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Author Topic: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle  (Read 9760 times)


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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2018, 09:55:46 PM »

Kamui wouldn't relent in his full-on assault of sound-natured infused punches, striking each clone with such precision and accuracy. With the speed of these punches, there was little room for error for his opponent and it would seem that almost all of the clones were disposed of. But this wasn't the case, there was one clone who was smart enough to get outside of the confines of the barrier before the shockwave impacted the area; all while miraculously keeping the barrier up in the process. 

Now this clone was far from being safe from his reach, well his punches couldn't reach the clone due to it being outside the range of the attack. However, since this clone was outside the confines of the barrier space, it was free game for his drones whom were still  lurking in the skies above them. Both of these drones had two district features that were complexly unique to them, one of the drones could produce a limited amount of marked weapons from within and the other had three techniques sealed into a small scroll that could fired off from the selected drone in the form of a corrosive orb-like projectile. This drone would immediately locked-on the clone and would make use of one of the sealed techniques that was sealed into one of the three scrolls that it carried on-board, a whizzing sound was heard as this projectile would head towards the unprotected clone at phenomenal speeds.

This clone would fail in reestablishing both the barrier and the Lion's Closing Roar due to the corrosive blob having the capability of eating away at any chakra that didn't belong to Kamui. Naturally this clone could've saved itself by absorbing this technique, but it couldn't do so in this case since this clone still hasn't released the technique that it absorbed earlier. With the way that the situation was heading, there was no possible way for the clone to save himself within time and there would be one less nuisance for Kamui to deal with.     

The barrage of punches that were aimed directly at the original would subsequently absorbed by the original without fail due to his ability to produce some sort of chakra-absorption vapor. The ability displayed by his opponent was another minor inconvenience, but from observing the use of this unique technique. There was some limitations to what could be absorbed by those vapors and from what he concluded, only one technique at a time could be absorbed.

Without any further obstruction from the fresnal lens, the tomoes in his eyes could be seen a bit more clearly and his piercing stare could be seen from the distance. Kamui was clearly successful in landing the spiraling sphere of magnetic chakra on the torso of the clone, but there something else that he would have to deal with, namely the chain reaction of explosions that were about to occur the moment that this explosive sphere of magnetic chakra exploded. The tomoes in his eyes rapidly spun upon the usage of the Flying Thunder God Seal being used to supplement the summoning of these explosive tags. Combined with the intake of natural energy that was still pouring into his body and was being rapidly converted into senjutsu chakra, there was a small window in this situation where he could evade the said explosion that was about to occur and also use it to his advantage.

"Mokuton..." Kamui muttered as quickly retracted his arm back in the nick of time and simultaneously formed a one-handed seal with his hand that he used previously to deliver the palm thrust at his opponent's elbow. He would create a hardy and very sturdy wooden dome-like structure that surrounded his entire body in the form of a dragon's face. This sturdy structure made out of his Wood Release was enhanced with not only tailed beast chakra, but also natural energy and was more than strong enough to withstand the destructive force behind these chain reaction of explosions. 

One thing that his opponent didn't count on was that this chain reaction of explosions also had a different effect when it clashed with the spiraling sphere of magnetic chakra. Everything within the initial radius of the consecutive explosions would be heavily magnetized, due to chain reaction of explosions spreading this magnetic chakra outward in a more efficient manner, thus increasing the distance of what could be affected by this magnetic chakra. After the chain of consecutive explosions ended, there was still the wooden dome still standing amongst the rubble and was relatively untouched from the explosions. Kamui placed both of his palms onto the untouched ground below him as the wooden dragon-like face would part open from middle and revealed that this man wasn't harmed like his opponent had originally planned.

"You say that now, but how long will you last before you have to resort to that power? How about I give you a reason to give in?" Kamui made use of the heavily magnetized field to cause a considerable quantity of gold dust to erupt from the ground in front of him, which was then immediately manipulated into a tidal wave of gold dust that was of epic proportions. This massive tidal wave of gold dust spread out for as far as the eye could see and if one were to measure the size of this attack, it was nearly big as the entire empty town that they presided in. As quickly as this tidal wave of gold dust was conjured, the attack would converge upon the location of Naruto and if he didn't react quickly enough. If this young man was unfortunate enough, this gargantuan technique would quickly threaten to engulf him in mountainous layer of gold dust and subsequently bury him in the process. Kamui thought about riding this tidal wave of gold dust, but that would be way too reckless in his opinion and a bit of an oversight to show off in this type of situation.

[Acid Release: Rasengan]
[Wood Release: Hōbi Technique]
[Magnet Release: Gold Dust Imperial Funeral]

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2018, 07:09:18 AM »

His opponent was a smart and resourceful, however there was a fatal flaw in his calculations and that is the fact that its been established that his Drones were within the confines of the barrier. Since Naruto's barrier hasn't been destroyed or brought down despite his opponent's attempts, Kamui still managed to utilize the Flying Thunder God from them and evade his exploding Rasenshuriken earlier in the fight all while still within the barrier's confines thanks to said Drones. All the clone needed to do was apply the seal to the already formed barrier (which his opponent himself stated, "the chakra chains barrier would be completed as his opponent planned")  This would mean his attack would be intercepted by the it, but due too its nature of corroding foreign chakra it would leave a hole. Though his opponent was relentless in trying to stop it, he would have only ended up delaying the inevitable as shielding provides enough time for it to finish, ultimately leading to the demise of Shukaku's Jinchuriki if the punch connects.

In the unlikely circumstance things continue as his opponent desired, the clone would be destroyed, but his opponent would find the barrier still functioning. This is thanks to Naruto connecting himself to it previously in the battle, allowing him to sustain it. There would be pros and cons to this however as Kamui's magnetism would be limited to a smaller area, greatly reducing the amount of Gold Dust, but then it would also concentrate what does remain upon Naruto in close quarters. The Uzumaki smirks in response to the man,"You're welcome to try!"

He says this as he formed a set of handseals, slamming his palms into the ground as the wave race towards him.  If successful, he would manage to Reverse Summon the confines of the barrier into the stomach of a giant Gourd Toad on Myoboku, filled with steel melting acid, instantly changing the battlefield around them. With the floor underneath both Kamui and his Gold Dust becoming a huge lake of acid, it would stand to reason that they would come in contact with it and without proper footing, fall right in. If not completely destroyed once contact is made, the acid would meld the Gold together, making it virtually useless for attacking as it sinks into the deep lake. Perhaps if Kamui chose to ride the Gold Dust he would have greater warning, but due to the suddenness of the Space-Time Jutsu he would most likely find himself swimming in the vat of destruction, not boding well for his various tech. Once arrived, the Chakra Chains Barrier that once surrounded them would be no more. Naruto himself would be standing at the shore by a building that is seemingly unaffected by the acid along with various other objects floating around the stomach. The jutsu that ends up putting them in this sealed off dimension would be Summoning: Toad Gourd Prison, a single jutsu that bears similarities to Summoning: Crushing Toad Stomach and Barrier: Toad Gourd Prison



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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2018, 08:01:04 AM »

It seem that his opponent wasn't that much of a great surveyor, due to his assumption that these drones were within the confines of the barrier space, when in reality that these drones were much more than far away from area of effect of this barrier; it was clarified that these drones were more than a mile up in the sky. It was a rather simple mistake on his opponent's part and nothing could be done since the clone didn't even attempt to avoid the path of the corrosive projectile. Now before the punch could connect, the corrosive blob would hit the clone like he planned and it would do enough damage for it to dispel into a puff of smoke; transferring the experience and information back towards the caster.

"Oho? This is a reverse summon much similar to the one that my old friend uses." Kamui was collected in his thoughts as the gold dust collected underneath his feet, quickly forming a floating platform that was just above the surface of the pool of corrosive stomach acid. Contrary to the belief that these stomach acids would corrode his gold dust, it seem that his opponent didn't know that stomach acid is basically hydrochloric acid, and hydrochloric acid is unable to react with any of the less reactive metals: including gold, silver, copper, and platinum on its own. Half of the gold dust that he had conjured would get submerged in the lake of acid and from his opponent's point of view, it would seem that these gold dust was a lost cause. However this was not the case, the large portion of gold dust that was submerged would quickly levitate out of the acidic pool and would collect underneath the medium-sized platform that he was currently standing on; the lingering acid on the gold dust would safely drip downwards back into pool below.

"You refuse to give in to the power within you, yet you think you can beat me with just senjutsu? Allow me to spread some doom and gloom on your parade, young man. For you see, this isn't the extent of what I can do with my power and you have yet to see me use my full power... " Kamui had a plan for casting a technique on the internal stomach walls of the summon and figured that it would be in his best interest to get rid of this summon in a more efficient manner that would be most beneficial. Throughout his statement, the tomoes in his eyes would rapidly spin then merged together to form the advanced form of his doujutsu, the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. Kamui acted as if he was going to stare at his opponent, but instead he closed his left eye and focused in on the background(stomach walls) behind his opponent.

"Amaterasu!" Kamui mentally intoned as he casted the unquenchable black flames of Amaterasu behind the Nine-Tailed Fox's jinchūriki, the black flames would slowly eat away at the stomach lining of this summon and within due time the summon would be no more; allowing him to quickly escape this area without any negative repercussions whatsoever. Naruto on the other hand wasn't exactly safe, since the intense heat generated from the black flames would be felt from the distance that he was located at and over time, the black flames would increase the temperature of the environment around them; literally turning the area into a sauna within the matter of minutes.   

Meanwhile back at the battlefield, the drones would idly hover in the skies and kept scouting the area for any sudden re-appearance of both Naruto and Kamui. If it was necessary or a dire emergency, one of the drones still had access to one last marked kunai knife and the other drone still had two more sealed techniques that it could still use at any given moment.

[Desert Suspension]
[Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan]

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2018, 12:53:15 AM »

Naruto smirks as his opponent doesn't seem to realize the situation he is in, despite the fact the Uzumaki himself has unquenchable black flames currently behind him, he wouldn't have to experience the heat for long at all. Quickly going into his pocket, the Uzumaki would place his finger upon one of his kunai, using the Finger Carving Seal to inscribe a code upon it, and would use Flying Thunder God to transport it to an ally, "Time to say goodbye Robo-pops!"

If successful, Naruto's last clone and the Toad Sages would work in unison. Ma and Pa would summon the original Naruto, while the clone would almost just as quickly seals away the Toad, prepared beforehand as the jutsu he told them to ready at the beginning, the Enclosing Technique.  Escape wouldn't be that easy as not only where they in a new location, but as stated before that they are in a Sealed Off Dimension, trapping his opponent in an entirely new world. Escape would require Kamui to bypass the Dimensional Barrier that holds them. Thanks to the very slow burning nature of the Amaterasu along with the nearly split second reaction of his Sage Clone and Toads, Kamui's fate seems sealed in the most literal sense.



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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2018, 11:07:59 PM »

Some of the gold dust that formed a large platform underneath Kamui would continue to hold afloat in the air. Rather than make use of the abilities of right eye, the tomoes in his left eye would rapidly spin and glow as his line of vision fell upon Naruto. Kamui emitted a pulse of chakra from his left eye upon noticing the spike of chakra emanating from the use of the chakra engraving seal and quickly activated the abilities of left eye, hoping that his opponent would inadvertently activate a very powerful ocular genjutsu.

"How rude, leaving your guest hanging around by himself." Kamui was hoping that his opponent would be careless enough to look in his direction, which he did by the way he relayed his parting remarks directly to the Shodaime. Unbeknownst to Naruto, the genjutsu had already started taking effect on his perception of time, causing him to unknowingly perceive the flow of time as if it was normal. This ocular genjutsu gave him a false sense of security that everything would go according to plan and by the time that Naruto or his toads were able to detect it. It would be too late as there wouldn't be enough time to dispel the genjutsu at that moment, allowing Kamui some respite in escaping. He thought that if his opponent was going to retreat away from this area in such a hurry without much of a fuss, that would mean that Naruto was planning on isolating him within the confines of this toad. Kamui could only assume that if he was isolated within this toad, then his opponent would probably try to seal away this toad in order to further isolated him from the outside world; this was something that was not going to happen on his watch.

Kamui quickly formed the seal of confrontation and made use of the final marker that was with one of his drones. He didn't have that much time before the clone sealed away the toad, which is why he decided to only take a portion of the supply of gold dust that formed the platform underneath him; this was done in order to conserve his chakra. Kamui narrowly escaped a cruel fate through the usage of his Space-Time technique, which allowed him to escape through a dimensional void that teleported him directly on top of the floating drone. Upon landing on the drone with the marker, the other drone would quickly move away from him as the drone underneath his feet would fizzle into disrepair from the severe damage done from his unorthodox escape method.

"Damn it, not again!" Kamui said in disdain upon causing the destruction of one of his drones, causing the marker to be drawn into the magnetically charged gold dust. As this occurred, his body would only be terminal velocity for a split-second, before plummeting back down towards the platform. Before his descent back towards the surface, the platform of gold dust would keep him safely afloat in the air for the moment. Once the man collected himself, he immediately made use of the platform of gold dust to safely float back down towards the surface. When Kamui placed his feet on the ground, the gold dust would spread outwards about twenty yards. The settlement of the gold dust had created a relatively size sand dune and the marker could be seen protruding from the surface of the gold dust.

A cloud of dust emerged from behind the man as he leap from what from where he was at and onto the badly damaged foundation of a large building complex that was nearby. Kamui couldn't sense his opponent in the immediate area and could only assume that he was still at that undisclosed location that he escaped to. Nonetheless, there wasn't much time left before his opponent figured out his elaborate ruse and realized that Kamui wasn't sealed as planned.

"Warning. Systems indicate that the central core is in danger of overheating, cool-down must be initiated within the next hour in order to avoid a system shutdown." A exasperated sigh left his lips as he heard a prompt from the system A.I. that was built into his cybernetic technology. Kamui knew that with the amount of chakra that he was flexing in his version-two state, that it was only a matter of time before the system couldn't handle the regulation of both the natural energy and chakras coming from his tailed beast.

"Within time you will have to make use of that form or otherwise you'll be a sitting duck with that hunk of metal you have on." Kamui was formulating his next moves when he heard the voice of the Shukaku in his mind, a lingering reminder that eventually he would have to show his full power in this game of death. Hopefully his opponent didn't lose interest in this fight and decided to escape with his life, while he still had it. If so that would mean that this battle would simply end in a tie and their lives could continue, allowing them to recover from this grueling experience. However, if his opponent decided to return to this area, the battle would continue as planned.

[Flying Thunder God]
[Gold Dust Marking]

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2018, 05:50:36 AM »

Naruto would be a bit shocked at the almost mind reading abilities of his opponent, most would interpret it was solely a remark regarding the demise of the other party. Regardless, Kamui's attempt at subduing Naruto, even momentarily with his Genjutsu would prove a fruitless effort, allowing the Uzumaki and friends to proceed smoothly and swiftly. Being a poor surveyor seems like a trait they share in common as a key requirement for Kamui's Genjutsu to work is being at least within 5 meters and Naruto would be far too out of range. It was already established earlier that they are over well 70 meters away from eachother. Since the Uzumaki was able to teleport the entirety of the Chakra Chains Barrier inside the Toad before it dissipated, the two shinobi haven't gotten closer or further apart from their original positions.

Kamui's fatal error would result in him being sealed away inside the scroll as his attempted window of escape would not exist. Looking at the scroll, Naruto would give a sigh. This prompts Pa Toad to look at him with a teasing grin,"Gave you more trouble than expecting Naruto-boy?"

Ma would chime in, "Look Pa, I can see the sweat dripping down his face!"

Naruto would put on a pretty annoyed expression as his surrogate parents have a laugh at him, "Hardy haha, well you two weren't there..." His clone would even begin to join in on the laughter, "Gah, you too?!"



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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2018, 11:15:32 PM »

Kamui would involuntarily activate one of his fail-safes that was sealed into his left eye upon failing to secure his opponent within his genjutsu. Although the range of his genjutsu was tripled in distance due to senjutsu chakras still coursing throughout his body, the odds were against him in this scenario and it seem that everything was all in naught...or was it? It was a foolish sentiment on his opponent's part to generally assume that everything went according to plan, when in fact it didn't due to Kamui rewriting his destiny as he saw fit.

"Ah, what a genjutsu wasn't strong enough for that kid." Kamui lamented over the lost of his sight in his left eye and closed his left eyelid shut, the blindness was a result of him invoking the forbidden ocular ninjutsu, Izanagi. It was a small price to remove the boundaries of reality and illusion within his personal space control. Which allowed him to control his state of existence for a short period of time, this would rewrite the destiny that was currently assumed by his opponent.   

"Where the hell are you?..." Kamui growled and continued to scout around the area for any signs of the jinchūriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. He thought about replacing his eye that he lost with another one that he had at his disposal, but there wasn't enough time to go through with all of this. At least not without exposing himself in way to would leave him vulnerable to any surprise counter-attack. Lucky for him though, the marker that he used earlier was still intact inside the dune of gold dust and was located about thirty yards from where he was located. Should the situation call for it, there was the small patch of magnetized gold dust could be manipulated by him at any moment.

Kamui formed a series of one-handed seals, molding his water-natured chakras inside of gullet, causing his stomach to bloat slightly. He would part his lips and began expelling a very thick blanket of mist that would immediately cover the entire area in a thick haze that was comprised of his chakra signature. This thick blanket of fog would hide his presence, but should the chakra-infused fog get blown away, it would expose his location. This was something that could have drastic consequences if he was not full prepared, so after his technique was finished. He brought his hands together in the form of a clap and created a spherical detection barrier with him in the center. Not a moment sooner after the technique was invoked, the spherical detection barrier would expand about six hundred yards outward and would grasp everything within the surrounding. Kamui didn't have much time before he would have to switch it up and dispose of his cybernetic battle armor. But even so, there would be a huge output of chakra if were to use his full power right now, so much that it may break the overload the cybernetic armor from within; taking it out of commission for the remainder of this match.

"If that kid doesn't come back then I guess I'll call it a day." Kamui still couldn't sense the location of his opponent within the immediate vicinity and could only assume that this kid decided to escape with life, while he still had it. Naruto didn't have a marker nor did he have any toads within the immediate vicinity, so that meant he was stuck where he was at until he figured out some way to get back to the battlefield that Kamui was located at. If he planned on remaining where he was at, then that would mean that this match would end in draw and as he said before, both of them could go on with their lives. It was a grueling experience for the both of them, but they could learn from each other in this battle and hopefully there will a time where they could use this knowledge for their own benefit. However, if this kid decided to make an appearance, this would mean that the match could resume accordingly until one of them was dead and a winner was decided.       

[Transcription Seal: Izanagi]
[Hiding in the Mist Technique]
[Barrier: Canopy Method Formation]

Uchiha Madara

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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2018, 02:59:08 AM »

With no way to return, it would indeed be true that Naruto couldn't teleport back to the battlefield and he would realize soon afterward that Kamui escaped his fate, "That guy is something something else..." The Uzumaki says to himself as looks down at his stomach. He places a hand upon where his seal is located and begins to contemplate, talking directly to Ma and Pa, "He was a Jinchuriki too..and it looked like him and his Tailed Beast were..friends?"

The Uzumaki at first couldn't digest such an idea, could such a thing be possible? Could a human host really bond with the monster inside them?

Pa Toad lends in his thoughts,
"Many before you have befriended their Tailed Beast in the past. Perhaps you and the Nine Tails one day can finally see eachother as comrades and put and end to this feud?"

Naruto doesn't look up at Pa, but instead closes his eyes, concentrating upon his inner being, traversing to his most Inner Conscious. He'd appear in his Mental Realm, represented by a flooding industrial building before the Demon Fox who would growl at his presence, "Come to fight me again boy? Didn't get enough thrashing from your last fight?" The Fox would exude a sea of malice threatening to engulf the  man before him, however Naruto would be surprisingly calm,"Thank you.."

The beast would be visibly taken aback by hearing such words from the person he torments frequently. Naruto continues on to say, "Your chakra helped out back" The Tailed Beast would normally sense any type of anger or Negative Emotions emitting from Naruto whenever they were face to face. But he was peaceful, he was thankful, and he was genuine. The Kyuubi immediately retorts back, "You think you can fool me boy with such false platitude? I'd rather you fight me than hear anything so sickening!"

Naruto angrily points at the Monster Fox, "Why are you getting angry at me for thanking you?! Maybe you should start working on your attitude Kurama!"

Kurama's eyes widen, first a thank you and now calling him by his name? The beast's attitude would become less hostile as he begins to see that Naruto is truly trying, "Heh, you mean you actually remembered what he said? So there is something between those ears other than hot air." By this point Naruto rolls up his sleeves and begins to shadow box, "I knew this was a bad idea, bring it on! I'll take you on right here and right now, then maybe you'll learn how to take a proper 'thank you'!"

"Be my guest, cross the gate! I was getting a little hungry, I-..." The Fox trails off as he notices his reflection in the water below. He would be snickering of all things. Perplexed, he would begin pondering if the brat is really getting to him.

"Now you can't even be bothered to finish arguing huh? Thats it, I'm gone!" Naruto opens his eyes in reality, more elated than angry as he noticed Kurama's grin as well. He slams a balled fist into the palm of his opposite hand, looking off into the horizon and yelling, "I know you can't hear me, but thank you! I'll get stronger from this and make sure to repay the favor Robo-pops! This isn't the last you've seen of me!" As the sun begins to set, Naruto goes to commune with the Nine Tails, but not before he checks in on his toad friends who were injured in the battle. As stated before, Kamui and Naruto both go on to live another day, but perhaps destiny will entangle them once more in the future? Only time will tell.



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Re: Naruto vs Kamui: The Fox and Tanuki Struggle
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2018, 07:16:50 AM »

Kamui stood his ground and was on high alert, searching for any signs of his opponent's chakra signature. After a good half hour had passed from him searching the area with his sense, there was clearly no signs of him returning and with that note. The version-two chakra that surrounded him would begin to retrogress back to his version one state and vice-versa. In a blink of an eye, the tomoes in his right eye would recede back into normal pupils that had an obsidian hue. The cybernetic battle suit was still in combat mode by the time he return back to his normal state and it was about to become dead weight due to some system error that he encountered towards the end of their battle.

"I might as well put this damn thing on stand-by until I return back to Konoha to fix it up and install some upgrades." Kamui said as he pressed a switch located on the nape of cybernetic battle suit, causing the suit to disengage from combat mode and detach itself from the owner. Mechanical whizzing sounds were heard as the cybernetic battle suit transformed itself into a what appeared to be a large metal suitcase, which was a requirement  for C.A.I.N. when it entered into stand-by mode. Kamui remembered that there was still his marker located within the golden dunes that he escaped with earlier, but another thought crossed his mind. Izanagi had devastating consequences on the eye that it was cast from and blindness had already set in about forty-five minutes ago.

Either way, an eye could always be replaced and as long as his soul remained intact. He could easily avoid a trip to the other side by transferring his soul into another poor unsuspecting soul's body and subsequently take over that said body; making the body his own. However, there was no need for such drastic measures since he was relatively unharmed from the outcome of this match. Other than blindness in one eye, this battle was an interesting change of pace for him and brought some excitement to his otherwise boring life. Kamui pressed a button that was located near the handle of the metallic-looking suitcase, causing a small panel to open up on top and a series of mechanical buzzing sounds could be heard from the sudden appearance of a tiny satellite dish that served as a transmitter for his drones.

A few seconds later, the drone receive the data from the metallic-looking suitcase and proceeded to rapidly descend from the skies. The lone drone would take a few seconds to rendezvous with him, but once it did, the drone would position itself over a small port on the metallic-looking suitcase and a slight mechanical clicking sound would heard upon the drone merging with the designated charging  port. After all of this was done, the man kicked his he'll back and started dashing towards the location of where he last saw his marker for his earlier teleportation technique that was used to escape those explosions. Kamui was disappointed to find out that invocation of his forbidden ocular kinjustu had only allowed him to bring back only a fraction of the gold dust and the dune that he saw earlier was merely an illusion brought on by the said technique. Although his marker was still magnetically attached to the small patch of gold dust, there was still a lack of material that he could've used to easily transport himself out of this area. As he took a step into the small patch of golden sand, the materials would be magnetically drawn to his body and would wrapped around the entirety of his body; creating a type of sand-like armor that would only be seen when damage was done to his body. Kamui opened his mouth and produced the same marker that was seen moments ago, placing it securely inside of a secret pocket that was located within the arm sleeves of his clothes.     

"I think it is time that we leave this place and go back home to get that eye checked out." A small version of the Shukaku made out of the same gold dust would manifest itself on his shoulder and Kamui chuckled in response. He could've help but agree with his sandy friend, since at this point there wasn't anything left to do here in this area. Kamui clapped his hands and dispelled the thick blanket of fog, including the spherical detection barrier would soon recede back to the center where he was located until it eventually deactivated as well.

"I suppose I should heed your advice and head back home. Such a shame that I didn't catch his name, oh well next time this kid won't be so lucky." After his brief statement, he took one last look around him and shook his head, chuckling to himself as he began molding chakra throughout his body. A whoosh sound would be heard as he used his magnetic chakra nature to coat his entire body with a chakra shroud that induced a highly charged electro-magnetic field. This technique was a precursor to his own unique tailed beast mode and allowed him to continue his journey back home by making use the magnetic field around him in order to fly. Half way into his flight back home, his chakra would flare a bright brilliant crimson and his speed drastically increased threefold; this maneuver would give off the appearance of a crimson star streaking across the twilight skies. Only time would tell if these two would ever meet again and who knows, maybe next time the outcome could turn out different this time around.


(Match has ended in a tie and this thread will be archived/locked)
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