Roleplay > Village Square

What do you think of players who 'claim' things?

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I mean this in regards to players who might claim to have something that's 'official' but owned by someone else. Like, some new player who claims to have a certain item or bijuu. Personally, to facilitate RP, I just play with them as if they have it. :) From my experience, they most likely won't hang around for too long anyway. So I'm more concerned about making their stay as fun as I can. So what do you guys do?

Raifudo Oppa:
[Back when I used to RP]

If I came across individuals who did claim something currently claimed, I'd send them a message and tell them there was an "official owner" of said thing. They were welcome to continue playing with said item/ability/claim/etc., but they are subject to have any sort of RP they want to add to our universe voided as it contradicts things. I then would encourage any custom ideas and thinking outside the box to make their character more unique.


--- Quote from: Raifudo Oppa on April 29, 2017, 01:25:50 AM ---[Back when I used to RP]

If I came across individuals who did claim something currently claimed, I'd send them a message and tell them there was an "official owner" of said thing. They were welcome to continue playing with said item/ability/claim/etc., but they are subject to have any sort of RP they want to add to our universe voided as it contradicts things. I then would encourage any custom ideas and thinking outside the box to make their character more unique.

--- End quote ---

I'd say Raifudo's way of going about it would be the model way to do things. Politely tell the person there is an 'official' claim to it already & remind them that if they were to role-play with others who support the 'official' claim, their own might be requested to be voided during that particular role-play as not to deal with contradicting information.

I think the claims list is a necessary evil. It sucks that we have to police the cool and intriguing things, which makes it difficult for less experienced role players to get them, but at the same time if we did not at least monitor them there would be even bigger issues. I agree with Rai and Tomi that we need to politely inform people that there are in fact rules to follow on this site, and how they can gain access to the necessary information for them to peruse that item. Though if someone is willing to RP with that person despite not being the sites "Official owner" then more power to them. We cannot tell you what you can and cannot do on SL, but it's not hard to see why we need a system.     

Having your claim make the official list is basically the easiest way to have your RP claims acknowledged by everyone. Without it, you will run into an argument sooner or later as your RP progresses and gain more influence. I still remember the days when there were two Hokage fighting over who is the official Hokage. This made RP that involves Konohagakure a pain in the neck.

Informing new players about the list and letting them know of the benefit of being on the official list is important. I wouldn't go as far as telling them that their RP will get voided, but I'll let them know that in a situation where both parties claim to be the holder of the same thing, the person on the official list will be acknowledged regardless of the other party's argument.


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