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Author Topic: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]  (Read 18635 times)


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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2017, 06:58:30 AM »

While the large assortments of smells wafting from the mess hall had been diminished to an extent, the young Nara was more than capable of sniffing out a few key options that had his stomach rumbling in desire. It grew to the point that he had to focus on his enhanced sense of smell and cancel out the canine-level sense of smell to a normal, human, degree. Still, his regular senses had been sharpened considerably, which caused him to lightly groan in frustration. "Strategic Room? If we are to be assisting in this battle, I'll join in to get a better understanding of what you and your allies are up against."

He didn't let it be taken as a question or possible suggestion, and instead continued to walk in the direction the Commander was originally heading in. And unless, across the trench, came along with various amounts of twists and turns, then he was sure he'd find it with very little difficulty. But, to be on the safe side, he called out to the dragon, who would now be behind him at this time. "No dilly dallying, Commander. There's a lot that must be done, before I can meet with His Majesty, Draco."

He hadn't been paying much attention to it, but since grabbing actual hold of the Natural Energy, his pull had strengthened and more and more was swirling around him. He was sure that, to the attuned eye, i.e. Eric's, the mass of energy would resemble a maelstrom, with that closer to him wrapped around him like a haori that stemmed from his Manji Cloak. The Triskelion Symbol of the Organization, seemingly reacting to the massive amount of energy around it, by hypnotically pulsing. Of course, this would be a play on the eyes, made to not really be happening, but the glow would make it seem so.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #46 on: May 18, 2017, 06:08:40 PM »

Sorry for the really long delay, I should be back to more regular posting now. Again, sorry for the really long delay.

Reibi stopped, his chakra visibly bristling with his apparent distaste. "That, will not be necessary. We have all that we require to win with ease. You have no reason to trouble yourself."

Accompanying the assertive tone was a shift in the dining room atmosphere, as if a foul breeze had stunk up the place and caused most of the occupants to reel in disgust from their meals and stare at Reibi and Jay.

Eric, without attempting to hide, grabbed a tub of the strange colored drink that smelled of honey, milk, and syrup, and a few bowls of the ramen sort with some strange sauce. After sniffing the bowls to come to the conclusion that it was spicy, Eric rapidly began to dig in, coming to the understanding that this might be his last chance to eat and drink before a tussle.

Why was this important to the man? Well other than not wanting to fight on an empty stomach, Eric had not really intended on directly pressing the issue until he knew where Pyro was; still, with Jay reasonably pressing on with the mission, Eric still needed to have food in his stomach. Yang release did not work very well with an empty stomach.

"Of course, by your tone, I am under the impression that you think Draco is worthy of being referred to as "Majesty", despite him being both a pretender and our enemy. Is there something you would like to share with us, Lord Nara?"

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2017, 04:37:00 AM »

Jay grew angry from the tone of someone who wasn't his commanding officer, attempting to be assertive to him. The young Nara had stopped in his tracks, the temperature around him dropping several thousand degrees, due to how hot the realm was. The chill could easily be around negative 5 degrees, before he grew confused at the next part of the dragon's speech. He was growing tired of playing this little game of what's what? But, they were literally smack dab in supposed enemy territory.

The temperature began to return to normal by the time the young Nara began to turn his head around to look over at the Dragon Commander. "Apologies, I'm simply trying to get a better understanding of this fiery realm.. unless there's something you wish to get off your chest?" By the time he finished talking the temperature around him, i.e. the air and the ground, would be finished defrosting and he would completely turn around to face Reibi.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #48 on: May 26, 2017, 12:26:00 AM »

Reibi narrowed his eye at Jay, lashing his tail just twice at the change in temperature. From the very beginning Reibi had been skeptical of Jay's flare, from the very beginning he had not particularly taken to the awe and curiosity that he inspired among his forces. Had the dragon had some sort of bone to pick with Jay, why yes, he did.

But, unlike Eric and possibly like Jay, Reibi was fully aware that most of the attention was on his reaction, not Jay's; Jay's identity meant that most of the dragons expected him to be assertive, and they wondered at Reibi's reaction to this. Reibi calculated the risks in his next move, knowing that he had face to save and asserts to preserve.

"Yes, actually. You come from the horizon and, having hardly been here a day, make demands to see into our operations. You have proven yourself powerful, but not trustworthy. I personally am not interested in sharing anything more with you than necessary. If you have a problem with that-"

Reibi's chakra flared, as if the dragon were preparing to set himself ablalze with his chakra alone.

"- Then we can settle this matter with a Dragon Ball Duel."

Eric audibly seemed to choke on his food in amusement at the name. After a brief bit of gagging, Eric cleared his throat and attempted to return to a more calm demeanor. That had to have been the most ridiculous sounding thing he had ever heard of, much less something to challenge Jay on. However, to be fair, Reibi was far less knowledgeable of Jay then Eric - which was not saying much, he did not really know Jay's full capabilities either - and a duel of this sort did sound more, friendly, than a straight up brawl.

Maybe Yumei's effects on these dragons had not been all bad after all, depending on the history of what sounded like some sort of gamey contest.
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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2017, 11:40:16 PM »

The look on the young Nara's features grew bland as he watched the humanoid dragon speak. The Eternal Design of his Mangekyo Sharingan gently spun within their pools of blood red optic juice. He blinked at the end of the Commander's mini rant, while Matatabi chuckled inside his mind. The natural glow of his EMS grew dimmer as he stared into the dragon's eyes, as if to see how serious he was from proposing a challenge. His stare would be as soul piercing as it would appear, the only thing keeping the dragon from backing down from the stare would be his own sense of courage.

Jay would remain silent for quite a while, simply staring at the dragon, paying very little mind to the fit of coughing from the transformed Eric. The mind that did decide to pay attention to Eric wondered if it would be wise to get into a battle with one of their, supposed, allies. Though, this thought was quickly discarded due to the small amount of attention it had been getting. "Sure... He said with the smoothest of shrugs to go along with it. I guess having a small snack wouldn't be so bad. As long as you don't promise to give me indigestion." He added on with the straightest of faces, completely serious with what he said. "It wasn't the way I wanted to learn about your world, but it'll be just as effective."

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2017, 03:09:50 AM »

Reibi blinked, quite unfazed by Jay staring at him. The dragon lashed his tail and smirked upon hearing Jay's verbal response.

"Gather 'round, we are going to have a Dragon Ball Duel!"

From the many crevices of the fortress, news spread faster than wildfare; one would swear that the entire place had been on standby for such a thing. The dragons whooped, roared and seemed to aggressively begin stomping out, violently swarming Eric with claws, talons, tails, whatever some of them could grab him with.

Eric swallowed his latest bite and would have flailed, but the grip was much tighter and more varied than he expected.

"How does this crazy game woooorkaaaah!"

Reibi turned and led the dragons out, a rather loud stomping accompanying him as presumably Jay followed. The massive dragon entourage seemed to march towards the fields where the Spyral Towers once were.

"Just a bit of restraint, Guardian, just to make sure you do not provide any support. Having been in the ninja world for so long, I imagine you have forgotten this age old tradition. The duel rules are very simple-"

At this point the noise had reached uproar levels, and Reibi now used chakra in order to project his voice. Many of the dragons previously seen were eagerly gathering in a square crowd, with Reibi and presumably Jay stepping before them to where the Spires once were.

"- There shall be three rounds, each round consisting of a single display of great breath from each of us. The roar of my subordinates shall determine the winner of each round. Best of three, wins."

Eric blinked. So, it was that arbitrary? Who even judged the howling and whooping anyways? Eric attempted to struggle some more physically, but the grip was strong.

"Why do I have to be restrained again? How in the world am I supposed to intervene here?"

"Age old tradition, ever since the upstart Grievous had his human sage aide him against the human sage Sulphor of the Burning Bridge during the reign of the Second Dragon King in order to settle the matter of land rights in the Land of Lightning."

Reibi turned towards his Jay, still smirking smugness.

"Would 'his majesty' like to go first? Immerse himseful fully in our ways?"
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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2017, 12:49:03 AM »

(Super sorry, I swear I thought I had responded to this.)

The young Nara had to hold in his groan, as it was made painfully clear that it was not going to be a fight of any sort. He did take a deep breath as he followed the Commander to the arena. Alright, he could roll with it. "That's alright, lets have you show us how it's done. After all, I have come from the horizon and hasn't been here for a day." He could feel his stomach rumbling in his hunger, but he ignored it for the time being.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #52 on: June 18, 2017, 08:39:31 PM »

Reibi chuckled, as if Jay's response was some sort of affirmation of something for him. Facing towards the grey-ish black sky, Reibi closed his eyes for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. Picturing in his mind the demonstrative fireball of his choice, Reibi flexed his arms, cracked his neck, and somewhat comically spread his legs outward as if bracing himself. With a tail thump signalling the end to his preparations, Reibi took in a deep breath, his torso almost unnaturally expanding outward as he took in air.

When it seemed that he might pop his lungs like a balloon overfilled with hydrogen, the dragon exhaled fiery bursts into the air in a fashion akin to fireworks. Vibrant oranges, greens, and even reds lit up the otherwise depressing sky as the traditional bursted outwards like rapidly budding flowers, the resounding thunder akin to mini artillery shells bursting in midair. And not just in one place either, Reibi turned his head a few degrees here and there and shot them in a roughly 60 degree arc, creating a sort of tapestry with his work.

Now there were reds and blues and even some purples as the shapes changed to something more distinct, like fiery tendrils reaching out from the centerpiece of the explosion to grasp at the imaginary purple twinkles that might were supposed to represent stars.

The entire audience seemed quiet, even Eric, as the breath of the dragon seemed to slowly wane as he came upon his finale. A noticeably larger fireball, comparable to the Uchiha's signature great fireball technique. When it burst into the air, the shockwave rippled throughout the air, a blaslt that would have rocked windows and startled unsuspecting beasts from their foraging. A bright orange-red that shimmered as it faded.

Reibi, though out of breath, calmly caught his breath before stepping back, all applause seemingly held for the end. It was Jay's turn now, and with such an open display, there was no doubt that he could glean that the nature of the competition involved showing off an intricate understanding of katon and the artistic vision of an explosion from mere fire.

Uchiha-style Katon alone did not tend to create that bursting effect, though. Gunpowder-like substances could be created with Katon chakra, and upon observation with the special eyes of the sharingan it could be safely assumed that such manipulation of katon chakra could be the culrpit for the very diverse coloration. Such precise control of Katon, of course, would suggest that non-fire breathing dragons by default had trouble with this competition in the past.

Maybe why it was more of a "tradition" than anything else, but the land itself showed clear signs of overall not being too friendly to say water-borne dragons or dragons more accustomed to a wintry climate.

Anyways, the odd silence of the dragons, despite that being the first part of round one, seemed odd. The roars were supposed to determine the winner of each round, right? Maybe it would be a shouting match after the conclusion of each? Or was this first display considered so demonstrative that it would not be counted? While Jay had little indication towards one or the other, Reibi had started with this with one purpose in mind.

To start the bar high for the seeming newcomer.
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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #53 on: July 03, 2017, 11:02:25 PM »

The young Nara looked at the spectacle of flames, finding it rather amusing in a sense. He was glad to know that his suspicions proved correct, having previously assumed "great breath" meant breathing fire. It's so obvious now that it's been confirmed, a revelation that caused him to lightly shake his head at the simplicity of it all.

He was mildly interested in how he would play out his display of great breath. It came to him as the end of Reibi's display died down, the heat still strong around him. He waited until it was clear that it was his turn to act, as he set his chakra to purpose. "I'm going to need a lot of space, so, just a bit more space, please." He would also take a few steps backwards, refining the idea in his mind.

Assuming, Reibi had given him the space he desired he would take a few easy breaths. Dramatically, he would take a wide stance, the dust kicking up as he took a longer, deeper, breath. As he was doing this, he was getting a proper control over the flames that were brewing inside of him and when it was beginning to burn the inside of his lungs, he let loose. Bright blue flames spewed from his mouth, nearly like molten slag with how much had been condensed. When the flames hit the floor 20ft away, he lifted his head as fast as safely possible, causing the blue flames to shoot up into the air, as if it was a growing tree. The chakra was working to keep the form of the trunk, causing the flames to swirl around to keep it in place. When the Nara reached the apex of his head tilt, the trunk of the tree would top off at 25ft, before bits of black surged into the flames. These black specks would ignite and swirl in colors of bright white, orange, red and lastly black. These colors would form together to form a canopy of flaming leaves. The tree would be in full bloom and the Nara was beginning to run low on breath, so he couldn't hold it for as long as he desired and couldn't really do what he wanted, like add multiple branches and stuff. So, instead, he ended the display of great breath, by mimicking the season of fall, causing the flaming leaves to fall from the dying tree of fire. Each individual ember began to turn black, completely snuffing out as they hit the ground. As he officially ran out of breath, the blue tree trunk would begin turning black as well, expanding just a bit before it died out.

He coughed a bit, more for show, as he hit his chest a few times, puffs of dark smoke leaving his throat. He smirked, thinking of what his next breath would be. "Now that, was art." Sure, it was impressive, but was it enough to sate the desires of this duel? That was up to the dragons around him.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #54 on: July 05, 2017, 07:23:07 PM »

Reibi stepped back, giving his opponent the space he so requested. Upon seeing Jay's display visibly creating form right off the bat it was clear to Reibi that he had underestimated Jay. Still, his face showed no discouragement, no surprise or startling at all, and he licked his lips.

"Not bad. I was expecting something more-"

Another fireball lit up the sky, though it was quite obvious that no one on the grounds was responsible for the input. The dragon crowd did not just disperse, it scattered, as more warning fireballs were set off.

Reibi took a moment to rationalize the reason for the signalling before shouting
, "Secure the prisoner, get our fighters into the air!" Reibi looked towards Jay and Eric, " We will have to suspend our competition for the time being. The enemy is inbound from the East."

No further instructions were given as Reibi, unless intercepted, dashed off towards the strategy room again. The entire base was in a frenzy as roaring, shouting, and the occassional bleat replaced the previously dull silence of the area.

Eric for one was not complaining about the change of pace; he was getting sick of being tossed and thrown around like a toy anyways. The dragon man rushed to Jay's side.

"So, 'oh great one', what's your idea? I'm thinking that whoever is attacking is probably not foe. I'll go get Pyro if you go get Reibi, or the other way around; whichever or neither, I need to know what's on your mind Jay."
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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #55 on: July 06, 2017, 03:04:34 AM »

Naturally, the fireball being shot into the air, didn't seem like something that would warrant much of a reaction. Considering the fact that they were in a middle of a contest that was centered around doing such a thing, he took it as a random dragon really liking his display of great breath. He had been wrong when it was made apparent that said ball of fire was simply too far away to be from any of the dragons currently watching. This would be backed by the others scattering into positions, the Dragon Commander howling out his orders. 'Not my enemy.' He'd think to himself as he watched the man retreat towards the strategy room.

He remained in his position, getting himself ready for a fight, as Eric approached him. "Do not worry, Grandmaster, we're on the same wavelength. Explain the situation to Pyro when you find him. I'll deal with Reibi and the rest of the dragons, until you two can meet back up with me." It was obvious that he'd dropped the charade they'd been playing, chakra pulsing into the seal on the inseam of his cloak, to erase those 500 pounds from the fabric. He didn't want to be hampered in any sort of way, knowing the Dragon Commander was not someone to be trifled with. "Quickly, we don't have time to lollygag anymore." He'd tell the older Nara as he made his way towards the Strategic Room, opting to use the ruckus to gain himself entry, whether he was or not, he wasn't sure, but he was ready for any scenario.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #56 on: July 08, 2017, 11:15:11 PM »

Eric dived into the trenches after Jay, but instead of following him into the Strategy Room, he continued on to where they were keeping Pyro. How did he know that he was going in the right direction? Well, still in sage mode (reply 12) he was able to pick Pyro's signature out from among the few dragons struggling to keep him pinned. Upon entering the chamber, Eric took a brief moment to take in the surroundings.

As the trench had functionally been built into obsidian, the prisoner holding area had had plenty of jagged points to discourage blindfolded dragons from wandering about aimlessly; additionally, heat was not going to bring down the walls, and cleverly enough, simply bashing the walls would only lead to more broken shards, more cuts, and more pain.

Not that any of that was really putting a stop to Pyro; though scorch release was not accessible to him and the chains made it difficult to really move about, the enraged Wind Country dragon still lashed out with his tail and natural fire breath. He swept his claws and tail about the ground, throwing the sharp shards everywhere his intended captors tried to jump to. Just being around him was a danger, but Pyro also had noticeably bleeding cuts all over him, particularly his hands and feet.

Could he feel the pain? Of course. Could he smell freedom? Maybe, the incoming reinforcements could be repelled. But he did not care; he could feel that the only thing keeping him bound to the floor were the chakra chains, and even they seemed to grow weaker the more he struggled. He could not see the dragons near him, but he could hear them, feel their presence. He shot another bit of dragon breath in one direction.

Three of them, all lightly armored. Well, one stunned and backing off from a spout of fire to the face, that was helpful. As they were distracted with Pyro, Eric withdrew his sword again, the Blade of Shadows, still charged with chakra (from reply 2) and pointed it in succession at the two dragons still engaging Pyro, firing two black beams of chakra at them.

Shadow Burst: Uverworld Kage

Since neither dragon got the full blast, all that immediately happened was them being pushed into the walls behind them, though this left them more accessible to Pyro. While Pyro sunk his claws into the exposed neck of the one to his right and bashed the other to his left with his tail, Eric, using his shadow to avoid damaging his feet on the obsidian floors, dashed towards the third one, who seemed to recover from the earlier fire treatment and noticed Eric.

Meanwhile, the bleating had long stopped, and the ash-stricken air was filled with dragons, some armored, some not, engaging each other in the air. Firestreams, blasts of wind, and even a streak of highly pressurized water cut through the air. Claws, teeth, and tails thrashed slashed and bashed, adding blood and some amputated gore to the chaos above. Had Pyro and company attacked earlier, now with the full buzz of the force present and in serious mode, it was likely that they would have either died or destroyed the entire area in an attempt at survival.

The dragons that were coming to reinforce did not entirely expect to catch their enemy all but sleeping, but were also not expecting there to be just this many of them; because of the nature of the fight, it was hard to tell friend from foe in the flurry of the air, though a sensor could pick up on subtle differences in techniques that facilitated communication.

Back on the ground, most dragons that could fly were either already airborne or were just now getting there; those that could not fly tended to the wounded, helped to organize anti-air fire, or observed the unfolding situation for tactical reasons. Thinking that Eric and Jay were on their side, most of the dragons paid little mind to the fact that neither of them had immeidately hurled themselves into the fray.

Reibi was not among this crowd. In the Strategic Room, a map in the center of the room the most definitive landmark, the one dragon commander could be found by Jay pressing and sliding and enscribing on the far wall, which stood out for not being made of obsidian. In fact, the Strategy Room seemed to have some sort of earthen interior, with a floor of stone. Glowing rocks provided illumination above, and Reibi's chakra continuously went out in surges as he tried to both direct his forces through telepathy and what looked to be physically. There was also a particularly large set of scrolls stacked neatly in the far right corner (if one were looking with the entrance to his or her back) that looked important.

But for Jay, who by this point would have entered unopposed, the most important thing in the room was Reibi.

Reibi was a sensor, and knowing that Jay might would follow him, had already donned a chestplate, perhaps in the combative mood now. Being under attack, after all, had a tendency to do that.
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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #57 on: January 09, 2018, 11:30:32 PM »

It had been entirely too long for the young Nara to get back into such a primitive (In his mind) role of the past. While it was difficult to get back into the mindset of this point in time, it wasn't hard for him to do, since he had been so caught up in attempting to rid himself of the abilities of this current him. But, there was a certain thrill in it as well.

Thus, when he suddenly found himself following Reibi into the Strategic Room, it would seem as if he had been forced into his younger body... if only by half a year. He could immediately tell how handicapped he felt, but smirked as his intentions of the past crept back into his mind, along with the memories of what was transpiring. 'Ahh... of course. Well, Matatabi, lets get back to work.' He spoke to the feline inside him, ever the constant figure so far. [Sounds like a plan. Hopefully, Eric doesn't run into too much trouble getting Pyro.] Matatabi's words echoed in the man's mind, causing him to return to reality.

The Dragon Commander was busy with his job, but the young Nara still felt it necessary to proceed with stealth. His shadow stirred to life, merging with the other shadows, but ultimately blending in with the obsidian of the walls. His EMS studied the dragons as they moved about, having positioned himself into a location where he was hardly in their path. He had spied the scrolls, so he sent his shadow to collect them and send them into his personal little section in the Shadow Dimension for later. His hand would be pressed against the wall behind him, waiting for the attention to fall on him, knowing it wouldn't be long now. How many pieces of information would he be able to gather from the shadows? How much of his Explosive Chakra would go unnoticed in the wall behind him, masked by the large surge of chakra being thrown around in the Strategic Room? It wouldn't be long until things popped off, and if push came to shove, he would swallow the entirety of the scrolls in one go. He wanted Eric to have, at least, reigned in Pyro and proceed towards the exit, before his own situation grew hotter. All in all, he would remain quiet, watching, his red gaze glowing as his EMS spun in his pent up excitement.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #58 on: January 11, 2020, 04:04:53 PM »

[Apologies for the long long long delay in posting.]

Jay would be able to move his shadows into position with relative ease, for most of the dragons in the room seemed less concerned with him and more concerned with the battle raging on outside. Roars and shouts were hardly muffled by the location of the strategic room. Initial panic had begun to give way to organized resistance, and the different sides began to become more clearly defined as battle lines were drawn. Draco's forces, the aggressors here, had been forced to remain in the air above, with the ground fortifications and the raised dragon corpse of Ignitus, still covered in the earthen exterior, the focal point for most of the defending dragons under Reibi's command.

A circle of the defending dragons had gathered about the corpse, hissing out a chant in a tongue very different than before, their chakras flared and beginning to interact with the centerpiece. Natural energy was being funnelled towards it, and almost as if in response, the horns of the massive dragon also began to glow, the remainder of the skeleton becoming riddled with tendrils of chakra.

Back to the metaphorical Situation Room, these activities seemed to consume much of Reibi's attention, until he noticed the scrolls beginning to slip from their resting place and into Jay's shadow. They would not be taken immediately in this fashion, as standard space-time travel was limited in this area (see Reply 16. I didn't explicitly marker a point where it would be impossible to use space-time to leave so entering things into the pocket dimension is still reasonable), giving enough time for Reibi to spin towards Jay with a mixture of surprise and anger, wings flaring outward and chakra raging.

"What do you think you are doing?! Those scrolls contain information vital to to the defense of Mons! Release them at once!"

At this point the other dragons still in the Strategic Room (totaling about 7 excluding Reibi) would momentarily stop, their own alarm prompting them to pay more attention to Jay. For the first time their impression that Jay was on their side began to waver. Commander Reibi drawing attention to the fact that Jay was trying to make off with one of the scrolls factored in greatly to their wavering trust, in addition to this, by this point 2 of them (being chakra sensors) had also noticed explosive release chakra forming in the wall behind Jay.

The stunned but free from Pyro's clutches dragon's put two and two together in Eric's appearance and the worsened condition of its comrades.

"You are going to pay for that!"

As the words spilled from his mouth and his breath collected in preparation for releasing a stream of fire, Eric already had begun collecting chakra in his own body, mixing it with his special "sticky spit" and expelling it in the form of a bright, adhesive, and senjutsu-enhanced bullet of liquid fire. (Ryūkan: Nento Endan; Dragon Fire Release: Sticking Spit Fire Bullet)

When the burst of fire and the bullet of liquid fire clashed, the bullet of liquid fire would preveal, splattering all over the dragon and knocking the dragon off of its feet. While the dragon howled in surprise and some pain as it was literally on fire, Eric physically returned to a more human look, his sage mode inconveniently peetering out at this point. The side-effect of leaving sage mode, the tiredness that accompanied, disrupted Eric's maintaining of the walking on shadow technique, causing him to make true connection with the floor. His feet pierced by the sharp glass-like floor he had taken note of earlier, Eric howled in pain and reflexively jumped backwards, only to find that he was simply jumping onto more sharps.

Pyro slashed open the neck of the dragon he had managed to get into his claw; the other that had been bashed by his tail rolled along the ground away from Pyro, slightly cutting itself along the way back to its feet. Enraged at Pyro's mortal wounding of the other dragon, this dragon howled in anger and, for the time being ignoring Eric, lunged towards Pyro. Pyro might would have gotten in another tail strike, but the swiftly bleeding out dragon, in a final act, clamped its jaws in a death grip onto one of Pyro's arms, immobilizing him just enough to allow him to be pinned. As light began to fade from one dragon's eyes, another made a final lunge towards Pyro's neck, intending on retaliating in a fairly karmic fashion.

*Edit, Reibi doesn't have wings
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 11:58:41 AM by Eric »
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #59 on: January 14, 2020, 12:39:50 AM »

[That's quite alright, no worries.]

Jay continued to watch the reaction of the eight dragons in the Strategic Room. Part of him wanted to let loose and fight, but another part of him wanted to see if he could successfully finesse the situation into his favor. The wheels in his head continued to spin, but couldn't find a scenario that would allow him to.. Wait... A sudden thought clicked in his mind of a possible course of action and the progress of filling the room with his Explosive Chakra and siphoning the scrolls were each around 40%. He wouldn't finish at the pace he was going, so it seemed like the only course he could follow for what he had in mind.

"That's exactly why I'm doing it!" He yelled back to the Dragon Commander, keeping his hand on the wall to continue feeding it his Explosive Chakra. His EMS would sense the minute little details in the eyes of two of the dragons, making him aware of their added wariness. He wouldn't be wholly aware of their knowledge of his ExC, but he didn't dismiss that possibility. He thrust his free hand forward, as if to preemptively stop the dragons from acting before he could explain himself, 55% "What I mean is, this place is on the verge of being overrun with the enemy. This single room is bound to be targeted by the smarter dragons. Cut the head off the snake and the body will die, that's war 101." He wouldn't stop sinking the scrolls into his shadow, remembering that he wouldn't be able to FTG out because of the mass barrier. At least, not to his home, but maybe the marker he put on the big boi? He searched for that marker, though he was aware that it was a long shot and continued to speak in the meantime.

"Valuable information such as this needs to preserved and kept out of enemy hands. And if we were to get overrun, that would spell the end for us all." He had a feeling that he wouldn't be allowed to hit the 100% mark, so he decided to spread his chakra out in a fashion more akin to a spider web. If he designed it right, it would still be just as effective, perhaps even more so. As long as he spread it out he could blow it at 75%, just a minute or so would be all that he would need to gather most of it around Reibi's location. If his plans were set to fail, Matatabi, feed your chakra into the shadow to swallow up scrolls and I'll body flicker out. He made sure to tell his partner the plan to get out of this sticky situation.

If they stand behind you, give them Protection.
If they stand besides you, give them Respect.
If they stand against you, SHOW NO MERCY!
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