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Messages - sploofmoof

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Village Square / Re: Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God)
« on: March 28, 2015, 06:26:22 AM »
Although Flying Thunder God Technique involves a special seal or "technique formula"  to mark an intended destination, it may not be as easy most of you think to "reverse-engineer" it.

Flying Thunder Formation Technique (Go to 9:55)

Not even 3 elite shinobis who guard the Hokage can learn the FTG tech and they had Minato teaching them. So if they cannot learn this skill with Minato as the teacher, what are odds one can even learn through reverse-engineering? >.>

Claiming to learn something that cannot be learned. v.v

It's also entirely possible that most people don't have a natural speed high enough to justify using it in battle as well, as Minato was said to be quite speedy without hiraishin. 

As well, how many characters besides Orochimaru that might actually be the type (and smart enough) to be able to reverse engineer something so complicated.  Canon characters didn't spend their time doing research like that.  If an SL character is an engineer/experimenter and has enough experience with seals I don't see why it WOULDN'T be reverse engineerable other than "Hey but it's like REALLY hard to do, man."

But I do prolly agree that it's not likely so many people on SL would have the ability to decipher the jutsu considering how much knowledge you'd have to have of seals (and just being an Uzumaki doesn't really give you a shortcut on knowledge, contrary to what I've seen people doing here.)

Village Square / Re: Hiraishin (Flying Thunder God)
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:18:51 PM »
And why is everyone getting so upset over this one technique? There's loads of other techniques that don't involve 'teleports behind you and stab you with my katana'.

Cuz it allows people to use a get out of jail free card in fights essentially.

"Oh did I get cornered? Guess I'll just Hiraishin over there and avoid it."  Granted there are rules against spamming it, but considering peoples general negative attitude towards substitution techniques (which in this case it's sort of a fancy version of one) it's funny how many people want it.

And I personally believe that if people wanted the technique to be kept so secret they shouldn't have left the seals all over the place back in the day xD  It was only a matter of time before people started to reverse-engineer it.  Kyu did it a hella long time ago but I don't lay any official 'claims' cuz I have no interest in the drama involved in that for a technique I have no interest in actually using.  I just enjoy collecting RP knowledge and applying it to different uses.

Village Square / Re: Hiraishin (flying Thunder God)
« on: March 07, 2015, 10:13:19 AM »
My character also reverse engineered it after getting his hands on one of the seals people used to leave around back when it was newer and they liked to show off xD

Not that he'll ever use it, he just used it's concept to create custom space-time whatnot cuz that's what he does.

I am wary of how many people claim to be capable of researching such things though.  It's something my character has done IC for RL years but it seems so many people can just just research these things with little explanation.  /shrug

Village Square / Re: Kage Bunshin
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:44:42 AM »
I believe Naruto's tendency to overuse shadow clones pretty much comes from a combination of being a jinchuuriki and having main character hax. 

Most other characters avoid using them because splitting up their chakra like that is typically not a great idea.  As well as the multiple shadow clone technique that naruto uses is technically a forbidden technique which should elude to it's chakra requirements.  (Of course after Naruto spamming it so often, people stopped being impressed by it.)

Village Square / Re: A little sound play.
« on: March 01, 2015, 07:50:21 AM »
One thing I've always wondered is how some people claim to have superhuman hearing as a passive trait, but also have immune/resistance to ototon techniques/general loud noises.

Should be like Kiba's weakness to Naruto in the chunin exams.

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: February 07, 2015, 05:56:02 AM »
- Pilgrimage to the Tenseigan Altar to exchange eyes for new ones (Which really shouldn't be claimed, and should be easily-accessible for the blind)

Let's all just agree on this point at least <.<

And I personally don't even plan on getting the Tenseigan, what with sage/hyuuga and whatnot there's not really a significant buff to be found here.

I mean basically the Tenseigan (from what I've seen so far listed here) basically just trades the finesse of the Byakugan and it's fighting style into a "WOO LET'S BLOW STUFF UP" upgrade which is....wholly boring.  (Same could be said about the Sharingan as well...but I've always had a fondness for just three tomoes over mangekyou and whatnot, people never use the darn thing right)

So honestly I imagine that if we're going to introduce the Tenseigan as a strong enough thing to be a viable upgrade to the Byakugan (arguments can be made whether or not it needs this) then it also can't be super OP (even though let's face it, the Rinnegan even with SL limitations is still fairly OP). 

And also....wakka wakka. Wakka wakkwakkawakkwakkwaasorry I bored myself.

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: February 06, 2015, 10:55:53 PM »
Bwerp.  Seriously just have the Gedouma (or however you spell that, I'm lazy) be condensed normal chakra and not the "negate everything but sage mode" mix of all 5 elements that they normally are.

As for the push and it may be canon, but god is it lame to have copy/paste abilities of Rinnegan xD

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:27:10 AM »

Also, I read in a few sites that in order to Tenseigan you would need an accumulation of the power of hundreds of byakugans. Is that true? If so, you guys are making all these rules/guidelines for something that's even possible to achieve. >.>

Just like how there can only be one person with the rinnegan who has to be the reincarnation of a specific person? <.<  Bruh, SL don't play by what's 'canon'

Village Square / Re: Mayfly
« on: January 25, 2015, 05:39:55 PM »
Sorry I haven't read through the whole thread and am a little tired but I do have a question

so are we making Mayfly where only Zetsu can use it? Or Wood release users? Or removing it? Or has no real decision about it been made here

This is SL....watchu talking about 'decisions'? >.> All you're gonna get is 10 people who agree and then another 10 people who don't...maybe 5 people who can't make up their minds and then everyone else who doesn't care.

Rules is fer scrubz.

On that note, I've always thought it was silly when people who weren't Zetsu used mayfly.  I always assumed he could do that cuz he was just a mush of mokuton with no bones and...based on what's been said here...that's basically correct xD

Dude, there are not even 20+ people who regularly come to the forums to hash anything out. Quit fibbing. >_>

Generally it is more like 7 (at best) agree and a couple disagrees, the reverse order, or it's pretty close along those lines.

Hyperbole bruh, sounds better than the actual small number of people who actively use the forums >.>

Village Square / Re: Mayfly
« on: January 25, 2015, 09:06:46 AM »
Sorry I haven't read through the whole thread and am a little tired but I do have a question

so are we making Mayfly where only Zetsu can use it? Or Wood release users? Or removing it? Or has no real decision about it been made here

This is SL....watchu talking about 'decisions'? >.> All you're gonna get is 10 people who agree and then another 10 people who don't...maybe 5 people who can't make up their minds and then everyone else who doesn't care.

Rules is fer scrubz.

On that note, I've always thought it was silly when people who weren't Zetsu used mayfly.  I always assumed he could do that cuz he was just a mush of mokuton with no bones and...based on what's been said here...that's basically correct xD

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kyuubi for Sale?
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:36:55 PM »
The thing is, that once you enter into a monetary transaction, then it becomes property subject to ownership laws. A bill of sale, a legal right, title.

As such they cannot be forced to abide by anyone's rules over it and they would be protected by property damage and theft laws. They never have to accept challenges for ownership again. And you cannot just start a thread and strip them of their property...that is called theft.

you take this RP perk and turn it into an item of substance with monetary value in a real world setting subject to the laws and rights associated with the ownership of property and possessions.

I can think of no more ridiculous method of taking SL to bigger and better heights of the absurd than this.

I don't believe any sort of legal ramifications are relevant here, considering that the Bijuu's made up creature with no real substance besides words on a page.  I don't believe anyone would think that just because they paid money for an RP item that the item is going to stay with them forever ESPECIALLY when there are already rules about how you have to take challenges and whatnot. (Which makes  buying these things incredibly dumb)

I don't believe that the list of challengers should be cast aside just because the current holder wishes to back out of the RP though.  Don't we have rules for what happens to inactive players to their Bijuu?  Why not just follow those in this instance?  (I'm not sure if it's giving it to the next challenger or giving it back to the village, I don't keep up with the bijuu rules)

Village Square / Re: Jinton vs Hozuki Transformations
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:41:45 AM »
The way I've always RP'd as the technique working when Kyu used it was that it can completely negate purely physical attacks (such as punches, simple slashes from normal weapons, etc.)

But chakra has the ability to 'hit' them.  They can liquefy to soften the damage but they'll be hurt by it.

Essentially...if a hozuki was caught in a massive fuuton jutsu they'd receive damage at a reduced level (as they can't really be..'cut') basically it reduces all damage done to them to a concussive force instead of a piercing or slashing one.  But with enough concussive forces you can still knock the user out or disable them.

hyuugas being a good example of a way to still damage them with gentle fist.  You may not have organs but they can still disrupt and alter your ability to liquefy properly.

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: December 24, 2014, 07:22:23 AM »
So if we've got requirements set up, then what would someone have to do to get the Tenseigan? Or are just gonna be like "if you got the skills, your face evolves"

Wait wut that's not how SL works?  I've been doing it wrong. 

Face-volution, hoooooooo~

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: December 21, 2014, 10:12:49 PM »
It is a bit hard to take the "guys seriously this is OP, stop it." argument from someone who has adorned themselves with as many OP things as they can get away with in RP. 

Honestly I see no issue with the Tenseigan being in the RP as long as it's done right, the RP rules on SL are so absurdly whacky at this point with so many ludicrous things allowed that I can't think of a good reason NOT to.  Sure you could call it 'yet another OP thing' but this point with all the hiraishin, edo tensei (I am guilty, oh noes), Rinnegan, 8 gates, eternal mangekyou sharingan, etc..etc..etc..that this new thing is just a drop in the bucket.

If you really want to combat things being out of control on SL then start coming up with ways to moderate the current OP-ness of what's allowed. 

Bijuu Arena / Re: Kokuo Challenge List (Eric Nara)
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:10:42 PM »
List updated.  :-?

Wicked don't get no rest up in dis house.

Great, now I wanna play borderlands again.

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