Casual > Game Related Discussions

EMS "2nd Stage"

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Same, I've gone hundreds if not thousands of fights without single Baluski encounter, got to the point I just took a break from forest for a while.

Old Man Xia:

--- Quote from: Warren on August 21, 2017, 05:11:54 PM ---Same, I've gone hundreds if not thousands of fights without single Baluski encounter, got to the point I just took a break from forest for a while.

--- End quote ---

Sadly it does happen xD

I have to revive this dead thread... I haven't gotten the event since I posted almost two years ago. I haven't logged in very often but I grind a ton when I do and still no luck. Are we sure the chance increases the longer you have ems? I've had it almost two years and nothing... not even a single gyu event yet.

If it matters I thought I'd sit and just killed oro after roughly 2 years. Are you only allowed one successful training per DK or what?

You can get more than 1 training per orokill, its just veeeery unlikely. The chance should also increase as aforementioned, I'm not sure how exactly it works but based on my peek at the code that is still indeed the case.


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