after read.

Additionally, do not forget to edit in the updates. Please use the exact copy/paste of the updates that I have put in the original rough draft thread so that these are exactly the same word for word. THAT is hugely important due the hair splitting people love to do around here about how a rule is worded.

Thank you.

--- End quote ---,8901.0.html

This is where the biju rules rough draft were declared active and ongoing. Updates since then have been voted on and discussed.

If I recall, the "official" final draft rules are the final working versions. Any incosistencies I imagine would default to the one posted here, not the rough draft. The language was changed up a little bit in order to make it more fluid, easier to read, and clear, but as you know, I am not always the best person to shape clear sentences. xD

In any case, yeah, it would have to be a Kamui job to split again and then send the original topic to the All Things Biju Section.

Editing of the wording of the rules is a huge no no Eric.

You know how nit-picky people are about they way things are worded. It is the precise wording of each rule that was voted upon, not some other wording. have to be more careful here than this.

[November 6, 2016]
If there are any updates to the official rules due to vote topics, I (or someone else) can post them here in order to make it easier to keep track of changes over time. As such, recent changes due to vote topics:

*Consequences for going over mastery set:,9106.0.html Auto-Forfeit overwhelmingly won the vote.

*Restriction on Council Membership changed:,9108.0.html  Restrictions removed.

[December 13, 2016]
Updates to the Biju Council Guidelines:

* If the number of Candidates is equal to the number of Council Members possible, then the Candidates will be automatically appointed.,9149.0.html

* The ratio of jinchurikii to non-jinchurikii will be 2-7.,9150.msg232938.html#msg232938

* The Council Structure will simply consist of the elected/appointed members without chambers or houses or any sort of formal divisions like that.,9151.0.html

* The total number of Council Members will be 7.,9148.0.html

Updates to the Biju Rules, Mastery and General sections:

* Player characters are not allowed to host multiple biju,9315.0.html

*  Players' characters who has previously mastered a biju may retain the passive abilities of the previously mastered tailed beast.,9316.0.html

* Tailed Beast chakra cannot be split in a fashion that creates psuedo-jinchurikii or multiple jinchurikii. In other words, no division into Yin-Yang, gifting of the biju chakra like Sora or Naruto in the series, and no Gold and Silver Brother shenanigans, etc.,9321.0.html

Update to the Biju Rules, Mastery, General, and Challenging sections.

* If a biju is gifted, then the gifter's grace period, if the gifter is still within one, is transferred to the new owner without any extensions or reductions in time. If outside the grace period of the gifter, then a 3 days grace will be given to the receiver.,9371.0.html

* A single player challenger may issue 3 challenges at a time.,9373.0.html

* Hosts are required to specify whether the character with the beast is a summoner of the beast or a host to the beast in the appropriate challenge threads.,9369.0.html

* Biju Tournaments and FFA are required to have a honor system that all participants are bound by, with punishments enforceable by the Biju Council.,9374.0.html

* If a player has previously mastered a tailed beast, then they are permitted to have a 3 week re-mastering period instead of the 15 week full mastery on the character that previously mastered the beast.,9370.0.html

* Hosts can use Amphibian Technique and any of its custom or canon variants to merge with a summon and maintain sage mode after mastery of the tailed beast.,9375.0.html

* Hosts may combine biju chakra with senjutsu after their biju is mastered.,9372.0.html


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