Roleplay > Village Square

Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]

<< < (2/14) > >>

Remained silent as he watched what was happening in front of him. He could feel the tension in the area, neither side really wanting to make the first move. Though, he'd see Pyro struggling with his shadow and he would pull it from around the mythical beast.

His eyes narrowed as they focused their surprise on Eric being named, his recognition being solely on his name in the contract. He could feel the Envious spirit inside of him bubbling in jealousy. He pushed it down to the best of his abilities, smirking as that meant that he was still mostly an unknown to them. If things did pop off, he'd fight for his life and do what he would need to do. Of course, as he thought of this, the barrier cut his connection off to the Manji Network, knowing that he wouldn't be able to teleport out of this. The golden hues of his Stealth Lenses continued to bounce from dragon to dragon. "Why exactly are you taking this dragon, Pyro, prisoner?" He knew that their arrival in their territory wasn't intentional, but since they were here, answers should at least be spoken. Was this even a different dimension or just a well secluded location in the realm? If so, they were stuck as long as the barrier was up. While he could break it, it'd have to be a precise strike, otherwise, he'd be swarmed.

"Pyro, explain," Eric growled, stabbing his sword into the ground. Jay could probably tell that the sword was not discharged of its chakra, suggesting that the gesture only gave the illusion of Eric lowering his defenses. The ash clung to his robes like dust to a ceiling fan, and his tight grip on his sword lessened.

"Yes Pyro, explain at once! You were supposed to come ALONE." One of the original captors growled, the same one who earlier had bopped his companion on the head. This same dragon would stink eye Jay before stating, "Prisoner, is a strong word. I suggest you be careful with your accusations-"

"However natural they may be," Eric retorted. After all, the only part of the story that they had so far seen was Pyro being carried off like some prize. What were they supposed to think?

Pyro heaved a mixture of a sigh and a growl in response to the various demands back and forth. "Listen, I am not a prisoner, and these two are, probably not here to interefere with your plans. Eric wants to see Rita-"

"You're damn straight I came to see Rita you desert bastard!" Eric released and gripped the hilt of his sword, as if barely restraining himself from exploding at this point. " Why didn't you tell me that Rita was pregnant? Why didn't you tell me that she has gone missing? Why didn't you-"

"Shut up Eric!" Pyro's roar shook the ground a little, a few scorch release flares emitting from around him as his chakra soared and Jay's released grip finally produced very visible results. "What do you think I am out here for? Sage's sake, Rita is a sage dragon, she has more responsibilities than being your caretaker."

"Caretaker? Caretaker?! Need I remind you who taught Rita shadow imitation? Need I remind you of our partnership these past 20 goddamn years?"

"Yeah, some partners you have guys have been for the past year and a half. You didn't summon her once even to check up on her-"

"I have already tried that numerous times, nothing!"

"And so what prompted you to finally come, huh?"

Eric scowled, uncharacteristically triggered by the general flow of the conversation. His usual composure greatly whittled, inhibition and the desire to not force himself and Jay to have to fight their way out of the dragon lands his motivations for not right now strangling Pyro until he listened to his entire rant.

"I have given Rita much freedom over the years. She told me that she was going to be away for a little while. That's fine, I can live with that. But a little while became a long while, summons and calls went unanswered, and I got caught up in the Nara Order and fighting that fourth Hokage again. Until Jay here told me that Rita had given him an egg, I was content to let Rita come home of her own accord as she normally does."

Silence, save for the occasional distant blast of a volcano. If the rocks had ears then they preened towards the conversation. As the back and forth continued, the dragons surrounding Jay and Eric seemed to grow increasingly less hostile, less tense.

Eric and Pyro just stared at each other, for a few minutes, before Pyro looked away in concession. "You have changed since joining The Akuatsiki all those years ago. Changed for the worse. Neala saw it, Rita saw it. And I'm beginning to see it now-"

Eric's facial expression only hardened at the statement that sounded to him like an accusation.

"- Still, as you know, Yumei and Rares have been missing for some time now, and you still have nothing on them as far as malice and cruelty go. No dragon sage nor sage dragon leads the dragons of Hell's Basin, plunging this land into a state of orderly chaos. Had the heat of this place been like that of the past, I imagine all that would be left of you would be melted flesh by now. This reduced heat has made this land more accessible to intrusion, and the native dragons see it as a sign of the endtimes.

Rita's father and my father-in-law, Draco, is here trying to re-establish some sort of hierarchy, but there is fierce resistance from some dragons claiming that Yumei will return and execute any and all traitorous dragons. Nonsense he believes, but they are fanatical in their belief, and hold a large part of the Basin under their fear mongering grip."

Eric's face softened, even if the sound of Draco being here was anything but music to his ears.

"He requested that Rita use the knowledge that she has acquired to put down what he sees as a rebellion against his authority; he wants to become the next dragon king-"

"Wants to be unchallenged as the current dragon king," Some dragon from the tower piped up, much to Pyro's irritation. It seemed most of the assembly had similar thoughts.

Pyro paused, in case there were any more thoughts to add, before continuing. Rita came and brought our brood with her, minus the one that Jay has. draco ordered me here as well, and after some correspondence with Ragnar over there-" Pyro would gesture towards the dragon that earlier had seemed to be in charge of the capture trio that had taken Pyro "prisoner" earlier. "I found my way here. If anything, I am a conscript, but I am not a prisoner."

Sometime in mid argument, the younger Nara began to space out, the Nekomata drawing him inside his mind. "Well this is gonna go on forever. So, while they're arguing, how about we explore around?" The twin-tailed ball of blue fire spoke while resting in a field of blue roses. The blue roses would surround her, shifting into pink after ten meters.

Jay looked up at her, his hands lifting up to rest on his hips, a sigh escaping his lips. "I don't think that'd be a good idea, considering we're completely surrounded. I mean, afterwards, probably..." Matatabi groaned from his response and closed her green eye, still looking at him with her yellow optic. "Well, in any case, this would be the perfect time for you to get your name on the contract, at the very least. Maybe, if things align right, you may even get another dragon or so... I mean, there's a lot more than previously believed, no?"

She made a lot of sense in that regards. And as he was thinking of a way to make this a reality, he heard a name, Yumei. That was a name he'd encountered in his research of the dragons of legend. "Which Hokage was he?" He asked aloud as he pulled himself from his mind to return to reality, just so he could listen more intently. [Fifth, I believe... they had a lot throughout the years.] He heard in his mind and nodded his head for a moment. 'It does suck that I can't become a Dragon/Phoenix Sage on top of what I already have.' [You think, that'd be like five. Speaking of which, you're gonna have to get off your molasses and do the transition already.] 'I know, it's just frustrating, more than anything... damn it, Matatabi, why'd you have to remind me about that? Now, I'm more frustrated than before.' [Hahaha, my bad.] Her voice faded from his mind around the time Pyro mentioned that he wasn't a real prisoner.

He pulled himself from his stance and slipping his fingers through his hair. "Alright, not a prisoner. You should have led with that." The Manji Commander shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, taking a few more steps towards Pyro, to pat him on his leg, shoulder, area part. "Alright, I have a feeling that Draco-sama wants an audience with me, considering I have his grandson... well, he's not with me physically..." He furrowed his brow, once again thinking about the sleeping dragon, somewhere in the Forest of Wonders.

He turned his attention towards Ragnar, since this dragon had been named and recognized as the one in charge of the initial trio of dragons. "Also, Rags, do you know of Riri's current position, for Eric?" The young Nara would step towards that dragon, stopping short of the stream of lava, lest his bare feet slip inside the liquid fire. [I don't think he's gonna like that you called him, Rags... too late to apologize now.] 'It's alright, it's better than Narbar.'

Eric looked around at the gathered assembly. He sighed, pulled his sword from the rocky-ashen ground, and sheathed his sword via the sheathe on his back. Towards Jay Eric would store in the back of his mind what could only be assumed was a self-denoted nickname for Rita. It was not one that Eric particularly liked, but he had larger issues to address right now.

Ragnar hissed angrily and snorted fire in Jay's general direction. "Have you lost your sense of respect? How dare you refer to me as 'Rags'! I can have you roasted in your own chakra if you insist on insulting us-"

"Pyro, what are the requirements for joining this, army that Draco has cooked up from the depths? Seems like the only way to find Rita." Eric walked towards Pyro, his earlier anger and hurt already brought back under wraps, though the spring in his step was still reminiscent of someone on edge.

"So it turned out to be a he huh..." Pyro trailed, hardly paying attention to the rest of Jay's statement. When Eric approached him he turned his attention towards his inquiry.  "Being a dragon would be a good start. And not being on the king's shitlist."

[Told you so.] Matatabi smugly echoed in the young Nara's ears. The man's golden hues only stared into the enraged orbs of the fire snorting dragon, unfazed and unafraid. 'Hmm, roasting in one's own chakra... sounds like a good technique to develop. Through Blood Release... perhaps have the target's blood boil from within. I think I'd need direct contact to establish the control. Turning their blood against them...' The man thought, a hint of excitement bubbling within him, wanting to test the waters of this proposed technique. "Guess that's a raincheck."

He turned his gaze away from Ragnar, landing on Pyro, feeling a bit less than he previously was. As he was having the stare down with Ragnar, his primal instincts were growing more and more. He could feel that bloodlust wanting him to go along with the chaotic encounter. Perhaps he still had a bit of the God of Chaos within him? Though, now, he was back to normal and the desire to cause havoc had died down. He knew what had happened, but he would keep it to himself, not even tell the elder Nara. "Sounds like convincing him is gonna be quite the hassle. Jay sighed softly and nodded his head. Alright, might as well get this over with."


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