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Author Topic: Chakra Counting  (Read 7105 times)


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Chakra Counting
« on: June 14, 2017, 02:34:59 PM »

How do you count your chakra? When do you know you use up too much chakra? Do you even bother trying to limit how much you can do, etc etc?

This post is by no means an attempt to bash anyone but more so to gather interest in methods which one might add dimensions to their role-play to 'spice' things up. No need to argue which method or lack of is better.

I personally use percentages to determine how much chakra each jutsu takes out from the over all pool. For example, Tomi has a crap ton of chakra (surprise surprise) but if he wanted to deplete it, he'd have to use 10 Rasenshurikens. If he uses 5, that's 50% of his chakra down the drain. If he were to summon a Torii and use 5, there goes 67% etc etc.

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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2017, 03:44:17 PM »

This is SL. You already know the meta here. Spam and spam. Unlimited chakra with 500 Grand Master skills.

I'll bash anyone. 1 v 1 me bros.
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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2017, 06:29:40 PM »


Even using percentages to determine how much chakra you have can end up back firing in a fight because people likely have different opinions of how much chakra certain techniques take to use. Sure, you may say that one rasenshuriken is 1/10th of your chakra, but someone else may say that a rasenshuriken should only take 1/25th, and so on.

I'm aware that for a person with a greater pool of chakra, then rasenshuriken would use up less of their total chakra, but that's not what I'm getting at. I mean if you were to attach an integer value to it, like 500 for the use of rasenshuriken, then another person might say it's worth only 250 or something.

Therefore, I think it's easier just to assume that both combatants have an infinite supply of chakra for OOC fights. IC interactions can be taken on a case-by case basis for convenience for the writers involved.

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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2017, 07:22:29 PM »

I use the Ranking classification on the techniques themselves to determine if they use more chakra or not.

So a S-Rank tech will always cost more than a D-Rank tech.

I would propose adding some sort of blanket percentage across the board for the ranks....but we all know that will never get implemented into the mainstream RP because of the meta like Shadow pointed out.


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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2017, 08:19:03 PM »

I use a point system for my character that goes from 1 to 10. I have a Genin character right now so I put him at a 4 on the scale. I added 1 extra point because he's a Jinchūriki. I made a translation chart that I use to put the classification/rank of a jutsu into a number. Then I deduct it from my characters chakra pool. I can go over by 1, but it has to be used in conjunction with at least 1 other point, and my character is unable to move after. I did this with Saiken, too. It's just an easier way to keep track of my character and limit myself.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 08:27:40 PM by Kojiro »


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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2017, 10:48:15 PM »

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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2017, 12:42:38 AM »

Until there is a chakra system put in place that everyone goes by (Like any decent RP site has) then SL will never care about chakra since everyone just ignores it or goes by their own system.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2017, 01:31:09 AM »

While my character may be capable of huge amounts of chakra, I still keep in mind how much she uses and what limitations she has at the moment. In a past RP, Yomi had to dish out high-level jutsus in a battle in Suna and eventually, she felt the strain and had to be out of commission in the end because she was really drained. In her current state, she would be weakened quicker when using chakra because of her 'affliction' wherein she had to constantly expend some of it to keep herself alive.

Anyway, from what I've seen around here, some people keep an eye on how much they use, some don't. It's just how you want to play out your stuff. Dunno if every active RPer will even follow a chakra system if one was implemented. Too much hassle, maybe?

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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2017, 05:15:45 AM »

No point in enforcing too many rules and too many systems that needs to be followed while roleplaying. On paper, this would make RP more organized, fair, and fun (or at least less frustrating for some). But in reality, it's cumbersome to have to keep track of how much chakra you have left in each of your current on-going fights. Having to refer to a cost list before you make every move because not all of us can remember how much chakra each and every one of our Jutsu cost. Not to mention some of us may create new jutsu on the spot depending on the situation.


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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2017, 05:25:07 AM »

That's why for non-IC fights I tend to just assume that no one's chakra is going to run out. Ultimately it doesn't really matter to me anyway, since my style of fighting relies more on low-chakra techniques and lots of close quarters fighting. I used to use a lot of flashy stuff but it's far less fun to spam something like Tengai Shinsei or other obviously chakra taxing techniques to get the win versus picking them apart methodically with simpler techniques. Better for strategic thinking too, in my opinion.

As for IC, though, if I did find myself in a roleplay in which I'm using a lot of chakra taxing techniques, then I'd probably base it on the ranking of the jutsu itself, what it does, its area of effect, etc. I try to relegate my level of OPness depending on whom I interacting with in the first place, so I've been involved in situations that would require that kind of chakra usage are few and far between anyway.


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Re: Chakra Counting
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2017, 03:49:23 PM »

I don't count chakra. Can't remember the last time I was in a fight where it went on long enough for chakra depletion from use was a factor. I use more qualitative stuff than quantitative.

We could just use our ingame character stats, chakra, and chakra system. But then everyone would become sitters, and the longtime sitters would be ultra powerful statwise.
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