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Messages - Narshe

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Spam / Re: Random stuffz
« on: September 06, 2010, 01:45:53 PM »
I may be human, but I do have light in the remnants of my heart to forgive, so yes Ice, I forgive you.

For future preference, to those whom deem flaming to be somewhat acceptable, this is proof enough of what the term "flaming" truly represents (courtesy of Fooltresk's Flaming FAQ):

Flaming is hostility sans content or relevance. Flaming is inflammatory, vicious, gratuitously nasty, malicious, spiteful diatribe. Flaming is not only bullying  manipulative provocation against the target, but also  manipulative intimidation and   aversion more widely, for the purpose of online Relational Bullying, Truth Suppression by sabotage against pointed controversy. One way or another, unpleasant conversation often consists of demeaning disrespect, non responsive hostility and reprobation. Irrelevant invective derision and provocation or even explicit threats, generally sans pertinent content, are not appropriate, nor is the other extreme, touchy-feely Borg collectivity, peer pressure,  consensus manipulation, and brown nosing, replete with humorless calculating over sensitivity, Paranoid "reading between the lines" or impugning intentions, bogus innocence abused, pointless picayune irritability, off topic trivial peeves, prudery, anal Netiquette, peer pressure,  not to mention such classic cat-and-mouse maneuvers as flame baiting, which is the provocation of any exasperated off the cuff retort or perfectly ingenuous expression of irritation as any excuse for subsequently lashing out, flaming, whining, sulking, even censure or sanction.

And this also applies to passive hostility, as in stubborn non response or stonewalling against protest and/or the voicing of begged questions and even points of order. Indeed, on these forums, assent by persistent silence can then be assumed and thus sullen protest by silence dismissed. Only flaming itself deserves the cold shoulder.

No accommodation need be offered neither for abuse nor for calculating manipulative false fragility or grudge collecting, what so ever! For serious people with any sense of purpose what so ever, etiquette must advance the task, not the other way around. It’s all about freedom of speech, even to tell others that which they might not like to hear, while cleaving to fair play and good sportsmanship. Don’t make it personal, and don’t take it personal. And let the same standard apply to all, equally. 

In the end, pertinence is the only issue. Invective is irredeemable not because it is offensive, but when it adds nothing to content. Flaming is inflammatory, vicious, gratuitously nasty, malicious, spiteful diatribe. Flaming is hostility sans content or relevance, undisciplined empty invective, an irritant with no mitigating substance, inflicting waste of time in sifting. Perhaps the worst baiting is such defamation as may simply be too damaging to ignore.

Flame is hostile non sequitur, nastiness, abuse, lies, distortion, provocation, usually Ad Hominem Abusive, accusation, defamation, even threats, overtly or by implication. Flame can be thought of as the null-SPAM, in that flame even seeks to overwhelm or subvert topic relevance and context, even without promoting anything else in it's place except malicious irrelevancy in and of itself. Flame promotes uneasiness, close-mindedness and hostility. Flame is the universal Antithesis, ultimate negation.

Irrelevant invective derision and provocation or even explicit threats, generally sans pertinent content, are not appropriate, nor is the other extreme, touchy-feely Borg collectivity and brown nosing, replete with humorless calculating over sensitivity, Paranoid "reading between the lines" or impugning intentions, bogus innocence abused, pointless picayune irritability, off topic trivial peeves, prudery, anal Netiquette, peer pressure,  not to mention such classic cat-and-mouse maneuvers as flame baiting, which is the provocation of any exasperated off the cuff retort or perfectly ingenuous expression of irritation as any excuse for subsequently lashing out, flaming, whining, sulking, even censure or sanction.

One way or another, unpleasant conversation often consists of demanding intimidation, disrespect, hostility and reprobation. Flaming typically resorts to such standard and odious propaganda devices as victim blaming and the Appeal to Humor, Ridicule and Spite, social mockery, ostracism, persecution and baiting without any more redeeming lucidity and perspective of self mockery, indeed, often excused under the umbrella of commentary and satire but ultimately suggesting the puerile and Sophomorically maladjusted Fascist ideation of truth and honesty only attainable by the utter abandonment of civility and decency, all to be despised as bourgeois and effete.

The aim of flaming is only to sow sheer confusion, disturbance, distraction, fear, discomfort and aggravation, dirty tricks of Relational Bullying to drive people away, disrupt social interaction and forestall alliance, all to socially isolate the target(s) of bullying, persons or forums, by much the same Mob Psychology as the Nazi agitators and  propagandists employed in crowds and the world press, respectively.

But naturally, of course conniving flamers often tend to define flaming most narrowly, in order thereby to excuse their own continued flagrant and empty hostility, even while tending to define flaming most broadly in order to lambaste the free speak of others and hence justify whatever abuse in retaliation by and victim blaming no matter what.

Spam / Re: Random stuffz
« on: September 06, 2010, 01:38:42 PM »
A friend of mine messaged the mentioning of my account name here. Cyber-bullying's a major NO-NO, and should I aqure your IP address, well consider yourself s.t.u.f.f.e.d when legal action is taken to battle the infuriating-ness of such a hassle. People wonder why there's no peace in the world, I hardly blame them when there are still those who would put a person down just for speaking a few miserable words, worthy of fogetting and moving past.

Spam / Re: Random stuffz
« on: September 06, 2010, 01:20:20 PM »
The National Crime Prevention Council's definition of cyber-bullying is "when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."

See the above quote? Do you know how the term "Cyber-Bullying" is defined? Sure, I was a total retard before, though you continue to linger in ludicrous acts of ignorance. For shame Ice, you're trying out for a Moderator position, yet you claim to have flamed my past without any doubt in clear.

Quote, an expert organization dedicated to Internet safety, security and privacy, defines cyberbullying as: "a situation when a child, tween or teen is repeatedly 'tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted' by another child or teenager using text messaging, email, instant messaging or any other type of digital technology." Other researchers use similar language to describe the phenomenon.[3][4]

Cyber-bullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech), ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation.

Cyber-bullies may disclose victims' personal data (e.g. real name, address, or workplace/schools) at websites or forums or may pose as the identity of a victim for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames or ridicules them. Some cyberbullies may also send threatening and harassing emails and instant messages to the victims, while other post rumors or gossip and instigate others to dislike and gang up on the target.

How about you read the above hm, learn. Don't enjoy it? Let us see how you decide to mature, or frail and collapse upon the spikes of contempt and desolation. Hamanity is doomed to conflict with one another, all having a dark heart behind the cheerful expression of a facade. Only those whom search for peace may truly mature.

Note: Continue this rash behaviour against this fairly inactive account, and suffer the consequences.

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:01:48 PM »

"Failure" is one of those words that doesn't become pluralized, as "pants" are always plural unless you have "a pair" of them. In Australia and America, if there's one thing we can do, it's speak English. You're just a babbling idiot.

I'm sorry, but is this not the theme of this section? Well, in order to successfully communicate with an ingrate, you must wander in their shadow(s), following each and every footstep, until you release yourself from the dark and return to reality's light. Tell me, justice?

I've tried my best to be civilized and not act like the idiot you are, but seriously, shut the fuck up. Being able to put words together doesn't give you the power to function as some uppity dumbass who thinks that stringing words together makes them Shakespeare.

And there we have it.

Anyway, I'm done with my criticism, considering only the weak indulge in the pleasure of another's annoyance.

I'm not going to ask you to shut up, seeing that's what masters say to their dogs, instead, I'll just peacefully leave. If you've grown up, you won't have any need to make a reply full of slurs and hypocrisy.

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 02:03:53 PM »
Failure goes without saying, they do not understand 'victory'

And when was "failure" supposed to be used as would a collective noun? Have you not learned of grammar at school?

This is the spam section. All we do is flame people we don't like, e.g. you. Stop trying to come across as some clever, higher being watching us scurry around like ants because you're just an idiot.

Ice, you suck so much. Like, you're not even aware of how much you're sucking.

But the question we're all wondering, is what Ice is sucking.
It's called innuendo. It's this thing called "humor."

I'm sorry, but is this not the theme of this section? Well, in order to successfully communicate with an ingrate, you must wander in their shadow(s), following each and every footstep, until you release yourself from the dark and return to reality's light. Tell me, justice?

Discussions / Re: Shinobi Legends Staff
« on: August 18, 2010, 01:45:58 PM »
But from what I've seen now Gyu is inactive to...

She appears to be more active on SL's RP-representatice site, Shinobilegends Society. She logs onto SL, primarily to check up on PM's from those who participate in the Role-Play-based nature of SLS.

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 12:34:18 PM »
Failure goes without saying, they do not understand 'victory'

You kinda failed with your punctuation.


So yeah, eat your own words, utensil-fetisher. Oh, and do try to consume them in a manner that doesn't allow them to slip through the gaps, how dreadful it would be if such a scenario came to pass. :D

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:53:47 AM »
Oh well, that's what I'd expect from a couple'o gays. Go spam the Amercian Constitution with your 4some-ness, 'lil Hermione and utensil-fetisher, do it for your gay love.  :cool:

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:46:40 AM »
Beats your country's greatest hero, a mutt.

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:45:09 AM »
Yeah, enjoy your gay fun, go to Texas, get married, and adopt many retards, you old hoe. ;D

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:41:55 AM »
Get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo, get fat, go get lipo.


Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:37:50 AM »
Us communists love to burn the American flag, you gotta love the red, blue and shitty white engulfed in flames. ;D

Maybe I'll call you Hermione from now on (irrelative to H.P).

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:26:47 AM »
Flame on Human Torch style, you old hoe. ;D

Anyway, communism could be a great asset to America.  :cool:

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:21:02 AM »
My life sucks on holy water-drenched shit, your point?

Reverting to your stereotypes, brah? I'm glad you see it necessary to still confuse an animated television series with real people.

Thank you for your consideration to my unappeasable virtues. ;D

Spam / Re: What happened?
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:16:10 AM »
That's the spirit, s.o.a.b. ;D

Anyway, Spamtastic 4... Enjoying endorsing high cholesterol? You probably should, you old hoe. ;D

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