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Topics - Shukaku

Pages: [1] 2
Spam / lol =|
« on: June 29, 2007, 04:47:20 PM »

You have encountered Lonestrider which lunges at you with Jewel-hilted dagger!
You have encountered Lonestrider's Thief which lunges at you with Stabbing Knive!
You have encountered Lonestrider's Thief which lunges at you with Stabbing Knive!
You have encountered Lonestrider's Thief which lunges at you with Stabbing Knive!
You have encountered Lonestrider's Thief which lunges at you with Stabbing Knive!

Lonestrider's Hitpoints (Level 11): ???
Lonestrider's Thief's Hitpoints (Level 11): 1747
Lonestrider's Thief's Hitpoints (Level 11): 1747
Lonestrider's Thief's Hitpoints (Level 11): 1747
Lonestrider's Thief's Hitpoints (Level 11): 1747
YOUR Hitpoints: 689
Kyuubi rages into battle.
The Gods shield you from your foe.
Shǿku Rose Yuka watches over you
Lonestrider hits you for 115 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider for 12 points of damage.
Lonestrider tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 92 points of damage!
Lonestrider tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 63 points of damage!
Lonestrider tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 113 points of damage!
Lonestrider tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 174 points of damage!
Lonestrider hits you for 122 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider for 12 points of damage.
Lonestrider tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 112 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 7 points of damage.
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 3 points of damage.
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 3 points of damage.
You hit Lonestrider's Thief for 215 points of damage!
You hit Lonestrider's Thief for 102 points of damage!
You try to hit Lonestrider's Thief but are RIPOSTED for 75 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 8 points of damage.
You try to hit Lonestrider's Thief but are RIPOSTED for 32 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 3 points of damage.
You execute a power move!!!
You hit Lonestrider's Thief for 645 points of damage!
You hit Lonestrider's Thief for 127 points of damage!
You hit Lonestrider's Thief for 117 points of damage!
You hit Lonestrider's Thief for 9 points of damage!
You try to hit Lonestrider's Thief but are RIPOSTED for 148 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 15 points of damage.
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 155 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 184 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 23 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 85 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 73 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 35 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 77 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief hits you for 50 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 5 points of damage.
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 64 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 140 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief hits you for 88 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 9 points of damage.
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 69 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 99 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 26 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 38 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 160 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 18 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief tries to hit you but you RIPOSTE for 122 points of damage!
Lonestrider's Thief hits you for 245 points of damage!
Kyuubi swings his claws and hits Lonestrider's Thief for 25 points of damage.

Overall 3 of your items have been damaged during the fight.
Lonestrider's thieves have laid you unconscious, and help themselves to the 175 gems that they find in one of your purses. Fortunately for you, they do not notice your other purse containing the remainder of your gems.

You lay, moaning on the forest trail, barely clinging to life, as small forest critters and the occasional adventurer pass you by, leaving you to die. It is not until a villager from hated Eythgim Village sees you that your aid comes though. He raises a healing potion to your lips, and drags you to Ichiraku's Ramen in Konoha Gakure. There, he purchases a room from Ichiraku, and leaves coin for your care, departing before you fully gain consciousness, leaving no opportunity to thank him.

You lose a forest fight while unconscious.

Spam / 500 DKS!!!
« on: June 25, 2007, 01:09:28 AM »
YAY 500 dks !!! and there's a awesome new thing !!! man i've never been this excited since i got my kyuubi :p ah well, it will pass tomorrow xD


Feature Requests / Giving up akatsuki
« on: May 30, 2007, 01:50:24 AM »
Here's the deal, i accidentaly pressed the "give up akatsuki membership" and to rejoin i must *Edited by Xaos for spoilers*, and i wanted to request that something is made that when someone click that button, itachi asks you if you really want to leave, then a Yes or No option. Not just instantly give up like it does -_-
There was another time when someone entered my account and clicked that option, making me leave akatsuki. Really bad for business =( .

Spam / Birthday!!!
« on: March 26, 2007, 03:36:09 AM »
It's my birthday !!! Yay, time for sexy party !!!  :D

Bugreports / Killed in the fields
« on: February 07, 2007, 01:37:15 AM »
I got this with a charather (not mine) when he was killed in the fields . WHAt the hell is this ??? O__o

a:14:{i:0;s:543:"While you were in %s, %s initiated an attack on you with his %s, and defeated you!

You noticed he had an initial hp of %s and just before you died he had %s remaining.

As a result, you lost %s%% of your experience (approximately %s points), and %s gold.
Don't you think it's time for some revenge?

Technical Notes:
Although you might not have been in %s when you got this message, you were in %s when the fight was started, which was at %s according to the server (the fight lasted about %s).";i:1;s:18:"Rice Field Country";i:2;s:19:"Genin AzureKite";i:3;s:29:"Genin's All-out War Wakizashi";i:4;s:3:"118";i:5;d:11;i:6;s:1:"6";i:7;d:710;i:8;i:175;i:9;s:47:"
The last words you hear are: ""

";i:10;s:18:"Rice Field Country";i:11;s:18:"Rice Field Country";i:12;s:20:"Tue, Feb 06 10:24 pm";i:13;s:2:"6s";}

Bugreports / Weird
« on: February 01, 2007, 01:40:56 AM »
Ok. this is really weird. suddenly i got a blank screen with only this:
seems like badnavs

x^?n???°CŪ҅?]?ع???p??4j?V?[??'Ȅ=ٕ)MwMڏ?ع3u?=弚ӂ0љe_????=ă1bQ????c????Ʃթ k徿?Jጡh?Bv??Pf?CL??F

Spam / 1000 !!!!
« on: January 26, 2007, 11:17:58 PM »
HURRAY !!!! I have 1000 pvps ! its a happy day for me  :P lol ... yes im happy  xD

Feature Requests / Pvp Dk range
« on: January 25, 2007, 11:13:30 PM »
Dear neji, i think you should increase the pvp dk range a bit more, atleast for master and grand hokages. what do you say ??

Bugreports / donation module
« on: December 30, 2006, 01:09:57 AM »
Module donation is not installed, but was attempted to be injected.

it looks like the donation buff isnt working.

Help me I am lost / Is this...
« on: December 27, 2006, 02:00:43 AM »
Is this supposted to be about the glowing letters that say "Merry Christmas ------! " ??

Module sarus is not installed, but was attempted to be injected.

Help me I am lost / menos event
« on: December 23, 2006, 03:11:49 PM »
i got this when i was returning from the forest:

Something Special!

Module menos is not active, but was attempted to be injected.

is this suposted to be the menos grande event but with a bug?

Spam / Funny things
« on: December 21, 2006, 04:31:47 PM »
volgen sent me this:

..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = =D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"

u can post these kind of things here ^^ tell me what u guys think

Shinobi Legends Language Board / Portuguese /brazilian translation
« on: December 11, 2006, 11:24:44 PM »
im portuguese and i understand portuguese/brazilian well so i wanted to give it a try. do u guys think its worth doing a translation?

Messages / Re: Mounts
« on: December 02, 2006, 12:13:50 AM »
An error for the Neko mount.

Neko flips into battle, hissing at Yashamaru.
 Neko claw cuts Yashamaru for 7 points of damage.
 Neko claw cuts Yashamaru for 12 points of damage.
 Neko claw cuts Yashamaru for 8 points of damage.

Neko's claws cut <enemy> for <x> points of damage.

Mounts will soon be deleted. =) I'll let it in for now.
omg we will loose the mounts?!?!!?!?!

Feature Requests / Password in coffers
« on: November 25, 2006, 10:28:52 PM »
i was thinking if it was possible to add a "password" system in the dwelling coffers. the dwelling owner could make a password and give it only to the players he wanted. the plunder option wont be affected by this.

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