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Topics - Keito Uzumaki

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Spam / How SL Arguments Go Down [Warning Mature Audience Only]
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:56:25 AM »
The Beautiful State of Georgia, to all you rick and morty fans I just had to share this;

Feature Requests / Double the Character Limit?
« on: December 08, 2015, 05:38:43 AM »
Probably mentioned before, not too sure really but I was wondering if we could maybe expand the character limit when posting on the boards? Now I already know how this could be abused, so instead of suggesting 1000, in which I would also be in favor for! I would just propose we double it to 600 characters. No worries if this doesn't seem like a big issue, but I figured I might as well suggest it and save some people the extra (c) which also takes away from the character count each time. Besides, in the RP aspect, 600 words can give a nice range for a single post without the need to use a continuation and In more extreme cases, there are those who can dish out text blocks with ease. Unless the regular standards are fine, I don't mind it either way. Would be a nice addition though. Could keep the OOC section to 300 while switching it up for RP? That could work too.

Feature Requests / Baby Steps or a Community Project?
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:41:13 AM »
Hello there all who read this on the forums, I was wondering if maybe SL would truly have a major upgrade? I mean this sincerely, if the site will shift from its standard and original ways? Or maybe now because the series ended we can input new information and make a more current setting to the site overall? Don't get me wrong I still love it and all but as we progress as ninja and shinobi maybe the site can as well? I say this, interested in change in some major way and I believe it can certainly be done, especially with all the great minds the site is known to have. The borders and separations is really what brings it down in the first place, if we just kinda work together SL can re-bounce, I surely believe that. Personally though, I feel like RP should be more heavily implied on the main server as it is conjoined with in-game interaction as well. Maybe rework some of the technique jutsu's and roles we have. Include more updated pictures? Like we have going with the shops and whatever else, kinda to freshen up the place. I know I would certainly do whatever I can to help and if it is for the site, would offer my photoshop hacking skills to come up with things for SL. Maybe even appoint village specific Game Masters to encourage RP and keep the sense of things going; providing a general idea of plot and story line for some people to go by, because most are afraid of being judged for what they do in the first place and tend to just keep to themselves instead of express. I certainly would like to see some change for the better and wouldn't mind being apart of such process and progress. I know baby steps is more of a better approach but that would require me continually make ideas that might not be generally liked all the time and agreed upon, opposed to the community as a whole pooling in their ideas to get a generalized enjoyable setting. Kinda like organizing our own home, if its allowed of course. I also cannot forget to mention Kayenta for offering her ideas about clan options and merging boards and other things in the topics before hand would also be a good change to implement. I feel like any step forward is a good way to liven the site back up, hopefully. Because I certainly wouldn't mind seeing the masses rise back up on a once popular and favored site.

And yes this is me rambling about missing the old days and wanting something to kinda bring it back in a new aspect.

Feature Requests / New Village Proposition?
« on: September 09, 2015, 06:23:40 AM »
With the most recent update, there is now two Otogakure village's. One is labeled 'Hidden' and the other one is like a normal village. Forgive me, if you guys of the staff have something planned but I was wondering if one could be replaced with a 'newer' village. Specifically Uzushiogakure. I understand if it can't be done but I am simply asking if it could. I certainly would be grateful and would make use of its board heavily as well as could come up with and suggest any shops/buildings it would have in terms with the SL game. It would be the island next to the Land of Fire and not mysteriously 'out on the map' like Jise is. And also could help fix up the the double Oto thing going on, since one of them seems rather inactive compared to the normally inactive one that is being used. I only ask because Uzushiogakure seems to be going quite well here in the RP portion of SL, would be lovely to have our own public board aside from the clan halls.

I made a recent edit to input the public information and semi-description for the new village should it pass on the SL boards:

New Village Proposal

Uzushiogakure, Secret Home of the Whirlpools

You step off the boat and land on the docks as the mountainous Uzushiogakure rises about you. A pathway leads to the grand entrance as you are welcomed by the people roaming about. The exquisite scenery around is exuberant to the sight; accompanied by flowing trees and greenery with a constant stream that separates the village with bridges and ducts as you pass by. The nature of the village surely creeps on you the further you step in.
With the uplifting aura of the isle and fearsome guardsmen posted at each corner, you get the feeling you're surrounded by powerful jutsus and ninja.

A large clock tower at the center of the village reads time.
The local paper shows that it is, SL-time date

Jinchūriki: Uzumaki Keitō
Affiliation: Uzushiogakure
Battle Method: 1v1 OOC
Preferred Judge: PM to discuss such matter.
Preferred Zone: Plains
Preferred Outlet: SL Forum

Special Terms

- I reserve the right to alter any of my preferences above or add to/change/omit any of my rules below on a case-by-case basis.

- The match will not commence until both participants accept the terms and a judge is decided and agreed upon. The judge will be absolute throughout the match and won't be viable to change.

- For anyone, including myself, participants will be allowed any common, general, and basic skills that their character possesses as long as those skills are backed by reasonable explanations and achieved IC. Both participants have the option to display their skill set upon request prior to the fight in order to prevent that there is no sudden 'powerups' your character has attained during the match; meaning what your character started with at the beginning, is what they'll be using throughout, no last minute cover ups either. As well as to cover the basic ground of legitimacy when it comes to accounts whom don't hone resets to back up claims.

- The match is to be OOC at the expense of both the challenger and the host in the event the battle becomes out of hand and narrates either character's death. This also frees both characters from having to become stuck within RP due to the on-going match.

- Despite the nature of the match, you need to learn of my possession of the beast before you may challenge for it. Thus, you may not challenge for it without proof of how your character learned of my possession of the beast. Once that is confirmed, a hunt/match is then reasonable and you will be put on the challenge list.

- Re-posts are allowed, within reason. (I.E. If either participant has to repeatedly re-post, the match will be concluded.) Re-posts are only to fix the issue brought up by the judge. Modifying the entire post to save yourself or completely change up strategy is an automatic disqualification from the match. Edits are NOT allowed. An edited post is an automatic disqualification. A brand new "Reply" must be made so there is a full history of the entire fight for judge and other readers.

- In order to keep the participants engaged and not drag out the fight, both combatants are required to post within a 1 week time frame. Failure to keep up with such limit shows a slight un-interest from either side holding up the match and will cause the challenge to be voided. The cooldown will be initiated to challenger (if challenger is the problem) and the host will be stripped (if host's activity is the problem).

- If, by some chance, the match should reach a point of true stalemate after a minimum of 30 days then a judge may be called in to determine a winner based on how the fight has progressed up to this point. Both participants must request this of the judge in person (I.E. Both fighters MUST send a PM for this option.] If this is chosen, then the judge may declare a  winner based on these criteria:

•Who effectively manipulated the flow of the battle the best? The strategy employed (based on the posts) may have been defensive and attrition-based, but was it effective in the long run in wearing down the opponent?
•What caused the stalemate? The challenger being unable to defeat the challenged, or vice versa? Is it constant cancellation of jutsu and techniques by both sides, or merely one side taking refuge in a relatively inaccessible area (such as pocket dimension) in order to avoid defeat entirely?
•Who showed the greatest skill in the fight? This is completely and utterly at the discretion of the judge. His(her) decision is final on the matter, regardless of accusations of cheating or bribery or otherwise. This should be kept in mind when deciding on a judge for the fight.

If neither side can be conclusively declared the winner, then the fight either proceeds or a draw is declared. In the case of a draw, the challenger may rejoin the queue of challengers after the latest challenger without having to wait for cooldown (this circumvention for the benefit of the challenger for not technically being declared the loser, though by not succeeding the host can be considered a winner in this situation). Note, this is a technical victory for the host, so unless the challenger truly believes that a restart is necessary to increase victory chances, then it is not recommended to settle for a draw without reviewing this process a second time.

- Should any play come into contention it would be advised that both parties use the SL feature of 'Dice Roll' within the private zones, specifically 1:6 whereas the severity of their posts would be based of luck instead of the common amateur-lawyer defense as if we created the Naruto lore ourselves. i.e. A 1:6 winning is a clear and complete overpower for winner, whereas a roll of 3:4 gives lee way of a not so perfect overpower for the winner showing resistance. and so on so forth with whatever the dice roll on. This is opted for a swifter and smother process, instead of having to stop and bring 'factual' wikia or databook date in an attempt to prove a point which only drags the fights longer.

Challenge List : Bocchiere, Trev, Ichiro

I hope that there is a basic understanding that each challenger, unless already not a jinchuriki is going up against one. Meaning that said ninja will already be empowered by a Tailed Beast, let alone any other powers they seem to naturally have. Claiming to be up to par with a ninja while enhanced by a Tailed Beast is like admitting you possess a Tailed Beast without actually having one. Know your skill set and abilities when it comes to claiming 'extraordinaire' powers and 'untraceable' speeds. The character known as Keitō having his lineage tie to both Uzumaki and Senju alone backs up the claims to his enormous chakra reserves, don't come at me thinking you have as much chakra as he does, even when amplified by the Gobi. Although OOC, both characters aren't granted a sense of immunity.

Non-Negotiable Voids

* Swift Release
* Hijutsu: Kirisame
* Claims of immunity to Ototon
* Izanami
* Liquefying Super Senjutsu Ototon(whatever that may be)
* Demon empowerment, vampirism, etc. Pretty much anything that doesn't make sense in the Naruto lore
* Borrowing resets when you already have resets
* Any of the recent Rikudou/Kaguya powered abilities
* Claiming to use an "undodgable/unavoidable/unblockable" attack
* Just happening to have "a seal" that eliminates one or more of your weaknesses
* Non Zetsu Mayfly
* Ridiculously absurd AoE techniques that would ultimately result in a character being in a vegetative state to perform. (Even the Six Paths of Pain had to be operated by a stationary Nagato)

Any Questions feel free to ask. Modified my own terms based off everyone else's, thanks.

Village Square / Fight Club?
« on: March 21, 2015, 07:48:06 PM »
Given that the forum isn't as widely populated as the website, this is out here to those who do visit the forums. What are your guys' thoughts on a potential 'fight club'. I possibly know it was already asked or organized before, but why not reinstate it. Hear me out when I propose this.

As ninja, one of our common duties is to fight. As humans whom control these ninja, one of our common duties is to not let our character die prematurely. Although, we all love glorified battles which lead into someones triumphant victory and the others inevitable death. And I'm talking about some high powered action fight, not just your little spar. Maybe we're going about this all wrong. Instead of someone going, yo I dun like your pixel face, fight me IC bruh. Which would mostly end into an OOC argument of whats legitimate and what not and whats god mod and what isn't, ruining the whole scenario.

So why not have a 'realm' within SL, associated with restricting the limits of life and death, reality and fiction. Almost like a simulator for our characters. They may enter this world as themselves, without the deathly restraints that come from 'losing'. It can indeed be done with highly experienced users working together to manufacture such fighting experience.

I see this as an upgrade to the normal zone fights that go on today. Let alone we could make this a big deal, incorporating judges, spectators, prizes and all other stuff. This is essentially away to get people practicing and fighting, without the worry of their characters dying. And its all for the fun of the game; specifically to avoid the OOC heated battles that go on with disputes of the like. That way if you were rulled by a judge that your actions were not plausible to defend, your character still gets a chance of retribution in the next fight; without having to completely kill him off and part ways.

I dunno, this is just an idea. Would be fun to have something like this, opposed to the IC RP we conduct today. Allowing people to mess up and learn from their mistakes. (Sorry I'm in a rather boring RP, waiting forever for replies. That really shouldn't be the case >>;)

Bulletin Board / Power to the Clans!
« on: March 06, 2015, 03:36:02 AM »
It saddens me to see how degraded clans, bloodlines and over all power has become within SL. Its as simple as calling it yours, and it is. Let alone the fluctuating mix of breeds. I was wondering if there were those who still called themselves, only the Uchiha or Senju or Uzumaki and what not. Not you hybrid freaks, with all sorts of bloodlines in your blood stream. I was also wondering if we could get a gist of what Clan's still hold 'power' to this day and age we have found ourselves in SL. And if any of you fine RPers may wish to rise to the occasion and lead such clan to glory and recognition. I figure a heavier involvement in clans, gives a more legitimacy towards those unique attributes. Rather than just saying, ohh my character is going to be a Yamanaka/Nara/Uchiha/Senju so he can has Rinnegan as well. I would love to see that fully devoted Uchiha, who still holds hate towards the Senju. Or that Akimichi member whom struggles with weight and cannot resist the urge to eat out. I feel like those aspects can shed some light to the gloomy world we setup SL to become. Add more NPC's to the mix and legitimacy and sense as to what is going on. Who are the clan heads? Who holds clan secrets in said faction? And again, I would love to see people rise to occasion to take care of what they value and wish to preserve. Else if there aren't people running actual clans, then their sacred abilities, lose its essence to being strictly for them. Which is what we have today :/

I'm not telling you to undo what you've already done, no. Simply wish to see if there are those who wish to have a more regulated field of clans and bloodline abilities. Not making it 'harder' to achieve such, but regulating it in a way to make bloodline abilities, something worth earning. Instead of just changing your last name a million times. Also would love to get a generalized list as to which clans still exist, even if its only a minor amount of followers and where.

Basically to start out from my beliefs;
Uzumaki Clan
Leader: Athos
Location: Uzushiogakure(entire island)
Attributes: Unlock Chakra Chains, Gain expertise usage with sealing formulas, Longevity and uniquely grand chakra pool, other Uzu hack traits to lazy to be listed.

Uchiha Clan
Leader: Uchiha Sasuke/Taraka/Tracey?
Location: Konoha
Attributes: Sharingan, fire style, deep hatred, gunbai fan thing, essential Uchiha hax.

Hyūga Clan
Leader: Kite
Location: Konoha
Attributes: Byakugan, other granted Hyūgan hax.

Hōzuki Clan
Leader: Unknown
Location: Unknown
Attributes: Hydrification Technique

Nara Clan
Leader: Jestar
Location: Konoha
Attributes: Shadow Manipulation, other Nara Hax

Senju Clan
Leader: Nathan
Location Konoha
Attributes: Wood Manipulation, longevity, other Senju hax

Yamanaka Clan
Leader: Unknown
Location: Sunagakure
Attributes: Mind manipulation and other hax.

Kaguya Clan
Leader: Unknown
Location Land of Iron
Attributes: Shikotsumyaku

Inuzuka Clan
Leader: Unknown
Location: Sunagakure
Attributes: you know, dog stuffs.

Yuki Clan
Leader: unknown
Locations: Yukigakure
Attributes: Ice Release

Terumī Clan
Leader: Dāto Terumī
Location: Kirigakure
Attributes: Yōton (Lava Release), Futton (Boil Release or as I prefer to call it, Vapor Style)

The unknown portions, is purely on my inability to actually know the answer. Which is why I brought it here, to help fill those gaps and possible even make new ones. I can update accordingly, as I would love to see a better regulation of Clans being incorporated into SL, rather than just being listed as where your character gained its 'power' from. Although this could just be another one of my crazy ideas. >>;

Spam / Advertising?
« on: March 03, 2015, 03:28:33 AM »
Not sure where this would even be. Not sure if I should even bring this up but I do wonder about it.
But what about it? Is there anything that can be done to possibly attract potential opened minded naruto fans; after the series has come to a wrap? I personally would love to see an influx of open minded newbies, willing to do the grunt work to experience that shinobi life. Plus it would certainly be fun for the veterans who still stand, to have a few fresh meat to 'boss around' in the RP world. Not sure how we would even approach this though, which is why I ask about it. Would be nice though. I can certainly can say that over the years, RP in general has helped me gain a creative mind when I need to write massive papers. Taught me how to fluff up a sentence that could be done with 6 or 7 words.

I personally wouldn't know where to place these advertisements, and who to look out for. Also they would of course cost money to even initialize I believe, my possible solution would be to use donation funds since it would essentially be for the site in general. Then again, I dunno. Because to be quite honest I have no idea how I found SL but I mysteriously did and have been stuck to it for some time, on and off.

Village Square / A little sound play.
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:50:32 PM »
Prior to joining SL I saw that there wasn't much use towards Sound base techniques; noticing the lack of info on the wiki and from Otogakure nin in general. So somewhere along the line me and Trev decided to create a wikia page for such, with a broader range in what it can do. Some of you hate the originality of it, but I'd rather not care about that because we devised it to be fair and restrict its OPness that it may have. But then I started to see a chain of followers; gaining the concept of 'Sound resistant ear buds'. Needless to say there is a yin for every yang, but I don't see it with this.

Either way I made this topic to address such 'resistance'. Since for starters those who opt to wear these 'ear buds' essentially gain no enhancements at all. Quite frankly they hinder their character when in combat. One aspect; is to completely eradicate all noises, you are essentially agreeing that your character is temporarily deaf. If that is a wrong assumption I quit trying to reason with your illogical claims. Alot of your character's hearing senses are thrown out the window when he/she applies these buds. But then again you might think Ototon is just some annoying high pitched screech. Wrong.

Anyways I would like an explanation of what these ear buds do to prevent the enhanced vibrations to reach your ear drums. Just because you refuse to 'hear' it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And by definition sound is released vibrations that travel through the air. Ototon allows users to enhance their sound with chakra; causing the pitch to become disturbing, focusing and allowing their voice to be heard to a specific person, reducing the noise emitted from their persons, and increasing heavily the vibrations emitted from their persons to direct their technique. I can agree that every day noises can nullified by the use of ear buds, head phones of the like; although Ototon noise is much different allowing everyone and their mothers to hear what was heard. Besides once those vibrations reach your body, the target may feel such through their bones; so how exactly is this sound being blocked?  And if one is to have these buds 'on hold' how exactly would they react in time to place them in without having a Sharingan to aide them before hand. Sound travels fast, but not as fast as light; and light travels pretty friggen fast.

On another note the whole Ototon is OP debate should be long gone now, especially with all you Sharingan/Rinnegan/Senju users running a muck I think some music is the least of your worries. I don't go about using Ototon every second of every time; it is something to fall back on when other opportunities aren't open and shouldn't be abused by those whom have it(there is a side effect from over exertion).

TL;DR What is with these 'Ototon proof earbuds' and how exactly do they stop the chakra enhanced vibrations being emitted towards their person. Even then so, having these buds in while in combat should essentially make your character deaf throughout the duration of the fight.

Village Square / Ignore, if you think I'm crazy.
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:03:31 AM »
From just over viewing topics, I feel the anger between many of these posts; and they're just words. >>; Not here to tell you guys to 'chill out' or whatever, since that never works at all. But why not use this energy you use; to slander, disrespect one another in what seems to be legitimate 'arguments' and put that towards something positive. For Role Play sake. I'm not saying its excessive, but its just really not needed. Wasted time and energy over really nonsensical stuff, this is imaginary.....fairy tale land, made up from our creative minds put together. Lets not try to ruin that.

ANYWAYS reason I made this topic was to propose a more, Forum based power towards RP. Instead of the forums housing; ridiculous arguments, bijuu craziness and dry population; why not introduce a separate form of RP. Here me out before you go and say, oh this is just gonna have conflicting worlds and yadda yadda. Using the forums would help keep it regulated, better than the chaos that SL rp already is. No this isn't a dictatorship where you aren't allowed this and that, but should be made fair.

I personally liked Bocch's idea for gathering all the biju and sending them to the moon and like a whole new world type of aspect. So this forum based RP would be kinda like a fresh start. But then again its not! If you'd like to keep your character. The reason I'm implying this, is due to many faults I see within the RP system set up. Ninja claiming technique that could be discovered or taught by anyone, apparently bijuu are like some sorta trading card that gets transferred left and right so many times people don't know whos the host, Having 5 elemental abilities without even having the rinnegan, the list is endless with what I've seen.

So forget the old! You really wanna be that powerful ninja you think you are? Well with the forums you'd have to actually prove it through RP. Instead of posts deleting over time with SL, the forum posts and topics will stay; leaving archived proof of what has happened, and is happening! Also it would allow all those interested to view the topic. So there is validity to what was done and not done, leaving no implications. We could set......I don't want to call it rules, but regulations to manage some of the insane claims(Like I dunno maybe restricting so many uchihas from randomly spawning everywhere). Before I even get into that I would like to see some feedback. A way to bring order to the chaos in a sense. Of course, I could just be insane and RP within SL is perfectly fine. And all these arguments are worth it. Its okay I've already accepted I'm crazy, your loss. >>;

Also, I mean no disrespect towards SL RP, because I love it; always have. It is it's own interesting community, I just don't approve of some ongoing that seem habitual. Maybe change is needed, who knows?

Character Profiles / Keitō Uzumaki
« on: January 26, 2015, 04:33:19 AM »

Name: Uzumaki, Keitō
Title: The Uzumaki Prophet
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 30
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 187.96 cm
Weight: 74.8 kg
Blood Type: AB
Blood Line: Uzumaki/Senju
Ninja Rank: Achieved Sage Status

Chakra Nature Type: Wind Release (Affinity), Fire Release, Water Release, Earth Release Wood Release, Yin Release, Yang Release, Yin-Yang Release
Kekkei Genkai: Wood Release, Scorch Release, Boil Release
Weapons: Basic Ninja Tools, Ritualistic Staff, Crossbow, Retractable Baton
Specialty: Fūinjutsu & NinTaijutsu
Unique Traits: Host of the Shinigami, Toad Sage Mode, Chakra Chains, Flying Thunder God Specialist

Background: Keitō was born to a nomadic family, living off the remains of the destroyed Uzushiogakure land. Both his parents died due to the hardships, leaving him to grow up with the tribe. He lived a very different life from most ninjas, using his abilities for survival. During such time he was taught ancient Uzumaki techniques and secrets, being told that he must restore the clan to greater glory. After a fatal encounter with thieves, causing his families death; he vowed to avenge their death and restore his clan. Seeking for power, he left the destroyed land and ventured to the Land of Fire; which is where he found and joined along a criminal orginization known as Boshoku. He joined in order to improve his combat and knowledge of the shinobi world and was able to subdue various tailed beasts for them. Gaining enough from them, he abandoned the group and ventured off to see what civilization and a village structure is set up like; in order to fully restore Uzushiogakure. Joining the ranks of Otogakure he placed himself with a high title, and began to observe the lifestyle within a village. During his stay he occupied one of the abandoned hideouts, to organize the Uzumaki's revival. After years of planning he finally set out to reclaim the land and left Otogakure, back to his hometown. With the assistance from other Uzumakis he was able to completely wipe out the destroyed land, and create a brand new Uzushiogakure. In doing so, he vowed to travel the world and recruit family members from all over; to return to their homeland. Successful, he gained the title Prophet for having restored and unified the Uzumaki Clan. More to come

Appearance: Keitō has large physique; being tall and lean. He has light tan skin with some freckles upon his cheeks, and deep red hair. Over the years his body has gained a heavy amount of ink as well as various seals being branded into his skin. He seems to also hold some scars from surgeries and past deathly encounters. When not in the nude he is usually garbed in a multiple layered robe and appropriately matching straw hat. Accompanying his style, he is almost always seen with a large ritualistic staff; rumors say that the will of the entity known as Shinigami, lies within the staff.

Personality: Keitō is tricky to define, but to be brief he is a child at heart. He has deep passion for his clan and holds many characteristics of Uzumaki's; being a headstrong, impulsive, eccentric, and stubborn nin. It has been declared on various counts that he is mentally insane, and he holds true to it. He enjoys to mess with people and get into their heads, especially strangers; usually to see their breaking point. Despite the childish acts and crazy remarks, he holds a serious demeanor behind the mask. Laughter and fun is what he values most, trying to separate the ugly world that he lives in, to create a brighter better world; even if its all in his imagination. One thing for sure, he isn't a fan of people; seeing too many nin corrupted by power and greed and not wishing to turn out as such. He mostly lives his life as a hermit, traveling the shinobi world and bringing fellow Uzumaki's back to their homeland; having a great sense of pride in family.

Bulletin Board / Otogakure no Sato
« on: January 19, 2015, 10:37:30 PM »
Current Leader: Nidaime Shinro.
The seize upon Kusagakure, was withheld as reigning Godaime Hazama, returns back to Otogakure with a heavy surprise. He was met by the Nidaime Shinro, disgusted with Otogakure's decline. Shinro launched an attack onto the village and all those loyal to Hazama and successfully ruled out any the previous reign. The Nidaime ordered a reconstruction of the village entirely, starting a new era. Any remaining Otogakure forces banned together in hopes for a prosperous Otogakure as the village was relocated underground, providing a new scene and standard of living.

Recently a rebellious group has been marking its territory within the Land of Rice Fields. Specifically, within uncharted mountainous regions of the land. They have also been spreading their bases and are growing masses. Many of their forces have been known to be afflicted by a juinjutsu type seal, causing them to appear dragon-like. Rumors have it that some even posses the skill to spew forth molten lava. They have been terrorizing the innocents of Otogakure and crippling its economy; by targeting the farmers. They seemed to have gathered at the same time Otogakure began to decline and only further its downfall. It has been reported they have been attempting to form bases closer and closer to the village itself.
More to come soon.

Village Square / Bingo Book Start Up
« on: January 12, 2015, 07:48:18 AM »
So with this new board I figured why not at least start one, since that is kinda the generalization of it.
Meaning a topic that is constantly updated, and organizes the ninja registered. I don't think an actual book fits right, so out with the old and in with the new; a small tablet device that serves as an global bingo book. In theory, similar to a pokedex for pokemon.
The information from the book would be Name, Rank, Residing Village, Known Bounties & if applicable a face shot of the nin. With the advancements in technology, the bingo book can be edited in actual role play, as we edit it on the board. This way our characters can access their bingo books in game, while new information is posted.

I was wondering if others would like this as well. I feel like it would give a sense of legitimacy in tracking nin down, instead of ooc implications that usually go on. I don't want people to feel as if this is intrusive though, it would have to be role played with all the great nations as well as other villages, to get the information in the first place. From then on missing nin, or those whom don't have ties, or show themselves to the public; may not have accurate or even any information at all.

I'd guess a group of nin need to band together and organize this in-game. Gathering current information from all parts, as well as organizing the bounties. Usually nin with a higher interest, will have their statuses and information upated as much as possible; to ensue a capture. This is just my thought on it, trying to add some new aspects to Role Play. Open to others thought.

Village Square / Bingo Book?
« on: January 02, 2015, 11:18:00 PM »
Was wondering if an official SL one was ever implemented. If not I wouldn't mind the burden of starting one. A Bingo Book in general is a good way to let someone know a little about another person, ICly. Without all that ooc knowledge thrown on the computer screen. It would be very basic and reveal nothing personal, just standard name, height, weight, age, affiliation and if there are any bounties on your head. Other information can be included, specific to said individual. The bingo book is meant to be up to date, thus if someone was to attempt an invasion in lets say Konoha for whatever reason and they succeed small scale and flee, later on such news would be attached to their bingo record in a note of their involvement. Further more if Konoha wishes to have the attackers dead, a bounty can be set up for imaginary loot of course, in which people can bounty hunt for said nin; given information from the bingo book. This could allow for real bounties to be set in place as well, along side the use of a bingo book. Basically allow you to decipher if a nin is going to try and kill you on sight or is more of a good guy, also if capturing him will make you rich icly.

I mean I highly doubt every nin, knows every other nin alive. The use of a bingo book would allow them to slightly stalk them if given an encounter. Only just a thought here. Would be interesting though to implement bounties with the bingo book, only really thought of it mid way writing this so, open to suggestions!

Village Square / Don't know what to call it.
« on: October 31, 2014, 04:41:56 AM »
So I guess launching an attack in the opposite direction of a person, still hits said person. Or so this logic seems to be.
Just wanted to post this on the forum cuz, apparently Kirk doesn't agree with my logic, regarding the shenanigans in Iwa.
Put it in short;
The elder Senju was ready to brawl now.... As this went on the bat would have launched its assault upon Manji. It truly would have been a silent attack that happened at the sound of speed as it aimed to stop Manji in +
(9d2h) <暁> 酔いの~ Kirk his tracks. The bat would release a stream of sound waves that were set at a frequency that shattered solid material to the point of causing them to break apart. It was not a chakra based attack but rather a special skill of Uetto's summons. +
(9d2h) <暁> 酔いの~ Kirk Simply put it was a screech one that could not even be heard due to the weird frequency. The only sign of the attack would be the ground that was stripped up between the bat and Manji spanning out as it traveled to increase the range of the +
(9d2h) <暁> 酔いの~ Kirk attack to a radius of 25 meters making it hard to simply dodge as it would travel so fast.
This is the initial bat attack, if you wanna take my wording apart and use it against me to say I was not out of harms way, right here; as this went on the bat would have launched its assault upon Manji.

So just putting in my own sense, Me and Trev spawned via kamui NOT AT THE VILLAGE GATES I guess it was never established how far, so I'm saying the max distance we could be away is around 500 feet, who knows, we were trying to wait for others and not show our faces to the gate people. Thus by that logic; me and Trev are next to each other. In comes Manji from a mountain range far away from the scene, meaning he needs to travel to even get to where Trev and Keito are on the map. As he is traveling Kirk's bat intercepts him, and suddenly Keito is in the way?
No way man. >>; I'd understand if I left my original spot to go help Manji or even Ray, but I did not. My actions were to leap myself backwards 100 feet, given thats allowed, seeing two people already entered sage mode via 1 turn. >_>'
Either way launching myself backwards, would further me away from everyone. This would also prevent me from being in harms way of my own attack; which Eric, Kirk, and the ANBU are all in the way of since it was aimed towards the gates.

I don't care about a re-post, I can RP going off that your assumption that you could kill me out of no where is false. If you wanna target me then, Trev, Ray & Sabu would all be in the way as well, not just Keito, and you never directed the attack towards his direction, only claiming such. >>; I didn't respond to your attack since it wasn't directed at me. Maybe if it was I woulda.

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