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Messages - Yomi

Pages: [1] 2 3
All That Is Bijuu / Re: Turtle and monkey
« on: August 22, 2019, 01:41:36 AM »
So dwelling RPs count now? Was the rule below modified, because if it is, I will have to update the one in the wiki... and someone else should update the one here in the forum.

Council / Re: The shyest of bois.
« on: February 12, 2019, 02:01:36 AM »
And I was gonna post this too...

Village Square / Re: The Elephant in the Room(Hirashin Debacle)
« on: January 18, 2019, 07:43:06 AM »
Glad to know this has been sorted out. Good job, boys.

Flying Thunder God Technique page will be unlocked shortly and registered users will be allowed to edit it again.

Village Square / Re: The Elephant in the Room(Hirashin Debacle)
« on: January 18, 2019, 04:38:58 AM »
Once things have been settled between parties, please post an agreement/compromise (here) to serve as proof and be the gist of the final content to be posted in the wikia. By then, the wiki admins can unlock the page to be edited by the users again.

Hope everything will be straightened out soon.

[Stolen from Miyuu]

Current Summoner: Yomi

Naruto Profile:

Affiliation: Sunagakure

Preferred method: IC. That's all you're getting.

Preferred outlet: SL zones

Current Challengers:

Grace Period: Claimed on 5/23/2018, ends on 6/5/2018

Special Conditions:

-The match is IC. You must RP learning that Yomi is the summoner, finding her, and getting her to fight you. As this is part of an RPG, this is non-negotiable.

-Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

-You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight. Should be obvious.

-If you take 7 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited 6 days to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited 3 days to repost, then you still lose. Seems fair.

-If you're rude or nasty at any point, you forfeit. It's a game.

-Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Non-Negotiable Voids (since this is apparently something I can list. Lol)((Note: Some of these are negotiable)):
- Certain people. Just everything about them.
- Izanami
- Dust Release
- Kekkei Mora
- Custom KG without a reasonable explanation
- Tomoe Rinnegan
- Uchiha Return
- Chakra Edible Creation
- Rinne-Sharingan
- Truth Seeking balls
- Any Kaguya Outsutsuki abilities
- Body Revival Technique if used in conjunction with  the eight gates
- Any Custom Technqiue that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
- Anything that doesnt have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto Universe
- Strongest Shield (This is never used right)
- Anything that lacks a scientific foundation
- Anything that you can't reasonably justify your character having that they weren't born with (I.e. How they got it)
- Any canon techniques used in manner in which said use is not supported by canon sources.

See my preferred method. :) Seek me out ICly and all that after my grace period, then we'll talk.

I'll gladly take the Mazo. Dibs~

[Stolen from Miyuu]

Current Host: Yomi

Naruto Profile:

Affiliation: Sunagakure

Preferred method: IC. That's all you're getting.

Preferred outlet: SL zones

Current Challengers:

Grace Period: Sealed on 5/21/2018, ends on 6/3/2018

Special Conditions:

-The match is IC. You must RP learning that Yomi is the host, finding her, and getting her to fight you. As this is part of an RPG, this is non-negotiable.

-Once a judge is agreed upon, either before the fight starts or the first time a decision is needed, they are the judge for the rest of the fight.

-You can only use what abilities and tools you have In-Character during the fight. Should be obvious.

-If you take 7 days to post, the fight will be called off and you will be declared the loser. Note that the timer does not reset if you posted once and then have to repost. I.e. You waited 6 days to post, but your post was all godmodding and autohitting, and then waited 3 days to repost, then you still lose. Seems fair.

-If you're rude or nasty at any point, you forfeit. It's a game.

-Everyone gets ONE repost only.

Non-Negotiable Voids (since this is apparently something I can list. Lol)((Note: Some of these are negotiable)):
- Certain people. Just everything about them.
- Izanami
- Dust Release
- Kekkei Mora
- Custom KG without a reasonable explanation
- Tomoe Rinnegan
- Uchiha Return
- Chakra Edible Creation
- Rinne-Sharingan
- Truth Seeking balls
- Any Kaguya Outsutsuki abilities
- Body Revival Technique if used in conjunction with  the eight gates
- Any Custom Technqiue that has no prescribed flaw (auto-hitting/character control)
- Anything that doesnt have a reasonable explanation within the Naruto Universe
- Strongest Shield (This is never used right)
- Anything that lacks a scientific foundation
- Anything that you can't reasonably justify your character having that they weren't born with (I.e. How they got it)
- Any canon techniques used in manner in which said use is not supported by canon sources.

Summoner inactive for 181 days. I might as well... dibs.

I told myself I'll stay away from bijuu matters, but heck... maybe I can try injecting it into IC roleplay somehow.
So perhaps this is me stating my interest in hosting the beast... if no one wants it?,9477.msg237055.html#msg237055

Sabu was the last active challenger I had, but considering how the discussions on the RP hunt ended, to my understanding if he is still active and/or interested he would have first dibs. I did try to RTS it, but nothing there either, so, long story short, as long as Sabu is no longer vying for the beast then it is up for grabs at this point, as far a I understand it.

I see. Alright, I'll wait for the decision of the council about this then. Sabu's been offline for 85 days but if he's still interested/active, then he can have it. :)

I told myself I'll stay away from bijuu matters, but heck... maybe I can try injecting it into IC roleplay somehow.
So perhaps this is me stating my interest in hosting the beast... if no one wants it?

Council / Re: Memories
« on: September 13, 2017, 07:06:28 AM »
Might be better if the previous hosts were referred to by the beasts as "some bloke" or "that chick".

Council / Re: Memories
« on: September 13, 2017, 05:23:55 AM »
Just make it either a name and general personality, or simply nothing, then.
This. +1

Council / Re: Memories
« on: September 13, 2017, 04:25:24 AM »
For the sake of being the devil's advocate, I would purpose that it isn't meta gaming. If a person follows the necessary channels and gains information on a person it's not metagaming to then use that information to your advantage. So why would it then become metagaming to ascertain the knowledge that a tailed beast would in fact have on any particular individual and use it to further your own goals? Is it meta gaming because it's easier than most other options?

I would simply label it as unfair, opposed to Metagaming. Though I am not against your suggestion of limiting the information a beast would have. My counter offer might be...Name and affiliation, but no details on powers and abilities or well kept secrets like a hideout or scheme in the works. Learning a name and affiliation would give people a decent lead as to where this individual might frequent, which would allow for the possibility of an IC hunt (Not necessarily a Biju hunt). Just having the village that they were affiliated with while being the beast's host would not immediately oust you. Said hunter would still need to go there and try and handle the situation from that point forward, assuming you're even in that village anymore. The information could be dated after all.     

Okay, maybe I used the term wrong, but it's more of an IC level with regards to actual roleplaying on the site. Let's admit, most of the bijuu are won and claimed OOCly here. So how exactly would it fit in the RP occurring on site? I may be overthinking about the part of the beasts being injected into all things IC, but again, what's pushing the limit when it comes to getting in-character information? What is fair and unfair?

Name and affiliation is good enough. I dunno how the current hosts will use any of this info about the previous vessels, unless the previous guy/s owes them money or something, but I guess it will suffice.

Council / Re: Memories
« on: September 13, 2017, 03:48:03 AM »
I said before that I wouldn't poke my nose into bijuu business, but this caught my attention and I might as well throw in an idea.

Rusaku raised some points on the pros and cons of the beasts retaining memories of their previous hosts, though the cons kinda give the current host a free ticket to know vital stuff about a previous host. Say that previous host X is wanted criminal in all shinobi villages, so the current host can just blab that 'oh, host X used to be at {this place} and can do {these stuff} because their former beast told me'. That is, in a way, metagaming and that's a no-no around here.

I suggest that the beasts do retain memories of their previous host, but just their identities, not abilities or affiliations and such. A name and probably how they treated/interacted with their bijuu would be reasonable, yes? Again, this is just a suggestion. *bows out*

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