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Messages - Kyutu - Super King -

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Village Square / Re: Tenseigan vs Rinnegan
« on: May 31, 2015, 01:50:00 AM »
Eric, you've already stated to have a vested interest in this argument, said interest not even being along the lines of "What if I want one?" but more to the tune of "What if I have to fight one?"
I would find it strange you keep arguing against this, and would ask what your suggestion to handling it would be, but I'm certain the answer would be akin to "ban it".
There's nothing wrong with the get it through RP method discussed. It only makes the case for people to have said tenseigan stronger. It also would at least put a sort of limit on the amount of people who have them, unlike the Rinnegan (although keep in mind the Hiraishin, which everyone has or has some variant of at this point.) There's nothing even wrong with the dojutsu itself, as its clipped version is clearly less powerful on its own than even the clipped Rinnegan.
The only thing I, an outsider who barely even plays this game, can see from your argument is "I don't want to deal with it".
In which case:

Game Related Discussions / Re: Marriage Ring Buffs
« on: March 19, 2015, 04:32:59 AM »

This feels appropriate with how this thread is going. Does the text of an account being disabled really warrant moving the topic away from the original discussion about ring buffs and the like?

Feature Requests / Re: Dice rolls
« on: January 27, 2015, 05:15:07 PM »
Making a stat system would be silly because everyone would be pure 5/5's across the board. But then again, if everyone was a 5/5 across the board, everyone would be equally matched in speed/power/etc.
And anyone that's been in a real battle would tell you that luck does play a big part in it. You hope you're lucky that there's not a sniper that's been watching you in a firefight and takes a pop at you as soon as you peek over cover. You hope you're lucky that you don't get shot by a random ricochet round. You hope you're lucky enough that they didn't hide any IEDs on your patrol path. Sure, battles take skill, but luck is a very important factor.

And what does or doesn't need dice rolls would be agreed upon by the players involved. Because dice rolls would not be mandatory for all fights and only used when players agree to it, it's up to the players in combat/RP to decide when dice rolls are necessary. Or, if a GM is involved, then leave it up for the GM to decide whether or not a dice roll is necessary, just like in a tabletop.

I see your point, but I can't help but feel there's a major difference between a real battle with guns where even the weakest, scrawniest man can kill the biggest dude with a lucky shot (which sounds similar to the acad vs. kage example before now that I think about it) and battles between magic throwing ninja.
Also, if it's the case where the players have to decide then prepare for two topics of arguing over whether a person would have successfully dodged a shot or not enough to have to roll the dice. Then after that no one will use them in any serious way.

This isn't to say I'm completely against the idea of dice, but we'd need a very very fine system before it'd be agreeable in any form. Otherwise it will end in fire long before it begins as soon as someone gets an unfortunate roll.

Feature Requests / Re: Dice rolls
« on: January 27, 2015, 09:57:46 AM »
The problem would come with modifiers and how you would decide what needs rolls.

Going from the above suggestion:
If an acad throws a kunai at a kage-level ninja with lightning armor active and the acad gets a 20 while the kage rolls a 1, does the kage take a kunai to the heart and die?

Please do not even tell me that because you have come to be really irritating. Providing nothing effective to back up your claim besides ONE untrustworthy picture and biased witnesses that you probably got to agree with you.
Before you go on about, people not following the bijuu rules, make sure you have 100% legit evidence.

You are asking for proof of a negative, you know. The burden of proof is on him being active rather than him being inactive. Reason being that it's much much harder, if not impossible to prove something HASN'T happened.

So instead of showing him being NOT active, the proof is in showing him NOT being active, which I for one think the amount of testimony is proof enough of that. But keep pressing if you don't believe so, just keep it in line.

edit:word order

Feature Requests / Re: Dice rolls
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:37:58 AM »
... Don't we already have this in the private zones?

Spam / Re: Manga/Anime you enjoy
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:23:43 PM »


Bijuu Arena / Re: Proposal
« on: January 17, 2015, 06:04:03 PM »

Concerning whether they stay or go, as I've already stated, I have no interest in. All I can see it doing is swallowing SL's RP a level, and giving a hit to some RP. If that trade off it worth other topics becoming the prominent "points of interest" to the community then so be it.

My main concern is indeed that if they were to stay, or  whatever else comes about to replace them, the whole "don't have to fight who you don't want to fight" notion. This game is already secular and "clique"-ish as is. Allowing people to decline to face others on whim with absolutely no repercussion in any sense, especially when in game stakes should reasonably be, well, at stake, is a deep nail in a coffin that's already a  few feet under compared to recent years. It's just starting to make a bit of a come back, it would be unsettling to have a precedent  of "comfort" over "game play", which is what such a "don't want to fight X" rule would be. Anti-RP. Similar notions are already ingrained in SL's  more casual RP, I don't think it would be a good idea to "officialise" it in the "larger" RP as well.

And how do you intend on stopping people from ignoring/rejecting other people? Regarding the tailed beasts, we can strip indefinitely until we get a set of hosts who are complacent and willing to abide by the fact that they must RP with anyone who challenges for a tailed beast. But how many people are really up for all that that implies? As you've mentioned, SL is kind of cliquey, but that's mostly because no one is obligated to RP by any set of rules with someone they don't want to outside of the tailed beasts, the only global objects that must be open to every player in SL at least in theory.

If they were to stay, then people would have to be forced to follow the rules or be stripped. I admit I've had a bleeding heart moment here and there, but making exceptions for the rules has always been an undermining of the point of the rules in the first place. Either you suck it up and do as you're told or you hand over the tailed beast.

There is not a particularly long list of people I know who are going to be jumping at the chance to be in those shoes.

I'm confused at what you're trying to say here. People don't follow the rules so we shouldn't make rules except for the things which need rules which people will follow but don't so they shouldn't have them? The point was lost somewhere along the line or I've rolled a 1 in reading comprehension.

I think I agree that items in the common domain should have rules which people follow or they lose said items?

As for that last point, I raise the fact that there isn't a particularly long list of people who regularly RP SL. I would guess, at the very most, at this time there are about 30 people who play for more than 4 months out of the year before taking 'breaks' or never coming back in general. And I do mean RP, not people who log on and sit and watch (like, admittedly, myself).

Bijuu Arena / Re: Proposal
« on: January 17, 2015, 05:28:39 PM »

Concerning whether they stay or go, as I've already stated, I have no interest in. All I can see it doing is swallowing SL's RP a level, and giving a hit to some RP. If that trade off it worth other topics becoming the prominent "points of interest" to the community then so be it.

My main concern is indeed that if they were to stay, or  whatever else comes about to replace them, the whole "don't have to fight who you don't want to fight" notion. This game is already secular and "clique"-ish as is. Allowing people to decline to face others on whim with absolutely no repercussion in any sense, especially when in game stakes should reasonably be, well, at stake, is a deep nail in a coffin that's already a  few feet under compared to recent years. It's just starting to make a bit of a come back, it would be unsettling to have a precedent  of "comfort" over "game play", which is what such a "don't want to fight X" rule would be. Anti-RP. Similar notions are already ingrained in SL's  more casual RP, I don't think it would be a good idea to "officialise" it in the "larger" RP as well.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Proposal
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:32:43 PM »
I wonder how many times I've seen this topic. "Positive Feelings" incoming.

As for whether or not the bijuu should be removed, I have no opinion. It's not like they themselves are the issue. They are just  the only real "symbol" a person/village has of power in this game, and so when there are fights centered around them then it makes them seem like the problem. Honestly though they are more of a... "location" I guess. Removing them won't remove power duels, it will just make the game a bit more shallow by removing one of the few tangible assets of SL RP. Removing it will make the complaints lessen a bit granted, but also the RP of any form. I wouldn't expect to see quite as many OOC challenges or anything anyway, there'd be no reason to accept them. More over people are going to need something else to fight for and fight over or else RP itself is pointless.

--Either way though, I wanted to post regarding an idea brought up earlier in this thread. The "I won't fight X-person list" idea.
I've rewritten my opinion on this four times now, because I'm trying to figure out how I want to say it:

an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
"he has enough cash to meet his present obligations"
synonyms:   duty, commitment, responsibility, moral imperative; More

This is the thing you have when you decide to prove your character's power and worth and grab a bijuu. You have the obligation to fight to keep it. OOC/IC, Zero/One/Any, I don't care about the in game rules of the challenge enough to debate them right now. Where I'd have to draw a line is when you step outside the game and are able to say "I don't want to fight X". That's stupid.
Too strong? That's the point of the challenge in keeping your bijuu.
Don't like 'em? If you're petty enough you can't play a game with a person you don't like, a text game mind you with no voice feature or any way for any person to even pretend to "attack" another outside of pixels on a screen, you probably shouldn't have a bijuu with OBLIGATES you to play said game.
I can't think of any other reason to be able to individually ban challengers for something the point of which is to be able to be challenged for and rewarded/kept. I strongly suspect that even with that being the case, no reason IS legitimate enough to be able to shut individual people out without said shut-out needing to be banned from the game completely or something.

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:20:49 PM »
Yes people running around at faster than Raiton no Yoroi speeds with balls that negate all ninjutsu. That's what SL has sorely needed to encourage activity in rp.
On the other hand, soul stealing, gravity changing, all jutsu-knowing and predicting, dimension hopping, instant forced teleportation on one's self and others among plenty of other Rinnegan/Mangekyo Sharingan-only techniques is A-okay, because there are resets for it?
Also, I said variety, nothing about activity.
Honestly though, I'm just confused on where exactly it is you want to draw the line.

Yes, because all of those abilities are dependent on a person's skill in a fight. There's not a Rinnegan or Sharingan jutsu that can't be avoided by people smart enough, most Sharingan techs are countered by Hidden Mist Jutsu for christsake.

Since I've been in roughly 5000% more zone fights then you maybe you could trust my opinion in saying how much better Tenseigan chakra mode would be than the Rinnegan, I can just see right off the bat how stupid it would be. If Tenseigan mode is weaker than 9 tails chakra mode by combining it with Sage Mode and Raiton no Yoroi you'd easily jump over that amount of speed and power.

I've loved the past 5 years or so of proving people wrong as much as the next guy, but maybe this one time we could just NOT do the dumb thing. I said it when Rinnegan was being released that it shouldn't be acknowledged in rp, and now rp is really dumb with 3 dozen Rinnegan users. I'm saying it again now. Just don't do it. Acknowledge this is a dumb idea and make some cool custom Hyuuga jutsu instead. Hyuuga/Sage Mode is already much better than Sharingan/Rinnegan, it just requires you actually be good at zone fighting to use it effectively.

Nintaijutsu is "the meta" of SL if you will. Ninjutsu is useless if you're too fast to be hit by anything. Allowing this is just buffing what is already the strongest way to fight.

Sorry, but I won't take your experience in zoning as evidence. My only question is where is the line drawn for what is and isn't acceptable? The Tenseigan is, as stated by the articles, equivalent in power to the Rinnegan. What makes this less acceptable than said Rinnegan? Obviously we are excluding auto-hitting attacks and things which are already axed by the rules.

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: December 20, 2014, 07:42:58 PM »
Yes people running around at faster than Raiton no Yoroi speeds with balls that negate all ninjutsu. That's what SL has sorely needed to encourage activity in rp.
On the other hand, soul stealing, gravity changing, all jutsu-knowing and predicting, dimension hopping, instant forced teleportation on one's self and others among plenty of other Rinnegan/Mangekyo Sharingan-only techniques is A-okay, because there are resets for it?
Also, I said variety, nothing about activity.
Honestly though, I'm just confused on where exactly it is you want to draw the line.

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:30:51 PM »
If you'll recall there were Rinnegan and sage mode resets being added into the game that forced us to acknowledge the Rinnegan in rp. No such thing is happening here.

My god people, we all say stuff is too OP but we're going to add this for no reason? Void it. There are 0 positive outcomes to adding this to rp.

Void it because there are no Tenseigan resets?

As for positive outcomes, it may add more byakugan users, and therefore more variety, to SL RP. If Rinnegan is okay as is, I can't really see the harm in Tenseigan. It's not as if it gives any of the paths or anything. I'm not even certain it gives mastery over all elemental affinities like the Rinnegan does. The only special move it adds is the Chakra cloak + truth balls maybe if allowed, and a base power-up from what I understand.

Village Square / Re: Byakugan -> Tenseigan
« on: December 20, 2014, 05:28:11 PM »
Complete outsider perspective, but can someone tell me what the problem with treating this the same way SL treats the Rinnegan is? In simple, layman terms if you don't mind.

Naruto / Re: Chapter 695
« on: October 10, 2014, 08:10:39 AM »
No, no part 3, god no.

Said it before, going to say it again.

Ninja. IN SPACE.

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