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Messages - Keito Uzumaki

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*coughs* This is rather odd, given that no one seemed to have gone for the 4 tails after a couple days of whatever has been going on. I'd like to make a request for Keito to fight it or someone. Though I did tell shadow I was down to GM any necessary event and hope my involvement with such wouldn't prevent me from signing up. If it does, I'd still rather go for the 4 tails then. Otherwise I'd be down to do both and fight as the 8 tails.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Scavengers
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:15:37 AM »
It's kinda disgusting and scavengers is the right word. But I would propose maybe we set up a GM event for the chance to truly scavenge the loot, I doubt anyone would actually want to work to gain what he had. Regardless, I doubt they could use it as well as Bocchi-chan in the first place so them having his stuff won't truly matter.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Idea for consideration
« on: September 19, 2016, 07:13:49 AM »
What if the council just keeps them and then they're like, "lol, nah." I think thats cool for a while. >>; <<; >>;

Village Square / Re: Claimed list restructuring
« on: August 28, 2016, 02:47:13 AM »
It's been a while since my side of crazy has visited the forums but I mean with a header like this I just had to join. Now speaking as someone who's name is prolly plastered on the 'Claimed List' I am still, have still and will continue to stand for the death of the claimed list! It is nothing but a popularity contest to which those who wish to get their name on said list must pull strings here and there to climb to the top. I mean truthfully, some Hijutsu and Kinjutsu should be kept for a select few individuals, knowledgeable to know the risks of their techniques and overall effect. Not just people who are bestfriends with so and so and get to have their name on a list. There are various arts and trades that found themselves clan oriented and such but then people spoof such claims like, 'Oh I'm 5% Uzumaki, 10% Inuzuka, 15% Aburame, 20% Nara, 25% Uchiha and 25% Senju just to have every prefix and trump card ready' which is just as absurd as the list is. Even the summoning list is out of hand. I was never one to accept that ninja held the summoning scrolls, to me it was always the animals of said group. Now there could be a limit to how many animals you can contract with to help said case but the worst is when that one person who held a 'contract' was so spiteful and never wished to let anyone sign because even then there were 'too many summoners' while the holder themselves were inactive. Not sure where I'm going with this as its being typed but, Death to the Claimed List! Or some of it.... even then there are those who hold summoning contracts who haven't been in the game for years on end.

Side note for those who say just make custom items that are like the cannon items....we all know how that gets treated in the realm so thats avoidable for sure. If there truly is a dispute in which the claimed item hasn't been used for weeks on end then perhaps a respawn of said item can occur in the game where not only one but many people can race to get it (perhaps even a GM'ed event! Ohhh I'd host that ish) since you know this is a virtual game where we are the creators of what we see-read. Thats just a thought. >>;

Spam / How SL Arguments Go Down [Warning Mature Audience Only]
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:56:25 AM »
The Beautiful State of Georgia, to all you rick and morty fans I just had to share this;

Spam / Re: People on SL when trying to be nice to each other
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:15:51 AM »

Village Square / Re: Biju Council Elections #1
« on: May 27, 2016, 09:34:35 PM »
Coming late to the scene, given that none of these candidates are currently holding a biju is a plus side, due to conflict of interest. Otherwise, out of them all, I believe only one from my own knowledge has held his fair ground as a jinc here to know both sides truly. And if there can only be one I'd go with Eric for the pick.

Silver Moonfire
Can't say I know them enough to follow through with putting them up for council, especially if only one can advance from the 5.

From an outsiders look, he has stuck with the game and even biju process long enough to know what's up. Sticks by his opinion and willing to accept others from what I've dealt with. Would make a good member should the conflict of interest not happen and he become a jinc again. Also has been a strong voice here in the forums for a while.

Surely a skilled RPer when it comes to another style but when dealing with biju matters here on SL, not sure if he'd fit for the task.

Great right hand man and delegate for myself, yet from my own knowledge hasn't really dabbled with the biju aspect of SL. And from my own knowledge such an area is quite hectic enough. When compared to Eric, I would have to side with experience over anything else. Close second for sure.

Exceptional rper and continually growing into a top player here for sure. Yet, like Genesis I am not entirely sure how well they've messed with the biju situation here so I can't vouch on their particular experience with such. Another top pick.

The guy is good, yet his schedule could be something at risk here for this council position (something I truly haven't been fully updated on yet!) if a decision is needed on a timely matter or such. Perhaps once the hiatus ends, another good candidate for such. Has fiddled with biju prior as well, from my memory.

Council / Re: Explicit Powers of the Council
« on: May 27, 2016, 01:18:55 AM »
Oh Em Ge!
What if this council had like 0 tailed beasts in it? Like none of all the tailed beasts, ya know. So like it won't be all biased and what not, right? Only former players who've dabbled and dipped in the notorious biju realm and who probably don't even RP anymore, just talk RP-politics all the time. Then they'll have something to talk about that isn't 5+ years in the past. Just sayin.  Otherwise a beast being in the council allows power abuse in tough decisions.

Just 'cause I love to type...

Given another decision should be made to determine the winner. Even with my previous decision accounting for basically 50% of the match itself, lead into Shadow's favor. The same goes with this decision in the overall-scheme of things. Based off how it was played, Shadow came into the match prepared with Sage Mode ready with the anticipation of one's biju advantage. Despite my hate for the Sharingan, using such resourcefully to pin the assault back onto Madara does indeed grant him points as well. Although last minute notice the Leaf Dragon God might have hindered it but I believe the technique wouldn't remove all the chakra absorptive gasses, leaving the attempt to falter. With such and other factors, Shadow would find himself the victor in this ever long debacle.

Thankfully, I rest my case on this one. If anything, the power struggle was surreal.

Village Square / Re: A Numbers Game
« on: February 11, 2016, 07:58:13 AM »
Is this not why the SL Forums exists? Clearly RP exists of some kind on these boards as those who do test out whatever methods they might. Such is an example for the Hunters Guild, such can be an example for what is being proposed here. At least, it is being proposed instead of just implemented in-game which would receive far worse reactions from the same people. If it ain't your cup of tea I guess just move one. But the entire concept can be adjusted and fixed to a standard liking that we could follow. I'm not advocating a lol-numbers to prove something, more so the numbers to keep track of things. As explained by Kay,
Something to keep in mind, once you start quantifying things, then everything will have to be. All jutsu, armor, weapons, tools...and an expense account kept.
Ex: I get to use 27 chakra points, and once they are gone I fall into a stupor or if I go beyond that die due to chakra depletion. SO my S rank jutsu cost 10, my A cost 8, the B are 6, C 4, D2, E1. any combo adds up to 27, I am done. Pretend I have to have 4 to sustain total pool is 31.

minor calculations like such would be nice to see during zones so people don't go beyond the extraordinary dishing out S ranked moves one after the other without a sweat. Resiliency is nice to see as well, followed with a balancing of skills. Say one has a high chakra pool but trade's off overall stamina or something along those lines. This way it could prevent one from just having 999,999,999 in any category. Otherwise I don't think chakra pools around the 30's would suffice with the norms of SL these days. Besides everyone wants to claim Uzumaki or even Senju blood just to be able to lol-claim lots of chakra supply. >>; I mean seriously you mutts.

Village Square / Re: A Numbers Game
« on: February 11, 2016, 05:30:40 AM »
Now this is something worth talking about. A proper analysis needs both, Quantitative and Qualitative data. And for us to be keeping track of such during out turns, would prevent from any *coughs* ahem, excuse my cussing, "ass-pulls".

I didn't quite read everyone's response but the initial opening so I'll have to get back on my own whacky ideas. Otherwise, its a good point to be made since most of what we've been following is just hearsay from the most credible source. Add levels and modifiers to chakra capacity to be able to tell just how much someone can dish out before they need to call it a day. As well as how taxing specific techniques may be under the different circumstances. We of course all zone differently, yet the 'calculations' would help keep the varying styles on track in the sense of legitimacy.


Alright, well originally I was called in to make a call about the Pollen vs Pollen attack. After much conversing I settled it down to a rough 80/20 favor towards Shadow in both their attempts to overpower the other. Originally it was to be they cancelled each other out, but through further investigation would I deem that wrong due to the precautionary methods taken by Shadow and vagueness set by Madara with his 'simply better than yours' attempt.

Of course, though I would allow Madara to continue defending himself 'verbally' in a way that may have changed my thought, but for the sake of time spent waiting on this decision an overall judgement call was request. So I will incorporate a mix of both into this one.

It was interesting to see that this was just the second round-about of turns within the match, as this pollen was only introduced to counteract the incoming snakes. Of course, Madara furthermore attempted to kill 2 birds with one stone as he continued the process to make pollen/fog consume Shadow's person. On the contrary, through Sharingan, would Shadow mimic the same technique and would both jet out at each other. The claim is, that whosever breaches first would become the 'victor' in some sense of overpowering the other. Now I must stress that prior to this technique even being put at play, Shadow has already been in a state of Perfect Sage mode where as Madara didn't exercise a similar power-up like so. 'Twas only after Shadow used the same technique would Madara choose to amp himself up with biju power in a sense to combat and furthermore overpower the attempt to copy his technique. This alone would leave me to believe that Shadow's had the ability and time to overcome Madara's before the biju chakra could help retain control. Regardless, once the breach was allowed, I believe the actual technique's effect would pull through, acting as the chakra absorbing assault against the very same chakra absorbing assault. This would leave Shadow's assault the dominant one in the field and something for Madara to have to deal with now going on with whatever else was involved. In theory this power struggle would halt/delay/alter any actions afterwards as well due to its severity.

Got called to make a ruling on the latest actions within the match by the challenger, agreed with by the defending host it was declared as follows;

The torrential poisonous storm would have caught up with Rakudo and the beast by the time these posts came into play, allowing it to disrupt the making of the highly intensive tailed beast assault. Furthermore with Rakudo's attempts at the Blocking Technique Absorption Seal, given the AoE and time-line factor at play of the storm it would not save the tailed beast blasts from the chakra eating droplets in time. Though on the contrary, due to the challenger issuing the rain also be detrimental to Rakudo himself, the BTAS saved for such a fatal occurrence. Otherwise the scene would leave off with the tagging of Sanbi via Chakra Chain that occurred during the event prior's happening with the beasts own nerfed assault.

Feature Requests / Re: Pictures in SL rp?
« on: January 21, 2016, 04:38:49 AM »
I don't really see this happening. I mean you could always just provide a link to a pic at the end of you post or during by using {linkex}. Our simply send it via pm.

Honestly doesn't this count as cheating. Rp standards should be to give details in such a manner.

Not trolling but I have seen much more complex settings perfectly described in text over the years. Such a setting is surely extensive but do-able in the sense of typing. Seems more of a shortcut to me. Besides, the wikia is a scene where specific areas can gain proper pictures and descriptions of their own to help paint a better picture in one's head while role playing.

If anything, like it was mentioned. Should you really wish to display a picture you can send a link via PM to literally help illustrate the setting. I believe the various pictures popping up would ruin the text flow and overall layout of the boards, turning it more forum-wise.

Village Square / Re: Enhance your Mokuton with Tailed Beast Chakra
« on: January 15, 2016, 04:07:13 AM »
Well I was brought a case that was somewhat similar to this. And from how I see it, Biju Chakra struck me as volatile and corrosive in regards to a chakra's stability. Many of the times its hard to control and even when the biju has willed its way, quite uncontrollable. Of course this is where those Mokuton techniques were created in order to help control and suppress this very volatile chakra.

As to whether or not this volatile chakra enhances a technique beyond extraordinary measures is beyond me. My belief was the biju was added chakra of its own nature, replacing the normal shinobi ones. So in that aspect biju attacks could trump regular shinobi techniques with a balance ration of chakra used per tech. Otherwise, Senjutsu, Biju Chakra, and Chakra itself are all different variations of chakra and are different for specific reasons. Of course the situations and different instances need to be looked into before being able to figure one over the other as they can indeed overlap in strengths. I mean with most people's logic, a big ball rasengan might seem moot if it is being retaliated with a sage/biju powered D rank technique or whatever.

Certain specifications for certain situations is all I'll allow to quote on this matter.

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