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Author Topic: Serean Event Chronology  (Read 3684 times)


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Serean Event Chronology
« on: March 11, 2016, 06:07:47 PM »

This first bit is largely based on the conversations between Tai, Jestar, Gitsune, Chusaki and Yomi in one of the secret rooms of Osa's place. While dates are not given, the order of events so far progressed to my knowledge (player, not character):

1) Ancient Era begins

2) Ancient Race of Al-Kahtar rises to prominence

3) The Mera'din, the Brotherless Ones, break off from Al-Kahtar and initiate a Revolutionary War in an attempt to dominate the world.

4) At the battle of Illiac Rennin Al-Kahtar defeats the Mera'din and seals away Serean at the cost of their civilization.

Relatively present Day, events involving by SL players:

5) Overtime the Al-Kahtar civilization is uncovered. The site of Illiac Rennin is discovered and raised.

6) Jaevon uncovers a suit of armor beneath the Konoha Warrior's Monument (I presume the Stone of Legends) and inadvertently releases Serean's spirit from captivity.

7) Serean possesses Jaevon and launches a massive attack on Sunagakure, repelled by a combined arms defense from most of the major nations (Oto, Konoha, Suna, Kiri, and Ame). Serean is repelled, but he possesses Jaevon's son, and leaves behind considerable damage in Sunagakure.

8) Serean directs an attack on Konoha, causing considerable damage to the graveyard, many buildings, and parts of the Hospital. Konoha, having just gone through a political crisis that ended in the election of Kite Hyuuga to the position of Hokage and the departure of Nathan, shifts focus to repel the attack. Afterwards, several shinobi depart to gather more information on the culprit.

?) Jaevon's son is rescued from the taint and returned to Sunagakure.

?) Kumogakure is attacked by Serean and his forces.

?) Gitsune has a minor sighting/encounter in Water Country.

?) Representatives from Kiri, Konoha, and Suna meet to exchange intelligence regarding Serean and his forces.

Let me know if I happened to forget anything, or get anything out of order (or not give enough relevant details). I was originally going to just copy-paste the source material, but decided against it as I did not ask permission to do so nor would it convey as nicely as the above summary timeline information.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 06:51:41 PM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Serean Event Chronology WIP
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 08:57:55 PM »

Oh my...where to begin. Serean Event? ok...if that is what we are calling it...

1) Ancient Era begins

2) Ancient Race of Al-Kahtar rises to prominence

3) The Mera'din, the Brotherless Ones, break off from Al-Kahtar and initiate a Revolutionary War in an attempt to dominate the world.

4) At the battle of Illiac Rennin Al-Kahtar defeats the Mera'din and seals away Serean at the cost of their civilization. [Now the 'defeat' of the Mera'din is the current interpretation of History by the Archaeologist, Inazawa Tai, based upon the current available artifacts and records. Sealing of Serean is unsubstantiated conclusion.]

Relatively present Day, events involving by SL players:

5) Overtime the Al-Kahtar civilization is uncovered.

5.1) Late 2008: The Blue Dragon is awakened by Kayenta Moenkopi beneath the village of Sunagakure in a huge cavern. An Ancient city of the Al-Kahtar is discovered by an underground lake in the cavern. The dragon attacks Suna. Numerous defenders protect the village and defeats the dragon: Kayenta Moenkopi, Teostra, Mokoto, Flaming Chaos, Hobby Gobby, HashiroAmaya, et al. This site later serves as a shelter during times of war.

5.2) 2008: CjoftheDesert, Kayenta Moenkopi, and Takahashi Mariko discover the desert temple oasis during a sand storm, they take refuge in the temple ruins. And thus the future site of Illac Rennin [Kingdom of the Path] is discovered. A circular room with an altar in its center and 13 guardian statues in the walls is discovered.

5.3) November 2008: Bedouin leader, last descendant of the  Al-Kahtar, presents Kayenta Moenkopi with a red garnet stone. This is to be the first of 9 altar stones discovered.

5.4) November 2008: Storm Sage Sharakkar and Kayenta Moenkopi discover the red garnet fits into a slot of the altar and activates the guardian statues to power the altar for the purpose of cleansing tainted chakra.

5.5) 2009: Kayenta Moenkopi discovers a laboratory of the Al-Kahtar. Not saying where so suck it. :P

5.6) 2010: Inu Hanyou discovers the Al-Kahtar air ship the Weatherlight and rebuilds her with the aid of Silver Moonfire. Two of  the Boshikatei, Takahashi Mariko's children, serve on the ship.

5.7) 2011: Hashimoto Daichi discovers Al-Kahtar ruins, this becomes the Sunagakure Fortress Outpost. Numerous artifacts and manuscripts come to light.

5,8) 2011: Hashimoto Daichi discovers the Black Pearl altar stone, "Hajra Geyat" [Journey of Seeking, or Worm Call]. It opens up gateways when placed in the altar.

5.9) February 2013: Sunauto, head of Inuzuku clan, recovers the amber altar stone during final phase of his jounin exam.

5.10) August 19, 2013: Moenkopi shows Warren the three altar stone she possesses, The Garnet, The Black Pearl, and the Amber. She then takes him to the cavern beneath Suna, through the tunnels in the water table, and out into the desert temple oasis. There he is shown the altar and through the use of the stone, the entity of the Sand Prince is revealed.

5.11) December 08, 2013:  Warren returns from the northern glacier fields having retrieved one of the Desert Temple Oasis Altar stones; The Diamond.

5.12) June 14, 2014: Warren and Inazawa Tai raise the ruins of the desert temple oasis from its sunken location back to the surface. Renovations are commenced to repair damage and collapsed walls as well as open sealed rooms. Around 2 weeks later Kasigi Omi, Hashimoto Daichi, and his son Akio arrive with 40 warriors from the Sunagakure Fortress to guard the complex. Daichi and Kasigi Omi joins them in renovations.

5.13) July 1, 2014: While opening up and repairing sections of the temple either still collapsed, or otherwise damaged, Warren discovers a sealed chamber containing the mummified body of an ancient warrior, preserved by the nigh perfectly air tight chamber. While examining the corpse, with aid of Daichi and Tai two souls are discovered, one the original owner of the body still trapped within, other a darker entity within the warrior's still intact sword that was likely to blame for his death. The dark soul, awakened by Daichi and extracted by Warren from the blade, proves predictably hostile and has to be subdued, before it can be put to question. It spouted little else but the most vile combative words and threats of hell, but eventually enough was still forced out of him for the three to learned the spirit had infiltrated the complex, the core of the last stronghold, to aid is its fall. While he would from within the blade drive the warrior insane and attack from within, his companion forces outside would assault the temple after, eager to claim the power and knowledge held within its walls. While Seiton, the light spiritual power Daichi and Tai wielded, proved quite effective in containing the spirit, twas still doubtful anything else could be gained and Warren's patience had been exhausted anyway, thus he performed a forced soul burial upon the creature to send it to the afterlife.  A while later but within the same day still, Warren also senses the tremor of a considerable rift opening far to the north; coinciding with his limited memories of the Ruby altar stone, he formed a clone of black sand and sent it to investigate, thus beginning the hunt for the Ruby and the release of Bahamut. To this day, at least for the time being, the warrior's soul still resides within the mummy.

5.13) July 20, 2014: Kayenta Moenkopi meets Warren outside the temple. While they discuss the future of the complex, His clone is on the retrieval mission. Warren rejuvenated the sentinel trees and sets them to watch as guardians along the path to the temple.

5.12) August 7, 2014:  Warren's Clone and Rinoa free Bahamut recovering the Red Ruby; one of the Desert Temple Oasis Altar stones. This occurs south of Yamagakure at the northern edges of Wind Country's sands and the mountain ranges beyond. The clone returns to the temple and presents the Ruby to Warren. Together with Moenkopi, the plan to rejuvenate the land is birthed.

=================NEED EDITING DO NOTE QUOTE!!!=========================

5.13) September 1, 2014:  Jichou Raihana arrives in Kumogakure from the Kaminari Den (Palace of Thunder) monastery located above the lightning plains north of Kumogakure where the Ikazuchi Order of monks reside. She is sent by her order to hire Kumo for a retrieval mission of a large Emerald Stone that was stolen from the monastery.

5.14) Halloween Event, October 2014: While the last of failed ROOT uprising victims are being treated, Serean possesses Jaevon in Konoha hospital, taking over his body by inhabiting it himself directly. (Rather than by proxy via corruption as seen with later victims). Serean/Jaevon emerges at night time, defeating and possessing the receptionist and night guards on his way to the morgue. The pathologist on duty is also no match, ending up possessed and stuck to the ceiling. Cutting to the heart of the corpse on the table, a burnt victim of rogue ROOT, the unfortunate soul is reanimated and presumably interrogated of recent events. Once finished he disappears through unknown space-time methods, his unseen travel through the village causing a myriad of unnatural occurrences. Arriving by the Stone of Heroes, the monument is struck aside to make room for the surfacing of a giant skeletal arm, in the clutch of which lays his full body suit of armor. Opening it, Serean/Jaevon scatters the skeleton inside (presumably his) to dust, though absorbing this dust seems to only empower him. Reasserting control over the collapsed armor to reform it around his body as the suit, he then uses the newfound power to call deeper under, causing the emergence of not only his skyboard, but mere moments later also a geyser-like eruption of chakra-like power (possibly a predecessor of modern chakra, wielded by Al-Kahtar). Riding the eruption high up to the air while powering his board, with the latter he blasts off and out of Konoha, towards Suna. The giant skeletal hand is left sticking out of the ground, the stone of heroes knocked over to the side, for whatever reason nobody ever shows up to investigate. Not a soul ever investigates the morgue nor disappearance of the receptionist and night guards either, so the corruption brewing within the hospital is never discovered until it is far too late.

5.15) November 4, 2014:  Suna prepares the village to withstand the seismic activity that will result from the raising of the Desert Temple Oasis. Those who participate are: Valdex, Kayenta Moenkopi, TakaharuChusaki, Inu, Moonfire 'Silver', Shiro, and Sunauto.

5.14) December 17th, 2014: Skeletal arm, that had been sticking out of the ground unnoticed for several months beneath the displaced stone of the Hero's Stone, begins to twitch. While Nathan steps down as Hokage and names Kite to replace him, the skeleton of the dragon Khellendros reassembles itself to storm through the village. Thus begins the attack upon Konoha by Serean.

5.16) December 24, 2014- January 11, 2015: Guests trickle in to Suna for Nanadaime Kazekage Takaharu Chusaki's robing festival: Ace, Neji, Chocobo, Xiawarst, Hagoromo Gitsune, Asadi, Shikamaru, Shadow, Kite, Mioku, Rin, Ichirou, Gozu, Gin, Hazama,  Tanarri Nayeli, Kage, Darkshinobi, and Suna residents: Yoshiro, Inu, Shiro, 'Silver' Moonfire, Johnny, Hiro, Sunauto, Bento, Hywel, RenjiNakara, VincentWeiss, Haruto, Kabushiki Dark, Valdex, Yomi, Yoshi Chikitada, kyuubiheir, HobbyGobby,  Osa, Kitty-sama, Becquerel, Raikon Kamina, Hasimoto Akio, Kirotemaru, Temari, Vegabond, Murciélago, LonewarrioroftheAbyss, MissShadya, Hiroki, ElysiaNova

5.17) December 25, 2014:  Jaevon falls from the sky to land in Kayenta Moenkopi's walled garden in back of her cliff dwelling outside Sunagakure. He is clad from head to toe in a strange black armor with glowing markings all over. His son Hiro and Suishou Hywel witnesses the event.

5.18) December 25, 2014: Sandworms enter a berserk fury making crossing the sand seas more dangerous than usual for Moenkopi, Kite, and Valdex on their way to the oasis temple.

5.19) December 30, 2014: Desert Temple Oasis complex raised from its sunken depths, restoring the ancient site of the Al-Kahtar to ground level. This is accomplished through the combined efforts of Warren and Inazwa Tai. The after shocks are felt as far away as Iwagakure and Konohagakure with the greatest frequency hitting Sunagakure.

Later the rest of the particpants arrive to create the terraforming Kekkei that will transform the desert complex into the lush land of the past: Kayenta Moenkopi, Valdex, Kite, Rinoa, Daichi, Inazawa Tai, Kasigi Omi, and the Suna Fortress guards through a linked chakra network initiating seismic activity throughout wind country.

5.20) December 30, 2014:  Tsunami of Sand hits Sunagakure after loud explosion to the west and successive tremors shake the entire village. Sunauto and Takaharu Chusaki create earthen barrier walls to break up the wall of sand before it hits the village. Afterward the main force of the shock wave from the quake reaches Sunagakure with successive aftershocks. Minor damage is done to the village walls, buildings, and grand library.

5.21) January 8, 2015: Serean/Jaevon accosts Nayeli, Kayenta Moenkopi on the top of the Nidaime's cliff dwelling. She becomes possessed and Murciélago comes to intervene. Moenkopi is able to fight off the spirit's corruption and Jaevon jumps on his skyboard and takes off into the Sand Seas.

5.22) January 8, 2015: Nanadiame Kazekage Takaharu Chusaki's robing festival.

5.23) February, 2015: Jichou Raihana and Harue sent on mission to retrieve Emerald from rock Trolls. Raihana abandons Harue and he is taken prisoner. The Matriarch tortures him with the Emerald and breaks his mind, then through the power of the Emerald he is brainwashed.

5.24) April, 2015: Harue returns to Kumo and attacks the village with black ice. He is subdued and imprisoned. Participants: Hono, Yugito, Koji, and Yuki Sakuraba.

5.25) May 12, 2015: Hono, Yugito, and Warren seek to retrieve the Emerald from the Rock Troll Caverns. Hono creates the diversion to let Yugito and Warren enter the cavern, and after that he was never seen again at Kumogakure for unknown reasons

5.26) June 3, 2015: Warren and Yugito arrive in Kumogakure with an Al-Kahtar air ship. Recovered from a Rock Troll cavern in the upper lightning plains. Warren heals Harue with the recovered Emerald.

5.27) 2015: Hiro Toranaga discovers the Turquoise altar stone in the crater walls about Hoshigakure.

[still editing in details]
6) Jaevon uncovers a suit of armor beneath the Konoha Warrior's Monument (I presume the Stone of Legends) and inadvertently releases Serean's spirit from captivity. [This is what Tai told the Kazekage, Jestar, Gitsune, and Yomi during the meeting at Osa's because she believes it to be the truth. It was all the information she could glean from Jaevon during her conversations, all that Moenkopi could retrieve from his mind during his healing, and all Jaevon could recall.]

7) Serean possesses Jaevon and launches a massive attack on Sunagakure, repelled by a combined arms defense from most of the major nations (Oto, Konoha, Suna, Kiri, and Ame). Serean is repelled, but he possesses Jaevon's son, and leaves behind considerable damage in Sunagakure.

8) Serean directs an attack on Konoha, causing considerable damage to the graveyard, many buildings, and parts of the Hospital. Konoha, having just gone through a political crisis that ended in the election of Kite Hyuuga to the position of Hokage and the departure of Nathan, shifts focus to repel the attack. Afterwards, several shinobi depart to gather more information on the culprit.

?) Jaevon's son is rescued from the taint and returned to Sunagakure.

?) Kumogakure is attacked by Serean and his forces.

?) Gitsune has a minor sighting/encounter in Water Country.

?) Representatives from Kiri, Konoha, and Suna meet to exchange intelligence regarding Serean and his forces.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2016, 03:16:35 AM by KayentaMoenkopi »


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Re: Serean Event Chronology
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2016, 01:30:07 PM »

?) Uzushiogakure is attacked by Serean, leaving craters and a sizeable amount of civilian population decimated in its wake. Death knights ultimately deal with the mass of corpses, and with some support from leaf shinobi searching for the rogue Yujo, the living are contained and the healing process begins. The emergency blue chakra lighting illuminated the village after the return of the kage.

The kage, Keito, is sometime after the attack itself sucked into the sky for unknown reasons.

?) Kirigakure denizens (and guests) have an encounter with Serean. Someone with a little more firsthand knowledge can fill in some more of this information. This is definitely after Gitsune's minor sighting in Kirigakure and after the initial meeting in Sunagakure.

?) This can be added onto the delegates question mark  After an exchange in Sunagakure, the leaf and sand attendees return to Konoha, as Kazekage Chusaki desiring a direct audience with Hokage Kite to discuss the situation, to find a reincarnated Uetto Senju battling Leaf forces at the gates. After the fight concludes and Uetto is sealed thanks to a conjoined effort, the remaining members + Kite discuss potential preventative measures and the general threat posed by Serean's influence.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.

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