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Topics - Timothy

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As it was brought up in another thread by one of our members I figured it only fair to have a discussion about it for the community as a whole. Let this discussion remain civil and to the point.

Should Bijuu Council Members be able to issue tailed beast challenges when the ratio of the current Council has been filled?

Personally, I say yes. If they win, they can opt to step down  or give the tailed beast to someone else who will then have the new updated grace period applied to them (3 days I think), if they lose it goes on as business as usual. It would make things less complicated than having to step down just to issue a challenge and throw the council seating into disarray by challenge alone. Though it's not an option I would push for, we could in fact alter the potential ratio with a new vote if the community wishes it.

Village Square / Reserving the right to abuse a name technicality
« on: March 26, 2017, 04:08:34 PM »
The character Uematsu Tomi has been named such for over 5 years. I have requested both in and out of character for him to be referred to as Tomi, not the former spelling 'Tommi'. Since individuals who wish to RP with said Uematsu Tomi, if they refer to 'Tommi' in their posts rather than 'Tomi' I reserve the right to abuse the technicality of said posts not being directed at the SL 4th Hokage, but at a different, similarly named, or non existent character if I so wish to encourage a long overdue conversion. So if you RP with Uematsu Tomi and claim to send an attack at 'Tommi', you are in effect wasting an action.

Thank you and good day~

Figured I'd ask the community their opinion on this before I made any assumptions. Tomi legitimately RP'd learning and mastering Perfect Sage Mode before the Reset for it came out/the split in RP happened that you either got Rinnegan or Sage Mode, not both. So in character is it reasonable for him to be able to use the Preta Path's skill on a Senjutsu user's techniques and not get turned to stone because he possesses the knowledge and experience to still balance the natural energy ratio upon taking it into his body?

Does Tomi and other like characters who are well known to have had Perfect Sage Mode before things happened allowed to keep such knowledge/ability as a boon as long as they don't go Sage Mode themselves? Is it information they suddenly just forget? Or do you want to argue a person who had Sage Mode prior to the split and obtained Rinnegan later can use both but just not in the same fight?

You decide, tell me what you think should be the case and why.

Village Square / Indra/Asura
« on: March 20, 2017, 11:18:07 PM »
For the hell of it, since NarutoUzumaki claims current reincarnation of Asura, I claim current reincarnation of Indra.

Feel free to go kill Naruto and make a new baby toon to take his place. As for me, I'll be hiding away from anyone who wants to kill Tomi for the same reasons.

Rules/Foundation / One challenge per actual player (Discussion)
« on: March 20, 2017, 08:40:35 AM »
I apologise for not being specific enough with what I'm attempting the get across.

I feel one player should only be able to challenge for one tailed beast at a time, period. I would say one character per challenge​ but this can be abused. So say Person A challenges Person B for Ichibi. They cannot also challenge Person B for Nibi or Person C for Sanbi at the same time. This is to make it where a flood of challenges from a single person doesn't overwhelm the Hosts/Summoners & encourages them to put all their effort into a single, glorious fight instead of only half trying for tailed beast A because they can still get tailed beast B.

Thoughts, comments, bring them in.

Rules/Foundation / Tailed Beast Challenges with Multiple Beasts
« on: March 19, 2017, 05:43:20 AM »
Should we limit the number of tailed beasts which can be challenged for per challenge if a Defender is in possession of more than one?

Village Square / Defining Strongest Shield
« on: March 14, 2017, 07:06:24 PM »
Strongest Shield, one of the abilities of the Third Raikage. I wanted to have it clearly defined here, in terms of Shinobi Legends Roleplay. How does one legitimately obtain it? What does it protect against? What is it still vunerable to? Talking to different people I got various answers. Searching for mentions of it on the forums, I could not find anything definitive either.

So let us discuss, debate, & come to an overall understanding of how this ability should be/is played in Shinobi Legends fairly.

I'm a major fan of barrier techniques thus I found it disheartening there was such an easy way to destroy them without seeming any setback regardless of what it was.

So I ask the community, should this technique be nerfed, banned? Will I just have to accept the fact the canon has given me quite the unfavorable counter?

Give me your thoughts on the matter, please. Since I'm clearly biased against such a jutsu I am by no means the right individual or group of people to judge such.

Thank you all for your time and energy.

Village Square / Land of Birds Arc GMs and base rules decided.
« on: March 07, 2017, 11:12:31 PM »
The Land of Birds Arc's Game Masters have been decided. Nathan Stamper, and Raifudo. They and I are working to get this story up and running. There will be no need for character sheets as such was scrapped by the Game Masters. No Particular Ban List has been set thus far either.

Make sure to post which faction you wish to join in this thread. The Miku Faction or the Daimyo Faction.

Ask your questions here and they will be answered to the best of our abilities.

It has come to my attention that not everyone would agree on whether or not the Flying Thunder God Technique could be tampered with/modified by external factors. I personally was under the impression that Uematsu Tomi would be able to develop and execute a set of modifications to other users of the Flying Raijin Technique. I wish to discuss what the community as a whole has to say about this, and modify the guidelines involving this jutsu based on the majority's opinion. I myself, of course will adhere to the verdict.

These two links contain pages of a 'hijacking' method to Hiraishin as well as a sealing method for it.

I argue that as the source of all current claims of the Jutsu, Tomi has the means to discover/learn how to counter them. Hypothetically, other users could learn these methods themselves and apply it. They have specific weaknesses, ways to detect most players can exploit, and require contact to deploy. However these methods are not canon, and I made them in attempt to be fair/reasonable.

Canonically, the 2nd Hokage, the creator of the technique was able to gain access to the 4th's markers to use for himself. As such, Uematsu Tomi might be expected to have a similar capacity.

I wish to know what you think, and why. Let's keep the mud slinging to a minimum. I myself am obviously biased in favor of such but am seeking to be fair by asking the community so we can gain a verdict of sorts.

Village Square / Six Paths of Pain + Edo Tensei
« on: March 06, 2017, 12:11:53 AM »
I noticed there is rules to both Edo Tensei and the Six Paths of Pain techniques but nothing that covers their combined use like how Obito & Kabuto put together.

Will the person controlling an Edo Path of Pain have to remain on the defensive? If used in conjunction, do the Edo Paths retain some of their old jutsu?

Ideally, I wouldn't mind Paths of Pain through the combination of Edo Tensei retain some of their old techniques, their respective path jutsu, & allow the user to move and attack freely themselves. It can still have the only 3 zombies per battle, I don't mind.

Just wanted to get this out there and see what the community will allow and why.

Village Square / Sage Mode/Rinnegan Switch
« on: March 04, 2017, 08:20:25 PM »
Uematsu Tomi had access to the Sage Mode via RP prior to the In game Resets. I was given access to the Toad Summoning Contract by DarkRasengan/Tetsujin Mokuton, the 4th Raikage and RP trained at Mount Myoboku before Tomi became Hokage to attain Perfect Sage Mode. I have several people who can attest to the authenticity of this claim. He ultimately stopped using it as he got the Rinnegan to respect the whole 'can't claim both Rinnegan and Sage Mode' deal. However canonically he still possesses the ability to use Sage Mode/has knowledge of such. Now I wish to ask, 'officially' can he reverse this, and reassert his usage of Sage Mode and stop using Rinnegan altogether?

What are your thoughts of how this would be done? Because honestly, as Shadow was kind enough to point out. Rinnegan doesn't suit Tomi's playstyle as he refuses to use more than the Deva Path, and you can't really elevate that beyond Nagato level without people calling you god mod. (I don't do Preta, Human, because I think they're OP/Unfair)

Also, how many times could a person switch from one to the other before the community forces you to pick one and keep it? (Not that I would, but someone might eventually try it)

I want to get a consensus on this please.

Village Square / Speed of the Uematsu Tomi
« on: March 02, 2017, 09:02:59 PM »
For the sake of things, I figured I'd ask the community just how fast you think the Yondaime Hokage is. As it's come to my attention people like to smack on modifiers on augmentations and such, what is in your honest opinion Tomi's ability to handle such things on natural agility? He's successfully been shown even to keep up with Sage mode enhanced opponents on multiple occasions on a fair footing (speed only) without resorting to the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. However things change, and people will have differing opinions as the years pass. Given my desire to keep in line with the general consensus, I'll alter things if necessary to please the community as Role-Play is a team effort, after all. There are well known augments Tomi has access to which can give him fair footing if not a tad superior to most other characters even if they were to access their own Sage Modes, depending on circumstances  which I'm willing to work with as well, if again deemed necessary.

I encourage those who have dealt with Tomi's displayed speed in the past to give examples as to why they think he should be so fast for whatever reasons. Though I'm sure I won't need to remind anyone, please keep your comments civil.

Thank you in advance for your time and efforts to those who contribute to this topic.

Council / Bijuu Council Candidates
« on: February 27, 2017, 10:41:55 PM »
If I remember correctly, Trev said the deadline for applying canidacy was Sunday, so if such is indeed true that means we have 3 people running for 2 spots or so in which the current Council will vote on.

Curiosity speaking, who do you think of the candidates will make the best fit? Let's keep the mudslinging to a minimum, and simply state why we see said people as good candidates/keeping why we think others would be poor council members to ourselves.

Bulletin Board / Land of Birds Arc Participation List
« on: February 25, 2017, 10:54:30 PM »
This Topic is to gather a list of all of those wishing to participate in the Land of Birds Arc.

From here, we will determine which faction each character is supporting, what episodes they'll be involved in and so forth.

Nathan Stamper is one of the two confirmed Game Masters. The Second hopefully will be chosen soon.

The 'ban list' if any, will be decided upon by the Game Masters after reviewing who is involved in what faction. NPCs are controlled by Game Masters.
The Mission/Episode Template was worked on provided by Nara Eric.,9293.0.html

Prologue/Act 0 (Complete as per wishes of Event Creator),9294.0.html

Act 1/Daimyo Faction,9298.0.html

Act 1/Miku Faction,9297.0.html

Acts/Episodes beyond this point will be written out depending on the results of events prior/will of the Game Masters.

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