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Author Topic: | 忍 |  (Read 8633 times)


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| 忍 |
« on: April 08, 2019, 09:40:52 AM »

This is a public preview of a WIP system that pulls heavily from D&D elements to be applied to Naruto RP. (Dice rolling included)

0-50 | With 50 to distribute among all four skills
  • Fighting
- Determines your accuracy
  • Reflexes
- Determines your defense
  • Resilience
- Determines your hp
  • Chakra Control
- Determines your damage

[Speed is static; meaning no one is faster nor slower than the other. You can RP being as fast as you want, but your opponent can still defend themselves]

-[Items that modify stats and other categories go here]-
Shuriken x3 = 1d6*

--[Rp Reward System]--
100 *points* per post of at least 250 words

--[Mastery System goes here]--
1 mastery point to increase skills and such

--[Jutsu System]--
Attack/defense jutsus
Custom jutsu "finishers"
Basic jutsu everyone has: Clone, Substitution..

--[KG System]--
Treated as 'transformations' needing activation.

If you wish to discuss or yell at me, you know where to reach me.
I'm going to agree with you on some things and disagree with you on some things.

Something that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


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