This is a public preview of a WIP system that pulls heavily from D&D elements to be applied to Naruto RP. (Dice rolling included)
0-50 | With 50 to distribute among all four skills
[Speed is static; meaning no one is faster nor slower than the other. You can RP being as fast as you want, but your opponent can still defend themselves]
-[Items that modify stats and other categories go here]-
Shuriken x3 = 1d6*
--[Rp Reward System]--
100 *points* per post of at least 250 words
--[Mastery System goes here]--
1 mastery point to increase skills and such
--[Jutsu System]--
Attack/defense jutsus
Custom jutsu "finishers"
Basic jutsu everyone has: Clone, Substitution..
--[KG System]--
Treated as 'transformations' needing activation.
If you wish to discuss or yell at me, you know where to reach me.
0-50 | With 50 to distribute among all four skills
- Fighting
- Reflexes
- Resilience
- Chakra Control
[Speed is static; meaning no one is faster nor slower than the other. You can RP being as fast as you want, but your opponent can still defend themselves]
-[Items that modify stats and other categories go here]-
Shuriken x3 = 1d6*
--[Rp Reward System]--
100 *points* per post of at least 250 words
--[Mastery System goes here]--
1 mastery point to increase skills and such
--[Jutsu System]--
Attack/defense jutsus
Custom jutsu "finishers"
Basic jutsu everyone has: Clone, Substitution..
--[KG System]--
Treated as 'transformations' needing activation.
If you wish to discuss or yell at me, you know where to reach me.