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Messages - Bocchiere

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Spam / Re: People on SL
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:37:57 AM »


I just disconnected before my win registered to make you feel better. Git gud scrub.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Official Challenge
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:34:34 AM »
Manji had already eliminated your Shinra Tensei from play by saying you had to use 100% of your chakra on the Hiraishin to teleport me and then as usual your lack of any relevant details had done more than enough to allow me to survive. You couldn't kill me if I tied my hands behind my back and laid my neck down on a razor blade.

Bocchiere would be teleported into his own attack and by Madara's own description instantly struck by the Susano'o blade, teleporting him to his Kamui dimension, he'd suffer no damage from the blade strike just like T'Challa. Since Madara didn't explain how the things he summoned were spread out Bocchiere got lucky and appeared behind the nearly indestructable Multi-Head Dog as well as all of Madara's other summons, which blocked the explosion from doing much damage to him. A city block means many things but lets say it's this "The standard block in Manhattan is about 264 by 900 feet (80 m × 274 m)" But the blast is only that large because every explosive Madara possesses is involved and spread out across that distance. 100 grenades spread out equidistant apart is a lot weaker than one bomb that explodes with the same radius. Even if the explosions managed to totally wipe out the summons Hidan showed that a Jashinist can have a hundred-odd exploding tags strapped to their body and suffer no real damage, the only thing that happened was his already weakened head fell off. So Bocchiere would be fine.

T'challa remains trapped, Madara is easily ganked by Bocchiere clone (clones can remain after death madara faked his death with one) and Desare and Saejima. GG. You guys aint got shit

We are already past that already, unless T'Challa or Madara decide to make a thread about it and go from there. But thanks for reminding us about the outcome of your fight, however irrelevant it was since this thread is about voicing your challenge(s) for the bijuu.

With that being said I am not challenging any of nine bijuu, since I've grown tired of being a Jinchūriki. Instead. I want to put my position as gamemaster out there and volunteer my time to gamemaster the beasts and the that come scenarios along with them.

Blah Blah Blah. I am salty since no one will play nice with me and let me use the Juubi. Woe is me. Watch me make a fool of myself by attempting to start a flame war.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Official Challenge
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:31:43 AM »
...Huh. Well solves that.

If Madara and T'challa prefer we could always go with the result where I get warped into my own pocket dimension, destroyed, and then all copies of my eyes are gone and T'Challa is trapped in there forever and Desare and Saejima seal Madara while he spends 5 turns regenerating. Whichever "win" they'd prefer. ^^

Spam / Re: People on SL
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:27:55 AM »

Bijuu Arena / Re: Official Challenge
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:19:45 AM »
Manji had already eliminated your Shinra Tensei from play by saying you had to use 100% of your chakra on the Hiraishin to teleport me and then as usual your lack of any relevant details had done more than enough to allow me to survive. You couldn't kill me if I tied my hands behind my back and laid my neck down on a razor blade.

Bocchiere would be teleported into his own attack and by Madara's own description instantly struck by the Susano'o blade, teleporting him to his Kamui dimension, he'd suffer no damage from the blade strike just like T'Challa. Since Madara didn't explain how the things he summoned were spread out Bocchiere got lucky and appeared behind the nearly indestructable Multi-Head Dog as well as all of Madara's other summons, which blocked the explosion from doing much damage to him. A city block means many things but lets say it's this "The standard block in Manhattan is about 264 by 900 feet (80 m × 274 m)" But the blast is only that large because every explosive Madara possesses is involved and spread out across that distance. 100 grenades spread out equidistant apart is a lot weaker than one bomb that explodes with the same radius. Even if the explosions managed to totally wipe out the summons Hidan showed that a Jashinist can have a hundred-odd exploding tags strapped to their body and suffer no real damage, the only thing that happened was his already weakened head fell off. So Bocchiere would be fine.

T'challa remains trapped, Madara is easily ganked by Bocchiere clone (clones can remain after death madara faked his death with one) and Desare and Saejima. GG. You guys aint got shit

Village Square / Re: Bocchiere and Friends vs Madara and T'Challa
« on: September 22, 2016, 04:06:02 AM »

You just jelly.

Village Square / Re: Bocchiere and Friends vs Madara and T'Challa
« on: September 17, 2016, 04:21:36 PM »
Will wait for a repost because your blood doesn't have any chakra in it ages after your death among other things that are wrong with that post.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Deja vu! Bocchiere defends the 4 Tails against Trev
« on: September 16, 2016, 02:29:18 AM »
The Yonbi would vanish in a cloud of white smoke as it was unsummoned.

Bocchiere had just a moment to enact his plan so he had to move fast, luckily he was very fast. As the clone kicked the Susano'o he would simultaneously throw one of his kunai at the back of Trev's head and extend one chakra cloak arm holding the other straight out in front of him.

Using Kakashi's Kamui he would warp the thrown kunai into Trev's pocket dimension where it would maintain the momentum it had previously, quite sizable considering the strength of 9 Tails Chakra Mode, he would also activate Izanagi via one of the 5 Sharingan eyes implanted in his back.

As soon as physically possible after casting the Kamui, which by itself would only take an instant as it is fast enough to warp away a Susano'o arrow, and that's when not enhanced by Nine Tails Chakra Mode, Bocchiere would use Hiraishin: Goshun Mawashi no Jutsu to switch places with his bunshin even as it was being shocked. Bocchiere would reappear facing Trev and the extended arm would be piercing his Susano'o and the kunai knife and tag would be buried in the man's head.

Bocchiere had tele-fragged the weapon into the Yondaime's head and once this had happened the tag wrapped around the base would of course be revealed to be an Edo Tensei control tag, putting the zombie Trev under his control and ending the fight for all intents and purposes.

The Susano'o and Trev's Sage Mode body would be pierced effortlessly, as by teleporting into them the matter and energy that comprised them was dispersed in the exact shape of the offending items.

One could argue that it would be Bocchiere's cloak and weapon that would be fragged by teleporting into Trev, and that is the other way teleportation can work in fantasy, but it has been shown that is not the case in Naruto.

Kaguya froze Naruto and Sasuke (and herself) by teleporting them to her ice dimension, right into the middle of a block of ice. If the object being teleported into displaced the items teleporting into it, instead of the other way around, all 3 of them would have instantly been annihilated.

The shocking lightning and impending poison would be problematic but that was why he had sacrificed an eye to Izanagi, he could focus entirely on eliminating Trev that way.

The only way Trev could possibly escape, by Bocchiere's reckoning anyway, was if the Yondaime used Kamui the instant before Bocchiere teleported, if he had somehow deduced his plan while the clone attacked him. If he waited until the teleportation occurred he would be too late as Hiraishin is of course instantaneous movement. This was why he had Kamui'd away the second kunai. By synchronising with Trev's pocket dimension he was able to send the spare kunai into the same dimension Trev would be located if he had Kamui'd through the first one. This kunai would land smack-dab in the back of Trev's head and since the blades were made of the same material as the Rinnegan's Black Rod's it would easily be capable of penetrating Trev's Sage Mode enhanced hide. This would similarly result in Trev being placed under Bocchiere's control.

Bocchiere thought he had all the angles covered but perhaps Trev would prove him wrong.

Bijuu Arena / Re: Sangaku no Hakaba for Bocchiere and no one else!!!!!
« on: September 14, 2016, 04:24:44 AM »
Well this was not what he had expected. It was all very panoramic and such but he would be remiss to not even try breaking it. Kurama would disrupt the flow of his chakra, enough that it would break any Genjutsu he was under. If that did not do anything Bocchiere would continue forward and call back out to the voice, "Thanks but I'm going to have to pass, if you'd kindly hurry it up and step out for your turn at dying I'd appreciate it." With one leap he'd carry himself onto the top of one of the stone pillars, eyeing the figures huddled around the center of it.

Village Square / Re: Bocchiere and Friends vs Madara and T'Challa
« on: September 13, 2016, 05:47:54 AM »
At the same time that Madara formed his Full Body: Susano'o the Bocchiere bunshin would do the same. Of course since his was formed with chakra from the Nine Tails as well as Six Paths chakra it would be significantly stronger than Madara's. At least until Saejima threw his Senjutsu chakra into the mix in which case it would become gratuitously stronger than Madara's. Demon Fox Chakra Mode is a x6 multiplier and Perfect Sage Mode is a x3 multiplier and if we conservatively estimate that Six Paths Chakra would only bump it up one more notch that still means the construct is 10x stronger than a normal Full Body: Susano'o. It too was black due to the Six Paths chakra but the appearance of the armor was more vulpine in nature rather than the traditional tengu style due to the Kyuubi's influence. It also possessed two wing arms and two regular arms with two swords at the ready. The absurd level of power rendered the construct fully twice as tall as Madara's as well.

It was large enough to encompass Desare and Saejima as well as Bocchiere so that when the Limbo clones burst out of the smoke their attacks would be repelled by the Six Paths infused construct with much the same ease a regular Susano'o would defend from a regular man's punch. The Limbo clones would be no use against such power.

The construct would recoil slightly when met with the force of Madara's swing. One might imagine a man's reaction to being briskly slapped across the chest. Unfortunately Madara's swing was just as annoying rather than damaging. As they were directly above their enemies position the Susano'o would be flying parallel to the ground, and would fly backward from the enemies.

The real Bocchiere, his Curse ready, would make another wood bunshin, partitioning just enough chakra to form it. It was not going to last long. The clone, also in Curse mode due to the original having been when he made it, would stand in the circle while Bocchiere activated his Rinnegan, allowing him to see through the other bunshin's eyes.

The titanic Susano'o would raise one sword for a slash and lash out toward Madara and T'Challa, the black blade was infused with Kamui and would teleport anything it touched to Bocchiere's pocket dimension, where the victims chakra would be suppressed and they would be left helpless. It swung with the flat of it's sword rather than the cutting edge to achieve the largest possible striking surface.

The real Bocchiere, who stood waiting now with the classic Jinton box surrounding his clone would see that the time was now. As the giant Susano'o blade swung toward the enemies Bocchiere would vaporize his clone entirely and, due to the Curse Jutsu, this same damage would be applied to Madara.  Just before the sword would hit Madara would blink out of existence having been entirely obliterated. He was of course an Edo Tensei zombie but regenerating from that would take quite some time (5 turns). And we're just going to call out right now that if whatever Madara did with his eye turns out to be some Rinnegan based super Izanagi that would highly meta-gamed, as no logical process was provided to suggest Madara had an inkling he was about to be annihilated in a few seconds time.

Even if that was the case he would still have to vanish before reappearing and that would mean his Full Body: Susano'o would vanish. This would mean T'Challa was left with only his ice walls to defend against what was probably the single strongest attack launched in the history of this realm. Thus far anyway.

While it is true that his ice is infused with the chakra-absorbing qualities of the Preta Path that would not be enough to save him. While chakra absorption can cut through "loose" chakra, such as a fireball, in an instant. Any form of condensed chakra takes time to absorb, as shown by a Rasenshuriken grinding against and slowly being absorbed by the Preta Path, not vanishing instantly into it. The Susano'o blades were similarly condensed (and a dozen feet thick) and while they would begin to be absorbed on contact with the ice the teleportation they would exert did not have any start up time and the ice would be teleported away before it could make any significant dent.

The shockwave created by the slash would also be infused the Six Paths chakra in much the same manner a bijuu infuses its roar with chakra, meaning that it would strike and destroy the Limbo Clones, and T'Challa too, plus anything else in the radius of a few dozen miles, if he tried getting clever and switching positions with them.

Also, since the Susano'o of Madara would vanish, the Lightning Bind Saejima was performing would be back around T'Challa, making it so the entire area around him was awash with Senjutsu enhanced lightning bolts. Even if he was able to instantly disperse his ice and attempt to dodge before the skyscraper-sized sword struck him he would have to dodge those and they left no passable path through them.  There was also still lava beneath him meaning he had the sword coming from above, lightning all around him, and lava below. Seemed like he had no where to go but who knows what the man might pull forth from his nether regions. If it was a success as stated T'Challa would be warped away before Madara could reform and it would leave Madara facing the trio alone.

(just think that but all things Susano'o twice the size.)

Village Square / Re: Preta path vs Hozuki
« on: September 13, 2016, 03:55:11 AM »
Well you know what they say about wood Bec... big shoes. Ayyyyyyyyyyyy.

Village Square / Re: Preta path vs Hozuki
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:47:09 AM »
There's a jutsu that just makes you as big as the Mazo already so I don't see why not. Your transformation would likely be lacking without knowning the mazo inside and out and you wouldn't just innately know its abilities. It's like a Druid in DND. You might be able to turn into a bear and have all the tools needed to catch a salmon out of a river but as a person you have no knowledge or experience to put those tools to work. you'd probably suck at bear fishing. There also seems to be some sort of half-assed attempt at conservation of mass.

"An advanced form of the Transformation Technique, the Combination Transformation transforms two users into one being and also gains the physical abilities of the transformed entity."

So you could do that and be physically as big and strong as the Mazo but have none of its jutsu.

So like Naruto needed something as big as boss toad to turn into the nine tails, he wouldn't have just been able to have his clone turn into it. But then Kiba and Akamaru can combine into a much bigger creature than either of them, and the Sound 4 can combine into just one person for the purpose of disguise. So there seems to be a bit of leeway to increase or decrease size.

As for the Hozuki thing that actually makes a lot of sense and would explain why the jutsu maintains itself even with Suigetsu passes out.

Village Square / Re: Preta path vs Hozuki
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:55:05 PM »
Transformation is actual transformation. It's ninjutsu not genjutsu. They explicitly take one properties of whatever they transform into otherwise naruto as a rasenshuriken would not spin and fly as a rasenshuriken does. Hey would just be a shuriken shaped lump of meat. Significantly less aerodynamic.

I think the body transformations work similarly. It's not like you're water forever when you use hydrafication you can go back and forth. Like I said using preta path on them would either transform them back or just drain chakra out of their elemental form. Because it's a transformation into water not a creation of water from nothing. The water is made of your body with chakra facilitating the change.

Village Square / Re: Preta path vs Hozuki
« on: September 11, 2016, 07:53:41 PM »
It really isn't. You can turn yourself into a shuriken or even a jutsu and behave exactly like that object. Sasuke threw naruto as a demon windmill shuriken and naruto threw himself as a rasenshuriken and it even ground against the preta path exactly like the jutsu does. It says the transformation makes you just like the genuine article and so logically that means you're made of chakra if you turn into a jutsu.

And like I said it's not gonna happen on Sl anyway nobody is gonna buff the rinnegan

Village Square / Re: Character Cleansing
« on: September 11, 2016, 06:34:50 PM »
Sage mode is better than rinnegan if we're talking meta.

If you're good at utilizing what you have.

Yes. Rinnegan has a much lower skill cap to being really strong then Sage Mode does.

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