Game Development > Feature Requests

RP Commands & Learn About RP Commands


I believe there are a few of these commands already implemented into the game. Unfortunately, I do not remember them. It would be helpful if Baa-san's curry house has an option to "Learn about RP Commands", just like how you can learn about color codes.

As for the commands, here is a list of them that I would like added to the game for RP purposes;
/weather - Display a random weather forecast.
/roll_#-# - Roll a dice which picks a number from X to Y. Example: If you enter "/roll_1-9", the result will be any number from 1 to 9.
/event - Random unforeseen events. Anything from a child suddenly appears in the path of two clashing Shinobi, to earthquakes and being struck by lightning.
/chance_a - Hit or miss.
/chance_b - Success or fail.

Funny you say this, but it already had, at Baa-sans when you click "explain":

"::start_rp" => "Give you a short startup for an RP session if you need a few sentences on where to start.",

The rest is basically doable.


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