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Author Topic: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]  (Read 32416 times)


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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #60 on: January 16, 2020, 01:14:36 PM »

Reibi's chakra would fluctuate as his attention was divided between what Jay was saying, what he was doing, and the overall battle. Sure, Jay had a point in that the information had to be protected, but Draco's forces were still relegated to the air while his forces had all the ground control. It was at this point that he would also take into account an apparent breach near where Pyro was being kept, having lost communication with some of the dragons left to guard him.

All of this summed up to the decision that Reibi would make next as the scrolls slipped from the current plane and into the shadows. His chakra flow very briefly stopped before resuming normal flow again; the forces outside had their orders and their chain of command. Right now, for Reibi, the greatest threat in the area was Jay.

Reibi shouted as an order,
"Drain him of his chakra and seize him! We cannot allow him to escape!"

While leaving the Limited Zone would be a task, Jay would have no trouble sensing his marker on the ever brightening corpse of the deceased dragon. His window for taking advantage of it without risk was dwindling though, as the ever convoluted signs of a jutsu began to take place, funneling all of the earlier chakra and technique formulae into the massive spire-like horns. The previous earthen cover around the horns would begin to crumble away, revealing a near blinding light that would temporairly blind and startle Draco's forces.

 No doubt still having his Mind's Eye active, Jay's familiarity with space-time ninjutsu (having employed two different but conceptually related ones) would suggest to him that Spyral Gate was the horns, and that whatever jutsu was required to trigger it had been, well, triggered.

In the meantime, the 7 other dragons in the Strategic Room had their orders; while by this point it would be too late to stop the shadow jutsu using their chakra consumption abilities [Reference reply #28 for the last time this ability was utilized], they would be able to deal with Jay's explosive release chakra. Just as the scorch release fireballs had been quickly extinguished by this move, so too would the webbing out tendrils of explosive release chakra; assuming Jay did not do anything, he would find his own strength begin to rapidly drain, though with Jay's likely sizeable chakra pool at this stage of his life it would take far more than a few moments (IE, more than 2 turns) for his chakra to be drained to the levels that Pyro had been drained to earlier. Not to mention there weren't as many dragons engaged in the technique this time.

However, the chakra consumption would limit his options for counterattack, as standard ninjutsu attacks would just have their chakra rapidly consumed.

Meanwhile, despite being in great pain, Eric noticed the other dragon going for Pyro. Eric once again utilized the walking on shadow tehcnique, but rather than on his own shadow, he instead used it on the conjoined shadow of Pyro and his dragon attackers, particularly areas of contact. After all, the shadow curse allowed Eric to manipulate the cursed shadows (a level of the curse was noted to have been on Pyro back in reply 22), and though there was a dragon on fire in the room, the close proximity of Pyro to his attackers mean it was highly likely that their shadows were connected at some point. While this wouldn't have much of an effect on the dying dragon's grip, it would keep the attacking dragon from piercing Pyro's skin with his teeth as the shadow would remain solid despite the great pressure.

It was a stopgat measure at best though; Eric restored the walking on shadow technique on his now bleeding feet as well. Still holding onto his sword, Eric had to take a moment to gather himself and focus on his next plan of action. After all, he had intended the walking on shadow technique to only be used on himself in a fashion akin to walking on water; the forceful and rather determined attempt by the other dragon to pierce Pyro added odd variables to the jutsu's maintenance. 

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #61 on: January 21, 2020, 08:24:08 AM »

The young Nara was more than grateful for the abilities of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, because he was able to use it's precognition ability to read the dragon's lips mere moments before he was finished. He wouldn't use that to his advantage by mimicking Reibi's words, but he would use it to prepare for the fight, setting his shadow to devour as many of the scrolls in one go before the lightshow.

Still with his hand on the wall, he would use his immense strength, Strongest Shield and sharp speed to set his attack into motion. As soon as Reibi was finished speaking, he was digging his fingers into the wall, ripped his hand from the stone wall in a wide swipe that would cover the entire area. As he did so, the rock burst from the wall and followed his hand in a screen of debris. In the midst of his arc, he would ignite the room in the boom, the swipe of his hand would angle the resulting explosion inwards, the majority of the attention being focused on Reibi. He was aware that it wasn't going to outright kill the dragons, but with their intentions being to drain his chakra, it would soften the blow to their senses.

Fortunately for him, he was closest to the threshold of the doorway, so he would us his speed to swiftly Body Flicker out of the room. He would eventually reappear in the midst of his previous location, the residue of his chakra tree still strong to his senses. [Find Eric and Pyro or eat Reibi to gain more knowledge of dragons and their lore? Choose?] Matatabi would bellow in his mind as he made his reappearance, already coursing her chakra through his being for the choice she knew he was aching to take.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #62 on: January 28, 2020, 06:11:00 AM »

The dragons would be able to deal with the explosive release chakra using their collective chakra absorption technique; as previously mentioned, counterattacking with standard ninjutsu would be rather limited due to the chakra absorption abilities of the dragons. This meant that Jay's attempt to wound/startle Reibi and the dragons would be unsuccessful as the chakra would be drained from the explosive release attack.

Reibi in particular paid notice to Jay's relatively impressive speed using the body flicker technique; knowing that he would require considerable reinforcement to sap Jay of enough chakra quickly enough to disable him that way, Reibi sent out a warning via chakra communication that Jay, and by extension his assistant Strythio, were enemies. Once done with this, Reibi would turn to the other dragons in the Strateg

"Of the strategic blunders that I have made today, failing to resecure this fort will not be one of them! Head to the prisoner's room and ensure that his companions do not escape. Remain on guard; he is extremely fast."

Meanwhile outside, Draco's forces had been completely driven towards the Spyral Gates. Between the horns, chakra was concentrated and stabilized into a large portal, with tendrils reaching out and grabbing Draco's forces by the 3's and pulling them in. The portal led to outside of the Zone, but Draco's forces defiantly attempted a breakthrough towards the ground. This would be halted in no small part by the physical presence of the larger Reibi force. Realizing that they had enemies in the camp, the army decided that dealing with Draco and his dragons had top priority; once done with them (2 turns) they could then turn their full attention to supporting Reibi.

They would not immediately notice Jay body flickering back out into the open.

Since Jay had appeared near the Spyral Gate, he would be capable of seeing the tide of the overarching battle turn against Draco's forces. As the Spyral Gate led to the outside world, Jay would probably be able to sense any space-time markers from outside of the realm as well.

Pyro could feel the deathly grip of his bleeding quarry begin to slip, just enough for him to forcefully wrestle himself free. Though it would leave a wide gash along his afflicted arm, now freed from that, Pyro could maneuver to attempt to restrain the other dragon, though he only succeeded at this point in moving his neck out of the killzone.

That was quite fine from Eric's perspective; no longer having to maintain the walking on shadow technique remotely, he could focus on putting an end to the engagement. Eric could also sense a temporary reconnection to the shadow seals back in the ninja world, a consequence of the Spyral Gate's opening. Funneling shadow imitation chakra to his sword, Eric leapt forward and stabbed downward, seemingly going for the last opposing dragon's body when in fact he aimed for his shadow in an attempt to bind him (Kagemane Shuriken no Jutsu; Shadow Imitation Shuriken Technique).

The dragon of course would not just sit there and allow itself to be attacked twice; seeing plainly that Pyro was now free, the dragon would sink its claws into Pyro's body and hurl him towards Eric. The dragon would then follow this up with a blast of its fire breath, by now having deduced that Eric had the ability to use shadows as a sort of physical defense against his attacks.
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #63 on: January 31, 2020, 06:42:31 AM »

The man was torn between the two options and could not come up with any decision on how to proceed. He absolutely wanted to do both, but knew that it would be quite a difficult task. We may have to.. His thoughts would be ultimately drawn towards the sensation of his plethora of FTG markers in the human world. The Limited Zone had developed a hole in it and he immediately knew this was the invitation to retreat from the world, lest he truly become stuck here.

He could sense, while he hadn't been noticed by the fighting dragons around him, as of yet, the explosion from earlier did not result in any casualties and was mostly being absorbed. He wanted that draconic power of absorption and tried to use his Mind's Eye to focus on the flow of chakra of the ability. Based on his ability of Pulse Shaping, he was finely attuned with the flow of chakra and how techniques were constructed through them. The anatomy of a dragon was much different from the standard humanoid's though, so it would take many trials to succeed in replicating the ability. Finding Eric and Pyro is a must right now. He told his partner and quickly located the Grandmaster's chakra signature, noting that it was just as 'in use' as his own. Pyro's was still barely a blip on his radar, making a mental note that he might get bit for allowing him to get captured.

He would act swiftly, vanishing from his spot once again. This time, he was in pursuit of Eric and Pyro. As long as the bridge between their worlds remained open, he would be able to get both of them home, already know exactly which location he wanted to escape to.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #64 on: February 15, 2020, 08:17:30 PM »

The dragon's counterattack was, a bit inconvenient to say the least. Now his sword was pointed at Pyro rather than at the opposing dragon. However, Pyro was relatively fire proof while Eric was not; knowing that he would strike Pyro first, Eric altered the chakra in his blade to alter his original plan by akwardly making the rat handseal with his sword still in hand; the sword, upon contact with Pyro's elongated shadow (thanks to the follow-up fire attack) would be sealed into Pyro's shadow instead of stabbing into him.

(Fūinjutsu: Kage Naraku Rō; Sealing Technique: Shadow Hell Prison)

Having no time at this point to perform any further handsigns, Eric would crash into Pyro, and though the breath would be knocked from Eric, the body of his dragon companion would be more than enough to shield him from the flames. Still it was a 20 foot dragon, and what goes up must come down, and if Pyro were to land on the glass ground below with Eric beneath him, then fire or no fire Eric would be toast.

Pyro, now definitely having been freed from all of his previous bonds by the throw of the dragon, saw an opportunity for the duo to escape. Timing his aerial doozy so that he would right himself, Pyro outstretched his wings and used his foward momentum to kill two birds with one stone; he would "catch" Eric with his chest and arms while making a mad glide towards the exit. Luckily for Eric, Pyro was not interested in simply crashing into the ground and flattening him. Running more off of adrenaline than willpower at this point, Pyro closed his wings and rolled into a bowl, landing at the entrance of the tunnel and physically barreling through the tunnel. To Jay and anyone who might be in the trenches headed in that direction, Pyro would resemble a giant slightly warped bowling ball quickly moving through the lane that was the tunnel, with Eric semi-safely wrapped in the center. The speed at which he moved would make him a flattening hazard for anyone human-size, though for larger beings like dragons it could still very well knock them aside.

Indeed, shortly after Reibi had given the orders, the dragons from the Strategic Room had begun making thier move towards the prison area. However, rather than having to go all the way to the dungeon, the prison came rolling towards them. Knowing that Pyro was fireproof and that he would still have been largely drained from his earliest encounter with them, the dragons confidently charged towards him, intent on stopping him from rolling, physically restrain him, and then torch the human-like companion to Jay within the dragon ball.

Draco's forces would have dwindled considerably at this point, the few who remained being thrown into the Spyral Gate like trash bags blown by a strong gust (1 turn till these dragons are intervention capable).
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2020, 07:52:54 AM »

Wouldn't have to travel for long, and once he spotted a ball of rolling fire, his senses would tell him that it would be Pyro and Eric seemed to be inside as well. With the amount of chakra in the flames, sensing Eric inside was just a tad chore, but it was successful by the time the younger Nara had to go to work.

Blue aura surrounded him and as Matatabi's chakra infused with his, he extended a flush of chakra arms out to catch and safely stop the flaming Pyro, while seemingly smothering the flames inside. He had to act quickly as he was now face to face with the flameproof dragon ball and surrounded by many others out for their delicious blood. "See ya, Losers!!" He would comically goad as the trio would vanish in a flash of light, leaving the flaming realm behind while the portal remained open.

The location of the barrier could be up to speculation, but the reappearance of the fleeing trio would be in an nearly empty field, where their reappearance would result in the near destruction of the tree the marker was placed on. Jay powered down moments later and looked around at his old 'neighborhood' The area that previously held his home looked devoid of life and the small river that acted as his pool still looked the same though. Lightning Country, his home country, definitely held a beauty to him that would never change. "That feels better, I'm definitely gonna wanna go back there when I'm properly prepared though." He would smile brightly as he would make space between him and the dragon, so that he could unfurl and also prepare himself for Pyro to lash out at him.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #66 on: February 26, 2020, 05:38:02 AM »

In a flash of light their quarries vanished all at once. The dragons were, initially at least, perplexed by this turn in events. After a brief search of the vicinity, they concluded that it was not shunshin, but rather, a space-time ninjutsu that had allowed their targets to escape. By this point Draco's forces would have been completely expelled.

Reibi half-scowled as he sensed the escape of his quarry's. Taking a mental note to be more careful next time, Reibi paced about the Strategic Room in thought. The scrolls that Jay had taken, if they were to get into Draco's possession, the next stage of their operation would become quite complicated. Assuming that their quarries would shortly turn the scrolls over to Draco, Reibi sent out a pulse of chakra and a signal to the other dragons.

They needed to move their timeline for attack up. Operation Crowne Jewel would need to commence without further delay...


"What's this?" Pyro felt a cool chill all around him as they went from Hell's Basin to their final destination very quickly. Pyro unfurled and rolled, allowing Eric to drop to the ground and himself to go onto his feet, albeit, somewhat shakily. Still on high alert, he did a brief scan of the area until he noticed that, save for Jay and Eric, he was alone.

And no longer in Hell's Basin.
"Where are we? Why are we here? We need to go back now!" Despite his shout, Pyro did not have much fight left in him, as any chakra sensor would be able to tell by this point.

Eric landed on the ground with a slight thud, groaning as he attempted to come to his knees, only to plop down to the ground. The reassuring presence of not being surrounded by dragon shadows allowed him to sigh in relief and exasperation. He then looked up to see Jay standing some distance away, from Eric's perspective, likely to avoid getting inadvertently rolled onto by Pyro.

"Thanks Jay. Was starting to think that maybe we should have just fought those dragons while we were all at full strength."

Pyro's eyes snapped to Eric. "You!"Then they snapped towards Jay. "And you too! You two not only interfered with my mission and handed me over to the enemy, you almost got me killed! I have to get back NOW!"

Eric shot to his feet, still aching mind you from his earlier feats, and visibly grimaced. "Go back for what? We are in no shape to fight; besides, even if we did want to go back, we would probably be attacked on sight this time. Besides, Jay spent some time with the enemy, I"m sure he learned a thing or two that might satisfy 'King Draco'."

Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.


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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #67 on: February 28, 2020, 12:44:50 AM »

Jay was rather pleased with himself about predicting Pyro's anger and he greatly understood it as it was completely justified. Though, that could have very well been his fault as well, not informing the duo of Nara about what that mission was in the first place. He was about to retort on that matter when Eric shot back with the point that he hadn't even thought about. It made sense, they were definitely on the Wanted List and only them getting stronger would make it possible for them to overcome such a large mob of intelligent dragons.

Again, the young Nara was pressed to make his response when he realized something. It was faint, immensely so, but he was still able to sense that particular marker he placed on the earthen cocoon that housed the ancient dragon. He let his chakra flare, activating his Corrupted Sage Mode and leaped into the air, away from the others. His demonic aura was stifling to the Sage Dragon and uncomfortable to the elder Nara as he left the Natural Energy around them diseased for the time being. Jay acted quickly and with an outstretch of his hands, palms outwards, he let out a guttural roar as he proceeded to call upon the large coffin of dragon remains to him, every single piece that was connected to the chakra he'd inadvertently left behind.

With the large amount of chakra he was he offering towards the recall, it would be surprising if his plan failed. Of course, even if the Gate would then be in the process of closing, considering their was no explanation of why it ripped open in the first place. So, Jay was immensely banking on it remaining open for just that split second so that he could be successful in his endeavor. If he was successful, the large coffin would appear in the clearing with a thunderous boom, destroying an unprecedented amount of the landscape with its larger than life structure. Its appearance would vanish almost nearly as quickly as it would appear, because in the very next instance, Jay planned to seal the structure in one of his many tattoos that were lining his fingers. If he was successful, not only would his chakra be drained because of how large the remains were, but because he was high in the air, he would proceed to fall down and crash onto the ground which would knock him out of Sage Mode and leave him drained from his activities.

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Re: Burdens of the Sage [ Eric and Jay RP]
« Reply #68 on: March 28, 2020, 07:46:05 PM »

As Draco's forces had been fully expelled and the dragons' enemies would have been Eric, Jay, and Pyro, Jay had timed it fairly well in recalling his tagged treasure from earlier, as the Gate would begin closing shortly after their departure.  However, said closure would be interrupted by the hiraishin disappearance of the entire earthen coffin. Though no one possessed such sight on that side of things, one with the sharingan would speculate that the entire thing had been sucked into its own horns (paradoxal considering they were inside the coffin that Jay had made earlier, but for continuity sake, let's make the point that the gate itself manifested partially outside of the coffin).

The disappearance of the corpse startled all of the dragons into stunned silence. Even Reibi was at a loss of communication, whether telepathic or verbal, upon sensing what had occured.

Meanwhile on the other side, in the ninja world:

Jay's sudden move towards the sky confused both Eric and Pyro, the latter of whom had not exactly came down off of his anger as of yet. When the large corpse appeared in the landscape, it can be assumed that Jay's movement away from Eric and Pyro had been intended to make sure the crushed landscape did not include them. The appearance of the corpse caused Eric to temporarily re-enter fight-or-flight mode, only for it to vanish again. By this point he picked up on the disturbance of the surrounding natural energy.

 Seeing Jay drop towards the ground, the Nara connected the disturbance with the appearance of the corpse and its subsequent disappearance. Summoning air and wind style chakra about his person, Eric created a sizeable collection of Futon and air that he then re-shaped into a large claw of wind, reaching out with its Futon palm to slow Jay's descent to the ground until he more gently hit the ground.

Jūha Reppū Shō no Yoroi; Beast Tearing Gale Palm Armor

As his standard beast tearing gale palm would not have had the range to catch Jay in a timely fashion to slow his descent, Eric had relied on creating the armor version and extending the range with the increased volume (after all, he didn't need much of that extra for defense at the time being). Assuming Jay did not resist or anything of the sort, Jay's landing would resemble a thud more than a crash, though he would likely still be knocked out of sage mode from his exertions.

Much like his dragon counterparts, Pyro was initially stunned at Jay's feat and thievery; his anger shifted into urgency, hardly waiting for the younger Nara to reach the ground before exclaiming, "Wherever you put the Spyral Gate, you must hand it over to Draco at once!"

Pyro, though still quite drained, finally shifted to weary excitement as he walked up towards Jay who, by this point, would have been dropped off to the ground by Eric's technique (assuming Jay went along for the whole ride down). "Yes, Draco will be quite pleased with this..."
Anything you can think of I can't think of, let me know; that's how the sharing circle works.
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