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Topics - SuperSeal

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Spam / I'm 19 Now! :D
« on: December 14, 2010, 04:02:29 AM »
Sup everyone, I know its been awhile since I was here but I just recently had a birthday so I decided to stop by and reminisce.

Forum Petitions / "allanbeaukni" Ban or no ban?
« on: February 27, 2010, 02:10:13 AM »
Can we block him from the forums, he's one of the worst forum spammers I've seen in a long time.

Spam / Cops bust runaway crook, thanks to game
« on: January 05, 2010, 07:46:58 AM »

Warcraft helps extend the reach of law enforcement.

Criminals can run, but they can't hide. Especially if they play World of Warcraft.

Just ask Alfred Hightower. Having successfully left the country to avoid being nabbed for dealing drugs, the fugitive figured he was home free. But thanks to his insistence on keeping up with his World of Warcraft habit, Hightower was tracked down by authorities and is now in custody, reports The Kokomo Perspective.

The saga begins in 2007, when Indiana's Howard County Sheriff's Department issued a warrant for Hightower's arrest on charges of dealing in multiple controlled substances. U.S. Marshals were unable to locate the suspect, although a tip placed him in Canada.

According to Howard County deputy Matt Roberson, authorities came upon the Warcraft connection during their investigation into Hightower's background.

“We received information that this guy was a regular player of an online game, which was referred to as ‘some warlock and witches’ game,” he told The Perspective. “None of that information was sound enough to pursue on its own, but putting everything we had together gave me enough evidence to send a subpoena to Blizzard Entertainment. I knew exactly what he was playing — World of Warcraft. I used to play it. It’s one of the largest online games in the world.”

Blizzard played ball, giving up Hightower's account history, IP address, screen name, billing address and preferred game server. One Google Earth search later, and Canadian authorities had apprehended Hightower in Ottowa, Ontario.

“You hear stories about you can’t get someone through the Internet,” said Roberson. “Guess what??You can. I just did. Here you are, playing World of Warcraft, and you never know who you’re playing with.”

Warcraft is just the latest ally in gaming's war against crime. Several weeks ago, police tracked down a New York thief by tracing his online gaming on a stolen Xbox. Federal officials have even begun using Sony's Playstation 3 to crack passwords used by child pornographers.

Spam / Sony slashes PS3 price to $299, announces new Slim model
« on: August 19, 2009, 04:58:24 PM »
Sony might not be able to keep a secret, but they can sure make an announcement.

After months of rumors and speculation, the company finally made official news of a brand new version of its PlayStation 3 console during a game convention in Germany on Tuesday. Called the "PlayStation Slim," the new system is due to release in North America and Europe on September 1 for $299 and €299, respectively. The price cut is immediate, however, meaning the soon-to-be-replaced 80 GB PlayStation 3 currently on store shelves is now only $299 as well.

Touting the same features and functionality of the current console, the Slim is true to its name, coming in at 33% smaller and 36% lighter. It's also greener, using 34% less power. But while its chassis has shrunk, its trunk space has grown with a new 120 GB hard drive. Who doesn't like roomy interiors?

Sony hopes the long-awaited price drop will stimulate sales for its ailing system, which typically trails both the Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360 (and occasionally Sony's own PlayStation 2) in monthly sales. The new price point at least closes that gap financially; $299 is on par with the standard model Xbox 360 and is only $50 more expensive than the Nintendo Wii.

The announcement could not come at a more fortuitous time, as the video game industry suffered another month of declining sales in July. Overall, the industry is down roughly 14% since last year.


Spam / The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon
« on: August 05, 2009, 06:04:21 PM »
It will kill you. Even if it takes the rest of your life.

The epic story of one man's encounter with what could be the most relentless murderer of all time.

Spam / MapleStory
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:16:22 PM »
I was wondering if you guys play Maple Story. If so would anyone like to play along with me?

Spam / Travolta's teenage son dies
« on: January 03, 2009, 03:16:56 AM »
John Travolta's teenage son, Jett, died in the Bahamas after falling ill and hitting his head at his family's vacation home, police said Friday. A house caretaker found Jett, 16, unconscious in a bathroom late Friday morning. He was taken by ambulance to a Freeport hospital, where he was pronounced dead, according to a statement from chief police superintendent Basil Rahming.

The teenager had last been seen going into the bathroom on Thursday and had a history of seizures, according to the statement. Police said they are planning an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

Another police spokeswoman, Loretta Mackey, said Jett apparently hit his head on the bathtub.

A spokeswoman for Rand Memorial Hospital in Freeport said she could not release any information because of privacy concerns.

Jett was the oldest child of Travolta and his wife, actress Kelly Preston, who also have an 8-year-old daughter. The family arrived on a private plane Tuesday and had been vacationing at their home in the Old Bahama Bay resort community.

"The Travolta family has become like family to us at Old Bahama Bay and we extend our deepest sympathies to them," said Robert Gidel, president of Ginn Resorts, the property's owner.

Spam / Happy New Years Everyone!
« on: January 02, 2009, 01:15:56 AM »
I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Years! Cant wait for another one.

Spam / Heartthrob chops off hair
« on: December 25, 2008, 12:33:29 AM »
"Twilight" fans are in an uproar after star Robert Pattinson shreds his signature hairdo.

Robert Pattinson, sexy vampire star of the movie "Twilight," caused an absolute Internet uproar with a new hairdo that many fans thinks is a hair don't: He traded in his trademark tousled locks (perfect for vampiring) for a no-muss, Marine-style crew cut. (Perfect for looking like a standard-issue Hollywood star.)

Let's just say that the new look has not gone unnoticed. Fans of the teen heartthrob turned to the Web in a frenzy of look-ups for "Robert Pattinson haircut." And also "Robert Pattinson new hair," "Robert Pattinson new hair cut," "Rob Pattinson new haircut," and "Robert Pattinson with short hair."

Hecklerspray noted that Pattinson has "the world's dreamiest hair... so if Robert Pattinson ever had a haircut, we'd probably kill ourselves."

Probably not. But that doesn't stop fans from feelling a slight betrayal in the change. has helpfully added a poll to its website for opinionated hair-istas to vote on how they feel about the shorter, unfussy look.

The previous romantically coiffed waves made Pattinson a dead ringer for the teen vampire role of Edward Cullen. Which could be the reason "Twilight" fans are just a tad upset he's gone and chopped his locks. As one commenter on bemoaned, "Rob's hair looks good both ways. But how can he cut his hair and play Edward Cullen?"

Yes, would someone please think of the fans? As many pointed out, filming for the sequel is three months away -- and opinions ranged about whether this is enough time for his hair to grow back for the role. OMG suggested that to reprise the signature 'do, Pattinson may be forced to don hair extensions. Would fans buy Pattinson in a wig?

It's not just his head that gets the fans going online. Searches extend to "Robert Pattinson shirtless," "Robert Pattinson biography," and "Robert Pattinson girlfriend." Pattinson still may not really get the mania surrounding him. He told, "Well, they're in love with the character... I really don't claim anything."

He's right. It's not him. It's his hair.

Spam / Surprise protest at Bush visit(almost got em)
« on: December 15, 2008, 02:17:17 AM »

Bush: Iraq war is not over, more work ahead
On a whirlwind trip shrouded in secrecy and marred by dissent, President George W. Bush on Sunday hailed progress in the wars that define his presidency and got a size-10 reminder of his unpopularity when a man hurled two shoes at him during a news conference in Iraq.

"This is a farewell kiss, you dog!" shouted the protester in Arabic, later identified as Muntadar al-Zeidi, a correspondent for Al-Baghdadia television, an Iraqi-owned station based in Cairo, Egypt.

Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him.

"It was a size 10," Bush joked later.

The U.S. president visited the Iraqi capital just 37 days before he hands the war off to his successor, Barack Obama, who has pledged to end it. The president wanted to highlight a drop in violence in a nation still riven by ethnic strife and to celebrate a recent U.S.-Iraq security agreement, which calls for U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraq by the end of 2011.

"The war is not over," Bush said, adding that "it is decisively on it's way to being won."

Bush then flew to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan for a rally with U.S. and foreign troops.

In many ways, the unannounced trip was a victory lap without a clear victory. Nearly 150,000 U.S. troops remain in Iraq fighting a war that is intensely disliked across the globe. More than 4,209 members of the U.S. military have died in the conflict, which has cost U.S. taxpayers $576 billion since it began five years and nine months ago.

There are about 31,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan now, and commanders have called for up to 20,000 more. The need is especially great in southern Afghanistan, long a stronghold of the Taliban and the place where recent spikes in violence have proven the insurgency capable of reasserting itself.

Polls show most Americans believe the U.S. erred in invading Iraq in 2003. Bush ordered the nation into war against Saddam Hussein's Iraq while citing intelligence claiming the Mideast nation harbored weapons of mass destruction. The weapons were never found, the intelligence was discredited, Bush's credibility with U.S. voters plummeted and Saddam was captured and executed.

"There is still more work to be done," Bush said after his meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

It was at that point the journalist stood up and threw a shoe from about 20 feet away. Bush ducked, and it narrowly missed his head. The second shoe came quickly, and Bush ducked again while several Iraqis grabbed the man and dragged him to the floor.

In Iraqi culture, throwing shoes at someone is a sign of contempt. Iraqis whacked a statue of Saddam with their shoes after U.S. marines toppled it to the ground following the 2003 invasion.

White House press secretary Dana Perino suffered an eye injury in the news conference melee; NBC News reported she was hit in the face with a microphone. Bush brushed off the incident, comparing it to political protests at home.

"So what if a guy threw his shoe at me?" he said.

Al-Maliki, who spoke before the incident, praised postwar progress: "Today, Iraq is moving forward in every field."

After the news conference, the president took a 15-minute helicopter ride through dark skies over Baghdad to Camp Victory. Telling hundreds of troops he was "heading into retirement," Bush blamed Saddam for the 2003 invasion and said, "America is safer and more secure" than it was before the war.

Air Force One, the president's distinctive powder blue-and-white jetliner, landed at Baghdad International Airport in the afternoon local time after a secretive Saturday night departure from Washington. In a sign of security gains in this war zone, Bush received a formal arrival ceremony — a flourish absent in his three earlier trips.

Bush soon began a rapid-fire series of meetings with top Iraqi leaders.

He met first with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and the country's two vice presidents, Tariq al-Hashemi and Adel Abdul-Mahdi, at the ornate, marble-floored Salam Palace along the shores of the Tigris River.

Later, Bush's motorcade pulled out the heavily fortified Green Zone and crossed over the Tigris so he could meet al-Maliki at the prime minister's palace. A huge orange moon hung low over the horizon as Bush's was ferried quickly through the city.

The two leaders signed ceremonial copy of the security agreement.

The Bush administration and even White House critics credit last year's military buildup with the security gains in Iraq. Last month, attacks fell to the lowest monthly level since the war began in 2003.

Still, it's unclear what will happen when the U.S. troops leave. While violence has slowed in Iraq, attacks continue, especially in the north. At least 55 people were killed Thursday in a suicide bombing in a restaurant near Kirkuk.

It was Bush's last trip to the war zone before Obama takes office Jan. 20. Obama won an election largely viewed as a referendum on Bush, who has endured low approval ratings because of the war and more recently, the U.S. recession.

Obama, a Democrat, has promised he will bring all U.S. combat troops back home from Iraq a little over a year into his term, as long as commanders agree a withdrawal would not endanger American personnel or Iraq's security. Obama has said the drawdown in Iraq would allow him to shift troops and bolster the U.S. presence in Afghanistan.

The new U.S.-Iraqi security pact, calls for all American troops to be withdrawn by the end of 2011, in two stages. The first stage begins next year, when U.S. troops pull back from Baghdad and other Iraqi cities by the end of June. Gen. Raymond Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, said Saturday that even after that summer deadline, some U.S. troops will remain in Iraqi cities.

Journalists and staff who made the 10 1/2-hour trip to Iraq with the president agreed to tell almost no one about the plans, and the White House released false schedules detailing activities planned for Bush in Washington on Sunday.

Spam / Teen gets college degree in just 2 years
« on: December 08, 2008, 03:05:30 AM »
AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 6  -- A teenager graduates from the University of Texas this weekend at 16, an age when most students have yet to receive their high school diplomas.

Andrew Brisbin of Denton, Texas, entered North Central Texas College at 14 and transferred to the university a year later, the Austin American-Statesman reported. He completed the requirements for a bachelor's degree in finance in two years by attending summer school and taking a heavy course load.

He was to get his degree Sunday.

He said that being several years younger than his fellow students was not a major problem.

"Some of my professors don't really know how old I am," he said. "I fit in just fine."

William Way, the faculty adviser at the university's McComb School of Business, described Brisbin as "very mature."

Brisbin was home schooled, keeping to a rigorous schedule. His parents lived some of the time in Austin while he was at the university to help him -- and especially to provide transportation because he was too young for a driver's license.

He plans to go to graduate school but wants to get some work experience first.

Spam / Biological terror attack likely by 2013
« on: December 02, 2008, 10:50:56 PM »

Spam / Tiny, long-lost primate rediscovered in Indonesia
« on: November 19, 2008, 07:59:31 AM »
Tiny, long-lost primate rediscovered in Indonesia

Spam / Microsoft offers reward for missing Xbox gamer
« on: October 30, 2008, 01:28:29 AM »
Before you ask, this is all 100% true
US software behemoth Microsoft has doubled a cash reward for information on the whereabouts of a Canadian boy who ran away from home after his father took away his Xbox game console, it said Tuesday.

Brandon Crisp, 15, took off on his bicycle from his Barrie, Ontario home on October 13 -- Canada's Thanksgiving holiday -- and rode east along an old rail line.

He has not been seen since.

His father told local media he had removed Brandon's Xbox, built by Microsoft, after noticing changes in behavior since Brandon started playing "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" online.

The boy started skipping school, stealing money and ignoring his studies, his father said.

A local newspaper, the family's Internet service provider and Child Find offered a 25,000-dollar (19,500-dollar US) reward for information leading to his return.

Microsoft topped it up with another 25,000 dollars, the company said Tuesday in an email to AFP, "hoping for his swift return."

"Like everyone, we are deeply worried about the disappearance of Brandon Crisp," the company said.

Exhaustive searches have not turned up a single clue beyond the boy's bicycle, found last week with a flat tire.

Police are said to be examining who Brandon played with online. "Law enforcement has contacted Microsoft about this matter and we are cooperating fully with them," said Microsoft.

On Sunday, 1,600 volunteer searchers packed up their reflective vests and ended their efforts to find him, while police stopped their air and water search.

In an interview with the daily Globe and Mail, the boy's father, Steve Crisp, said he had not known how important the gaming system was to his son and how he would react when it was taken away

Experts commented that gamers may form bonds with fellow online players.

"This had become his identity, and I didn't realize how in-depth this was until I took his Xbox away," Steve Crisp told the Globe and Mail. "That's like cutting his legs off."

"This is such an issue that hits every parent out there, with video games that are starting to control our kids' lives," he said.

"I just took away his identity, so I can understand why he got so mad and took off. Before, I couldn't understand why he was taking off for taking his game away."

Now, Brandon's father says he just wants his son to come home.

Game Related Discussions / The Bride of Vampire Lord Baluski
« on: October 24, 2008, 09:05:32 PM »
Does anyone get this event anymore? I just happened to noticed that I haven't had it in a couple of months.

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