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Author Topic: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee  (Read 4974 times)


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Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2017, 09:27:58 PM »

Since we last left the Yondaime Otokage and his various attempts to stay alive….dead….not deader? Several unfortunate events had occurred, including his failure to kill Kaze and his subsequent entrapment in this annoying light substance. The Yondaime would notice some immediate effects of the barrier, taking note of the intricate seals adorning the light barrier. He would notice his body’s chakra depleting, while also some techs failing him such as when his just boosters flickered. Before the Yondaime made his free fall, he also happened to notice his sharingan and steel from using the assimilate all creation technique were intact, meaning not all jutsu were rendered null.

As for how much time the Yondaime had left, while it is true he was not 100% he was not as wounded as his opponent may think. Considering when a biju summon is gone, the summoner regains chakra back, his edo regeneration rate and the time since he last summed the beast, meant a fair amount of that 25% came back. The clay bomb is almost negligible since Deidara was barely exhausted by it at all, same with susanoo and Madara/Itachi, although he did have a point regarding the Dark Release Slash. Basically, the Yondaime wasn’t going to kick the bucket, and with his edo regeneration reducing the chakra absorption, he wasn’t on death’s bed immediately. 

As the Yondaime started to fall, he was well aware of the giant, and how could he not be with the man’s annoying yelling. Unfortunately for Kaze, the Yondaime would opt to not fight him like a “man” and he would be left in disappointment. Considering space time ninjutsu was not inhibited, the Yondaime would disappear in a purple flash, to were his kunai landed, some 750 meters away. While the barrier absorbed chakra, seemingly only external chakra, it would be rather difficult to stop him from teleporting. As long as the Yondaime had a hiraishin mark, and chakra, he could teleport.

This was only a temporary solution however, seeing as the barrier was 1000 meters in radius, but for now the Yondaime had created a huge distance between the two, and left the giant airborne. Holding a single kata, the Yondaime utilized the body flicker technique to travel the remaining 250 meters for him to reach where the barrier ended. Seeing as the body flicker tech is a body enhancement (talked about with Athos through pm) the barrier could do little to it just like with dojutsu. While 250 meters was a fair distance, the fastest standard human could cover such a distance in less than 30 seconds, so a shinobi using sage mode enhanced speed and the body flicker… needless to say he would be there quickly.

Once at the location, the Yondaime simply placed his palm on the barrier, and utilized the assimilate all creation technique once again. The Yondaime’s steel skin would turn into the photon substance (in solid form, so I don’t just float away or something). Since this was a body enhancement tech, there was little the barrier could do. If the Yondaime could have his sharingan, steel skin, and body flick, surely he could do this. Even if it did somehow affect it, the barrier does not absorb things instantly, as noted by it taking out the poison quickly (Not instantly) and his jets flickering before dying out. Thus all the Yondaime needed was a small part of his body to absorb the substance. If this is the case, the rest of his body would turn normal (as to not have multiple elements absorbed and be unfair) Either way, all or some of his body would take on the new element.

With this absorbed, the Yondaime could now with seemingly manipulate any substance that he was made out of at will. As one can guess, this now extended to the barrier. Rather than have an all out control war of who controls the barrier, the Yondaime would just cause a small part of the barrier to rip open, as he casually shunshined out and attempted to put further distance on the man, while starting to regain his chakra. His Sage enhanced body flick would ensure that the Yondaime was putting a large amount of distance between his opponent and him.

1. Hiraishin
2. Body flick
3. Assimilate All Creation
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Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2017, 08:58:42 AM »

In accordance with our judge decision Trev is unable to assimilate forms of energy, only physical matter, and would be unable to turn into light. Since Trev does not allow for reposts my post will operate under the condition that Trev’s post went as he wrote it up until he tried to assimilate the light barrier, which would simply fail. Following this decision Trev has decided to boot our judge, Jay.

Kaze would of course see Trev vanish and reappear, his Byakugan allowed him that much. His giant form would be engulfed in white smoke and Kaze, wreathed in a 100% power Raiton Chakra Mode enhanced with Sage Mode chakra, would dash out of the cloud toward Trev, now returned to his normal size. Kyojin was still on his back gathering natural energy for his Sage Mode.

Kaze had removed his weighted training clothing, opened the 1st Gate and was now using a Sage Art Raiton no Yoroi, to say his speed was high would be an understatement of the highest order. He would begin to quickly close the distance between himself and Trev as he made a single one-handed kata, causing the barrier to be ringed with the formula for anti-space-time properties. None of the parties within the barrier would be able to perform space-time ninjutsu any longer.

Kaze would see Trev touch his barrier and, remembering how he transformed into and then controlled his steel earlier, would move to act but then saw the attempt seemingly fail. The Otokage did not change form at all. “It must only be able to work on physical matter.” He thought to himself, “Not energy like my Photon Release.” That was good to know, since his barrier was a complete sphere it meant Trev was quite trapped.

High speed or not it would be a little much to cover 750 meters in a moment or two and claim to be able to punch Trev this turn so instead Kaze would make another kata and cause the wall of his barrier to issue forth a Sage Art: Photon Beam from right where Trev stood with his hand on the barrier. It would be quickly absorbed that much is true but as Trev has pointed out quickly does not mean instantly. The beam would be viable for just enough time to blast through Trev’s offending arm and part of his torso and if the point blank attack hit he’d be left looking like Cell after taking a Final Flash.

He’d of course regenerate the damage but loss of an entire arm and part of his torso would be enough to proc at least a three turn regeneration rate with forced immobilization, if not 4 turns.

Sage Art: Lightning Release Chakra Mode
Adding effect to the barrier
Sage Art: Photon Beam
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.


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Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2017, 02:06:49 AM »

The Yondaime would be quite annoyed that for some reason his technique had failed, and in doing so left him with only one option to break through this barrier once and for all. Luckily for him, this next move would not only free him for this bothersome light construct but also protect him from the beam that was to follow. The Yondaime would place his hand down upon the instant that his technique did not work. This would come before the blast as if Kaze could have an inner monolog with himself about the nature of his technique not working, the Yondaime could surely come to the same conclusion, albeit faster as he would know his technique would fail before Kaze.

However, that didn't stop the beam that was to follow, luckily for the Yondaime he had a brief second to sense the technique and react. His sharingan and sage sensing would naturally see the barrier in front of him condense with chakra. This vast difference in chakra in one specific part in front of the barrier, aimed only at him... well it wasn't overly difficult to piece together what the next result would be. As the barrier collected energy for the briefest of second before shooting out at him, the Yondaime would jump backward slightly, if only to buy himself an extra second, not that he needed it.

The next result would be what the Yondaime would have used regardless of the photon beam or not, for it was the only move in his arsenal left to escape. It just so happened to also provide him reprieve from being turned into Cell. Even before the Yondaime jumped backward slightly, he opened his mouth and a suction vortex began to be powered by his mouth. This would be a technique stemming from his Dark Release abilities. Such ability, now sage enhanced covered a huge radius and would not only stop the beam mid-flight, but the Yondaime would also absorb the chakra from said beam. The physical form of the barrier in front of him would also dissipate as the chakra was sucked out, causing the solid barrier to transform and funnel into the Yondaime. This technique in it's base form was strong enough to stop a rasengan blow, disperse and absorb an ink beast, completely dissipate a lightning cutter, and absorb 50+ big ball rasengan. With Sage Mode, the radius and power of the suction increased. Allowing it to stop the beam, and absorb the beam and a large portion of the barrier within 3 seconds, as the base typically take 5-7.

It was highly doubtful that the barrier could stop the Yondaime from sucking in to absorb chakra, especially if something such as lightning release chakra mode was not affected. By the end of the short time span, the Yondiame would shunshin out of the barrier, which now had a giant hole, comparable to a large mansion. The large size of the hole, the speed of the Yondaime, and the small distance from the hole would ensure the Otokage's escape even if Kaze tried to shut it. As soon as he was out of the confines, and well aware of the speed demon behind him, the Yondaime's booster would soar to life as he went airborne once more in a diagonal direction.

By the time Kaze had escaped the barrier since he was an unspecified distance when the beam started, the Yondaime would already be half a football field away, and facing the hole he had escape waiting for Kaze, if he should choose to leave. As the Yondaime flew, his chakra levels would begin to regenerate without being inhibited by the barrier, and the physical exertion of using Dark Release Slash would no over with. With him regenerating chakra all fight, and now just absorbing a hefty amount of chakra from Kaze's jutsu to reduce what was taken, the Yondiame was reaching peak performance levels.

1. Dark Release: Inhaling Maw
2. Shunshin
3. Jet boosters
Everything Sage Enhanced.
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Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2017, 10:20:46 PM »

Trev would be mistaken about his Dark Release Technique being able to function properly inside the barrier. Being able to make a giant sucking vortex has to be chakra based and the vortex would be quickly absorbed by the barrier. The only way his technique would work as described would be if the Dark Release technique enhanced his lungs to such a degree that by breathing in Trev can tear apart a Sage Enhanced barrier that is over 2 feet thick with just the physical force of his breath. Obviously that is not the case. He is unclear how it was supposed to be at all related to his Raiton Chakra Mode since that flows chakra inside the body, which has already been stated to not be affected by the barrier.

Since the Photon Beam was not a solid wall Trev would be able to begin drawing that in but since his absorption technique would fail mid-way through he’d be unable to finish absorbing it into his mouth. Instead the beam would have just been forced to change direction toward Trev’s head and would vaporize the top portion of it, leaving only the lower jaw and below.

“…That works too.” Kaze thought to himself whilst simultaneously moving, since he is capable of thinking and acting at the same time. He’d open the second gate, the Gate of Healing, to rejuvenate himself and become stronger still before Lightning Body Flickering the remaining distance between himself and Trev.

Since the Otokage should be on a 4 turn regeneration now and unable to think or move without a head Kaze should be home free to begin his attack. He would launch of flurry of Gentle Fist strikes at Trev. As mentioned before in his normal size his Sage Kata enhanced the range of his Gentle Fist so the strikes would connect with Trev’s body as soon as Kaze’s hands came with 1 meter of him, he would not have to physically touch the man at all. This was not affected by the barrier since the barrier did not absorb natural energy, and that was what was acting as a vessel for his chakra.

Injecting chakra into the man’s tenketsu to seal them Kaze would move around Trev’s body in a torrent, arms lashing out dozens of times every moment as he aimed to strike and seal every last one of the Otokage’s chakra points rendering him unable to use his chakra at all, or even move, for quite some time. His Edo Tensei state would of course regenerate the damage done to his innards from the Gentle Fist strikes but his chakra points would still be sealed since the Tenketsu being open or closed is not “damage” any more than any physical valve in the human body being open or closed is damage.

He’d be unable to strike the points in Trev’s head till it regenerated but by that time he’d have closed every other point making it an effort he did not really have to put forth. Every point leading to the open points in his head would be closed, so it would not help him at all. After all both 64 palms and 128 palms close enough Tenketsu to stop the opponent from using their chakra. Kaze just figured it was better to be safe than sorry with an immortal opponent.

1: Second Gate: Gate of Healing
2: Lightning Release Body Flicker
3: Eight Trigrams 361 Palms
All jutsu are Sage Enhanced
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

Keito Uzumaki

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Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2017, 10:01:57 AM »

Lots of action compacted into these posts, lots of points to be made. But thats for my own train of thought as I'm here to make sure this match continues and doesn't end in a dispute. Anyways, I see a lot of 'definite' statements that aren't quite definite given the situation.

In order to have a middle ground there has to be a tug of war in what the outcome is. One chakra absorption attempt at another is what I see and have frequently dealt with. Of course it was already stated, this Photon Barrier doesn't absorb chakra instantly so the thought that techniques can go underway, exists. Only, the effectiveness and control of the caster also varies. So at this point, both fighters show high regards in such standards; meaning to compare them to an average ninja wouldn't be ideal. In that case, it can be thought that Trev's reaction to utilize the maw tech wasn't so much to overpower the barrier but to make an escape; in which he even included that if all he had was a sliver, such was the escape option. Whereas Kaze had ideas that Trev made no effort to physically remove himself from the barrier; leaving him trapped for torture.

With that being said, I'll allow for the close-call attempt by Trev to cut through the barrier as it was eating away at his own attempt. Regardless if I'm not mistaken he was at near the border of the barrier so blasting through something like that would give even a sloth a chance to try and make a move. Given he tried to make a 'mansion' sized hole I'm fine with implying that by the time he made his escape said hole was already the size of an actual manhole maybe even smaller. Yet if said actions were to be speedy then that would still leave the Photon Beam at play, attempting to strike at the Yondaime; especially since his own escape attempt didn't go as planned. With his hasty escape he would also have to worry about the incoming beam ontop of the Gentle Fist bearing Kaze. Given Kaze's own powerups I'm not denying he would have the speed to catch up to Trev, yet the idea that Trev remained idle in the barrier cannot be thought of. So in his own chase, I'll allow the attempt of Eight Trigrams 361 Palms to continue on a fleeing Trev. Perhaps if the Yondaime can only fend off the beam chasing him that Kaze would prevail or he would focus on Kaze and let the beam zap him. Or he can fend off both if possible. Again trying to restrict char controlling or forced hits so as to leave the matchup to the fighters not the judge.

TL;DR Trev barely escapes the Photon Barrier while a jacked up Kaze chases after him within miliseconds and unleashes his Hyuugan fury. For you both to be in Sage mode is an understatement since that would relatively even or cancel itself out in terms of power buffs but thats beside this decision. Although the intro to Gates and Lightning Release does affect speed. Which is why I would give Kaze an advantage in terms of who's controlling the battle field at this given moment since Trev hadn't much of a retaliation only an escape plan, meanwhile Kaze is on full assault.


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Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2017, 03:08:37 AM »

Was finally free of the accursed light barrier, having escaped through the relatively small hole that his inhaling maw technique had created. It was nice to have his full arsenal of jutsu's back, and not have his chakra absorbed, as his Edo Tensei body rapidly regenerated some much need chakra. The lack of inhibiting space-time ninjutsu was also nice. However, things had no gone fully according to plan, as the Yondaime was situated somewhat outside the barrier, and not air borne.  With his sage sensing picking up the behemoth just behind him. Not having the time to do much of anything, the Yondaime would go to old reliable and spawn his susanoo with yata mirror and all the fixings, although it lacked a weapon and was about the size of Itachi's as per usual for the Yondaime. The entity was spawned so the face of the susanoo and shield would face the onslaught of what was to come. The resulting susanoo would block the photon beam which would shoot at him after he had escaped (confirmed with Keito) and the strikes from Kaze.

As stated many times over, Itachi could spawn a susanoo before lightning struck him and lightning traveled at about 220,000 miles per hour and a susanoo manifesting was faster than that. So considering the speed of his defense, the Yondaime would survive. Although even if he didn't spawn it, it was arguable Kaze's attack was futile anyway, as the armor of sticky gold could stop the Hyuugan strikes, and the steel armor around the Yondaime which was still around him since he failed to assimilate the light. Although they wouldn't be settling said argument today.

So Kaze would likely crash into the Yata Mirror, considering he didn't know it was the Yata Mirror, and he had the boons of hercules sage mode, lightning armor, and the second gate. So if Kaze didn't think he could break through it, then he probably didn't think he could break through susanoo in general. Combined with the speed he was going, it would make it incredibly hard to pull out of the attack. So Kaze would realize the error probably around the first few strikes. Of course, the Yondaime won't be one to tell Kaze what he was going to do, but either Kaze would somehow stop his attack, or futility strike the mirror. But what was certain was that they would both be out of the barrier and close to each other.

Either way, what Kaze would do wouldn't stop the Yondaime. Kaze was near him and very dangerous, thus the Yondaime would turn his body (while keeping the susanoo in place) and as he was turning, a loud whistle would escape from the Yondaime's lips which was started before he even started turning. As soon as Kaze heard the whistle, he would be trapped in a genjutsu. Kaze would find himself immobilized, as ropes held his body in place, not able to break free regardless of his impressive strength and he would find his conscious fading away, putting him out for the fight. The genjutus also fed the men hallucinations, and he would find himself in a redish world, not able to see the Yondaime, or his beetle as his body parts melted away. The Yondaime didn't think he could break the man mentally, but the illusion effects would disguise the Yondaime's actions.

Since Kaze was pretty freakin close to him, combined with the speed of sound (340 meters per second) Kaze was likely caught. So unless the man was deaf this entire time, could rupture his eardrums in miliseconds, or had some secret Ototon, he would likely be caught. From there it would be up to Kaze to break out. The Nanabi wouldn't be an option since he had not mastered the beast. His summon would also be caught in the genjutsu, since only a specific type of bug in the anime is immune to genjutsu. Also since his beetle was more of a summon than some random insect, and there is no wiki page describing it's genjutsu immunity, it too would be caught and thus unable to break Kaze out, not to mention it was sentient enough to talk. With no outside help, it would fall solely on Kaze to free himself. Since both were in Sage Mode, he couldn't use his senjutsu to overpower the Yondaime. Thus it was Kaze who seemingly no genjutsu at his disposal (according to wiki, may be wrong) or even if he did, would have to overpower a man well versed in genjutsu, being an Uchiha and all that. The Yondaime was quite confident his genjutsu would be greater, not having much faith in the Hyuugan bloodline.  To add further dismay, this genjutsu is particularly hard to get out of. It trapped both Itachi and sasuke, genjutsu masters, and required them to use sharingan genjutsu on each other to cancel it out. Kaze lacked a partner and genjutsu. While the Yondaime lacked a flute, being an Otokage and master of Ototon, would allow the whistle to work as a substittue.

Even if the man did find a way to escape, he would still be stuck for at least some amount of time. In that time, the Yondiame would complete his turn, lift up his arm and blow a huge amount of Dokuton "smoke" into Kaze's face. Naturally he allowed this poision to pass through his susanoo, but his susanoo would still block any outside source. Said Dokuton would work to erode the man's chakra network, killing him within a short amount of time, and would spell doom for the man. Thus Kaze was faced with a near instantaneous defense, faster than lightning, followed by a sound genjutsu which is the speed of...sound and then a second or two later, blasted with Dokuton. That was quite a bit to deal with, but Kaze seldom disappointed.

1. Susanoo
2. Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains (whistle variant)
3. Dokuton through hollow air tube
All Sage enhanced
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Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2017, 09:16:13 AM »

Was called in for an overall decision on the match as it was now; given the slight hiccup near the end wasn't too beneficial towards the decision.

Text content and behavior aside, I'm counting the flow of battle in regards to this decision. With the constant techniques swapped with one another, I noticed an aggressive style in Kaze's actions as opposed to a more tactical defensive style in Trev's actions. It was more of an attack, defend, retaliate type of scenario. Only it was more one sided than normal. While Kaze bombarded Trev with various power-ups and fatal techniques and combinations, the Yondaime was still able to keep up and defend himself in the process. Only, when pushing onto the offensive field, he was unable grasp his play on the field in regards to Kaze's vicious and constant assaults.

With this being IC, the match would end up in Kaze's favor leaving him at the advantage and actually succeeding in immobilizing Trev for incapacitation. The following would continue IC for the affiliated parties to deal with either in the next post or within SL. This leaves Kaze the victor in this biju match as well.


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Re: Kaze Daizaemon vs Trev: Multi-Bijuu Melee
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2017, 10:50:09 PM »

This topic can be unstickied.
I don't always make sense, but that's kind of the point.

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