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Topics - Hazama

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Village Square / Yet another topic about Jashinism.
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:46:49 PM »
(Making a note that I am posting this for another friend before people go getting ideas.)

In zone 3 on the account Eikan, I rped using the same underhanded tactic that Bocc used to ‘kill’ Kamui twice now. By taking some of his blood I ingested it and made the circle and proceed to kill myself. Now; I obtained Jashinism through Manji Uchiha, whom Human pathed Bocc a while back to gain all of his knowledge. That is how I gained the ability to use the dark Ritual. Manji also gave me a vial of his blood. I rped everything, and have the PDF files to prove it, but now all of a sudden in order to use the Ritual itself, you need a body modification, even though it says on the Wiki the immortality alone was what needed a body mod. I decided to ask Hazama (Who is so graciously making this forum topic for me) And he says he never got a body modification from bocc to use the Ritual. Odd don’t you think? That now all of a sudden you need this miraculous surgery to use the attack that is gonna kill him? Well, even if this was true and not utterly Meta, you cannot customize a canon tech and still call it canon. So while he has made his own little branch of Jashinism, the actual Canon jashinism would still be available for me to use seeing as it would be in his repertoire of knowledge gained by Manji. And with Manji giving me all his available knowledge of Jashin, the attack would still be valid.

Village Square / Zone One
« on: April 25, 2014, 04:47:34 AM »
To avoid having unneeded arguments between myself and a certain other person, I've decided to bring things to the forums.

In Zone One, there has been an issue. Kayenta suddenly wishes to move a public RP into her clan halls and to make it invite only, all on illegitimate claims.

To explain things a bit more thoroughly;

Kayenta, InazawaTai, Kage, Warren, and Eric are all within some temple within the deserts of Sunagakure. Well, Eric and Warren are Jinchuuriki, respectively the Five Tails and One Tail. And, to add to that, Eric is also currently within Sage Mode.

Now, on the other side of the coin is myself. I am currently entering the zone upon a clay bird with my partner. My partner, Chiyo, is within Perfect Sage Mode right now and claimed to sense the faint area of where they all are. And, which it being Perfect Sage mode, I think that claiming another sage is fine, especially if that Sage is a Jinchuuriki but someone in Sage Mode should be able to just pick up on a Jinchuuriki alone.

I understand that Kayenta may not like the way that I've found them all in RP, but it's all been done in legit RP and instead of getting into an unneeded argument of tit or tat between her and I, I've brought it to the attention of the public.

I am done arguing about these things within a public zone and want to bring it to the forums, where everything else is handled.

Village Square / Here we go!
« on: February 24, 2013, 06:22:57 AM »
Alright, time to just do this the way I am known to do things; blunt and fast.

Naruto Uzumaki, who we all know(Or most of us), can no longer get online and is leaving SL behind. As sad as this is, things must be done to settle other things.

While I was texting him today, he gave me full rights over his accounts, techniques, and items. With this, comes, as we all know, Hirashin and Rasengan.

Now, I know people frown upon suddenly gaining something through OOC but I want people's opinions on this.

Naruto has given me full permission to take these things but I want to work things so that my character gets them in RP. I was going to have Shinko go to Naruto and have Naruto give him scrolls containing the information of all his techniques.

Naruto cannot get online due to no internet and being busy IRL, so is this method bad?

I think it is fair in the end. My character would obviously have to show in gain progression and gradually build up his pace to master these techniques.

So, to those who comment, is this all okay? Is there any complaints?

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