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Messages - sharakkar

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Village Square / Re: Battle in Kiri 2
« on: June 24, 2014, 10:38:54 PM »
Just two quick random notes:
1. Isa is on vacation, but he should be back within the next week or so. I'm obviously not going to give his exact plans since that isn't my place, but expect him back soon.
2. Dart does use his phone, or at least that is what he has always told me. Now, even though it is a pain to use these forums on a phone, it is feasible. Just a big pain.

That's all.

Spam / Re: Am the oldest playing in SL currently?
« on: July 05, 2012, 11:56:53 PM »
Feels like posting for the hell of it.... is 20, acts around the age of 12, looks about 17 do to not being able to grow facial hair because of his 1/4 American Indian bloodline, parties like it is 1999, often logs onto SL half drunk, sometime legit drunk, for some odd reason never gets hang-overs,  is drinking some home-made wine at the moment, makes wine, sells wine, is an Indian Outlaw, flunked out of college, is a small town farmer, has the worst grammar ever probably due to the fact of his southern talk, was the first in his family to graduate high school on his dad's side, stands at 6'2-6'4 (depends on where I get measured... I don't get it either), weighs 290, played scout team for a prof. football team (although didn't get payed and the league folded), smoked pot one time, listens to classic rock,  is rather hot headed, and likes to MOVE IT MOVE IT!

^^ This for the win.

And back on topic, 21.

Spam / Re: I need...
« on: June 03, 2011, 04:44:51 AM »
First to Shikki.

It really all depends on what you need it for. If you are just needing a general all purpose kinda thing then the HP dv6t is a decent enough laptop for your price range and it's what I have. Let me know what you need it for and what you'd like in it and I can give you a few suggestions.

Second to Ice.

I absolutely loathe Macs and Apple in general. Apple currently has remote sensors in all their products that monitor your heart beat, usage, and voice, though this is more prevalent in the iPhone. If they find anyone of these suspicious they can remotely deactivate their product.

Game Related Discussions / Re: New KGs
« on: May 12, 2011, 05:35:35 PM »
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the Rinnegan is the one that is similar to the Sharingan because, at least what I've seen, both can be active indefinately. Which would mean that Sage mode would be similar to the Byakugan since both require chakra to mantain. Should make it interesting to say the least.

I also like how you get something new with each reset, or at least it seems that way. That's one of the reasons I liked Lotus and Kaguya over the other resets. Yes I know that even once you unlock all the techniques you still get stronger, but it's nice to have some sort of visable reference to that. Just my two cents though.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Secret New Day?
« on: April 29, 2011, 05:52:13 PM »
That is certainly interesting. My game days start as follows:

3 AM

11 AM


Well long story short I got on several times between the 7 PM to 3 AM window. This morning I checked the forums and saw this post. Well, since I hadn't yet logged on I decided to try it. It does in fact say that one gameday was missed and give an extra ten turns. I'll provide a screenshot if possible.

Game Related Discussions / Re: New KGs
« on: April 18, 2011, 04:42:01 PM »
As to if you can exchange? Again I don't know, I wouldn't see anything wrong with it, but maybe at a two for one rate or something?

Two for one seems a little extreme to me. Take my alt Joker for instance. He's maxed Uchiha, Lotus, and has 3/4 in Mokuton. Thats a total of 9 resets already. So that would mean four resets in the new one and then add one more for actually using my 80 dks to reset for a total of five reborns which leaves only needing to reset one more time. Personally I think three for one would be a better route, or maybe even four for one if Neji feels like going that far.

Only reason I even bring this up is because, as a veteran player, I'd like to use the new KG. True it could be said that I should have just waited til these came out, but I still remember when the first ones came out and people just couldn't pass it up. I just don't find it fair to those veteran players who would like to give up there old KGs for one of the Sage Arts.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Roleplay Mandatory?
« on: April 18, 2011, 04:35:18 PM »
But the action was: Made another char to get around the mute, and go on with the action.
That would be "circumventing the punishment". And "repeatable offence".

If this is what actually happened then the ban would be justifiable. However as the case maybe Lebis made an alt not to get around a ban, but rather so that she could keep talking to her friend in Kiri after she both  died and lost in the graveyard. There is nothing against that in the rules, RoA, etc.. Especially since alts are fairly encouraged on SL. Heck I've even done the same thing myself at times. Granted that the two could have just continued their conversation in PMs, but the village squares are a public place and they have just as much right to hang around and talk there as anyone else does.

Game Related Discussions / Re: New KGs
« on: April 15, 2011, 02:48:03 AM »
The two new KGs will be Sage Arts, Rinnegan and Sage Mode.

I just want to say, "Ha! I knew it."

Anyways on to my actual reason for posting this...

You can only have one Sage Art, and if you have a Sage Art, you can't have any other KG.

So what happens to those of us that have already, ya' know been reborn a few times. Is there going to be any kind of option to lose the KG we have now to reborn into one of these Sage Arts or are they locked to us forever? Personally I can see the arguement for both sides, but really I'm just curious. I'd just like to know because I have one of my accounts sitting at 80 dks, already reborn I might add, just so I can test one of these when it comes out. But if there isn't going to be an option to completely reset all of our reborns and reborn into one of these new ones then I might as well just max out Mokuton and turn him into a sitter like I originally planned.

On another quick note I just thought of an idea, don't know what ya'lls plans are for the new Sage Art, but this is an idea that I just had. What if, in order to be reborn into a Sage Art you had to first max out one KG from each category that already exist or have been reborned x number of times. Just an idea though cause it would, IMHO at least stop from there being a huge number of people running around with a Sage Art.

Game Related Discussions / Re: New KGs
« on: April 11, 2011, 09:13:20 PM »
a. Just because it's set up a certain way on the test server, doesn't mean it will be that way ingame. Remember we want you to test it. ;)

Well it should be fairly obvious that my accusations are based on what experience I have with the test server.

b. Why would the other KG needed to be in the same 'class' as Rinnegan, couldn't the Rinnegan be a Dojutsu?

Once again I am basing my claims on the way it is setup on the test server. Rinnegan is classified on there as Sage Jutsu and I'm assuming that Neji has it following the same restrictions as pick only one from each category. IF the Rinnegan gets implemented as a Dojutsu with some form of restriction upon it then I personally would find that more acceptable.

If you're trying to argue that Rin'negan should be the only one in the entire Naruto universe, you would have to rule out Uchiha's sharingan, because technically, all the Uchiha were slaughtered and only Kakashi, Madara, and Sasuke should have it. But look at all the Uchihas running around in the SL universe. <<;  However, I do see the point you're trying to make, but it just sort of becomes invalid when you consider that Kaguya and Uchiha are both available to the public.

As for you Purple. IMO SL is based upon the Naruto storyline, but does not necessarily follow it to the point. SL, in theory could be, upon the user's point of view, based before the Uchiha extermination and before the Kaguya clan was dessimated. Personally this makes sense to me since we do have so many Uchiha and Kaguya running around. I just, personally I should add, see the Rinnegan as something different because there were only two people in the entire Naruto Universe said to have possessed it. Then again following my previous logic, it could also be said that there could have been more that possessed the Rinnegan but were not aware of what exactly it was and therefor makes my previous statement invalid. What it really comes down to is how each person views it. I knew it was only a matter of time until this would happen and I don't have much say in it besides choosing not to reborn into it, so this concludes my arguement which really was pointless in the end.

Game Related Discussions / Re: New KGs
« on: April 11, 2011, 12:17:01 AM »
My guess as to what the second one might be is, well something to do with Sennin mode. I say this because it would fit into the category with the Rinnegan. As for what I don't like, it's the Rinnegan! Something only two people in the entire lore of Naruto have had and now it's going to be made available to the public. Why? I could understand needing a certain ammount of resets first before you could get the rinnegan and then you lose your previous selections. But the way it is set up on the test server lets anyone with 80+ reset into it.

Game Related Discussions / Re: New KGs
« on: April 10, 2011, 04:17:00 AM »
Which part? My guess or what I don't like?

Game Related Discussions / Re: New KGs
« on: April 09, 2011, 04:14:04 PM »
Wow... No bueno on that one. :/ I can only imagine what the other one most be, but I do have a good idea, or at least a thought.

Game Related Discussions / New KGs
« on: April 07, 2011, 07:54:35 AM »
So with Neji's announcement of the two new KGs coming out later this month, supposedly. Does anyone, aka Ice, know what they might be? I'm just kinda curious to see what else we will be gettting and how it will fare and be in corportated with the current KGs. Will they be in there own little class or be implemented into a current one?

Feature Requests / Re: Baluski event
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:14:39 PM »
Why should it just be limited to lower ranks DA?  It's done to try and keep balance to the game. Would it be fair to other players that are around the same dk as you and like to pvp to constantly worry about losing to someone that has 2000hp? Reborns and other abilities grant you just that, special abilities, but it does not exempt you from the other, more basic rules.

Feature Requests / Re: Hyuuga upgrades
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:22:56 AM »
I figured he would be, but it never hurts to try.

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