Feature Requests / Re: Minor Changes
« on: April 29, 2007, 07:13:58 AM »
not even exp? T.T
Ever wondered if your ideas have been talked about in the forum already? Well, try out the "search" option, where all your questions can be answered.
Which bring me to another question >> Why isn't Kakashi at Naruto's "Grave" in the trailer? >> << >>
Actually it's possible to make a pretty well storyline off of Sasuke (As proven in the recent versions of the manga.)
Please do it. I love this game. Im a addict.
Better yet Mei, stop asking for spoilers and find things out on your own. M'kay?
i dont think it's really a spoiler if u can tell us all specialties we get in order plz
dont worry you get a new one every orochimaru kill....,
youll eventually find it out...