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Author Topic: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku  (Read 9983 times)


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Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« on: July 03, 2017, 01:20:08 PM »

Jay Nara
Battle Method
1 v 1 IC/OOC 15 Rounds of Fighting (Optional)
IC Hunt

Three minutes a round. One post a minute. One post to rest after a round, one minute max, no offense during this round. Not counting entrance post, 60 posts for a full 15 rounds of fighting.

After the third round, if injuries have been inflicted, full healing is no longer allowed. After the third round, it'll take two minutes to fully heal. After the sixth round, it'll take three. After the tenth, it'll take four. After the fourteenth round, pray.

Who can go the distance?
(Judge decides the fight in this instance)

IC Hunt Rules
It's only obvious that a Hunter needs to have IC knowledge of my status as the Kyuubi Host. At this moment, only Tobias knows of the status... and Athos, somehow. To learn of the status, one would have to ask Tobias. Of course, it's completely unreasonable for one to know that they would need to seek out information from Tobias.

Places where one could usually find me, Uzushiogakure. Mostly in my home or in Celestial Castle. Or somewhere else in the Realm, I don't know.

Preferred Medium
SL Forum Only (Better and Easier to manage)

Preferred Judges
Shadow, Athos, Tobias... generally anybody willing

Current Challengers
It's general knowledge that challengers must post on this thread, before contacting the Container.

Uchiha Madara
Ōtsutsuki Rūsaku

My Rules

Don't be afraid to get hit. I understand that this is a game of words and you're reading what's going to happen at any given time, but you cannot use that knowledge to give your character any sense of a way around it. If it's not IC revealed by a character's words or actions, then you cant IC act upon it.

You can't be aware of something that your character shouldn't be aware of. This ties into the last rule on a much more absolute scale. This means everything, Location, State of Being, Techniques used, Seals used, Sensing concealed Chakra.

If you want to trash talk in the fight, I'm for it, but please keep the cursing down to a minimum. I want an authentic fight, complete with strong emotions if they can be brought out. And leave my mama out of this >.>

If there's a technique or any piece of equipment that either party wants, they can put those on the line as well. Though seeing as how I have a Biju, you can only chose one thing, while I can attempt to get two things from you (If you don't have a Bjiu as well).

If you want to make the fight interesting, you can shoot your idea to me and we can talk about it in private.

Judge(s) Info

Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

The Challenger and Jinchuriki each have a one time ability to boot a judge. If the agreed upon judge makes a decision just so despicable that you need to get a new one you can say that after this decision you are requesting a new judge. Each participant can do this ONCE, and NOT while a decision is being made. Once a new judge is picked they are the set judge for the rest of the fight, or until the remaining boot is used on them.

Resets and Claims

You cannot borrow techniques from your friends like Dust Release or Hirashin. You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight.

I do not enforce you to have in-game kg in order to claim kg in rp. The abilities claim to have must have been in your possession prior to issuing a challenge and must have been verified through RP in some manner.


If you take 7 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost.

Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Even if you use clones or summons, you still only get 3 actions, this will prevent wood/water/yo mama clones from being spammed.

How to Challenge and Prerequisites

If the challenger has a bijuu(s) they will be putting said beast(s) on the line as well.

Because I'm in a situation where my techniques don't have separate pages, I'm not going to be an A-hole and force a challenger to have a page for their techniques. Even then, as shinobi/kunoichi, I expect aces up one's sleeve, as long as it's within the range of your character and you have a record of at least being able to do whatever it is you're attempting to do.

I would just like it to be known that you've used something before you send a challenge to me, so train up and get stronger, because I like a challenge. While I said I don't care about whether you have links to your techniques, but if you attempt to do something that's completely outlandish, I would like the link sent to my PM either on here or SL so that I can see it.

If you link to a weapon that says you can seal chakra into it that's fine. However if in the fight you try to say it can unseal chakra from it I will void that. It is not my fault you didn't write that into your weapons ability when you sent the link.

If you found a way to bring a technique from out of the Naruto world, I would like to know the logic you're using to claim it. I'm an understanding person, so I'm not going to be an A-hole about it.


Swift Release
Body Revival Technique (If used to survive opening the 8th Gate. That was made before we knew what the 8th Gate does, regeneration does not let you tank disintegrating into ash.)
Izanagi, because you want to survive a sure IC death on an OOC stage
Hijutsu: Kirisame
Truth-Seeking Balls
Anything that we talked about in Pms that I or you are not allowed to use in the fight.
Attempting to disprove what I can do because you're feeling salty that I can, especially since it's been legit since whenever I created whatever it is you're attempting to disprove.
Reacting faster than instantaneous actions without anything special to give you any sort of heads up.
Trying to nerf the Container, because you're so salty that you don't believe you can beat me as I am.

------------------------------------------------------- MISC -------------------------------------------------------
[|] For those who like to be cheeky [|]

No you cannot run away from the fight. Doing so will result in you being voided.
No you cannot have your chakra touch me and then FTG to me. You MUST emote placing a seal.
Basically keep an archive of everything you claim to have/use and rp in a normal manner. Do not try to bend the rules. The above extras are perfect examples of what not to try.

Subject to change anytime I feel like it

(Had to shamelessly rip off Tobias who ripped off Shadow's template because it was so nice. <3)

This is a placeholder for the fight. When talks are officially over, the fight can start with the challenger making the first post.

Arena: Zone 6
Judge: Warren
Condition: The Tenseigan has been allowed for this fight, in exchange for no voids on the Container.
Match is OOC and winner gets the Kyuubi... obviously.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 07:16:01 AM by JayJay »

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If they stand against you, SHOW NO MERCY!


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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2017, 04:49:54 AM »

It was a quiet mid summer’s afternoon in the empty planes that covered the vast lands, outstretched for miles around. He had been sitting within these fields for many hours, pondering decisions made up until this point. He knew that his prime directive was to stop the rebirth of his ancestor, but along the way he has lost a great many allies. Many of whom were of his own clan...victims to the seductive influences of Kaguya. Breaking away from his meditative state, Rusaku opened his eyes to observe the light for the first time today. Currently, the youth was floating, cross legged, amidst the grasses that sway just inches below.
The Otsutsuki bore the ceremonial garb of his clan; vestments to be worn when out on mission. These consisted of a full length black bodysuit, accompanied by black gloves and boots. Atop this he also wore long flowing white robes with a necklace of black magatama around the collar; an outfit starkly similar to that worn by the Sage of Six Paths. His starch white hair had grown in recent days, now reaching the middle of his back while unkempt bangs framed his face. Accented by this, were two horn-like protrusions that jetted from his forehead; a trait unique to the Otsutsuki Clan. In addition to this, on his left hand he bore the gauntlet of petrification and his right hand had several Hiraishin fuinjutsu marking it for easy access to his supplies. 
Focusing his energies, the boy’s pale eyes suddenly sharpened as the byakugan activated. Unique to Rusaku, there were no bulging veins accompanying this transition, as he had elevated his byakugan beyond that point some time ago. With his vision elevated, he began waiting for the beast to appear. If he were to fulfill his duty, he must personally contain the most powerful piece of the puzzle. He will undertake this burden
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2017, 01:45:44 AM »

Out of the frying pan and into the fire it seemed. It seemed obvious that the Nine-Tails was a trouble magnet, highly sought out for its power. When he was hosting Matatabi, not one person seriously came up to challenge him. It was relaxing and allowed him to develop a bond with the blue ball of fire that only really began to falter when Jay subsequently acquired and began hosting the Kyuubi. Pissed off, she was. On timeout, Jay is. Because of this, Jay focused his time on developing his bond with the fox, only to get challenged right out the grace period… which leads us to where we are.

When the man woke up that morning, he’d suddenly get a message that stated, “Good heavens, would you look at the time.” With the word, “Duel” being branded as every single hour on a clock, the Nara knew he could not weasel his way out of this. So, he knew that he would have to literally, “bring his ass down there.” So because every hour was duel time, he could basically take his time in getting there. He would waste some time by taking a relaxing shower, brushing his teeth and getting dressed with a simple pair of white shorts.

From then, it was time to make him and the kids their breakfast. Eggs and bacon were made for him, soft and scrambled eggs and orange juice for the triplets, Dahlia, Rowan and Jasmine, a bowl of honey nut cheerios… just the cereal with no milk, for Logan, while the young twins, Calix and Ivy, loved their applesauce. He made sure the young children were settled into their little booster seats, so they could have fun with their food, while the older children sat next to him and ate their eggs.

”You have another fight, right papa?” He looked to the side towards Dahlia, who was looking up at him with her glittering golden hues. He smiled softly as he rubbed her head, causing her to puff up her cheeks, since she didn’t like when he messed up her hair. ”I sure do. His name is Rusaku and he’s probably waiting for me now.” He chuckled lightly as he saw her trying to fix her hair, as Rowan spoke his piece. ”Make ‘im wait pops, you promised we were gon’ go to the park today.” He pouted a bit, closing his eyes in a wince as a cheerio hit his nose. ”Yay, the park! I wanna swing on the swing set!” Jasmine exclaimed in her excitement, bits of eggs flying from her fork, almost hit him.

”Ah, don’t go attacking me with your food. We’ll go, we’ll go.” He chuckled softly at the looks of happiness on the children’s faces. It would be, at that moment that the sound of footsteps could be faintly heard. He looked over to see Mitsuki, the female butler of the Ashen Estate. ”Do you think that’s wise, Jay? You know it’s rude to keep someone waiting. You need to get dressed and meet him on the battlefield.” In her hands was the ensemble he was to wear today. He let out a groan, grabbing one of the cheerios and tossing it at Mitsuki, which hit her on the chin. ”Booo..” He sounded as the children giggled at the playfulness of the home, Mitsuki simply giving him a stone cold look.

Of course, he wasn’t going to continue to grate on the woman’s nerves, especially whenever she hit him with such a look. ”Alright, alright. Compromise. We’ll both take the family to the park, but you have to work with Rinn to bring everyone home safely.” He smirked as he gazed at the expression that graced her features. One of unease and partial surprise had been plastered on her face. The man knew damn well that she was best in the house, doing the housework, especially with how lazy her sisters were and the perfectionist nature of her overbearing brother. She grumbled an agreement and closed the distance to shove the clothing in his face. ”Just get dressed.”

He chuckled as he went and dressed himself and the children. He took them to the park, where they had fun and ate some ice cream. When the afternoon drifted on, Mitsuki reminded him of his fight and he frowned. ”Oh yeah. Alright, Dahlia, you’re in charge. Watch your brothers and sisters. Please, make sure Logan doesn’t throw his sippy cup at anyone.” He gave the girl a kiss on the forehead, as Rowan and Jasmine complained about the placement of responsibility. ”What, that’s not fair at all. I'm the oldest boy, I should be in charge of watching my brothers and sisters.” ”No, I’m the princess. I’m totally in charge.” ”That’s not how it works, princess, I'm the heiress of the family, because I was born first.” ”Two minutes don’t make a difference!” ”Spell difference.” ”YOU SPELL IT!!” The bickering between the triplets had been cute, until the screaming started and now it was time for him and Mitsuki to break it up. ”Alright, alright, settle down, children. All of you are my heirs and heiresses, my princes and princesses. You know I don’t like when the three of you fight.” His golden hues held concern as he looked at the three of them. ”Behave, when I get back, we’ll watch a movie.” The three of them nodded, still shooting each other little looks. He would stop them with pokes to their heads. ”I said behave.”

Again, they agreed, this time more genuine. After a farewell papa smooch to each of his children, he set off to the battlefield in a flash of black light. When he reappeared, he’d do so in a tree, the rest of the trip around three more miles. He’d start on the journey, dropping to the ground below, well within the margin of Rusaku’s Byakugan. [It's about time. Don't you think you should get ready?] The voice of the Kyuubi rumbled in his mind, causing him to open his eyes just a bit wider, as if it would make him more awake. He burped a bit, gently knocking on his chest to burp once again. 'I am, I am... I'm just... trying to enjoy this for a little more.' He'd respond with a bit of unease. Last time he did this, things got ugly. His concern would be met with silence, the fox understanding what the man meant. [As long as you realize what you stand to lose if you take too long to get serious, this fight wont be boring to watch.] As long as the man kept his current pace, he should exit the mass of trees around the end of Rusaku's following post.

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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2017, 05:50:58 AM »

The man’s attention focused on Jay as he arrived by what appears to be some kind of space time ninjutsu. The flash of light indicated Hiraishin, but it remains to be seen if there was some lingering seal that he could rely on later in the confrontation.
Through the byakugan, Rusaku had full view of Jay’s person down to every seal he had etched into his flesh, including the one that contained the Kyuubi. Rusaku’s posture straightened, observing his opponent, who was taking his time covering the distance. Having recently overtaken leadership of The Foundation, the Sannin had acquired some important information regarding the various villages. Some of that information pertained to the leader of the similar organization that operated within Uzushiogakure. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been time to familiarize himself with that file, and Rusaku was essentially operating in the dark here because of it.
With that in mind, what's the most logical course of action? If such a scenario was possible, it would be optimal to not only gather information on the combatant but also force them to expend unnecessary energy. To do this, Rusaku promptly broke the skin on the tips of his thumbs in order to utilize the summoning technique. Extending his hands outward, two fuinjutsu formula manifested within the air, before subsequently exploding into small plumes of smoke. The wind quickly dispersed the clouds to reveal two creatures standing before the Otsutsuki. The two nightmarish figures stood with twisted and crouched posture, contorted unnaturally to accentuate their statues as Marionettes while joints and hardware rattled relentlessly. Though, despite the horrific perversion of their image, there were features that remained which could be used to identify these two individuals. On the left was a shinobi garbed in a mix of overlapping plate armor, stained red, and a tattered cloth cloak. Branded onto the cloak’s back was the kanji for “First” while the other wore a cloak bearing the Akatsuki’s red cloud pattern and a Jashinist pendant around his neck. Unlike the Puppet of the first Hokage, Bocchiere’s skin was painted to reflect the Death Possession Blood's activated state; dyed black with segmented white lines to depict the image of a Voodoo doll, or skeleton.
With the Kamui and Bocchiere human puppets summoned, Rusaku commanded them to begin moving forward. With 3 miles between Jay and the Marionettes, there wasn’t much point in initiating any large scale attacks at this time. For now interest should be focused on closing the distance, and creating a suitable environment.
Still hovering above the ground in a seated position, Rusaku clasped his hands together in the ram seal. If Jay was actively sensing for disturbances in the area, he would notice that there was a shift in the atmospheric pressure. It appeared that the weather was being manipulated, but no storms brewed just yet. Traces of chakra were scattered through the winds, bending the conditions to Rusaku’s will. For now, he continued this process until Jay gave him a reason otherwise.
The two Marionettes dashed forward with ferocious intent, driven only by the desire to fulfill Rusaku’s will. While at first glance the puppet’s seemed feral, but there were obvious signs of intelligence in their movements.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2017, 02:03:12 AM »

Emerging from the mass of trees, the young Nara would gaze ahead to see Rusaku several miles ahead. With his eyes, seeing the man from that distance was a bit straining, but it was unmistakably possible. Of course, the sight of the Ōtsutsuki would be taken away from the others that graced the battlefield, the Shodai Hokage and the former leader of the Akatsuki, Kamui Uchiha and Bocchiere, respectively. 'Strange? I didn't realize he could call for reinforcements.' The young Nara thought to himself, as he continued to casually move forward. [Take a closer look, boy, those aren't the original products.] This caused the Nara to tilt his head a bit, activating the Mind's Eye of the Kagura, it stretching a quarter of a kilometer past eleven kilometers, (11.25km). With the wider range of sensory, he was able to better analyze the constructs heading his way. 'Oh, I see now. They're puppets... but not entirely traditional.' Jay could see the subtle connection the puppets held to their summoner, but it was not through chakra threads, causing the puppets to have more fluidity in their movements. But, the inclusion of both these Human Puppets were troubling, not in the way it might seem. Did the rules not state that only one Human Puppet was allowed to be active? Considering they were classified as such, he would rather be without Bocchiere if his complaints were sound (Despite them being classified as Marionettes, secondarily). Honestly, it wasn't a problem, so he pushed the thought from his mind.

He knew enough about the concept of Human Puppetry to know that one KG was allowed for each, and knowing enough about the two's individual abilities, he deduced which KG they'd be left with. Though, to be honest, he was tittering between Dust and Decay for Bocchiere. He pushed this from his mind as well, to focus on his own knowledge of those two dangerous elements. He never did have the time to develop any actual techniques for those two elements. He'd simply have to deal with using the raw forms of both Dust and Decay Release, for now. He focused gaze ahead of him, watching as the distance shrunk more and more, now around 2 miles between him and the Human Puppets/Marionettes.

He'd continue to refrain from doing anything, other than releasing the Limiter Seal to give himself access to 100% of his power, which included strength (Lifting and Striking), speed (Running and Combat), reflexes, etc. This release would be joined by the bleeding of his eyes. Not actual blood, just color. From around his pupil, the deep, dark, red would spill out onto the glamorous golden canvas. As the coloration of his eyes grew complete, the pupil would begin to shift and change as well, immediately forming the design of his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Of course, when the power was release, it would result in an outward burst. Dread and Malice filled the area, the Byakugan picking up on the shift in the area and the darker nature of the Nara's chakra. His plan for preparing himself would be stopped for the moment, but he still had things to do before the Puppets reached him, now they were around 1.7 miles away, by the time he activated his Dojutsu.

He was fully aware of what was happening to the elements around him, the atmosphere seemingly developing traces of Rusaku's chakra. He didn't pay it any mind, but he wasn't going to completely ignore it. Overall, he would keep his dark red hues on the Human Puppets, while the Mind's Eye watched Ōtsutsuki.

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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2017, 12:04:31 AM »

It was certainly an interesting method of approach that Jay was taking. He didn’t seem to be overly interested in engagement just yet and was making no visible effort to try and counter Rusaku’s weather alterations. In fact, the only thing his actions served to do was place him at what was the expected base ability of the average shinobi. An advanced Doujutsu, and access to 100% of his physical capabilities. Perhaps he was waiting to get a more firm grasp over Rusaku’s threat level before making a more substantial move. Patience is in fact a virtue, but in the context of a life or battles, perhaps it would be better suited to attempt to gain some footing at the same time as information. Though the spread of the Nara’s chakra did not go unnoticed. Having been a user of the Shadow manipulations techniques, Rusaku was aware of what to look for just in case Jay decided to manipulate the shadows.

Completely unhindered, Rusaku’s previous action resolved, finalizing his alterations to the atmosphere as the puppets continued to near the Root commander. Quickly, the previously mentioned gusts of wind would increase in ferocity, and a drop in temperature would be carried upon them. The smell of petrichor filled the air as clouds began to form overhead. Though Jay could possibly notice through his mind's eye that the clouds themselves had no chakra within them. Instead, Rusaku had used his Tenki Sosa Hiden in order to alter the atmospheric conditions to create natural storm clouds. As they formed overhead, droplets of rain began to fall.

Allowing the storm to brew, Rusaku maintained his focus on Jay, noticing the release of a seal on his person. Rusaku had no evidence to surmise the effect that seals’s release had, so he would need to remain weary. For now, he intended to tighten his grip over the battlefield.  Sending a mental command to the Kamui puppet, Rusaku manipulated him in order to produce two Kunai from one of the numerous compartments that contain tools for the boy’s use. With these tools in hand, the Ex-Hokage threw them to his left and right respectively in a way to get a maximum distance for each. Upon examining the tools, once would notice that they contained a seal upon their hilts.

Flowing through a small set of kata, Rusaku utilized the Shuriken Shadow Clone technique in order to turn the 2 tools in 1000, 500 going in each direction. If uninterrupted, the ninja tools would be scattered across an area about the size of a football field, impaling themselves into the dirt, becoming masked by the knee high grasses.

Finally Rusaku formed a technique specific seal, and two shadow clones appeared on either side of his person, each an exact copy of Rusaku as he is now. For now the two simply stood by Rusaku’s side, awaiting an opportunity to attack.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2017, 12:13:30 AM »

Patience was indeed a virtue, and it could also be the result of over-thinking, which could obviously lead to a loss. This was something the young raven haired Nara did not plan on letting happen. Of course, he knew that it was always a possibility, looking inwards and not allowing situations to tip towards his weaknesses. For this, he didn’t aim to rush into battle until he was fully prepared to face the opposition. Said opposition would be incorrect in his observation of the dark nature of his chakra. Seeing as how Jay’s chakra was already unnaturally black, color had not been the subject of his meaning. He was leaning entirely towards the sinister nature for the definition of, dark. As he had revealed in his last example when accessing 100% of his power/personality, he was a devil who held no type of affection for those that he had been closest to, with the obvious exception of his children… obviously. Though, Rusaku was also right to know to be careful of any sort of Shadow Manipulation, because he could literally have control of the entire field as the clouds above cast their faint shadows upon the earth below, obviously not being enough to completely block out the sun… just yet.

The young devil paid very little mind to the puppets as they continued their stride. It was painfully obvious that they were looking for an inside fight. He used this to properly study them, studyin the connection they shared with their summoner. Without the threads, they generally needed something inside of themselves to keep them mobile. Something for the summoner to transmit their will towards. He would use his Mind's Eye to check for this, hoping to pinpoint the exact location of the object. Perhaps he could capitalize on this fight, being ever wary of any subtle attacks on his person. His attention would be drawn towards said clouds in the sky, water beginning to fall from the chakra-less lumps. He took note to the winds as they grew more ferocious and the temperature dropped from the calling of the storm. He allowed a smirk to twist his features, intrigued at what his opponent had brewing above them. Even though he was cautious, he couldn’t help love that he was being surrounded by his elements. He only needed some lightning and he would be right at home… except Kirin. Even with his speed, he really didn’t want to test it against a dragon composed entirely of lightning.

Of course, not many things lasted for long, this moment being the prime example. As he gazed at the puppets, the Shodai Hokage grew more active and summoned two kunai, immediately sending them flying towards his left and right. He paid attention as Rusaku made the seals necessary to multiply them exponentially, causing a mirthful chuckle to escape his lips. He had imagined doing the exact same thing moments ago. Of course, considering that they weren’t even aimed at him, he didn’t feel that it would be farfetched for him to claim in knowing their intention (it was obvious he wasn't just littering... that's just wrong), thus he would proceed to pulse the chakra inside of his being. The product of this act would be the activation and explosive expansion of the Space-Time Cancellation Barrier. The barrier held the apparent ability of only being visible to those who possessed the Rinnegan, something he learned from his sensei, who derived it from the Master Criminal ahead of him. Said barrier [color=goldwould proceed to stretch outwards from his position, quite possibly unimpeded. It’d rush to stretch out for an apex of 500 meters, where it would lock and remain, forever following his movements, ending at said 500 meter mark at the beginning of his next turn.

The pulsing of his chakra wouldn’t stop after activating the barrier and would continue to pulse inside him. The degree of control could be gleamed from the other combatant as the devil switched up his preparation a bit. Instead of doing the same to litter the field with Hiraishin laden weapons, he would opt to shed his frame of the effects of his Gravity Seals. Satisfied he was no longer impeded by the burden of being so heavy; his stride would glide significantly smoother upon the battlefield. His stride wouldn’t be the only thing that had been improved. With the Seals release, his speed, strength and reflexes would increase once again, the devil making sure he would be fighting at his full capabilities from the very beginning. [Damn, is there anything else you need to do? Any Restriction Seals you’ve been working on?] The voice of the fox pierced through the silence of the man’s mind.

It was really amusing to hear the fox speaking in a surprised tone. Of course, it was baffling to learn that someone would take so long to get ready for a fight. ’Restriction Seals? Not at the moment. Finding a way to incorporate the effects of expending more energy/force to simply move one's body is at the back of my mind these days. I could definitely find the time to focus on it, but that’s for the future. At this point in time, I’m just going to focus on making sure I don’t get blindsided.’ The young devil replied to the beast inside him, still pulsing his chakra for one last technique for this turn. [So you're gonna use the Theta State?] The young devil disagreed with a subtle shake of his head. 'If I feel I'll need it, I'll use it. But, I've yet to see speeds that would trouble me. Fingers crossed for something exciting that could really get my blood pumping.'

He measured the distance between him and the puppets, clocking the distance to 825 meters and dropping. He was ready for a battle, and from the conjuration of the clones, so was Rusaku. Of course, now that he was pretty much soaking wet, the rain drenching the grass beneath his bare feet. He paid little mind to it as he extended his right hand out, his palm facing diagonally down and out... so like at a 4 o'clock position. The heavy moisture of the rain, and the water around his hand, responded to the pulsing of his chakra and began to converge towards the appendage. It almost looked as if it would be a Rasengan in its infancy, before the Shape Manipulation began to shift it into something else. He kept his gaze up ahead, watching the two puppets closing the distance, his deep red hues gleaming in pent up excitement. From the water, a hilt of a non-descriptive weapon would be created, before it immediately froze solid, Jay closing his hand around, not at all disturbed by the touch of bare ice that measured at -40 degrees Celsius. The technique, Reito-Gara/Frozen Hilt, was a pretty self explanatory technique, one he hadn’t used in quite a while. Of course, just cause it was old, doesn’t mean it won’t be able to get the job done. The Nara's ice, colored in a bright turquoise, would glow beautifully from within his grasp. It was time for him to face off against the puppets, knowing the next turn would be the official start to this bout.

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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2017, 03:18:05 AM »

While Rusaku was unable to see the barrier itself, he did in fact witness the surge in Jay’s chakra, with no obvious effect following it. Barrier ninjutsu was the obvious choice when faced with Hirashin. It was pretty much a staple in every fight where one individual or another has any kind of space-time ninjutsu. Of course Rusaku didn’t currently have confirmation on if he couldn’t utilize his techniques, but he would be sure to keep the possibility in mind that his knives may not aid him when he needs them the most. Though it was a bit far fetched that the barrier would stretch 3 miles, which it didn't, but Rusaku does not know that.

Meanwhile, the vile Jashinist observed as Jay activated his Ice release ninjutsu. As aforementioned, these unique Marionettes were not held to the conventional disadvantages of the common household puppet. Their bodies were not bound by chakra strings, instead piloted by the Tenseigan Altar that reside far, far away. To achieve this feat, there was a formula seal spread across their brains, acting as receivers for the Alter’s signal. To further separate these Marionettes from their sibling puppets, is the degree of intelligence has been granted which allows them to properly perform their sworn duty. Though, interestingly enough, this evolution in the art of puppetry has seemed to reclassify the tools as Summoned creatures.

Almost as if to demonstrate this intelligence, the Jashinist activated the Flame king Remnants technique, increasing his body temperature to such a degree that it begins heating the surrounding area. This was in response to the presence of Jay’s Ice release, in an attempt to prevent any further usage of that particular element. For now Jay was not attempting to manipulate Ice for means of attack, so the overall temperature would only increase to 100 degrees, with the range of that heat increasing steadily. If left alone, it would quickly reach an area of effect similar to that of Jay’s barrier technique. This low of a temperature wouldn’t cause the rain to transition into steam, which was perfect for the time being.

Proceeding this, Kamui clapped his palms together into the Hebi seal. Utilizing his Mokuton element, Kamui commanded a swell of trees to begin bursting from the earth all around the area, well beyond even where Jay was standing in relation to them. This massive display of Moktuon production wouldn’t come at a small cost, but his chakra pool was more than expendable considering his status. Even then, both of the restructured shinobi’s chakra pools were frightening enough on their own.

Each tree had a girth of nearly 6 feet in diameter, giving them immense levels of momentum as they rocketed upward, devastating the very soil in which they grew. The Shodaime Hokage Manipulated his trees, aided by the guidance of Rusaku’s Byakugan so they may all accurately pursue Jay with intentions of binding, smashing, and ripping his body into pieces from all cardinal directions. The Hokage’s Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kōtan has been shown to alter even a desolate wasteland into a densely compact forest, which is a trait that will be reflected here (One mile in all directions). Any existing trees within the defined area will instead be manipulated directly opposed to creating entirely new wood. To accommodate for the sudden shift in terrain, the two puppets leaped onto the growing trees, using them as platforms to be propelled forward much faster than before, the tree's forward momentum working to their advantage as they weaved through the growing foliage. Once within the trees, the two Marionettes split up, no longer taking a linear path to Jay, allowing them to create more difficult targets to pinpoint and attack.   

Back at base camp, the two shadow clones are playing an intense game of rock paper scissors with this latest round being the third in which they came to a draw. It was only natural if you really think about it. Finally, on the fourth round, Rock beat Scissors. The losing Shadow clone kicked rocks in shame, but did as was expected. The initial game was a simple wager: loser has to go fight. So, being a man of his word, the Kage Bunshin utilized the Attack prevention technique in order to merge with the earth below. Once fully submerged, he rocketed at high speeds in Jay direction, aiming to reach their location significantly faster than the puppets had while on foot. Perhaps near the end of Jay’s next post, depending on Jay’s course of action. His Byakugan altered him to any potential threats that Jay may try to enact.             
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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2017, 12:00:03 AM »

Looked ahead of him with a bit of expectance, knowing things would go this route. While it was sad that it had to, his logic for wanting it to be this way was a bit twisted. Sure the temperature was a bummer, but the mass of trees was something that he could use, so long as he wasn’t caught within its grasp. He would simply allow the heat to melt the ice, not willing to keep the hilt in the battlefield. To make sure the trees didn’t catch him, he had to start moving, and move he did, his chakra pulsing inside of him, creating two Shadow Clones of his own. Moving at speeds that rivaled someone in the fourth gate was child’s play, especially since he was without the restrictions that he had been burdened with. He would take to the very trees that were trying to rip him apart, surely surprising the Ōtsutsuki for a moment. The clones immediately split off and at the speeds they were moving, they were more than capable of catching up to the targets that had been designated for them.

The first clone, like the second, piggybacked off the previously activated Mind’s Eye and other buffs, and aimed to quickly cut off the path of the Master Criminal. While possessing a semblance of sentience, but they were nowhere near the levels of skill their real life counterparts possessed. The clone would use this to attempt to appear directly in the path of the Criminal, pulsing its chakra rapidly, before thrusting his left palm towards the very center of the Marionette’s chest cavity, performing a masterful pivot on its left front foot in a seamless manner. This act wouldn’t just be an attack, but an aim to employ the Uzumaki Sealing Technique on the Marionette in hopes of taking the puppet out of the fight.

The second clone, like the first, piggybacked off the previously activated Mind’s Eye and other buffs, and aimed to quickly cut off the path of the First Hokage. While possessing a semblance of sentience, but they were nowhere near the levels of skill their real life counterparts possessed. The clone would use this to attempt to appear directly in the path of the Shodai, pulsing its chakra rapidly, before thrusting his right palm towards the very center of the Marionette’s chest cavity, performing a masterful pivot on its right front foot in a seamless manner. This act wouldn’t just be an attack, but an aim to employ the Uzumaki Sealing Technique on the Marionette in hopes of taking the puppet out of the fight.

The Nara was aware of the Ōtsutsuki’s Byakugan, and he could very well will the puppets to attempt an evasion in some manner. Of course, if the sealing properties were somehow taken out of the occasion and the marionettes were still struck, they would find the strike more than capable of destroying the entirety of the chest cavity. The amount of force put into the strikes were not over the top, as the strike, if allowed to be completed from beginning to end, would act as a swift snap, the arm not even being extended for more than a split second. Of course, considering the Nara didn't know about the Kaguya modifications made on the marionettes, he wouldn't employ the necessary force to bypass it, so the individual chest cavities wouldn’t be entirely destroyed from the individual strikes.

Back to the original, if things went according to plan, he would be heading directly towards Rusaku and the lone clone he left by his side, having long since passed the clone that had been traveling at high speeds underneath him. Though, if the clone aimed to reemerge prematurely, his Mind’s Eye would take this into consideration and adapt to the situation.

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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2017, 07:00:20 PM »

It was certainly an interesting tactic to try and jump headfirst into an attack of this scale, but interesting did not always mean optimal. While Jay had certainly become faster, speed does not translate into immediate safety, especially when considering the entire environment is trying to kill him. It becomes a test of coordination and a game of chance.  As previously stated, this mile wide technique was actively seeking out the Jinchuruki in order to deliver the most amount of damage possible, as quickly as possible. So as soon as he summoned his clones and dove into the rising trees, Jay invited upon himself the unfiltered wrath of the First Hokage. (For a visual example, you essentially jumped into this, on a mile wide scale, with reckless abandon) :

The very moment Jay tried to use the trees as foothold, the branches would shift and tremor, throwing off any semblance of a secure footing for him to try and take advantage of with that newfound speed. From quite literally all directions, the branches and tree trunks enclosed around him and his clones with tremendous force.

While the Manji leader was correct in his assumption that the Marionettes were not at the same skill as their real life counterparts physically, having the very ground in which they stand act in their favor while simultaneously hindering the opponent would lessen that gap in ability enough for them both to properly evade the masterful, but simplistic forward strikes that were intended to hit each one. To do this, both would simply leap from whatever tree they were currently running on onto an adjacent branch while the forest continued it’s effect from the previous round of trying to mutilate the trio.

From the ground, Rusaku’s own shadow clone emerged as if rising from water, causing ripples in the earth to appear around him. Stopping at the waist to save time, the Kage bunshin clasp his hands together in the tiger seal, and pulsated his chakra. Just as Jay had done previously, Rusaku sprouted a space time barrier, the spread outward with him as the epicenter. The barrier itself was about 150 meters in all directions, placing the Jinchuriki within it’s boundaries. As if on cue, lighting flashed and thunder roared overhead, shaking even the thrashing forest below. The brewing storm had finally matured, and the original's Rusaku’s lips curled into a menacing grin. Pointing his open palm skyward, a simple twitch of the hand was all that was required to fire a bolt of energy into the sky, and in the very same moment bring down a monstrous entity down to smite his enemies. As if to even foreshadow this technique, Jay had undergone internal conflict about the possibility of it’s use here in this fight. Kirin; a dragon composed entirely of natural lighting within the very clouds above, navigated downward with a travel time of approximately 1/1000 a second to reach it’s target. 400x quicker than the blink of an eye. Using the Byakugan, Rusaku was able to pinpoint the best location to place the attack, at the version of Jay that appeared to begin heading in his direction. Maybe it was narcissism, but Rusaku hoped that Jay would be wise enough to fight the real Rusaku with the real Jay, and not some Shadow clone. So if that assumption was to be true, then maybe he was choosing the correct opponent to try and hit with this.

Due to the range of this technique, the Marionetts would be well within the area of effect. Being valuable assets, there was no reason to just let them die. Reacting quickly, Bocc landed next to Kamui in a crouched position as the Hokage used the snake hand seal once again to sprout dome around them composed entirely of Mokuton. The Hobi technique has proved time and time again to be a reliable shelter in times of need, but even it will sustain some considerable damage in this scenario. Luckily, Jay had actively chosen not to use his Theta state yet, and with his focus potentially split between the forest closing in around him and Kirin, Rusaku hoped to put a swift end to the Nine Tails Host by delivering a payload of natural lighting powerful enough to obliterate the peak of a mountain.
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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2017, 08:26:13 PM »

The Nara needed not any sort of visual aids. He knew exactly what he was expecting when he initially rushed forward. He needed not the Theta State to adapt to the vicious terrain around him, as he still was not experiencing speeds he could not handle. If this was the Shodai's unfiltered prowess with Wood Release, it was a poor testament to the man's abilities. Even without the Theta State he had something activated that already allowed him enough sensory augmentation to perceive movements and chakra fluctuations, the Mind's Eye of the Kagura, which was stated to surpass Dojutsu with comparable abilities. This, mixed with his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and full capabilities unlocked, which has been previously stated to be able to keep track of a full speed Athos without any of those enhancements, was more than enough for him and the clones to keep themselves steady and flawless in their individual pursuits.

Even if the individual branches could sense they were about to receive the grace of any of the Naras' feet, they would not be able to do anything in hope of throwing off any sort of balance. As, said foot, wouldn't be on said branch for even a fraction of a second, leagues beyond the amount of time the branches would need to tremble and shift, as the Naras bounded through the forest towards their individual targets. Reflexes were something that was increased tremendously, or had that been overlooked?

On the topic of the Marionettes. If the only thing that they employed, for hopes of evasion, were simple leaps onto adjacent branches, they would find that it wouldn't be nowhere enough to completely escape the Nara's clones (Considering the "devil's" own use of simple maneuvers were enough to evade Athos at his fastest). Again, bringing all those sensory augmentations into the picture, the clones would initiate the subtle shifts of direction necessary to keep up the chase and would easily do what they needed to do to seal the Marionettes before reaching the next branch. 'Pathetic..' All three Naras would think as they witnessed the events, via Mind's Eye. In all honesty, nothing that was being demonstrated, up to this point, was intimidating to the young devil. To prove this, the clones would halt their moving and open their mouths wide open to take in the vicious branches, since their Strongest Shield would be too impervious for the wood to destroy them properly. With the devil clones deep throating the branches, bursts of white indicating that their Natural Shells would eventually be ruptured, the wood inside them would cause them to burst in complete ecstasy. When they reached their climax, the "experience" (Marionette Signatures) of sealing the Marionettes would "transfer" (Appear) to the original devil (Making it so they wouldn't simply return with the erased presence of the clones), along with the 66.7% of chakra he'd been missing at that moment.

The absence of the Shodai could result in the Wood Release technique to come to a standstill, but the devil would assume that Rusaku would use that clone to continue the assault after the use of the Space-Time Barrier. Of course, this brought on the location of the clone to question, as it was omitted from his opponent's post. The last recorded measurement of distance was between the devil and the Marionettes, which had been 825 meters and dropping, this being slightly before the temperature rose and the Wood Release technique was used, due to the fact that the Bocchiere puppet reacted to his frozen hilt, which was used after recording said distance.

By the beginning of his next post, Jay had recorded the melting of his ice hilt, which meant that between then (the end of Rusaku's post) and then (the beginning of Jay's post) the Marionettes had entered the 500 meter range, allowing the bubble of temperature influence to reach its peak (since it would be the same range of his own STCB). Of course, this meant that the clone would have traveled at around 2.5 miles, or around 4,000 meters, in this short amount of time, which still wasn't fast enough to threaten the Nara's ability to keep track. But, this did nothing to tell the devil exactly where the clone would emerge from his land swim. Rusaku had failed to mention where he would be, in front or behind the Nara when he emerged. Of course, the devil could manipulate this mistake and point out that the clone would be 149 meters behind... but that's not fun at all. So... 300 full meters would be presented to him, where he would feel the disconnection from his Hiraishin marker that would be in the thicket of chakraless trees. This led him to deduce what was used. This fact, along with the sound of thunder, allowed him to deduce the next course of action. 'Predictable.' He thought to himself as he pulsed his chakra to ready himself as well.

He had allowed himself enough supposition to not be blindsided by this course of events earlier, which had been pointed out by his opponent as "internal conflict". He wasn't a tad bit afraid, remembering that Kirin was nothing more than natural lightning. And, as it were, he'd had experience with empowering himself with natural lightning. Rusaku wasn't doing anything to strengthen it, merely shaping and guiding the natural forces brewing in the clouds. The preparation for the technique would blatant as well, his Mind's Eye noting the chakra in Rusaku's hand lifting towards the sky. By this time, his pulsing chakra would have resulted in two actions. The first would be simple, just a release from one of his Sage Seals that rested on his skin. The Diamond would fade to black, the Natural Energy inside rushing out to mix with the waiting Dark Chakra to further mix with his own chakra to initiate the appearance of his Chaos Sage Mode. Originally, his Sage Seals contained enough Natural Energy to allow 3-4 turns of Sage Mode. Now, with Senninka, simply using them to enter the Mode could result in infinite turns of said Mode. All in all, this simply meant that he hadn't used any of the Natural Energy that consisted of his Natural Shell, meaning he had more than enough protection for what was to follow.

Now... his math was all over the place, and barely made sense to him, but he had another slight to bring up. Unfortunately, this slight would be made by both parties and that was the amount of time spent traversing these distances. It was really making it difficult to record these feats of skill. But, that was the downside of word battles. Worries weren't needed as the devil received his 4x multiplier of his base skills. Things were finally getting steamy, the devil only ever having to use such techniques whilst unrestricted... while he was training himself. He was glad he trained to control himself; otherwise this would get pretty difficult.

The Nara had one more action, of the first two simultaneous actions, to reveal and Kirin was beginning to form above him, what with the chakra from Rusaku’s wrist flick taking control of the natural lightning. This action would be the full activation of the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, the ebony lightning would join the flame-like energy flowing around him. He hadn’t used this technique when he had staved off natural lightning during a spar with Ichirou 2-3 years ago. But, doing this wouldn’t be the main purpose for its activation, but it wouldn't hurt to have it active. Now, his chakra would pulse once more to focus an immense amount of the Lightning Senjutsu towards his right hand. Deep red/black arcs of lightning joined the black arcs as the Lightning Cutter Technique was activated. It was obvious where things were heading as the devil directed his attention upwards as the Kirin dropped down upon him with intent to do harm.

His reasoning for being able to prepare himself was the fact that it wasn’t something that came out of nowhere. Again, the preparation for the technique’s usage was pretty obvious, I mean, why else would someone make storm clouds and not inject their chakra into it? Of course, just because it was natural lightning didn’t mean that he would take it lightly. For a technique to be considered “One of the Strongest” it obviously needed to be taken seriously. Which was why he entered Chaos Sage Mode. With his body heavily augmented, on top of already being released from every restraint he possessed, he would jump up to meet the lightning as soon as it moved to drop.
If everything proceeded according to plan, armed with a technique specifically designed for cutting lightning, the flash of light would be all that would be seen. Not one, but two crashes would shake the earth as the condensed streaks of lightning did their damage upon it. In the air, still traveling upwards, the Nara, even with Strongest Shield, would be sans his right arm. Kirin put up more than enough effort to do damage to the immortal, pretty sure it didn't need to be precise to do so. The Nara wouldn’t be flying, or hovering, but he would eventually reach his peak at 284 meters.

He had made a lot of flack about the Kirin being nothing than natural lightning, and while it was true, it wasn’t the case at all. Sure, a single lightning strike held the ability to do massive damage if struck in the right place, but Kirin gathered up every single voltage of energy that the storm clouds could produce. This fact, joined together with the previous Shape Manipulation, only meant that It was making sure that it was gathering every voltage of resource it could. Of course, this was his theory as he went up against it, more than glad that he had taken extra measures and slipped into his Chaotic Sage Mode, his Natural Shell also working to provide some extra defense.

[I thought you said it was predictable... did you predict this too?] The Nara could tell from the tone in the kitsune's voice, that he had a smug smirk on his face. 'Yes, I did!' He didn’t have to look towards his arm to know it wasn’t there. He needn’t worry about it, as his healing factor would have it returned by the time he reached the ground. [You sure do like losing arms. Last time you lost both of them? Perhaps, Rusaku is gonna take the other off as well?] The man groaned as he reached the peak at 284 meters. ’Not really helping. How about putting some of that chakra of yours to work and speed along the recovery of my arm?’ [I could do that…] The fact that the Kyuubi hadn’t agreed wholeheartedly pissed him off, but the both of them were too prideful to admit that working together would be better. [You got this, just use what your teachers taught you and you’ll be fine.] The clouds above would begin to fade from the sky, but the storm of war was just getting started. He wasn't really feeling the analogy, but it felt appropriate for what happened.

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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2017, 12:35:50 PM »


I don't necessarily remember where we stood on the whole clone/marionette thing. But, if its set in stone that they go and eat the wood, then it must mean that they managed to seal up the marionettes, as stated previously. Because if they didn't, then they wouldn't commit their suicide. Either way, things would pretty much happen as it did last time, except he’d not make it into the Lightning Release Chakra Mode nor the Lightning Blade. Of course, he’d have to react to this fact in real time, the attempt to do so not even being accessible. Said real time meant that he wouldn’t think about doing something like trying to jump directly towards the lightning, his plan shot to hell. Anyway, lets get to that repost.

The Nara chose to do things from the top. (From the technique's infancy to its full adulthood) The man continued moving through the vicious thicket of trees. He'd made quite the bad choice in jumping straight into this thing, what with it being everywhere. He felt as if he needed to properly react to his surroundings, simply being fast not doing the trick. Sure he was capable of reacting to the attacks, more than capable of moving his frame to follow through. He was most thankful for his Mind's Eye, it was doing wondrous keeping his attention where it needed to be. He continued to jump to and fro, definitely grateful that he was good at acrobatics. He bounded from branch to branch as they closed in on him at high speeds. He knew this was a dangerous game he was playing, and it just grew even more dangerous. Even using something as second nature as using chakra to stick to a surface felt as if it would be considered an action in this situation and he didn't feel as if he should waste any. He'd already lost one with the clones being out of the picture.

His Mind's Eye recorded the chakra of Rusaku's clone emerging from the ground, doing something. He knew not where this emergence would occur, but changing the distance would be retroposting, so that was something that had to remain a constant. The disconnection of his Hiraishin Marker told him what he knew about the clone's actions. This accompanied by the sound of thunder, let him know that he had been correct in knowing what would come next. He growled as he pulsed his chakra inside of him, activating the Sage Seal to release the Natural Energy reserve and use that to activate his Chaos Sage Mode. 'Really regretting not going with the first plan. Never should have changed my mind.] [I had a feeling you would encounter this problem.] 'You could have talked me out of it.' [And miss the chance to say, "I told you so" and rub it in your face? Not a chance in hell!] The two having a bit of a tiff as this whole thing happened.

It wouldn't be long before Rusaku's chakra connected with the storm above. He acted immediately, increasing his movement speed just enough to jump into the air once again… for the first time. Again, he had been more than aware of Kirin’s development above and tried to use this to his benefit.

He calculated his trajectory, jumping at an angle. The jump wouldn’t result in a fatal hit, but Kirin was a fast sumbitch. Even with the increased speed, he would still get hit. Of course, his arm would be cauterized at the shoulder, but it was far from life threatening for the Jashinist Immortal. The both of them were fast, the lightning being the clear winner, obviously. So, the connect between the two would happen fairly close to the ground, around 50 meters or so, considering the Nara hadn't been on the ground when he made that jump. The ground and that particular portion of the living forest would show the most signs of destruction from the technique. Once again, for the first time, his leap into the air would cause him to reach the peak of 284 meters, the lightning not offering much resistance when it cleanly removed his arm from his person. He knew not whether his opponent would take control of the Wood Release himself, but his Mind’s Eye would look out for any further movements. It sucked that he didn’t have RYN activated, but at least he could feel the connection of his Hiraishin Marker return. ’Remind me to tweak this stupid seal when all this is over.’ [Keep fighting the way you are and I won’t be reminding you of anything.] He knew the furball was right, it was time for him to start doing things the right way to keep things interesting. [You have a variety of techniques that you know, all of them unvoided, how about you use some of the cooler ones. When you lose me, at least you'll know you had a good fight.] 'Dang, furball, no faith at all huh?' [Not at the moment. Seems to me, you'd have better credibility if you'd taken me from someone else... like anybody else. Like, maybe the Master Criminal that was just sealed up. Sure, nobody liked him, but he sure knew how to make somebody his bitch. You have a problem. Fix it and learn from these mistakes. Stick to the universe you're in. Nothing good will come out from interseries influences.] A touch of advice, perhaps the last advice the Kyuubi would be able to give this particular container. The clouds would begin fading from the sky, the Nara casting a shadow down below. A shadow that would grow darker and darker as more clouds parted, showing that perhaps there was a bright side. Hopefully, this was good enough advice for the Nara to continue along smoothly from here on out.

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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2017, 02:06:50 AM »

Ahh the Uzumaki fuinjutsu formula; an obvious staple of the clan in which it received its namesake. It’s inner workings were a mystery to Rusaku, but it’s applications were not. In essence, it’s a storage container. Whatever you put above the seal will be sealed away within its very formula. A simple, but effective tool applied by masters of the craft to great effect. Such an example could even be found here in this very fight. Jay’s clones delivered their palm thrusts into the two ex-Kage, causing them to recoil roughly; their inner mechanisms rattling audibly. From the point of contact, an ink formula spread in order to cover their bodies, which resulted in them immediately being sealed away. (I am going to take the liberty of assuming that you intended to seal them into the clones hands, and not the air somehow, because that wouldn’t make sense.)

Jay was victorious in removing the Marionettes from the battle, evening up his chances by reducing Rusaku’s numbers. Perhaps it would have even impressed the Otsutsuki, if a fatal miscalculation hadn’t been made apparent soon after the event. In the following moments after the successful strike, the Bunshin had allowed themselves to be overwhelmed by Kamui’s Mokuton, which resulted in their dispersal. How is this a miscalculation, you might ask? That question can be answered by recollecting how the Seal works. Storing the affected objects into the formula itself. So, when the two clones found themselves dispersed, the formula that was upon their hands were disrupted, releasing the puppets back into the world.

Though, this wouldn’t really help Rusaku all too terribly much, because that whole interaction made it impossible for the two to properly evade the lightning. The resulting explosion took not only Jay’s arm, but once the smoke had cleared, Bocc’s lower half had been claimed and Kamui was in several pieces around the area. Both lie motionless as steam rose from their bodies. The Temperature slowly began to reduce back to normal with Bocc no longer supplying his technique.

Rusaku’s brow arched with curiosity as he witnessed the event, still having not moved from his meditative stance. He felt the return of his chakra as his clone was also dispersed by the explosion, granting the ROOT commander whatever insights the clone had collected along the way. The bunshin that remained at Rusaku’s side huffed, “That means it’s my turn, huh?” With a stern nod, Rusaku confirmed the clones inquiry.

“Alright...Let’s see how many times we have to kill him before he stays dead.” The clone uttered, cracking his neck before assuming a position not unlike a runner at the starting line. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and allowed his Doujutsu to transcend. Upon re-opening, the intense flora pattern of the Tenseigan overtook the pale Hyuugan pallette. Simultaneously, chakra exploded outwards from all of his Tenketsu, engulfing Rusaku in emerald flames that quickly took shape in the form of his coveted cloak. The chakra moulded to his clothing, acting like a second skin that flickered like fire caught in a light breeze. The very first public appearance of the unrestricted Tenseigan with all of it’s granted abilities unlocked. He had always gotten to play around with it behind closed doors, but now someone had finally allowed him unrestricted access to the very reason he embraced the Otsutsuki so much. Butterflies inhabited the clones belly as he felt the extraordinary power coursing through his body. In this mode, Rusaku’s abilities were enhanced on a level that rivals the power of a Senjutsu enhanced Kurama Chakra Mode, a combination of that to Rusaku’s knowledge has never been achieved in SL. So, outside of perhaps the 8th gate, Rusaku had reached a level of speed and power that had no equal. None that Rusaku in his current state of mind could think of at least. Perhaps this fight will prove him otherwise.

With this newfound level of power, Rusaku lurched forward from his crouched position and rocketed at Jay at full speed. The Original Rusaku’s clothes shook violently in the subsequent wind produced from the air displacement. At such speeds, the clone would cover the distance between him and Jay in literally seconds. In the meantime, within his right palm, the sprinting clone began to produce an orb of Cyan chakra, composed of the very energy that creates his cloak. Once formed, rotation was immediately applied which caused it to begin spinning rapidly, resulting in the formation of several blade like appendages to appear, similar to a demon wind Shuriken. If Jay had knowledge of the Rasengan, he would recognize it as the famous Rasenshuriken.

If allowed to get within 50 yards of Jay,  Rusaku would release his shuriken with incredible speed and impeccable accuracy, aimed to bisect Jay along the midsection. Unbeknownst to Jay, there would be unique properties to this technique which granted it immense potential for chakra absorption. Before being converted into a Rasenshuriken variant, this technique was able to strip the Canon Naruto of all chakra within his body, including that of Kurama’s, in almost an instant. The resulting explosion from the collected energy was comparable to one of Kurama’s Tailed beast bombs, maybe even more than that. The same could be said here, seeing as Jay is also the host of Kurama. Being a demon and Uzumaki, he could arguably have more chakra than Naruto, who was just an Uzumaki. Though, that would be up for Jay to decide. If that were to be the case though, the explosion would be however much larger.

Though that is of course the best case scenario, assuming he collected all of Jay and Kurama’s chakra, which is unlikely no matter how fast Rusaku and his Attacks are. Otherwise, the technique would simply become more and more powerful dependant on how much chakra it can absorb along the way. Without any supplement chakra, the impact would probably be comparable to a Big Ball Rasengan. Though, to make this technique more effective, Rusaku moulded it into a Rasenshukren in order to achieve a new quirk. The technique itself was granted a vacuum-esk effect which allowed it to draw in chaka from longer distances, now absorbing any energy within 10 meters of it that can be successfully drawn in. “Localized Reincarnation Rasenshuriken!” Rusaku howled as he tossed his construct. Upon release, Rusaku was immediately ready to begin moving once more, refusing to stay in one spot and allow Jay to get a bead on his location, even with Mind’s eye and EMS.

Meanwhile, Rusaku watched meticulously. He was observing Jay and his fighting mannerisms in order to concoct the perfect plan for when he finally decided to fight for real. In the meantime, this was child’s play. He was watching as his opponent struggled helplessly against overwhelming odds and wasted precious resources. “Rage...rage against the dying of the light.” Rusaku mused to himself, only wishing he had some dinner to enjoy with this show.   
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer


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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2017, 10:52:08 AM »

As promised, the young Nara would employ the Flight Technique to stay airborne, especially after he had dropped a meter or two from the 284 peak. Already, he had an action off the board, but he had free reign of the skies in this manner, so a necessary evil. Intrigued, he noted the hiccup below, after the fact of course. The words of the Kyuubi also echoed in his mind. More than aware he was sitting on a plethora of unvoided techniques, he just couldn't make full use of them against opponents that weren't real. The realization was frustrating, to put it simply. He needed to close the distance between them by at least a few dozen meters, to a single hundred, at the maximum. Perhaps, he could the existence of the clone to his advantage.

Speaking of which, his Mind's Eye and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan would pick up the ascension of the clone's Byakugan to the Tenseigan. 'Here it is.' His curiosity would be the reason for this and it may be the death of him. Not one to be left behind, his aura of malice and dread took a backseat to one of pure cold indifference. From this feeling, the use of his Devil Release would come into play. The aura would affect the surrounding energy of his Chaos Sage Mode, as it was overpowered by the dark recesses of the evil soul within the Nara. Said energy would take the appearance of steam, while being combined with the Chaos Sage Mode. Devil Release held the same capabilities with the Average Sage Mode, which was important with the activation of Lightning Release Chakra Mode at its full power.

By the time that he'd activated the lightning based augmentation, ebony and deep purple arcs of lightning, Rusaku's clone would close in the distance and throw his attack. He'd move at comparable speeds, if not more. he wouldn't move towards the clone, but perpendicular to the ground, towards the position of the real Rusaku. He wouldn't aim to approach said Rusaku, but he did plan to remain at an altitude of 282 meters above the flat ground below. Sure, he had ways to rid the technique from being a danger to him, but why waste the energy. He needed only fast movement speed to do what he desired to do.

The Nara wasn't sure if the Tenseigan Chakra Mode offered its users a passive ability of flight, or not. If it did, then the clone was most likely in said flight mode. If it didn't, then it was merely a jump and the clone would need to utilize the flight technique to turn around and give chase. All in all, the Nara knew the speed and the fact that he moved at the exact time the technique left the clone's hand, that he would get a clear evasion. After Kirin, despite getting clipped, he didn't believe he would encounter anything faster. The clone was close, but not enough as Jay evaded the Kirin and only lost an arm. As he mentioned before, his healing factor would handle the missing arm. Sure, time was moving much faster, so it would take a lot more turns before it would return in its entirety, the use of his Devil Release energy passively speeding it along at a more gradual pace. A pair of seconds would be all that was needed for him to cross the distance between the forest's airspace and Rusaku's airspace.

He knew what he wanted to do when he got to the position, his Mind's Eye keeping him aware of his surroundings. The Rasengan technique, utilized by the clone would fly aimlessly through the sky. The clone, again, might have to use the flight technique to turn around. Either way, he was more focused on how he would take Rusaku out, a previous technique giving him an idea on how to do just that. It simply needed the right execution.

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Re: Battle for Furball; Jay v Rusaku
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2017, 06:37:14 PM »

Unfortunately for Jay, he may have just made the biggest mistake of the fight thus far; turning his back to the high speed Bunshin. One such detail of the Mind’s eye technique that people continue to forget, without fail, is that it lacks any observable ability to track high speed movement, or predict it’s next course of action. As previously mentioned, Rusaku’s clone had every intention of continuing to move at his ridiculously high speeds immediately after releasing his technique, and would do just that.

Jay’s use of his additional Sage buff and Raiton armor were inconsequential, especially considering his choice of taking to the air with the flight technique. That particular chakra mode relies on increasing the user's physical prowess to achieve high speed, while the light-weight Rock technique takes Physical prowess out of the equation entirely when used for flight. Even if you could argue that the stacked sage-esk buffs could increase the speed of the flight technique, it would be a moot point when compared to the speed that the Tenseigan chakra mode could display. What’s more, the Tenseigan chakra cloak has been explicitly shown to also increase the speed of the user’s flight in addition to ground speeds, which is in fact granted passively as Jay speculated.

Observing as Jay evaded the Rasenshuriken, Rusaku’s clone wasted no time in his pursuit. Moving to appear behind/above Jay in a burst of speed, he formed another emerald Rasengan-esk technique within his palm. Unlike previously, there was no additional shape transformation added in order to accentuate the haste in which this technique will be applied. With appearing behind Jay opposed to cutting him off, Rusaku attempted to take advantage of the Mind’s eye technique’s inability to track movement. Meaning Jay has, at most, average human levels of visual ability when observing someone exclusively through mind’s eye. Obviously moving at speeds that were incomprehensible to the average human, Rusaku moved to slam the emerald orb into Jay’s back while he tried to pursue the original. If the hit connected, Jay would find that instead of crashing into him and dealing blunt force damage, the orb would phase into his body like rippling water. See, despite it’s appearance, this was no Rasengan. This was the Otsutsuki Secret Technique: Puppet Cursing Sphere. A “Jack of all trades” technique used to serve a menagerie of different situations. This particular application would employ it’s ability to control individuals who have the orb implanted within them, against their will. If successful, Jay would find himself stopped dead in his tracks, unable to move and manipulate chakra, resulting in the deactivation of nearly all his active techniques. Turns out Rusaku has his own array of unvoided techniques. 

Regardless of the Cursing Sphere’s success or failure, the bunshin immediately followed that action with the application of his own Mokuton by forming a single seal with his free hand. From the sleeves of his cloak that was already extended from trying to strike Jay, 8 small sized Wooden Dragons emerged in a similar fashion to the shadow striking snakes technique. In base, each dragon was 1/8th the size and power of the conventional Wood Dragon, but when enhanced by the presence of the Tenseigan Chakra Mode, there was an exponential leap in each one’s power that elevated each to nearly the strength of the original, larger dragon. The 8 wooden serpents moved to coil around Jay and bind him into place. Just like the original jutsu, the dragons had the innate ability to not only absorb foreign chakra, but also cancel out the useage of other chakra absorption techniques.

Meanwhile, the real Rusaku was starting to get a little bored. His clone seemed to be handling the Nara with minimal effort, so there wasn’t really any need to support it. On the other hand, there was no reason not to, if it meant solidifying a win. He could of course summon the wonder twins, having just recently made them into human puppets, but perhaps that route would be distasteful. He could activate the advent world of flowering trees to add to his environmental presence, but even that could be ineffective at the speeds the fight was moving at now. So, what does that really leave Rusaku with? With a shrug, Rusaku lifted his hand and pointed his finger at Jay. What he was doing with that pointed finger has yet to be seen.
If you can't beat them, eat them.

-Jeffrey dahmer
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