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Author Topic: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1  (Read 7056 times)

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2017, 03:31:56 PM »

Eating the force of the shock wave of his own move, sent Ray flying, considering the power behind such an explosion, it broke nearly every bone in his body, but the destruction of his body didn't end there. With each hit, his organs bent and twisted, blood spurting and sloshing, looking for an exit from the roller coaster of a ride that was happening. Any normal human would have died upon the initial shock wave, but not Ray. Jashin seemed to like his love thus he wouldn't die from something like this. Being immortal with the Body Revival Technique almost seems like hacks. As Ray hit the earth and bounced, going through a few houses as well, a contorted grin formed on his face as well as a look of pure ecstasy and bliss. You see due to torture methods and having died before, the Shinigami granted him a small parting gift, ad that was the ability to enjoy pain like this to such an extent it is almost orgasmic in a sense for him. Blood flows from his mouth, as he opens it to release what had built due to damages. While he did enjoy the pain, he also knew he needed to heal, and the current form of his Body Revival Technique was a little too slow. As Ray thinks, mid-air before slamming into the final piece of debris, the second floor of a two story building, Hiru speaks to him in a whisper that had the effect to send someone's blood running cold.

"Show him the power I so greatly gave you imbecile!"

That was all he needed. Standing, even as one of his legs were spun around in the wrong direction several times over, Dark chakra formed around his being sticking to his skin. In a sort of compression fashion, the dark chakra quickly removed itself from Ray's skin, revealing a new him. This would heal his major wounds, like broken bones and lacerations and the organs that got rearranged in the blast in 3 seconds. Seeing as how Ray is in a second story building, The Makuton cage needed to travel through the building to bind him, since the came from the ground, and Ray is nearly caught, however before it could fully ensnare him in the cage to be ridiculed like a monkey, he'd use the FTG technique back to his sword, which is located 75 meters from Rusaku's location.

Now that Ray was out in the open the changes to his body could be seen more clearly by Rusaku. First his physique. The Body Revival Technique when activated, makes the user double in size due to the muscles expanding and becoming a more solid mass, however in Ray's new form the compression act made them smaller in size, bringing him back to his original size, however his power is now a bit greater than before. This goes for all his physical stats, and that includes his healing (boosted by 1.5x that of the normal Body Revival Technique). Next in changes externally would be his hair color, and eye color. His previously brown locks, now are a pure white, while his EMS was still there only the pupil remained red, the rest of his eyes turned into a tar black looking substances, with small vein looking red stripes that spread around his eyes. Lastly he now has four tails. Each tail was spiky, similar to something like a pangolin's armor, and a deep blood red and purple Almost resembling the zero tails in color.

Facing Rusakus's position, he'd grab his sword and unsheathe it as the thunder cracks through the air like the Earth itself was to split apart in any second. The sword, sucked a tad bit of Ray's chakra, and changed it's size, becoming longer. Being that it could act like Samehada, Ray wanted to wait to use it, as well as the fact the metals used to create it meant it produced radiation as well. Hence why the scabbard that held the swords blade was made of lead. He really needed to thank the Otokage for making such a beautiful beast. Ray didn't move from his position, He just healed being back to perfect condition after five seconds of using the zero tails chakra mode. The once sadistic grin reverted back to that of a blank expression. In fact all his expressions would be blank from here on out. This is also due to the zero tails chakra mode, as a requirement to activate it, you relinquish a bit of you emotions and sanity. Such is the price of power.
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2017, 09:05:54 PM »

Rusaku’s eyes adjusted to the light they had been exposed too just as Ray was undergoing the healing process, a knot forming in his stomach as the Byakugan registered all of the most intimate details of his flesh, bones and organs twisting and ripping back into place. The sorrow he felt in seeing his friend this way was almost unbearable. Even his blank expression as the Zero-Tails tightened it’s nefarious grip over his sanity, diluting Ray’s rationality with promise of power was almost enough to push him to tears. Releasing a shaky breath, Rusaku attempted to ease his stomach before standing from his knelt position, still within the confines of the shelter. “Fine then!” He finally snapped, knuckles white as he clehnched his fists angrily, “If power is what you wanted to see, then I can show you the level you could have reached if you stuck by my side!”

If Ray still had a visual on the Dome, he would be able to witness a curious phenomenon. From it’s seams, a dark purple chakra began to seep forth and circle it’s perimeter, the wisps of chakra appeared like flames that gently kissed the mokuton’s surface. The steady flow of energy was accompanied with intense feelings of killing intent, more than Ray had ever felt come from his sensei.

A surge of gravity caused the Mokuton shelter to explode outwards into hundreds of splinters that scattered across the general area, revealing the Otsutsuki now garbed in a new form. His body was coated in a layer of Cyan chakra which shaped itself according to Rusaku’s outfit. His long, shaggy hair and clothes alike flowed upwards as if caught within a draft as the chakra flickered like an open fire. Finally, two distinct horns sprouted from his forehead. Through the Tenseigan’s power of flight, Rusaku gracefully floated upwards into the sky, stopping 30 meters up in order to get a clear view of his opponent. “Ray!” He called out once more, “I am merciful, so if you come back with me your crimes will be forgiven and that beast will be dealt with. If not?” He held his arms out to his sides, with palms pointed skyward, “I will send you to the afterlife kicking and screaming.” Rusaku’s heart hurt even as he uttered those words, but he was afraid his student was past the point of no return.

As the two conversed, lightning arced across the sky, illuminating the battlefield. The scars of land were much more prevalent from up here, as the town that once stood around them was gone; lost to Ray’s previous explosion and even from the fight prior. Things needed to end soon before there was too much collateral damage. It was almost time.
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-Jeffrey dahmer

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2017, 03:23:21 AM »

Ray's expression remained unchanged as he listened to Rusaku speak, and then change form. From there a curious thing happened. Ray smiled, one that looked so pleasant you would have never have guessed that his sanity disappeared, but perhaps not to any surprise that the smile twisted into something out of a nightmare.

Taking the sword, he'd stab it into the ground as Rusaku's rises in the sky, before Ray spoke, a mixture of both himself and Hiru speaking together.
"Crimes? Which do you mean I've killed plenty so you'll have to refresh my memory~ Do you speak of the small settlement outside Uzu? or the Father and daughter that was having a picnic outside Iwa? Or perhaps you mean the entire church I torched hm? A giggle erupts from the man's inner self that could send someones blood curdling. After which his face would change back to his normal expression.

"Mercy huh, I'm afraid not. You know I did want power, my reasoning before might have been stupid. You knew my inferiority complex towards Jay and others. I tried so hard yet fall so short, and when I feel deeper I looked for a hand, and hand from the people I consider family.
 You, Athos, Jay, Tobi, yet the hand I was extended couldn't pull me out then I found Hiru. He helped me! He gave me power for something as little as my sanity. You can't tell me you wouldn't want power like this!"

To show a point, Ray pointed his right index finger at the bottom of his jaw, and mimicking a gun, used his thumb to "fire" and in doing so, used a small bit of bakuton to blow off his lower jaw. The pain surged as bone was now exposed to the air, but you would never be able to tell it hurt through Ray's expressions. His eyes showed glee and pleasure in them, as his new form completely rebuilt his lower jaw in half a second. From bones to tendons to muscle, it was all rebuilt and fully functioning. "This! This right here is power! Could you have given me this huh!"
Ray screamed towards Rusaku, before a pained expression replaced the current one, the Reibei letting them loose one bit at a time.
"All I wanted was to be equal you know. But it's no longer possible. Even if Hiru is taken, I'll still probably be this way, there is no hope huh." Ray just seemed to ramble on, going from speaking to Rusaku to himself, to whomever. From here, Hiru locked away his emotions and a plain expression took root on his face once again. Grabbing the sword, he'd swing it loose from the ground, throwing rocks about the battlefield. Indeed this show was now coming to an end, however would this ending really be a good one?

Using the tails on his person, the spikes faced towards the floating man, before letting loose over a hundred (125) needle like objects, at a high speed. These needles were small explosions, which by themselves would only bring down a wall, however the way Ray intended to use them would make them more dangerous. The first would explode within 25 meters of Rusaku, and when that would detonate, it'd set off a daisy chain of explosions, all occurring within half a second of each other, creating a larger explosion, that if Rusaku decided to take all the damage from, would reduced him to a splattered mess of blood and organs, however, that was not Ray's actual intention for their use, rather they were meant to be a decoy. The real attack would come in the form of smoke. Opening his mouth, Ray'd spew out thick black smoke, almost like that of tar, covering the area around him in a sea of smoke. This wasn't meant to hide Ray, though it could, but seeing as Rusaku has byakugan it would seem redundant. However in the black smoke were traces of blue vapor, that would reach higher heights and dissipate into the air.

The blue vapor, through the act of diffusion, would reach Rusaku's height in a matter of seconds, seeing as diffusion does take some time, however, due to the minuscule chakra residue, even Rusaku would have trouble finding the vapor. This vapor was a verve agent, that when inhaled would paralyze him seconds within inhalation. Attacking the nerves and destroying them, the vapor would eat the nerves in his body until he had none left and could no longer send signals to his brain and reverse. Being that this smoke was different than the Iburi KG, wind and fire would make it grow in strength and size, vapor included. Though Rusaku wouldn't know this unless he tried it out.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 03:26:15 AM by Iburi Ray »
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."


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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2017, 04:43:58 AM »

Rusaku’s expression hardened as he witnessed Ray’s display of “power”. Though what did not go unnoticed were bits and pieces of the real Ray, hidden away beneath the veil of insanity. Somewhere, deep down in that twisted brain of his, was a boy seeking recognition. A wave of guilt washed over him, for this was not the first time he had heard of the extent some are willing to go just to be equal to the legends of this land. He looked down at his own hands, troubled by the example he has set. Ashamed of the part his own quest for power has played in corrupting the generations that looked to him and others for guidance. “No Ray...I don’t believe I could have given you that power...but there is something so much more important than techniques that you are so willingly giving up. A family...a regular life...a chance at a future worth fighting for.” Rusaku waved his hand out before him passionately, prepared to continue his desperate plea to a friend, but he noticed Ray’s expression fade as the beast took hold once again. “You vile monster,” He growled, “maybe I’ll lock you away on the moon as a battery for a few thousand years while you think about what you’ve done to my friend!.”

Reaching upward, Rusaku allowed a bolt of Onyx colored raiton to fire high into the clouds from his palm, manipulating an attack he has been preparing for some time now. Moulding the archaic energies that reside in the clouds above, Rusaku crafted a leviathan level dragon composed entirely of Natural Lightning. The beast released an earth shattering roar as Rusaku brought his hands downward, causing the dragon to strike at ray, reaching the earth in 1/1000 of a second. (For reference, the blink of an eye lasts about 400x longer)

The timing of this attack was set to intercept Ray’s projectiles and stop him from producing his Smog technique. The subsequent explosion from the dragon’s impact is enough to obliterate a mountain's peak, hopefully leaving nothing left for Ray to even regenerate.

Though, seeing what he has survived up to this point, Rusaku was not about to take it easy. Forming a technique specific seal, Rusaku produced two Kage bunshin on either side of his person, each garnishing the techniques Rusaku already had activated. Using speeds on par with the Nine Tails Chakra Mode, the two clones flew through the air like tracer rounds, repositioning themselves on opposing sides of where Ray was at the time of the Kirin attack, which was now more than likely a massive, steaming crater.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2017, 11:47:40 AM »

Thanks to having EMS active, Ray's see Rusaku's hand movement before he'd finish completing it. Ray would change plans when he saw this, as now he knew what was coming. Ditching the bakuton needles, Ray's instead would take the sword, and in a single motion released fuuton chakra, which travled through the blade as Ray swung it up. Having used every strength he could muster, the power and speed of the air blade, which is where the fuuton would come into play making it sharper and larger than on its own. The air blade aimed for the clouds in the sky, easily dispersing it, though Ray wouldn't be able to stop the force of Kirin though instead of the full power intended, due to fuuton being the counter to Raiton, it would perhaps lose about 1/4 of the power it was destined to have.

As he swung the blade, he still released the tar black smoke and blue vapor (effects the same as stated before). As he continued spewing the smoke, he is hit with the Kirin. Burnt flesh fills the air, his skin charred black and smoldering he would still live. Almost like an outershell the destroyed skin peeled right off like a shedding, however there would be a new addition to the scars on his body, a large one arcing across his back. He could have healed it, but he wanted it to be a reminder to the battle fought.

As the Kirin hit the area. It would scatter and heat up the smoke, not destroying it due to the winds produced by the shockwave and generated heat. The moment the jutsu hit, all the deadly vapor and smoke spread in an omnidirectional way across a span of 150 meters, Kirin being the diffusion catalyst that would help him. When the clones would enter the area, they'd expose themselves. Being how far thin the smoke would be spread, even Rusaku with his byakugan would have to a hard time spotting the smoke particles. When the clones entered the area, they'd become paralyzed, losing all function of their body, even Rusaku would be exposed as well feeling the paralysis take hold the moment he refused to move. The smoke would enter any orifice granted, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, all was far game, and Rusaku having never seen this wouldn't know otherwise. The second part came from the regular black smoke particles, still embedded with Ray's chakra. Using a single glance, the smoke particles became skewers destroying the organs of the clones as thousands of the smoke particles become needles in each clone. This would be more than enough to kill them. Rusaku's case was different. The smoke needles, which he would be subject to as well, skewered most if the vital points in his body to keep him from moving in any way. His answer depends whether he lives or suffers the same fate as his clones.

"I shall extend to you a deal," Hiru had taken momentary control over Ray.
"Let me stay in this body, in return I'll return him to how he was and you shall continue guidance over him.  This host has been quite amusing. You want a second chance right? Your friend back? I'll return to him most his sanity as well. If you reject I kill you here and continue to erode his mind all I'll do it one go too, by having him in control when he kills you." Should the man reject the offer extended, Ray would snap his finger, and Rusaku's insides would become nothing but skewered meat. Should Rusaku agree, Ray would wait until Rusaku had fully gave up before releasing him from the smoke that invaded his body.
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2017, 02:03:40 AM »

The sight of the clones losing their ability to move upon entering Ray’s vicinity gave him insight on what exactly was going to happen. Being Ray’s teacher, Rusaku was more than familiar with his repertoire of unique abilities. One such ability was more notable than others due to his namesake; Iburi. Smoke was a common tool used in the arsenals of that clan, which resulted in a trend of techniques that revolved around forcing smoke into a person's body. Similarly to how he had countered the sound based attack from before, Rusaku allowed a thin layer of vegetation to begin growing within his body in the form of fungus. The fungus grew along the walls of his organs and various orifices, which would absorb any smoke that attempted to force it’s way into his body. Though this would not save the clones, who were dispersed, transferring the confirmation to Rusaku’s hypothesis on the smoke based attack. Despite his aversion to Ray’s binding attempt, he still listened to the beasts proposal.

Rusaku’s brow arched, his anger now replaced with curiosity. He assumed the beast wouldn’t be bargaining unless it knew that Ray was reaching his limit, but even if that were the case this presented a far more interesting opportunity. If he monitors Ray, he can develop a way to remove that beast later, without having to kill him. All while Ray gets progressively stronger from training with it. They were going to have to work on Ray’s impending mental breakdown at the hands of the Reibi’s influence, but they could burn that bridge when they got to it.

Calling out to Hiru, Rusaku’s voice echoed confidently as he folded his arms over his chest, “An amusing host is worth taking a backseat to a human? Seems farfetched coming from a trickster such as yourself. How am I supposed to believe that you won’t just wait until my back is turned and try to take my life? Or run away in the dead of night in attempts to escape me?”
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Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2017, 05:55:34 AM »

It was true that Ray was reaching a limit though of a different kind. Ray may have mastered Hiru, but the form he was currently in was still hard to maintain without giving in and completely becoming a monster. True this may seem uncharacteristic of Hiru, a spirit of pure malevolence, but the beast couldn't deny that he felt a little different of these humans. They may be a source of food, but they are rather interesting and having experienced life through Ray, one of Uzu's loyalest shinobi, he felt compelled to bring power to this young man.
Because as this host grows more powerful and so do I. The symbiosis we share has proved great for me as well plus,
Scratching the back of his head, When I am done here, I wanna be done for good. So I am gonna make him stick me somewhere away from humans. Who knows, maybe he'll do so well I just may stick to him till he dies and be done then. Either way my deal, do you take it?"
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2017, 02:56:17 AM »

Rusaku smirked and utilized the shunshin technique to appear before Ray as if he had just used Flying Raijin. Folding one hand behind his back while focusing on the dirt that had accumulated under the nails of the other, he addressed Hiru’s offer, “Ok monster, I’ll entertain your bargain but I’ll leave you with this: If you step out of line, I will fire you off into space and no one will ever have to deal with your burden ever again. Now get out of my sight. Put Ray back in the driver seat before I change my mind.”
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Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2017, 07:07:34 AM »

The zero tails laughed a bit "Glad you could come to agreement, and I'll keep your...request in mind. With that I bid you adue."
With that the zero tails relinquished his control back to Ray, while also deactivating the chakra mode. Ray would barely regain his composure before the Reibei returned what he had kept from Ray, his sanity and memories attached to that morality he's lost causing some form of sensory overload. The pain brought with that, caused him to grit his teeth to endure the pain, lasting only a few seconds before he looked to Rusaku.
"So what happened? Last I remember was an explosion and talking briefly. Afterwords is a blur."
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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2017, 04:14:38 PM »

His mood took an immediate shift to relief, glad to see his friend again. The chakra shroud dissipated, but the Tenseigan remained present in his eyes. “Don’t worry about that, I’m just glad it’s over.” Suddenly the youth winced, massaging his shoulder while rotating his arm to alleviate tension, “You really pack a punch, man! You’re really a no holds barred kinda guy, aren't you?” He groaned, obviously teasing, and relieved that the fighting portion was over and done with for now. “Let’s get outta here, I’ve got a really overpowered fungal infection on my organs now, and I really need to get it cleaned up.” He laughed triumphantly, and began to walk out of the wreckage with his hands behind his head, with no intentions of taking responsibility for all the collateral damage on this township. Ahh, the life of a Weeaboo.

(Exit: Ray retains the Zero Tails! Hope everyone enjoyed the read. I sure did.)
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer

Iburi Ray

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Re: Fight for the Zero Tails, Student vs. Teacher Part 1
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2017, 09:46:13 PM »

Ray smiled seeing Rusaku loosen up. In truth he remembered up until Hiru took control but no matter. The memories of past deeds flooded his brain in droves.
"Think of it as respect. I Wouldn't hold back against someone I believe couldn't handle it." Ray spoke with a grin. He too walked in stride with Rusaku, though he kept his hands in his pockets.
"You know I told you to stop eating things off the ground right?" Ray teased as he let out a chuckle. He relished in this small moment of peace in a time filled with much hate, himself included. Ray paid no mind to the destroyed town as it was simply the cost of being the location for the weebeest of showdowns.

(Fight was fun! Best I've ever done! Hope y'all enjoyed it.)
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

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