Roleplay > Village Square

Dawn of a New Era [Kamui vs Jay OOC Spar/Training]

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Jay looked towards the opposition and noticed the chakra pooling towards the right appendage and allowed the energy making up his Apex Aura to fill the air in front of him and Kamui. He could perceive what the man was going for as he began that particularly predictable, and long, motion. He was more than certain that its final result wouldn't affect him in the slightest, but he also didn't care to allow the man to finish what he wanted to do. "Too slow." The man would ignite the area with a loud, resounding, snap, his hand having already been in the position to do so.

Quite suddenly, Kamui would find his field of vision being engulfed in the epicenter of an explosion of pale orange fiery chakra and natural energy, leaving the man blind because of the veil of chakra. It was more than capable enough to swallow even a two-story home thanks to the Senninka Ability that constantly keeps his area bathed in Natural Energy. The extreme heat spread outwards rapidly and blasted the Nara in the face, though he was largely undisturbed by his heat thanks to his previous training. He wasn't finished, his eyes gleaming brightly in their transition as he rushed into the flames of his sudden creation to grab Kamui by his face, using his right hand, with his immensely high speed momentum (with enough individual blunt force to break the neck) to burst out the back of the flames in mid explosion and pulse his chakra into the hand to sever the optic nerves behind both of his eyes in front of that hand, hopefully before an Izanagi could be performed. If everything went as planned, he would thrust his arm forward as he dropped his feet to a stop and send the Shodai over to one of the pointed mountains with his eyes slipping out of their sockets.

If Kamui was unable to avoid his flames, he would suffer immense burn damage, but not for long if he wasn't able to avoid the next bit. If he was still unable to act quickly enough, the Shiokage would render the Hokage into a searing husk with empty eye sockets, all before he would be able to touch the mountain. The whole situation would be akin to freshly revived Six-Paths Naruto rushing to punch Six-Paths One Rinnegan Ten-Tailed Jinchuriki Madara, to give one perspective of how quickly the distance was crossed.

Sudden Ignition
Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan
Chakra Scalpel

Kamui could discern the nature of his opponent's chakra and was well verse in defending against such tactics. Even though he didn't have enough time to complete his punch into the earth below him, the tomoes in his eyes would rapidly spin as a layer of chakra coated his body at the moment of this initial flash explosion caused by his opponent snapping his fingers as an ignition source. Kamui chuckled in response and would be seem to be unharmed by the technique that was used by his opponent, the layer of chakra produced was notably famous in the Sound Village. This technique formed a chakra armor made of the same elemental type, Sound.

Although it was strong enough to nullify any damage coming his way in this situation, it was also dispelled once it was hit with enough force from any chakra-based attack. Which meant that it was only good to use it defensively against that explosive technique that was used just a moment ago. Kamui could still hear pretty well in this environment, his field of vision and sense of smell was slightly obstructed by the explosive technique from earlier, but there were other senses that he could still use afterwards. Kamui raised his right hand with his palm facing forward towards the sound of the debris being kicked off the ground by Jay, a slight humming sound could be heard as he channeled magnetic chakras throughout his body.

"Hey! That's my line...Tenma Kōfuku!"

Kamui would apply shape transformation to it and formed a layered barrier around him that would repel not only the multitude of earthen debris around him outward away from him, but would also effect his opponent as well. Kamui was running somewhat blind at the moment due to the explosive technique from before, so he deducted that his opponent would try a more close-range approach right afterwards. It wasn't such a wise choice on his opponent's part to rush in so recklessly, at least not without assessing the situation first.

Whatever Jay had planned would be cut short in an instant, since his body would get violently flung backwards upon contact with the layered barrier around them. Sending him straight towards a rocky outcrop in the distance and into a large rock pillar, shattering it upon impact. Kamui had all sorts of tricks up his sleeves, his defensive techniques were just as dangerous as his offensive ones and his vast knowledge of battle strategies made him a force to be reckon with. So it was better to be safe than sorry in this spar that was starting to become more serious and judging from the attempted actions of his opponent. There was no pulling any punches in this match and any wrong move could prove to have dire consequences as proven by his opponent, whom had attempted to kill him. Kamui laughed it off, brushing aside such thoughts and decided to clear his mind, since muddled thoughts could affect the actions of person whom harbored such thoughts. 

"I've dealt with a lot of Sennika users in my lifetime, so your tricks would fool me." Kamui said as the tomoes in his eyes would rapidly spin clock-wise and would merge together to form the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. With the area cleared of any more obstructions, Kamui scanned the field with his eyes and more importantly scanned the area that he sent Jay towards to. Jay would notice a slight change in his demeanor and his chakra as things started to heat up in their spar. He wasn't lying about his brush with Sennika users, since once upon a time, he was a leader to the Sound Village. It was one of the many perks of being the Rokudaime Otokage at those times, learning about the various techniques and clans in that area was mind-blowing, but after all was said and done. He came out more informed than ever and who knew such knowledge would come in handy in the future. Kamui was also eager to find out if Jay would satisfy his curiosity to learn more and there were an arsenal of techniques that he hasn't even brought out yet. Considering that he hasn't even entered into his respective Sage Mode, Kamui was still able to keep up with Jay in his base form. It was an impressive feat to say the least and it was all thanks to his past bout with Naruto that allowed him to break his limiters to the point that his base form was even more stronger than ever.     

[Sound Release Armor]
[Tenma Kōfuku]
[Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan]

Jay watched as Kamui protected himself from the initial burst from the boom-boom. Still, he continued with his initial plan and made his way forward with the close in. He was more than aware of the extinguishment of the layer of sound armor and even as he continued closing in, the magnetic chakra could be noted in pushing against the extreme heat in front of him and he had a plan for it as well. It wasn't anything new to his senses, so he was able to push his foot down to the ground just as he impacted the force. Because he had so much inertia behind him, he was able to resist the force for enough time to do what he needed to do.

Of course, before continuing further, there was a lot of information that was detriment to the Shodai's health. At first sight, the man was smart in protecting himself from the bang of his Fire Tech, but chose to stay in the flames for the remainder of his term. It was even worse, because the oxygen in his immediate area had been ignited, leaving nothing there to feed his lungs. So, not only would he be bathing in extremely hot flames at the minimum being enough to boil gold, and with the absence of the armor, he was highly susceptible to extreme burns.

And, back to present, with the man not allowing him to fling him out of the fire, the Nara would be forced out. Of course, he would leave a present for the HOtokage in the form of a three-piece combo via an instant delivery service.

The nature of this would be as follows, the first part would be leaving his Flying Thunder God Marker with his step. Of course, he would still be flung back towards the prescribed rock pillar Kamui designated for him, but in the midst of his journey, he would leave the rest of his surprise for the HOtokage. With a single thought, he would unseal The Ignis Bomb from one of his finger seals and he would immediately teleport it to the marker where the seal would crack upon impact with the magnetic debris, resulting in another boom.

Leaving the literal sea of flames in Kamui's vicinity would cost him zero chakra because of the work around. These flames would be 4,500 degrees hotter than the flames from the Sudden Ignition and several dozen meters in every direction around him. Kamui was still hampered by the veil of his chakra around him, so he would be unable to perceive his actions. By the time he made contact with the rock pillar, he would have long righted himself in the air and landed nimbly on the pillar like the feline inside him. In front of him was the sea of flames and the sight was beautiful. There was a large distance between the two of them now, Kamui now in the midst of a larger, more intensely hotter, pool of flames, all before he would be able to activate his own Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and the sea of flames would only continue to expand by several meters a second as time continued to drone by.

Flying Thunder God Stamping Seal
Unseal [Ignis]
[Ignis] boom via Flying Thunder God


Kamui was nearly caught off-guard upon his eyes transitioning into the next stage, but thankfully he was able to react defensively against such tactics. He used a elemental technique that was similar to what he used earlier against the explosive technique used by Jay. However, Fire Release chakra nature was used instead of using Sound Release. In an instant, Kamui would wrap his entire body in multiple layers of that specific chakra nature, allowing him to withstand the tremendous heat given off by that chakra bomb. This would allow him to negate all of the damage that would've normally resulted in a rather serious injury. Kamui was cunning in the executions of certain techniques in his arsenal and this one was unique to the clan that he belonged to. Which meant that this was a technique that could not be easily copied and could only be learnt from those from within the Uchiha Clan. 

With all of that out of the way, there was the issue of expending so much chakra within the short duration of tine that has passed since this fight started. There was an abundance of chakra that the bomb expelled around the area and most importantly is that didn't belong to him. Which meant that it would be easy for him to absorb this fire nature chakra by using his chakra mode as a medium to make this transition much easier for him. Kamui took a couple of steps back and steadily reversed his chakra flow with each step, clearing the area of most of the flames that surrounded him. Jay would be able to see his figure emerge from the wall of flames as a majority of that chakra was quickly absorbed into his own chakra pool.

"Pretty ingenious of making use of those markers like that. I regret to inform you that I won't fall for the same trick twice."

Kamui said and saw in the distance that Jay had came out of his close encounter mostly unscathed. It would come as surprise to his opponent that everything came out fine on his end as well, since at the moment, the merged tomoes in his eyes were spinning clock-wise upon focusing on the location where his opponent was. There was a proverbial storm brewing in the midst of this battle and the calm before the storm was evident by the stare down that was taking place between the two of them. Kamui wasn't someone that could accurately predict someone's fate or future, despite a man of his stature. There were limits to his abilities and they were in charge of their own fate. What would happen from here on would be anyone guess, but through the midst of all this. He didn't forget that there was a marker nearby, in fact it was the reason why he took a couple of steps back while absorbing all of that chakra. It was better to widen the distance, just in case that marker would be used again and he had a containment plan in the event of another surprise like that chakra bomb that was used earlier.

Kamui had yet to use his full power and these maneuvers that he did only allowed him to display only a fraction of what he was truly capable of. He had a feeling that Jay was holding back as well and from the look of it. This battle has shown that both of them had improved over a certain period of time from their last meeting. He smiled throughout this whole stare down with his opponent and awaited his next move.         

[Fire Release Chakra Armor]
[Chakra Absorption Technique]
[Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan]


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