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Messages - Nijiri Rinha

Pages: [1]
Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:30:12 AM »
In your case I would accept it. I have seen multiple people accept your usage of it.

I never said Byakugan. I said Sharingan. And in Danzo's case he stole those sharingan, and he also had Hashirama's DNA. Users who do not have sharingan (whether they were born with or have stolen them like Danzo had) should not be able to use Izanagi.

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: November 28, 2014, 10:10:43 AM »
See? This is why I would like a set of guidelines for these advanced techniques. Like I've been telling you over and over again, word by the user's mouth alone isn't proof enough. I would like to know who taught the shinobi the technique in question. If the master did indeed teach it, then I would have no arguments.

Izanagi for example: Izanagi can only be used by those with genetic traits of the Sage of Six Paths. (That sentence taken from the naruto wiki)  And the Uchiha are descended from the sage, so they can use their eyes as mediums. So if I were to have the proper Uchiha reset, then I wouldn't have a problem with them using that technique. It being a kekkei genkei of course.

But this thread was just an idea. I seriously doubted this rule set would be set in the first place. Any moderators can feel free to lock this thread. I believe nothing will come from this.

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:30:25 AM »
Perhaps noting the master you trained under in your bio would help bocchiere. Role playing with someone who has learned a technique out of thin air isn't all too fun for many people. Myself included.

I never once demanded that you make your special little file system of your rp's bocchiere. And no I would not accept it by word of mouth. The Flying Thunder God Technique is an S rank move. The only proof I would want is, WHO did you learn it from? Techniques are created by ninja. And are thus taught to their students. Then the cycle continues. (Unless stopped otherwise)

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: November 28, 2014, 08:30:26 AM »
Or we could just cut out the middle man and ban fun.

Or we could set up some rules on these techniques that have been causing so many arguments and save a lot of trouble for a lot of people. Banning fun not required. I read the arguments concerning the Izanagi and if there were some guidelines for using that technique in the zones then there wont be so many problems and not as much bickering about it.

Now the techniques wouldn't be banned to everyone. Only to those who haven't met the prerequisites. Now this is why I like how the Edo Tensei is restricted to a few people so it isn't used by just everyone.

But Kayenta made a good point too. Roleplaying with pals also helps with this. However, I do like to zone with other people from time to time. And I prefer to keep the techniques at a reasonable rank based level. Meaning, I don't really want a Genin using an S rank technique on me unless I know he/she has had the proper training. (I do know Naruto mastered an A rank and an S rank of his own, but most Genin of the Naruto verse don't jump to those heights without training. Especially training under a master.)

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:44:28 AM »
The reason I'm asking for it bocchiere, is to cut down on the multiple arguments that happens on this server. I read the posts concerning your fight in Iwagakure. Lots of bickering over idiotic nonsense. "Oh the Izanagi lasts sixty seconds per eye." "How many seconds does one post take?" That technique being one I remember right off hand. There needs to be set rules on these techniques. Like how many posts the technique can be used for before the user goes blind for good. (considering the user of the technique is using their own sharingan. Now if I am missing some details on this move, you'll have to forgive me, I go as far canon as I possibly can. However, I don't jump ahead and watch the Japanese dub. I stick with the English.) The arguments that have been going on in Iwagakure perfectly make my point about these far advanced techniques.

I've already noticed some restrictions on the Edo Tensei. To whoever crafted that thread, I thank you. There needs to be more threads like that.

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: November 03, 2014, 09:42:02 PM »
We have tried a lot of the thing suggested here before and they tend to work for about two seconds...that is until it means someone doesn't get what they want. Then the gloves come off and we are back to the baby festival of squals.

Speaking of which, when is the Iwa rp going to continue? How long do we have to wait for the current stupidity to resolve itself? Can we kick out the two players who cant' figure it out and continue on our own?

THAT is a solution. You get 3 days of this BS then you are both gone. Problem solved.

Anyway...when it came to custom jutsu. Zenaku, Mei, FlamingChaos, Mariko and myself used to chit chat about it. use it on each other, fix this, fix that. and ta dah. New jutsu was born. That was just my zoning circle of buddies. Everyone was doing it that way with their friends too. It worked. We moderated ourselves.

And you know what else? We tried to keep the BS down cause we realized that if we ticked our friends off we wouldn't have anyone to play with.

We went to a forum to rp...Shinobi Legends Society. It was fun for about 12 seconds. Then the gloves came off. It was way too rule heavy and we all developed personality disorders.

What is needed is sportsman like behavior and manners. IT always comes down to the fit throwing.

And I thin kit stems from the panic attack we get when our characters are about to face death. For those of us who actually create a back story and work on our character, to just have that trashed in 2 seconds by someone pulling out his lazer cannon death ray of impossible to dodge success kind of makes you want to scream SERIOUSLY??????? We used to be able to withdraw from battle without being yelled at and vilified and hounded all over the site by trash talk and ganged up on by fan girls of the one who was killing you and to have them make stupid claims about you as to IC without your consent.

these are my rules...

no character control
post before I die....

You do make a great point Kayenta. About zoning with a circle of friends and what not. That really does work out a lot. And yes, you are right. We do need sportsman like behavior and manners, definitely manners. The question is, can a set of rule be brought together that can bring about this kind of behavior? I know that's asking for quite the impossible.

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:22:10 PM »
Ever since I came back, there have been a lot of players who have been making such  arguments as: "You don't have the Sharingan reset so you can't copy my techinques" or "You don't have the Hyuga reset so you can't block my chakra network." or "You don't have the Mangekyo Sharingan so you can't use the Amaterasu.", I've been hearing that argument so many times. I understand that laying out your technique's weakness and strength can sound odd, but both the judge needs to know EVERYTHING about the technique you want to create (if you are going to make one. But I'm mainly focused on the S Ranked techniques everyone is making a fuss about)

Now back on topic, the main question here: Should players who do not have the required resets be prohibited from using the techniques that the resets offer? (For example Mangekyo Sharingan---> Amaterasu. Well I never got that reset yet, but for those who have, you get what I mean.) And other techniques that have been causing so many arguments. I want to hear some of your ideas as well. We need to have a set of rules. These senseless arguments within the zones and in these forums need to stop. (No offense to anyone of course.)

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: October 31, 2014, 06:48:12 PM »
Alright allow me to add a couple steps to the guidelines.
1. A clear and thorough description of the technique. (this includes the chakra nature used, the shape of the chakra, how the user shapes the chakra, how the user performs the technique, the techniques weaknesses, the techniques strengths, I'm talking a naruto Wikipedia description here. The opponent and judge needs to know.)
2. And as for the Edo Tensei and those other S Ranked techniques, only those who have the required resets and prerequisites should only be able to use them. (Sage of the Six Paths etc.)

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: October 31, 2014, 05:51:25 PM »
People's creativeness being shut down? Ha! That amuses me. Whether their creativity gets shut down or not isn't an issue in my opinion. However I'll reach a middle ground here. I have a few different sets of rules in mind. If any player wants to become "creative" and make their own technique then I think they should follow these guidelines.

1. Give the technique a name of course.
2. List the hand seals by order.
3. Tell the rank of this technique (Everyone knows the ranks)
4. Tell what class this technique falls under. (Offfensive, defensive.)
5. What Classification does this technique fall under? Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu etc.
6. The range of the jutsu. (Close Range, Mid Range, Long Range)
7. And of course a description of how the jutsu is used.
8. When the steps above are completed, send it to a judge or a moderator (I doubt a moderator would have to take a look, I think a neutral judge would suffice)  for approval. Someone who is completely neutral to see if the technique is not too over powered.

(And this is not my only idea.)

Discussions / Ban Techniques?
« on: October 31, 2014, 10:25:07 AM »
There have been a lot of problems with roleplaying in the shinobi legends website. You're well aware of it and so am I. It happens in the zones, it happens in personal messages; it pretty much happens everywhere roleplaying is able to happen. I've been witnessing a lot of fighting over techniques that my fellow shinobi have been using against one another. There have been a lot of arguments caused by the use of these techniques.

A lot of S rank techniques that only Kekkei genkai wielding players have been using against one another and against players without resets have been causing quite the disruption. I've been seeing a lot of arguments based on the premise on time, on god-modding etc. So perhaps there should be official rules for these techniques? No? I feel that if there were a set of rules for these more advanced techniques, or perhaps for each rank of techniques (if there isn't a set already), a lot of these arguments would stop. I'm very curious to hear the opinion of everyone else. Negative or not.

My opinion is this, if there were a set of rules that govern the use of advanced techniques such as the ones that the Mangekyo Sharingan, Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan, Hyoton, Sage Mode, and Wood Style (If I've forgotten a reset please forgive me) users would use, then many of these arguments would stop. Any further thoughts anyone?

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