Roleplay > Bijuu Arena

Sealing the Reibi: Can BroBro be Saved?

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--- Quote from: Iburi Ray on February 23, 2017, 11:55:06 PM ---[Format Stolen From everyone~]
Jinchūriki: Iburi Ray

Tails Mastered: Version 1(Mastered)/Version 2(Mastered)/Reibi Chakūra Mōdo (Mastered)

Affiliation: none

Preferred Method: OOC 1v1 or IC 1v1

Preferred Zone: Empty Town

Preferred Judges: PM for details regarding the selection of a judge (I have no preferred judge and want to come to a choice on equal terms with the challenger)

Preferred Outlet: SL Forum

Special rules

-The match is to be a 1v1 death match, if the preferred method was agreed to be IC. However the match will be defaulted to OOC, if that player doesn't agree to *IC* terms of engagement.

-Victory for the challenger is the defeat of the host through any means necessary, and vice versa. Death in the fight does NOT equate to death IC, unless such a term was agreed upon.

-Skills acquired during an OOC match are not carried over IC. Similarly, knowledge of participants' abilities do NOT carry over to IC RP.

-If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option.] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a  winner based on these criteria:

     • Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?

     • What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?

     • Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

-If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight either proceeds or a draw is declared. In the case of a draw, the challenger may rejoin the queue of challengers after the latest challenger without having to wait for cool-down (this circumvention for the benefit of the challenger for not technically being declared the loser, though by not succeeding the host can be considered a winner in this situation.)
Note, this is a technical victory for the host, so unless the challenger truly believes that a restart is necessary to increase victory chances, then it is not recommended to settle for a draw without reviewing this process a second time.

-Prefers SL forum, as it is most useful for fights where long periods of time may pass between postings, serves as a record of the fight's progress for other challengers, and for that damned time-out option.

-Must post at least once every seven days. Though if a pattern of postings persists (I.E. If either player stretches their posting to the full seven days each and every post without prior notification to the other), then the challenge will be voided. The cool-down will be initiated to challenger (if challenger is problem) and the host will be stripped (if host's activity is problem).

- A judge *must* be picked before or during the first round of initial entrance posting by both parties, if the chosen judge makes a ruling that is deemed ridiculous by either party, a new judge may be chosen ONCE by either side. If the matter still can't be settled, it must be brought to the forums for a final decision.

-Re-posts are allowed, within reason. (I.E. If either participant has to repeatedly re-post, the match will be concluded. See inactivity clause.) Re-posts are only to fix the issue brought up by the judge. Modifying the entire post to save yourself or completely change your character's strategy is an automatic disqualification from the match. (See inactive clause for consequences.) Edits are NOT allowed. An edited post is an automatic disqualification. A brand new "Reply" must be made so there is a full history of the entire fight for judge and other readers.

-Can only use skills that are known IC at the official start of the match. No borrowing from others. No immediate power ups within the match.

-Discussion of non-allowed techniques will vary by challenger and discussed via PM, only.

-Inflammatory, racial, harassing, or abusive language aimed at each other either in the match or in PM will result in an immediate void of the challenge. If challenger, (s)he loses all rights to ever challenge the current Jinchūriki. If host, he loses the match and Bijū given to the challenger.

-In the event that a host is defeated, the new host has the cool-down challenge period time-frame to either accept the special regulations for the tailed beast or completely re-write or alter the special rules. If they do not post their own variant by the beginning of the next challenge, then it is to be assumed that they comply with the previous special regulations.

-If host defeated, allow host to finish up any roleplay that may involve having the beast. Then a reasonable RP will be concluded as to how the beast transferred hands.

Any questions, PM me please.

(Mostly) Non-Negotiable Voids

* Swift Release
* Senjutsu-enhanced Dust Release techniques
* Rinnegan + Sage Mode or Tenseigan + Sage Mode
* Tenseigan
* Claims of immunity to Ototon
* Liquefying Super Senjutsu Ototon
* Body Revival Technique (when used to survive the Hachimon Tonkō no Jin)
* Demon empowerment, vampirism, etc. Pretty much anything that doesn't make sense in the Naruto lore
* Borrowing resets when you already have resets
* Izanami
* Kotoamatsukami
* If you have Kamui with other MS Jutsu (Such as Amaterasu or Tsukiyomi). It's either Kamui/Susano'o or Tsukiyomi/Amaterasu/Susano'o. Pick one set of techniques or the other.
* Using Izanagi to circumvent the negative effects of the Gate of Death
* Any of the recent Rikudou powered abilities
* Claiming to use an "undodgable/unavoidable/unblockable" attack
* Just happening to have "a seal" that eliminates one or more of your weaknesses
* Non Zetsu Mayfly

**All of this is subject to any change at the host's discretion**

[Challenge List]:

--- End quote ---

Conditions have been discussed
Ray will Post first because I'm lazier than he is :D

Iburi Ray:
Disclaimer: I am lazier.

Ray sat atop a roof, a cigarette hanging from his mouth lit. His eyes scanned around the area looking for someone though this meeting left Ray with an array of emotions. This only showed on the cigarette where he ended up chewing on the end. Taking a drag Ray changed his eyes to their EMS state as he looks to the sky taking a big hit from his cigarette enjoying the smoke. Ray always wore a hoodie as it was Rexy's favorite thing to hide in. Rexy is Ray's summon who happens to be a Tyrannosaurs Rex with the ability to change her size. Ray kept her out to enjoy the air of the world and this time was no different. Her head popped out under Ray's chin where she made a small muffled roar. 

"Me too." Inside Ray's inner conscious the Leech made an eerie whisper, wondering why Ray was so jumbled emotionally. "Because I havent seen that man in a while and last he saw or at least heard of me, I killed several innocents." Hiru, the Leech let out a blood curdling giggle, but Ray didn't flinch. Finally letting the smoke in his lungs go, the gray substance lingered longer than any normal smoke as Ray kept his senses tuned to looking for his person of interest while Rexy let loose a low vocalization growl.


--- Quote from: Iburi Ray on August 07, 2018, 10:19:28 PM ---Disclaimer: I am lazier.

--- End quote ---

The man walked through the town, eating a bag of Cheetos. He was wearing the same thing as he was in his other fight: (,9502.0.html)
with a small change, it being the shorts were not carrying as many Explosive Kunai/Shuriken. The number would be reduced to one for each pocket.

[You were doing so well too. Just promise me this will be your last bag.] The feline's plea rang in the man's mind, only for him to shake his head. "I can't help it. They're just sooo delicious." Mati could be heard grumbling in his head, only for her to start growling loudly.

Her growling made him stop walking and focus himself inwards. "What's with the growling?" He would ask her, only for him to feel the signature of his brother somewhere in the town. He'd been so engrossed with his junk food, that he had allowed his senses to grow so dulled. He didn't even know how, the entire town reeked of the leech's negativity. He didn't have a problem with it, but he was already outside the realm of humanity to let it bother him. But, his brother was different, or at least that's what he wished. "Ohh, I haven't seen him in a long while... he would take a deep breath, closing his eyes. When he reopened them, the slitted pupil in their sea of blood red would be replaced by the design of his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. lets see how brother is doing."

He was excited to see his big brother again, though after his training, their age gap would have been closed. Still, it was just such a long time since he seen the man, that he was pushing their last encounter to the back of his mind. He would take to the roofs, the bag of Cheetos lost on the ground, sucking the cheesy dust from his fingers.

Iburi Ray:
Ray picked up on Jay's signature when he made his way throughout the town, so he knew that he finally made it. The leech also started to act slightly angrier in reaction to the fact the two tails also was nearby. "Guess things are about to pick up." Ray muttered to himself, sitting up. Turning to face the direction of where Jay would be when he finally reached his position or close to it. His eyes, even though they were in the EMS state, dulled which indicated an absence of feelings.
"Ohhh brother how have you been?"Ray let slither from his mouth for when his brother arrived.
The smoke still lingered around Ray's head.

The Nara stopped on the rooftop across from his brother, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at the man. He didn't mind the lack of emotion, as he felt he could emote enough for the both of them. He looked over the man's physique, glad to see that it looked like he'd been eating well enough. "Bored out of my mind, dearest brother. What about you? Still insisting on running away from home~" He would tease the man, wagging his finger at the man. He'd always been playful, slightly childish, on top of being one of the evilest beings on the planet. For now, he was greatly ignoring what was going through his mind, mostly Matatabi telling him to tear the leech apart for being a poser.


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