Roleplay > Hero's Guild

Prologue Mission: The Return of Tomi Uematsu (LoB)


The Return of Tomi Uematsu
Status: Not Started

Mission Act: Act 1, Prologue

Mission Participants: Tommi (Tomi Uematsu), Player 2 (Bird Country NPCs)

Estimated Time of Completion: 1 week

Mission Synopsis: Tomi returns to Bird Country, seeking to check up on the state of the land. Upon arriving in the Capital city, Wataridori, he goes to the largest shrine dedicated to the Yatagarasu in all the land: The First Yatagarasu Torii Shrine. He sees a small line of people waiting to enter the shrine, where they pay a fee to enter and pay homage to Yatagarasu. Tomi enters the shrine after paying the fee and realizes that the Shrine, while still having a solemn feel to it, seems to have turned more into a tourist attraction; a gift shop has even been located near the back of the shrine, where the Tori Scroll was once kept!

Tomi's reaction and presence trigger the local guardsmen to gather. Tomi demands to speak with the resident shrine maiden, only to discover that no replacement had been made; rather, much like a tithe, the mediation between Yatagarasu and the people of the Country has become the responsibility of the Daimyou. The guardsmen then extend the Daimyou's invitation for him to meet at the Daimyou compound in order to discuss the future of the Tori Miku.

By the end of the meeting, Tomi departs to find the next successor to the Tori Miku legacy, and the Prologue formally shifts into the 2nd Act.

I wish to consider this episode complete so we might move onto the gathering of participants.


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