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Author Topic: Ninja:Shinobi Legend [Attributes and other things]  (Read 2904 times)


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Ninja:Shinobi Legend [Attributes and other things]
« on: November 17, 2016, 06:40:11 AM »



Ok now. So we didn't list any of the uses on the character template. But I will copy paste from the New World of Darkness, here:

Power Power is the degree of effect that your character has on others and his surroundings. The higher his score, the smarter, more potent or more imposing he is. Intelligence, Strength and Presence therefore apply when your character seeks to force himself on his environment.

Finesse is a measure of your character's capacity to interact with the world
and influence others. The higher his score, the craftier, more delicate and more influential he is. Wits, Dexterity and Manipulation have bearing when your character tries to anticipate and react to his environment, and to coordinate others.

Resistance indicates how well your character copes with influences from
both without and within that might affect him adversely. The higher his score the more staunch, sturdy or dignified he is. Resolve, Stamina and Composure apply when your character responds to coercion, injury and influence. Resolve tests his ability to resist efforts to direct his mind, Stamina helps him shrug off physical trauma, and Composure helps him recover from horrifying
experiences or social tension and still maintain control.

Thus, you don't usually check Strength when your character is challenged in a social situation, because brute force doesn't apply where Composure (social recovery) is concerned. Similarly, Dexterity doesn't typically have bearing when interpreting a foreign language. That act calls upon the power of the mind and is the purview of Intelligence.


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Attribute Dots
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2016, 06:59:46 AM »

Attribute Dots

Attributes are rated 1 to 5 for ordinary people, and each score suggests the degree of your character's raw capability in that area.

one---------------------- Poor. Unexercised, unpracticed or inept.
two---------------------- Average. The result of occasional effort or application.
three-------------------- Good. Regular practice or effort, or naturally talented.
four--------------------- Exceptional. Frequently applied, tested and honed, or naturally gifted.
five--------------------- Outstanding. The peak of normal human capability. Continuously exercised or naturally blessed.

Normally, it's not possible for a character to have zero dots in an Attribute. That suggests the absolute vacancy of any capability in the trait in question. Now, a person could be physically, mentally or socially disabled or crippled. Those conditions are reflected with Flaws, however, not through zero-rated Attributes.

Just about the only instance in which an Attribute can be reduced to zero (and usually temporarily)
is by supernatural means. A spell, curse or affliction is imposed on your character that eliminates all of the dots in his trait. In these cases, no roll can be made at all whenever the Attribute in question would normally be called for. So, if your character is afflicted with total loss of bodily control (zero Dexterity), you make no rolls for any situation that calls for Dexterity in a dice pool, even if he has dots in a pertinent Skill or has access to tools that would be helpful. Your character can't even hope to aim a gun or direct his movements. In essence, the action fails outright.


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Attribute Descriptions WIP
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2016, 07:15:04 AM »

Attribute Descriptions

The following is a breakdown of what each Attribute entails and how it may be applied. Some tasks rely on your character's Attribute dots alone and these traits are rolled or even combined to determine how well he performs certain tasks. Such feats are typically ones any unimpaired person can perform, such as holding one's breath or lifting objects, and don't require any special training or expertise. The Attribute tasks detailed here are comprehensive. They're activities that rely exclusively on inherent talent (Attributes) alone, rather than on the learned capabilities of Skills. It's therefore not recommended that you invent other Attribute tasks during play; almost all other actions that characters can perform involve a combination of an Attribute and Skill.

Mental Attributes

Intelligence: The raw power of the mind. Cognitive capacity. The inherent capability to digest, comprehend and remember information, and to learn more. Intelligence is a direct measure of how smart your character is.

Wits: The ability to think on one's feet, under pressure or duress, without letting them see you sweat. Wits also encompasses an eye for detail, the ability to absorb what's going on in the environment, and to react to events. Wits involves the powers of perception and response.

Resolve: The focus and determination to see your character's will done. The capacity to stay on target, ignore distractions and to resist coercion or browbeating. Resolve is your character's mental fortitude. His personal conviction. His clarity of vision or spirit. The trait is pivotal to resisting supernatural forms of mental control; it acts as a veritable defense of the mind.

Physical Attributes
Social Attributes


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Checks: using Attributes with Skills
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2016, 07:56:02 AM »

These are general uses of rolls for action checks. Others may apply, if you can justify it, use it. It should be noted. You do not have to roll a check for every little thing. Only when you feel there is a question toward success.

Animal Training: Composure + Animal Ken + equipment (trainer) versus Stamina + Resolve (animal); extended and contested action (the task demands a number of successes equal to the animal's Willpower; each roll represents one day of training).

Bypass Security System: Dexterity + Larceny + equipment; extended action (5-15 successes, depending on the complexity of the system; each roll represents a turn - three seconds - of work)

Carousing: Manipulation + Socialize + equipment (carouser) versus Composure + Empathy (subject); extended and contested action (the task requires a number of successes equal to double the highest Stamina among the character's acquaintances; one roll equals one hour of carrying on).

Catching Objects: Dexterity + Athletics; instant action if item is thrown to receiver, contested if it's thrown at receiver and Defense doesn't apply.

Climbing: Strength + Athletics + equipment; instant or extended action (one success is required per 10 feet of height; each roll represents one minute of climbing)

Close Combat, Armed: Strength + Weaponry, minus target's Defense and armor; instant action. Add bonus dice based on weapon used or effect performed, and then subtract penalties for circumstance conditions. Each success equates to a Health point of damage inflicted, the type of which is determined by the nature of the attack.

Close Combat, Unarmed: Strength + Brawl, minus target's Defense and armor; instant action. Add bonus dice based on weapon used or effect performed, and then subtract penalties for circumstance conditions. Each success equates to a Health point of damage inflicted, the type of which is determined by the nature of the attack.

Create Art: Intelligence + Crafts + equipment; extended action (4-15+ successes; one roll equals 30 minutes of work).

Cutting a Deal: Manipulation + Persuasion + equipment versus Manipulation + Persuasion + equipment; extended and contested action (3-10+ successes required; each roll represents an hour of negotiation).

Defense: Lowest of Wits or Dexterity; reflexive action to use.

Degeneration: Roll number of dice associated with sin performed. If roll fails, Morality drops by one. Roll new Morality trait as a dice pool. If no successes are rolled, a derangement is incurred. [So this one is in here for the giggles. We are professional assassins. morality is subjective.]

Disguise: Wits + Subterfuge + equipment (impersonator) versus Wits + Subterfuge (subject); contested action. [For those who don't use chakra.]

Dodge: Double target's Defense; costs action for turn. [this is or a full dodge, not just using your defense score]

Examining a Crime Scene: Wits + Investigation + equipment; extended action (3-10+ successes; one roll represents 10 minutes of activity).

Explosives: Dexterity + Athletics (thrown) or Intelligence + Science (triggered) or Intelligence + Ninjutsu; instant action.

Fast-Talk: Manipulation + Persuasion + equipment (talker) versus Composure + Empathy or Subterfuge (subject); contested action.

Fatigue: Stamina + Resolve rolls to remain awake; reflexive action.

Foot Chase: Stamina + Athletics + equipment versus Stamina + Athletics + equipment; extended and contested action (each roll represents one turn of running).

Foraging for Sustenance: Wits + Survival + equipment; extended action (five successes required; one roll represents one hour of searching).

Grapple: Roll Strength + Brawl - opponent's Defense for attacker to get a grip on target; roll Strength + Brawl - opponent's Strength to perform an overpowering maneuver or to break free; instant action.

Hacking: Intelligence + Computer + equipment versus Intelligence + Computer + equipment; extended and contested action (5-10+ successes; each success represents 30 minutes of programming).

Healing Wounds: Dexterity or Intelligence + Medicine + equipment; extended action (one success is required per Health point of damage suffered; each roll represents one minute of work (first aid) or one hour of work (hospital treatment))

Health: Stamina + Size

Holding Breath: Reflexive action

Initiative: Dexterity + Composure + a die

Interrogation: Wits + Intimidation + equipment (interrogator) versus Stamina + Resolve (subject); extended and contested action (the task demands a number of successes
equal to the subject's Willpower; each roll represents one hour of interrogation).

Jumping: Strength + Athletics + equipment; instant action.

Lockpicking: Dexterity + Larceny + equipment; instant or extended action (2-12+ successes required, depending on the sophistication of the lock; one roll represents one turn - three seconds - of work).

Meditation: Composure + Wits + equipment; extended action (4 successes; one roll represents 30 minutes).

Memorizing and Remembering: Intelligence + Composure; reflexive action.

Object's Structure: Durability + Size

Oratory: Presence + Persuasion + equipment versus highest Resolve + Composure of audience; contested action.

Perception: Wits + Composure or a relevant Skill in place of Composure; reflexive action.

Ranged Combat, Guns and Bows: Dexterity + Firearms, minus target's armor; instant action. Add bonus dice based on weapon used or effect performed, and then subtract penalties for circumstance conditions. Each success equates to a Health point of damage inflicted, the type of which is determined by the nature of the attack.

Ranged Combat, Thrown Weapons: Dexterity + Athletics, minus target's Defense and armor; instant action. Add bonus dice based on weapon used or effect performed, and then subtract penalties for circumstance conditions. Each success equates to a Health point of damage inflicted, the type of which is determined by the nature of the attack.

Remaining Conscious: Last Health box is filled with a slash (bashing damage), roll Stamina each turn to remain conscious (-3 wound penalty does not apply to roll);
reflexive action.

Repair Item: Dexterity + Crafts + equipment; extended action (4-10 successes; one roll equals 30 minutes of work).

Research: Intelligence + Academics + equipment; extended action (3-10+ successes; each roll represents 30 minutes of research).

Resisting Coercion: Resolve + Wits or Resolve + Stamina; reflexive action.

Resisting Poison or Disease: Stamina + Resolve; reflexive and potentially extended and/or contested action.

Seduction: Presence + Persuasion + equipment or Manipulation + Persuasion + equipment (seducer) versus Wits + Composure + equipment (subject); contested and/or extended action (the extended and contested part of the task requires a number of successes equal to double the seducer's Presence or double the subject's Resolve; one roll equals 10 minutes of banter).

Shadowing Stealthily: Wits + Stealth + equipment (shadow) versus Wits + Composure + equipment (subject); contested action.

Size: Base value is 5 for adult human.

Sleight of Hand: Dexterity + Larceny + equipment versus Wits + Composure or Wits + Larceny; contested action.

Solving Enigmas: Intelligence + Investigation + equipment; instant or extended action (3-10+ successes; one roll represents one hour of activity).

Speed: Strength + Dexterity + Species factor (5 for adult human, 3 for human child).

Surprise: Wits + Composure; reflexive action.

Throwing: combo roll
  • Range: Strength + Dexterity + Athletics, minus the object's Size (short range) for a non-aerodynamic object; double distances for an aerodynamic one.
  • Accuracy: Dexterity + Athletics + equipment; instant action

Vehicle Control: Dexterity + Drive + Handling; instant action.

Vehicle Pursuit: Dexterity + Drive + vehicle Handling versus Dexterity + Drive + vehicle Handling; extended and contested action (each roll represents one turn of driving).

Vehicle Ramming: Dexterity + Drive + Handling to hit; instant action. Vehicle's Size rating as a pool of its own, with a +1 bonus for each full 10 mph traveled to determine damage.

Vehicle Tailing: Wits + Drive + vehicle Handling (tail) versus Wits + Composure + equipment (subject); contested action.

Willpower: Resolve + Composure; reflexive action. Spending Willpower adds three dice to a roll or +2 to a single Resistance trait such as Stamina, Resolve, Composure or Defense in one instance. [we are not using willpower points. yet. maybe never. TBA]

Working the Black Market: Manipulation + Streetwise + equipment; extended action (2-10 success; each roll represents one day of searching the street).


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