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Messages - Uchiha, Rares

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Village Square / Re: Bijuu Council and Discussion
« on: August 05, 2012, 12:16:12 PM »
Yes, an odd number seems like a good idea, I shall further edit.

So far (on our side) we have Bocc agreeing with my numbers + Rai agreeing at the very list on the fact that a limitation is needed. I will check with Bocc to see if he wishes to stick to my former list or supports the new one more so.

I suggesting stating yes/no + numbers + who for the sake of efficiency and not requiring 3 polls of sorts on the very same matter.

Someone that I've randomly talked to this about said it better than I have so far(my reasoning):
---Original Message from secret due to intimacy(2012-08-04 15:44:47)---
>> they all work together
^----- BS I'm pretty sure I've seen some of those people literally shout at each other and essentially go no bars held arguing. <<; it was entertaining but, that's not working together o.O I'm not sure she knows what a council is. It is a small group of officials who decide what's what.
It is not a large group of non distinct individuals who most people either A.) don't respect. Or b.) don't really know or have any reason to actually listen to.
>>; if half those people told me something of immediately go to you to see if it's legit.

Village Square / Re: Bijuu Council and Discussion
« on: August 05, 2012, 12:28:12 AM »
To my knowledge you are part of it. You may vote on the latest matter. I colored the summing up of the matter in red for those that wish to skip arguments and the alike. (edited my list)

Village Square / Re: Bijuu Council and Discussion
« on: August 04, 2012, 02:11:15 PM »
Since why I see this as the best method to silence both sides once and for all. With everything to bicker over out of the way, things can be done in an optimal manner.

Not to attack or anything but your reasoning one some of them would actually imply that they are just as useful as bystanders that voice their opinion.

It's not like this is about people that agree or disagree, I'm not trying to compose the council of people that never disagree with me, as a matter of fact, I've had plenty of arguments with most of the people on my list.

Anyway! I am looking forward to this issue being solved regardless of results! :D I trust that either side will abide by the results of this vote.

It's not like I entirely neglect their importance either, but they can state their valuable opinion just as well while outside the council.

Myself and you have indeed shown poor behavior in the past. Raifudo? Not in the slightest. Never once did he lose his temper and his arguments were always based on solid bases while not resorting to baseless insults. Never once did I see him act while not being levelheaded.

I guess the bottom line for my reasoning is this:
Some of them may have had a spark at one point or another but that doesn't mean their judgment may be good most of the time even, as such, they would be better off just stating their opinions rather than voting on the matter. I also want the council to be a prestigious one that no one has issues respecting. In the sense that I think not being entirely formed out of people the masses trust greatly and are more than comfortable approaching them with various issues, people that are deemed as reliable by most rather than people that got 2-3 votes during that past election.
Why? Because in my view, the less respected this ideal is, the less respected the council is, and the less acknowledgement it gets. I say this while willing to take the risk that enough people might not find me fitting such requirements and discarding me.

So yeah, bottom-bottom line: My reasoning is me thinking it's a mandatory for this body to be an elitist one. Without exception.

Village Square / Re: Bijuu Council and Discussion
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:36:45 AM »
prestige? When did that ever  matter?

I want a body of people who can work together and get things done. Everyone on the list has skills that are quite useful and hold differing view so as to insure that the discussions are as unbiased as possible.

The way I see it there are some that beg to differ. I don't think everyone has it in them so to speak. I feel uncomfortable along with several others trusting the judgment of a select few.

Seeing how the views are fairly split on this matter I want to suggest that we solve this issue once and for all in the same manner we've been dealing with council and jinchuriki/bijuu issues. A vote within the council with the same rules applying.

This matter caused enough issues and it needs to be dealt with once and for all. People will likely cease on either side after a council vote takes place.

I would like this to be the next thing on the list before we proceed.

Do you think the council should be limited to a certain amount of members?
No. (that's it)
Yes. (state the number you have in mind so we can decide on the number by counting the votes if the member restriction has more than the no member restriction -- then the next thing would be to establish a list of people in accordance to your number, list in which you may or may not be included)

I'll be first:
As stated many times before, there are some I don't find to be eligible in the least, that's just my personal opinion. Secondly, there is no point in having more members that we actually need. As stated, anyone can state their valuable opinion. Lastly, I find it that there is an optimal number for this kind of thing.

Yes, I think the council should be limited.
Number: 8
Member list:
(proper order is important so the we can decide this all in one shot; due to delayed intelligence my list got edited, Raishin switching places with Raijin)

I believe all those names speak for themselves.

As stated, views seem to differ greatly, Kayenta has a point, so does Raifudo, etc. The optimal solution seems to be a vote.

Naruto / Re: Naruto 596
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:19:10 AM »
It will burn the object you are focusing on. As long as you have your target in sight(not it's reflection) you can do it given that the flames need not to travel bu rather just appear at your location of choice(sight based).

Village Square / Re: Bijuu Council and Discussion
« on: August 03, 2012, 10:17:36 PM »
A few rules that have been discussed several times in the past.

There is also the fact that I know of 4 people including myself that oppose our vast numbers(from the council), a relevant number given that we began working a week ago and the most that from the council that voiced their opinion on a matter were 9.

So which way do we go first? I'd say it would be pointless to rearrange things after we have everything else done. But if anyone has a more urgent matter in mind, then by all means speak up.

Naruto / Re: Naruto 596
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:39:58 PM »
Those are jutsu that affect what is within one's sight. The mirror would be the victim.  It's no different than saying that by looking at a picture of Eric and using Amaterasu the real Eric is killed.
Using mangekyou techs on water/ice would be suicidal. Lol.

Village Square / Re: Bijuu Council and Discussion
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:26:53 PM »
Yep, Raku's choice.

But yeah, since I've started the first two "polls" I'll hold back at least one round to avoid accusations such as me trying to assume a leader position of sorts. :o

Village Square / Re: Bijuu Council and Discussion
« on: August 03, 2012, 02:38:41 PM »
Well based on our very first established rule, the 3 day rule, the debate on this issue has expired and voting is closed.  There's no point to rules we don't respect them.  The outcome of the votes is more than obvious, the Sanbi-Ranketsu issue is at the mercy of Rakudo due to past inactivity.
Any objections?

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:48:39 PM »
I still say edo tensei's limit is 3, but for rinnegan users they can just do the whole receivers/outer path healing thing and get up to the number of resets they have. 

It would be like Nagato's 6 paths(which weren't edo tensei zombies)


Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:25:05 PM »
Disintegrating... slice in to hundreds of pieces.... shocking to death/paralyze... etc...

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: August 03, 2012, 11:55:27 AM »
It'll be as legitimate as having Tsukuyomi be strong enough to reverse Edo Tensei commands and function completely differently than the actual jutsu, I'm sure.

I don't see it as anywhere near that bad. >>

Village Square / Re: Bijuu Council and Discussion
« on: August 03, 2012, 11:53:48 AM »
half of my argument revolved around the fact that she USED to be inactive. I don't really see how she is inactive by definition. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't like anything better than to see her stripped, (giggidy) but in my own perception the issue ceased to exist the very moment she ceased being inactive.

Now it's not mine, or our business for that matter, to get involved in Kirigakure politics, however, I don't think it's a good idea to have them under the scenario the follows: The former kage challenges the current one or his right hand man for the Sanbi. Don't seem right.

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: August 02, 2012, 09:15:02 PM »
I think the 6 path for zombies are reasonable given that they use your own chakra just like the paths, don't retain jutsu, etc. (save for bijuu)
The only difference is that they regenerate. But yeah, given that a lot of benefits are lost, I believe it should be approved. Ya lose some, ya win some.

Village Square / Re: Official rules of Edo Tensei
« on: August 02, 2012, 07:24:05 PM »
Actually some share my personal belief. That being that if per say you obtain EMS the result is: the techniques of both pairs. Now this isn't backed with much accuracy but we can deduct it's feasibility from the fact that the pattern development of such is the combination between the two eyes rather than the new set only.

At this time there is no more than that to provide us with proof on this hypothesis being either right or wrong, and it will likely stay that way for a while given that the only case of which we know the victim's technique as well is Sasuke, which had identical techniques to those of his brother to begin with.

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