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Author Topic: This Might Bug You  (Read 7060 times)


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This Might Bug You
« on: January 20, 2019, 09:27:30 AM »

So since this will be “IC” sort of, I’m just taking my post from zone nine and shoving it here so Ray and I can fight. If you don’t like it, then I highly recommend messaging me and I will take it extremely seriously.
Edit: I changed the font color on this, no other edits. You can cross check it with zone 9

Sabu sat atop an electrical tower, looking over the small, barely lit village in the distance. The sun had just set over the hills to the west, soaking the huts and shops in a deep darkness. The town bonfire burned, but it’s logs had fallen into the ash and nobody was there to stoke it or add more wood. Most were asleep. The imposing tower he sat on ran right by this pissant hole, ignoring them entirely since they couldn’t fork over the outrageous charge requested. It didn’t really matter to them, they were happy and few owned much at all, let alone anything requiring steady electricity. Only the tavern showed any sign of life, matching the energy of the bonfire fading in the town square. It was almost lulling just to see people act like little critters, scuttling into their homes and under there covers where they felt safe, protected for some reason by mud at thatch.
Sabu’s expression was genuinely unnerving, and he had to be careful not to release too much killing aura accidentally. His bloodlust had peaked since a recent incident, and it was finally time to satisfy it with this bunch of curs. ”What is the most hungry you’ve ever been?” he asked the air out loud, looking away from the town to gain his composure and focus his chakra. His body began changing as flies inside his armor helped him enter Sage Mode as he closed his eyes. It was several minutes of silence before Sabu blinked his eyes open and repeated himself, ”What’s the hungriest you’ve ever been? Do you eat food when you’re not bound?” And, is it most hungry or hungriest?” Several more minutes of silence passed. ”When your hunger for stimulation exceeds your hatred, you will have no options.”
”Do you truly intend to kill them all?” a voice asked in his head. ”Actually I was hoping you would kill them all, Chomps.” ”No.” the beetle replied before severing the connection. Sabu smirked, and stood. His chakra flared up, though unless anyone in the village was a sensor, this would probably go unnoticed until he got closer. His right arm started to contort unnaturally before morphing into a large needle. From his back, he sprouted a pair of wings and shook them briefly to get used to the control. ”Come on Chomps, we’re a team now! You know this is just a mimicking of what we could do together.” ”More like a horrid  mockery. I will not be replying any further, so sorry.”
More silence indicated that was the truth. Sabu sighed, and used his wings to hover off the electric tower and fly towards the village. Sabu fired four bullets around the village from his proboscis arm, using his left hand to make a kata. The four water bullets he shot would seep through the grass towards each other as he held the seal, creating a square trap once they all connected. It was a very basic barrier that formed, only special because of it’s extremely subtle and covert use. Even an A-Rank jutsu could easily break it, but there wouldn’t be anyone here to offer that assistance to these poor folk. Sabu almost didn’t want to descend, savouring the moment in the calmness of the night.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 08:21:59 AM by Sabumaru »

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously

Iburi Ray

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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2019, 05:31:00 AM »

Ray lays his head against the scaly hard body that is his T-Rex. The two, camped along the tree line, watched the village that has long accepted the invitation of sleep. Ray has been chasing the fleeting chakra signs of the man who carries what he believes to be his and will do anything to get the beast back.
At sabu's chakra flaring, Ray activated his EMS, locking onto Sabu's position but he didn't move just yet. Finally he found the crazy bastard and he wasn't gonna blow his cover yet. Ray watched as Sabu shot out the bullets, and watched. Ray waits with bated breath to see what exactly Sabu was going to do, but Ray kinda had a hunch. It came due to the blood-lust Sabu leaked, though Ray wasn't quite sure where that came from at first. The blood lust the man released was similar to the kind Ray releases when he wants to enjoy killing. Perhaps these two men are more alike then they may seem.

Along with activating his EMS, did the pore's around Ray's wrists begin to exude out large quantities of smoke that, when entering the air at first are thick clouds, spread through the air becoming almost as invisible as the air itself. The smoke circled around the village, that seemed to capture Sabu's interest. Ray watched closely at the man and what he would do next.
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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2019, 08:26:12 AM »

Warning: this post contains mature subject mature, reader’s discretion is advised
Also some parts aren’t written perfectly but I think they make sense and also sorry about the extra few days wait.
Edit: made some slight grammar fixes

Savoring the moment was over, it was time to actually eat the damned cake. Chōmei was silent, and there was an almost painful twist in the core of his guts. No more foolery.
Hōzuki-Uzumaki Sabumaru, cannibal, sociopath, medic, part-time comedian, and one hungry boy descended like a literal monster down into the core of the village, landing on the bonfire with more than enough force to extinguish it. The needle point extended off his arm, taking shape as a katana seemingly made of water. Sakata’s thirst was something Sabumaru had given it, a gift from his eternal hunger. When he fed, so he felt he should feed his beloved blade as well. “Oh child, won’t you sing with me?” Sabu said to the blade as a few villagers started poking their heads out of windows and doorways to see what caused quite a commotion in their quaint and quiet town. Sabu made the seals of the Dragon, Rat, Ox, Boar, and Snake with his free left hand before touching the ground. “Senpō: Tsuchikuri!” He shouted, prefacing the destructive effects of his earth chestnut by releasing all of his killing intent at once. It would be enough to momentarily stun most villagers, though really the fear they’d feel would pale in comparison with what would come.
Around the village the ground rose with with a speed that was reserved for a running cheetah and very quickly surrounded the huts and free food in a cube matching the shape of the barrier. This mighty monument to hunger would stand almost half a kilometer in height, and as a true cube it was easy to see. This was no simple feat, only a perfect sage would be able to do such a thing with relative ease, but this was only the first step.

Thunder would be the only comparable sound to your entire life sinking beneath you. It’s really hard to imagine spending your whole life in an impoverished but happy town only to have an evil cannibalistic hermit show up and just plunge you into darkness, but then to follow it up with the feeling of an earthquake and the sound of thunder combined as the confusion and anguish and fear sets in. Oh the salt of fear, Sabu could taste it even before he made some new seals. It was a little different this time, since he slammed his sword into the ground where it melted and put both his hands together. Dragon, Snake, Boar, Rat, Bird, Dragon, Bird, Ox, Dog, Monkey, quite a string for someone who often just skips the process entirely and opts to throw water around while yelling too loud in combat. Once finished he quickly grabbed the dirt with bent arms and pushed his hands hard into the ground, yelling out another name. ”Senpō: Chika!”
It wasn’t actually thunder they heard, but the sound of the barrier ripping up the stone and dirt as it sank deep into the ground. Well, not that deep, Doton wasn’t Sabu’s specialty. The cube sunk quite quickly, down about 50 meters underground. Maybe that was quite deep, Sabu always lost track of how much he could do with natural energy, but what was really impressive was how after the cube was finally underground, the jutsu sealed it under more earth like a mole caving in the entrance to it’s caves. All that was left of the village after a total of about 30 seconds of action was a dirt plot in a grassy field, and a few stray cows and goats not caught in the chestnut cube. Even the sounds of their screaming would be lost now to all.

“O, Opus to Hunger, let us Consume!” said Sabu, removing some flares from a pouch on his waist and throwing them up in the air, summoning two terrier-sized flies to catch and carry them over his head. He really regretted putting the fire out since the flare was necessary now for anyone to see him.
“Uh... W-what?” someone asked from a hut. Sabu couldn’t even see a thing beyond a few feet. “Oh right,” he said to himself in frustration, activating his third eye. It was just a Byakugan he nabbed ages ago, but it liked calling it his third eye ever since he stuck it in his head. He only stretched it enough to see the villagers, not looking for or even seeing anything on the outside, simply because nobody without a Byakugan or two would be able to see inside. Why waste the effort? He was already two busy making one last seal. Well, it was technically two seals of confrontation, the left upside down, which he brought together. “Hakushu..” he declared as 15 tiles of stone popped out of the ground and began circling Sabu almost like they were in his orbit. Each one spun, but if you could catch the sight for a second and were a seal expert you’d notice the tiles were marked with Hiraishin, one of the cooler techniques only kiss-assess got to use. He had to maintain the seal with his left hand to keep this technique up, but this was fine since he preferred to swing Sakata with his right. The sword popped back out of the ground and was grabbed by Sabu, who “looked around” though his head remained still. The villagers were confused, could barely see, and really were just waiting to see what happened until a younger man yelled, “What do you want monster? We have nothing here, this is a poor village!”

“O, Opus to Hunger, Let us Consume!” Sabu said in reply as he turned his head towards the doorway his opposer stood in. Again, the man asked, ”What the hell do you want?!” Sabu’s wings on his back twitched before buzzing to life and lifting the man in black off the ground. He turned and slowly hovered towards the boy, his lighting crew following him.

“I want you to know fear before I kill and eat you.” He stated bluntly. “I want to make you fight your parents and children to the death and watch me eat the losers. I want to keep you in this darkness I have made, keep your filthy bloodlines alive and breed some blind, subservient food that knows nothing but serving me. I want to mark this place and build many more around it, grow this little farm and make a real production house. I want to make food out of the generations that you will help me make for eons and serve it to children in faraway villages, show them the hunger and guide them towards consumption. I want to have those children come and work at this place, by their own choice, enslave and consume their own forever, until those beneath rise up and consume the fat. An eternal cycle of hunger, self-sustaining self-consumption will be the fate of your whole race at my hands! O, Hunger! Do you hear my Opus?! Will you see my labor of love?! Let us all-“

Sabu had flown basically right up to the boy as he ranted, and by the end of it was screaming in his face and looking at the sky, or where it should have been. Hunger, it seemed, resided in the heavens. Sabu would reside in the hells, however, as a large knife plunged itself into his bald skull, right above the eye in the forehead area. It went about 4 inches in, and stopped Sabu mid-speech. His wings went mute like there was a power outage, and he fell to his feet and teetered. His wide boots managed to be steadied, as the corpse of the nightmare of a man stared with dead eyes into a young man’s shocked face, before they suddenly rolled back, and his water sword fell to the ground from his hand as the tiles clattered around him on the ground.

Nobody in the village expected their sudden victory to be cut so short. It essentially didn’t happen. Sabu’s hand swung like the end of a bat and grabbed the boy’s face, sticking his thumb into his mouth while his fingers grabbed the back of his neck. His hand didn’t stop, and he took the head clean off it’s shoulders so he could take a huge bite out of it. He clamped down right over the eye, cleanly cutting through the bone all the way down to the hole of the nasal cavity. The decapitated corpse slumped to the ground and blood, gore, viscera and other juicy stuff leaked out as Sabu ripped his head back from his meal, swallowed his first taste of flesh in much too long, and screamed at the top of his lungs,


though even that noise wouldn’t escape the hold he’d made. His wings melded back into his body as his Sage Mode ended. The flies on his armor had stopped collecting energy, and he’d spent most of what he had. It was only ever his plan to keep the state until the Kitchen as he’d taken to calling it during planning had been fully formed. However, he did reform the seal and float the tiles again, though this time he changed it to 5 stacks of 3 in an incomplete and upside down pyramid behind his back where the wings had been before.

Sabu turned back to the several other villagers to hold up the head in display and pull the knife out with his other hand. “Your fate was sealed a long time ago by me. I cannot be killed, and you have nowhere to go. You have no options anymore, food! Accept your destiny! Know your race deserves nothing less than this! Bow!”
Do you think they did?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 08:31:42 PM by Sabumaru »

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously

Iburi Ray

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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2019, 07:09:15 AM »

Made Edits as per our discussions
Ray sat impatient, ready to strike at the one who stole from him. His EMS eagerly followed Sabu’s every move as to not miss a thing as smoke continues to flow from the pores on both of Ray’s wrist. The smoke sent out earlier had already weaved its way towards  the village settling along the ground just outside so as not to seem off, similar to a fog rolling in.

Upon Sabu’s hard landing Ray’s body twitches in response almost making him leap from the treeline where he sat with bated breath. The Nanabi was so close now he could almost touch it. The Tyrannosaurs Rex, which can change form freely, felt the air around her master change. Something was about to happen and she wish to be there for every part of it. Changing from her juvenile form, the Rex took on the size akin to a small bird, before scurrying up Ray’s leg and into the safe confines of his hoodie, her small spikes making Ray’s skin crawl in excitement as goosebumps form on his skin.

“That tickles dammit.” Ray whispers aloud to himself as Sabu raises the Earth around the village. If he was gonna move he needed to do it now and with a small flicker of his chakra, Ray uses the Body Flicker Technique to just inside the confines of the prison, freely enjoying the ride down into the darkness.  The lighting of the flares by giant flies truly set the ambiance for the start of this battle. Ray, having settled behind a house outside of Sabu’s line of sight, again went back to watching the events unfold highly curious of this cannibals nature.

Being in total darkness did Ray a favor of not being spotted easily, but also hindered Ray’s own sight. Luckily the flares did a little to help, but Ray’s biggest help about location came from the smoke that leaked from his wrists. The smoke kinda helped by acting like a beacon where Ray finally came upon the seen of Sabu’ being stabbed in the head, before ripping off the head of the young offender. The blood and guts all spilling out at once however the smell did Ray in.

Ah the smell, it was so fucking enticing to the man, his face twisted into a smile that would easily bring nightmares to anyone who sees it. His body writhed in ecstasy as the smell of viscera and blood mixed within his navel cavity, setting forth a myriad of mixed feelings left over from his time with the Zero Tails. Losing most of his reasoning Ray stepped forward his body coming down from the high he felt. With a shit eating grin Ray spoke “Sabu I’ve come to collect whats mine.” Ray narrows his eyes and with a single flick of his finger, the once dormant smoke that lazed over the ground sprang to life. The total darkness did a great job of hiding the smoke from Sabu and the villagers. The smoke that continued to leak from his wrists finally made its appearance. The smoke formed into spikes threatening to pierce everything within the entire radius of the village Sabu had brought down. Each of the spikes were 6 feet long and 5 inches around making them deadly and able to easily skewer through the mud huts that is the villagers home.

Ray hoped to kill as many villagers as possible along with incapacitating Sabu to an extent, Ray just wanted to hear their blood curdling screams and smell their iron laced blood. Its almost orgasmic in feeling to the man as he awaits to see what awaits from the aftermath of the carnage which would only take a few seconds to occur from when Ray flicked his finger.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 07:11:37 AM by Iburi Ray »
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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2019, 01:23:16 AM »

Sabu should have been paying more attention, but the hunger was a pain so great he didn’t easily ignore it when it consumed him. To an even greater extent, he was trying to end his hunger, and his goal had kept him from seeing the smoke until it was too late.
All around him, the precious resource was destroyed and wasted without thought. Senseless carnage, while having it’s place, was very anti-Sabu’s plans for this place. A farmer, helplessly watching a tornado take his cattle into the sky.
Sabu slammed his hand into one of the tiles, causing it to fly back into the wall behind him. The smoke spikes would spire upwards, seemingly impaling him before he’d disappear and reappear on the wall, now about 250m from where he’d been in the center of the cube, and about 200m up. He’d used his keen vision and fluid body to open holes around the spikes as they came up through him, effectively making them miss entirely. Then, with the Hiraishin tile made earlier, had escaped to his current spot. This took him almost no effort, since Sabu is super cool. Sabu never would have admitted it, but he could have been in a thicker swamp if not for, in some form or another, the technique he’d used.

“YOU BAAAAAAASTAAAARD!” Sabu screamed at full force, the sound reverberating through the stone box like a concert hall that was hit by a jet. The all-consuming hatred for Ray which formed so rapidly was worse though, it would probably be a free headache to anyone left alive in the village if the noise hadn’t. Sabu’s fury hadn’t reached this height in a long time.

Inside his mind, he stood before a cage shrouded in darkness. Normally he’d come here with less of a sinister mindset, but drastic times, yada yada. “You damn bug... Submit!” Sabu ordered, slamming his hands on the cage. Chōmei remained silent, seemingly amused. Sabu had never seen Chōmei like this, but he really didn’t now too since he was mostly seeing red, even deep within his mind. He reached a hand into the cage, but it was severed immediately and Chōmei could only chuckle.
Sabu decided to try something else, and stuck his hand over his neck. A seal appeared, markings of great strength to bind a mighty creature. Sabu twisted at this seal, hollaring, “I don’t care what you want you stupid bug! I’m taking this for myself!”
A light enveloped him, blah blah, I bet you can guess what comes next. I don’t write this stuff as well, let’s get back to fighting. Do I even write that well? Oh no, we’re in the writer’s subconscious now! Help!

In the real world (wait..), Sabu clapped his hands together and grinned, though it was more like a scary clown mask’s grin as a gold-red shroud of chakra cloaked his body. Pizza Bijū time!

Sabu quickly acted, sending himself to the ceiling of the box with a powerful jump, and pulling out a scroll from a pouch on his belt as he landed. It seemed he’d abandoned the tiles made earlier as they fell from his previous spot, crashing and shattering on impact, rendering them inert as dirt. He opened the scroll with both hands so furiously it almost ripped, but he managed to contain himself enough to get some of his blood on it by biting his tongue and spitting it out on the seal in the scroll.
Finally, he could use this scroll too! It was too bad Sabu was so carnage-y because he would have been really excited about trying this out otherwise. Our hero dropped the paper, only for an unbelievable amount of water would come rushing out with the force of the ocean. It was actually just a portal of sorts, two special seals marked to connect to one another, one here and the other under about 2,500,000 liters of water. Any sound-minded and metric-using person would know that 500m^3 is 500,000 liters because metric isn’t based off insanity.
Anyways, with more than enough water coming out to fill the cube in about a minute, Sabu melted through the stone walls made with his chakra and slipped outside, rising up out of the dirt almost like someone buried alive.
“You can drown in that mess you made of my plans!” he declared angrily at the ground, the gold-red cloak around him dimming as the chakra was transferred into six large chains sprouting from Sabu’s back. How many years had it been since Sabu had been this angry? To use the chains of his cruel father, it was quite a statement. He must have really had big plans for that village.

This was Sabu’s best seal, a complete locking of all things. There were very few techniques which could break the Uzumaki Chains, and even less that could do it from inside. The flies inside would die, all the meat would be wasted, the kitchen would be destroyed, all the chakra inside would be sealed, and not much else good would happen as massive amounts of pressure built up in the cube from the air and water fighting for space in the cage, but none of this would break the chains that Sabu made. Had he snapped? He roared in what almost sounded like misery as the chains snapped off his back, finished wrapping around the earth box, and his bijū cloak faded. “That much..?” he said, suddenly feeling the effects of the seal he’d made. Looking down, steam rose from a bright-gold marking freshly created in the dirt, “追放
Hopefully this was all Sabu needed to forget his considerable failure here and successful find another possible place to start his new kitchen.

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously

Iburi Ray

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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2019, 07:31:47 AM »

Ray laughed at Sabu's reaction, enjoying the negative feelings that arose from the man, however this did not mean Ray stopped following Sabu's movement. Ray kept his eyes on Sabu to the best of his ability considering they were still in total darkness though his yelling certainly gave Ray a headache. When Sabu jumped up onto the ceiling and grabbed at his scroll did Ray begin his escape measures. Using a small amount of chakra in his feet, Ray's body began to melt into the ground. Given Ray's grandmaster control over Earth jutsu this was little work for the man. Upon the unleashing of water that was meant to drown him Ray fully submerged himself in the ground below almost like he was swimming underneath.

Avoiding the now underground swimming pool, Ray moved about 50 meters below and then to the right about another 60 meters before he stopped moving in general. This allowed Ray to inadvertently avoid being confined by Sabu's jutsu. Instead Ray moved towards the surface silently, only poking his head out. Seeing as the smoke from before wasn't taken down with the village, it just sat around waiting for a cue to move. Ray had cut off the smoke from his wrists when water began to fill underground. The smoke caught in the water from before dissipated the water eating the smoke into extinction. 

Using this time to try and catch Sabu off guard once again, and being that he seemed to expend a bit to create his seal, this may be Ray's best chance to capture the man. Again with a single flick of his fingers, the smoke that had once lay dormant activated and this time instead of spikes became hands (5 total) in order to grab the man. Being that the smoke was in such close proximity to where Sabu was, the smoke hands would have very small distance to cover, perhaps 7 meters at most. The smoke hands all vied to grab the man and if successful in capturing the mad cannibal, Sabu would find himself being slammed into the ground several times to try and render the man unconscious. Even if Sabu were to dodge the smoke hands, they never stop trying to go for him. The only way for them to stop would be for them to be destroyed or Ray told them to stop.

Ray on the other hand, after the chase starts, would rise fully from the ground, cracking his neck, wearing a grin upon his face as he hoped his smoke hands would be able to grab the man. "I hope you didn't miss me too much bud!" Ray ribbed at the clearly distraught man. Ray couldn't help but think that this was gonna be more fun than he imagined.
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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2019, 12:52:36 AM »

Sabu was really unimpressed to see this person escape all his hard work. Who was this guy anyways? In his right hand, a sword marked up and down with seals appeared, and Sabu smacked the golden mark on the ground with it. Mōi was able to absorb the seal on impact, sucking up the barrier Sabu had just created and burning those markings back into the steel on the sword itself. This was a pretty unbelievable accomplishment, but it would basically render Mōi inert for a while as it properly stored the seal. Releasing it again would take at least several minutes, but Sabu knew he could find that time. Then it would be over for this man, this invader.

Just as the hands started to wrap around Sabu’s armor he completely melted and seeped into the ground rapidly, down to his water that was, now unbound, draining  it’s way into the rest of the ground as the scroll kept emptying water at an intense rate. When Sabu entered, he immediately pulled Sakata back into his hand, having “tactifully” left it behind in the Kitchen where it was now saturated by the water Sabu had also placed there. It was an easy grab, pulling the water swird through the water that Sabu was in when he was also water. Sensing a connection?

Now Sabu was floating in a bunch of water, hiding underground, with a good eye at his enemy. Sakata in hand, he thrust it skyward and, using his wonderous aquatic chakra and liquid sword, created hundreds of swords from the ground beneath Ray’s feet and more extending up to 100 meters around him. A variation of the Sawarabi no Mai that came into existence just sheerly out of the convenience of the moment.

Once sprouted, the swords (maxing out at 10 feet in length) would begin to shed mist that would completely saturate the surrounding area in a short amount of time. Sabu wasn’t dealing with this smoker any longer.

Trying to set a new record for number of toddlers fought off simultaneously

Iburi Ray

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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2019, 06:30:32 AM »

Ray scowled seeing the man disappear out of the smoke hands. Ray, grabbing a nearby rock is nearly impaled by a water sword had it not been for his EMS. Swiftly dodging the swords that began to sprout like they would never end, Ray escapes the radius by using the Body Flicker Technique to reappear high in the air give or take about 50 meters. The smoke hands, which are caught by the water swords are erased by their one weak point. Deciding to force the urchin from his underground sea, Ray finally makes use of the rock he has in hand. Pouring two different chakra natures into the stone, a spear is formed coated in a protective film of bakuton chakra.

Using his height advantage, Ray smirks and decides to uproot the hidden fish that is Sabu. Twisting his body in such away he spins, Ray spins around 360 degrees before releasing the spear in his hand down at the epicenter of the now slowly misted field. Using his own strength, comparable to a person in the 3rd gate, and the speed at which he spun, the spear is released with such velocity and strength that it only takes half a second to reach the ground where the spear burrows down about 10 feet before exploding due to the Bakuton chakra in the spear.
Being that Bakuton explosions occur outward, the main force of the explosion would be down towards sabu and his former sinkhole of a kitchen, but the heat and debris expanded in all directions  making it so the water and Sabu would be evaporated by scorching heat well above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Ray, affected by the wind blow back, is sent slightly off course, crashing into a nearby tree where he dusts himself off with only a small scrape. Jumping down he scanned the area for any signs of movement looking for Sabu. Ray kinda wishes for the man to live as he does have a new toy he'd like to use on him that he recently acquired.
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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2019, 08:06:33 AM »

Sabu saw the spear coming in but misjudged the chakra that coated it and was caught off guard by the explosion. Much of the water was turned to steam which rose out of the new hole in the earth leading into the cavern. Sabu was able to move himself away through the water, but he ended up in an ankle deep pool at the bottom of the cave, looking at the light coming in from the sky. The swords that made up Sabu’s last attack would melt back into the ground once Sabu was disconnected from them, saturating the battle-scorched earth even more. Between the mist in the air, the steam, and the water at his feet, Sabu still had options, but he was amazed someone had done so much “damage” to him so easily. His rage was battling his natural curiosity, while his hunger waited to beat up the winner. He wondered in that moment if this guy would taste like charcoal.

It was a weird mix of emotions that brought him to a conclusion: this was starting to get fun. He could feel his grip squeezing the two swords in his hands. One thought started rolling around in his brain.

”I’m gonna cut him~”

Sakata was horrifyingly shoved down Sabu’s throat and Mōi was placed on a sheathe in his back that seemed to grow around it. The sword’s yellow glow still rang bright, indicating it was not yet ready for use in fūinjutsu. New weapons appeared on our hero, four separate swords held in four separate hands, two limbs having sprouted from beneath the more typical set to hold these conjured conductors of chaos.

Toba, a classic we all know and love, was in the top right hand.
Akkan, a lesser known sword but one of Sabu’s favorites, was paired with Toba and placed in the bottom right hand.
The least sword-like, even compared to Toba, was the top left hand’s sword Bāsuto, a chain coiled around the arm was ended with a spike held in the hand.
Bottom left was Chūmaka, which was usually more for special occasions, but brought out here to infect all this water.
Lastly Sabu had also summoned some flies, which chilled out in his armor to gather up some natural energy like homies. Sabu was a little off from activating sage mode yet, but decided to take action.

Sabumaru stomped his foot, causing the water to rush to the walls all at once before rushing back at him. The resulting spike would be used by baldy to propel himself out of the cave and into the mist where he was able to see Ray outside fog once he landed by the hole Ray’d made. It was wide, most of the mist was only covering the hole now, but some still lingered where Sabu stood at the edge, concealing him from the Sharingan with all the chakra in the mist. His top left hand reared behind his head before Sabu threw it forward, releasing the spike and sending it flying towards Ray with the chain rapidly trailing behind. It seemed to unravel and unravel from Sabu’s arm but never end as it flew towards Ray’s right eye. Chūmaka he stuck in the ground to release it’s horrid bacteria into the water below their feet, Toba he knocked against a loose stone to let out it’s signature nauseating ring, and Akkan just kinda waited. These minor actions would prove to have useful effects, with the nose being the more immediate of the two. It wasn’t so dramatically powerful as to seriously hurt someone, but Sabu was using his blades in flawless conjunction by timing the sound to happen right as he activated Bāsuto’s ability, creating a small burst on it’s right side to drastically change it’s trajectory to be aimed at Ray’s left lung. It was done during the attempted nausea induction so that Ray would be completely caught off guard by both swords at once, while Chūmaka’s effects went unnoticed until too late. There was no chakra in the bacteria, so Sabu didn’t have to worry about that getting seen at least.

This style of “swordplay” if it could be called that was just a taste of what Sabu was up to.


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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2019, 06:37:27 AM »

Ray felt when Sabu returned to the surface, or rather he has been tracking him for so long it was second nature by now. With that Ray activated a seal on his left palm, allowing his new toy the Triple Bladed Scythe to make an appearance. Ray would only see the spike incoming when it broke through the mist however due to the sound that was released, Ray became slightly nauseated ignoring the incoming spike or so it seemed.

From Sabu's view he sees the spike go though Ray which if that was expected, he might become excited and neglect the small detail that, he, Sabu would feel zero pressure when the spike seemed to make contact with Ray's body. The truth is when the spike went to penetrate Ray's body, he turned it into smoke, thanks to being of the Iburi bloodline, allowing the spike to phase through the man. It would be in this instant Ray would act, now used to the sound, Ray hooked the Scythe into the hole of the chain and with his strength, pulls Sabu forward. With the pulling motion, Ray sidesteps so as to remove the spikes chain from his body before he reverts it. With the pulling motion Ray simply wanted to bring the man closer and down hard as when he pulled he pulled up to bring Sabu forward, before swinging the Scythe down to slam Sabu back into the earth and bring Sabu into earshot. "You know, I actually planned to use this on my brother and his family for putting that stupid seal on me, but I guess it is a good idea to try new toys first." Ray cackled as he kept his wits about him in case the crazed man decided to attempt something sneaky.
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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2019, 07:01:41 AM »

Sabu saw Ray pull the chain in, but didn't feel the effect. In fact, the sword "Burst" was forged to be used in conjunction with the chakra chains of the Uzumaki clan, and could stretch much longer than the paltry distance between Ray and Sabu as long as the wielder has the bloodline and chakra to use the blade properly. Sabu, still a ways off from his limit, had enough to spare that his chain could be pulled in for the next ten minutes by Ray and Sabu could stay in the mist without issue.

Instead, Sabu gripped the chain and willingly flew toward's Ray, finally catching on to his smoke body now. Takes a protean man to know a protean man. As the scythe came down, Sabu brought up his three free swords to block the heavy scythe and keep it from cutting through him. Now locked in a clash with Ray, Sabu could easily reply.

I'm gonna cut you and all you do~!

Obviously not much for conversation at this point, Sabu was suddenly different in appearance as black markings surrounded his eyes and he entered Fly Sage Mode. Out of his back, Chūmaka-infected water, manipulated by Sakata and Sabu's chakra, surrounded the pair once the distance has closed between them. It was almost like a water prison, but Sakata didn't have nearly the volume to fill up the sphere and drown the duo. Instead, it was a solid cage of water, made by Sabu and his sword to prevent any further escapes or sneakiness. Sabu was entirely focused on cutting Ray up now, even if he was all smoke. He'd surmised the smoke was weak to the water, and had made this prison to prevent Ray from leaving as smoke, or man.

Your turn smokey, can you cut me?

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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2019, 07:14:46 AM »

Ray simply laughed at the man. It would be Sabu's not knowing of the Iburi bloodline that let Ray escape. Reverting his whole body to smoke, Ray jumped back out of the water prison seemingly unaffected. Of course he'd revert himself back to flesh and blood, costing him another turn, but he didn't mind. "The smoke you played with earlier is entirely different you know~ I made the Kekkei Tota to combat the weakness I have with my smoke body with happens to be wind." Ray was sure this would piss off Sabu, but as he spoke, Ray began to use the one ability he has with the EMS.

A Kamui forms quickly after Ray finishes speaking threatening to entrap Sabu and the water prison in his dimensional other world. Considering how quick Kamui forms, the moment the users eye focuses, it would mean that Sabu would have to leave quickly or face being trapped for good.
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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2019, 05:24:07 PM »

Sabu was annoyed that Ray for no reason at all moved through his prison freely, but it wasn’t really worth caring about. For some reason instead he advised Sabu of his weakness, and then tried to warp him away.

Sabu actually did just let Ray send him to his Kamui dimension only to immediately use Hiraishin to escape. Luckily the nearest mark he still had left was in the area, a single tile floating in hole had survived, allowing Sabu to appear from it unharmed. Ray would have absolutely no idea where he went, until Sabu activated his next move.

Now in Sage Mode, he felt the sword on his back finally cool down. The Exile seal Sabu had made and absorbed earlier was ready. Sabu leapt high in the air, unsummoning his swords so he could make three hand seals and open his palms outward. His fourth hand withdrew Mōi from his back as Sakata slithered back into Sabu’s body. He was hidden in the mist, completely having lost Ray after sneaking out of his Kamui dimension just a moment after being placed there.

However, there was a surprise waiting there for Ray. The jutsu Sabu had done while floating in the mist for that split second was known as Three Jewels Suction Crushing and when empowered by Sage Mode it would be such a force of wind that trees would even feel their roots being loosened. The smoke Ray was made of would be a paltry joke to this gale force vacuum. The winds were pulling into Mōi, happily sealing away all it absorbed into “Exile”. Sabu knew there was no way Ray could escape from this, save for Kamui.

That’s why Sabu left a clone in the Kamui dimension that would attack Ray’s body if any part of it appeared with a katana coated in Sabu’s Kekkai Tota, Blade Release. If smoke appeared instead, the clone would activate a charm version of the Three Jewels Technique by using a little wooden charm on a string with the seals imbedded into it. Not even close to as powerful, it would be enough at close range to work quite well on any smoke that might slip into Kamuiland. Upon being sucked in by the charm the smoke would be harmlessly dispersed into the air, splitting apart the very core of what made it smoke at all. Or perhaps that was a man, being dusted away into nothingness.

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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2019, 06:43:38 AM »

Ray felt his body begin to lift from the ground due to the pressure from the suction. With little time o react Ray did the one thing he could do, and that is to increase his weight via the Doton Kajūgan no Jutsu. With the increase in weight Ray's body dropped allowing him to activate another earth based jutsu allowing him to slip underground as if it were water.

Focusing more chakra to his palms, Ray moved himself, so he was underneath the previous underground kitchen and the moment he was where he needed to be, Ray thrust his palms up releasing all the chakra forward and up. The chakra, being Bakuton in nature, created a massive outward explosion. The explosion, which dwarfed the previous one, meant to completely decimate the area above, vaporizing the mist into the nothingness it was formed with. Sabu, who is hiding in the mist, is also in danger of being completely vaporized by the incoming explosion. This was also meant to combat the suction that had began to plague the battlefield. It seemed that Ray may have been a bit rash in attacking Sabu. Jumping out the newly made crater that could fit a village in it, Ray kept his eyes abound. He was sure Sabu might have survived, but now he was gonna leave. He best unlock this seal his brother placed on him before taking on Sabu again.
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Re: This Might Bug You
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2019, 02:01:06 AM »

About to be engulfed by blinding light, Sabu didn’t have much in the way of options. He had hope, though! That matters a lot, haven’t you ever seen an anime? I think hope should have been the fifth element.

Thankfully Sabu had more than hope, he had a cloak of chakra form around him and a huge crazy vortex he was using. The Three Jewels and Mōi absorbed enough of the explosion that Sabu could tank the rest with his armor and his version 1 cloak. Sabu was impressed with the mass of this blast, forcing him to defend with the cloak. He wasn’t even used to using it yet, but found it’s power enticing already.

As the light and smoke and fire and dirt cleared from the air, Sabu landed not far off Ray’s position with a great thud, chakra forming two tails behind his back. ”That was quite the blast, kiddo! I’m ready for round two, but you’re looking a little parched.” It seemed his extra arms had disappeared, and the only weapon he held was Mōi now though Sakata was clearly floating around inside his body somewhere. Sabu reached into a pouch at his waist and pulled out a pamphlet of some kind, and threw it to Ray. ”You seem capable, stop wasting my time starting fights you can’t win and come work for me instead. I’m sure I could help you with something you need.”

It was an odd offer from someone who’d just been attacked, but Sabu couldn’t help himself. He needed more strong people to work with, and this kid clearly couldn’t beat Sabu in his eyes, so why waste the resource of talent on a likely burnt-tasting meal? Even if the guy said no, it was still a fun fight even though Sabu only had a flash of a moment to look back on it. ”That’ll tell you where you can go and meet someone waiting for you, or at least he’d better be. Find him, red-haired fellow, and he’ll bring you to my... Home. Now, unless you’d like to refuse and die right now, I am now extremely late. Until next time, blasto!”

Surprisingly enough, an arm landed just beside Sabu as the last remains of the explosion debris finally fell out of the sky. Overjoyed with his fortune, he grabbed it and just vanished.

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