Casual > Spam

See You Space Cowboy

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Thread just to say I'm leaving. Gonna be graduating college soon and it's time to get my life fully on track and deal with my various issues/future. SL has been a nice home to me and I never would have imagined the bonds or community I found here. This place has provided comfort for the past seven years, but it's time to go. So my council seat is open, and this is my heads up. Sorry for bailing early and not saying my goodbyes in a more personal space.

Love ya Ben, you got me into roleplaying on this site and our relationship has always been great. Gonna miss ya pops. Obviously your name goes first.

I know we didn't end well, but I hold no grudges. Had a great time over the years, wish ya the best.

@ Genny
You'll always be my favorite little noob that turned into an active and wonderful roleplayer. Sorry for not doing the rp I promised

I feel like we could have been closer, but I've always had fun in our fights and I looked forward to your lengthy forum post even if no one else did. Stay golden

Been nice chatting you up these past few months and slingshotting ideas. You're really nice, wish we had more time.

The best second in command anyone could ever ask for. All the success Oto had would be nothing without you. You're also the easiest person to talk to since ya don't take this game seriously.

*ruffles hair*  you're one of the good ones and I'm glad I met you

You da man

@Yujo (If still around)
My favorite temperament to try and calm. Just as stubborn as me and just the way I like it

Didn't get to really know you, bust you always were pleasant when we did talk. Keep up the good work homie

I never once had a problem with you, so you'll always be the perfect camel to me

Thanks for doing my avys, teaching me how to properly rp by example, and being a listening ear if I needed it.

@Kay (if ever back)
Thanks for being kind and pulling me out of fighting rp's every once in awhile.

One of my favorite people on SL. Thanks for showing me not all Kiri people suck (I kid)

Thanks for also helping me with my avy and for guiding me so many years ago that ya might not even remember!

@everyone/ the numerous people I've forgotten:
Thanks for making SL the place it is. I hope everyone find what they are looking for in life.

See ya guys, it's been fun. >>

Raifudo Oppa:
We didn't talk much, man. From what little we interacted, I enjoyed. Take care of yourself, please. We're all proud of your hard work and we hope you remember your time here, always, fondly.

If this is April fools: omfg.

Would be mad if it was, but case it ain't, take care dood.

Those first few years back in Oto when we were all noobs together were some of the best times on this site. You're also the only person who I think uses >> more than me.

Take care Trev, I'll be sure to hit you up at least a few times outside of SL to see how things are going. <3

You're the man Trev, I will miss you, hope everything treats you well from here on out. You'll be missed for sure but here's hoping your escape from SL is a successful one!


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