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Messages - Narshe

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Discussions / Re: Keys and Rasengan
« on: June 24, 2010, 08:40:02 AM »
Do you say out of exp or are you guessing?
And if you are right do you mean peeking at naked girls!!!???
And visting his spar. I nearly died from that.

Well, do you think he'll like it if you attacked him whilst peeping? If you want to be on his good side, share his interests.  :D

Shops or other instances / Re: Gold --> Gems?
« on: June 24, 2010, 08:38:30 AM »
Now that just sounds selfish. And to get Kyuubi you have to be at least 50dk in, so you can't be that "noobish" as you so blandly put it. And you have to have 500,000 gold and 500 gems to get it, at that.
And at that, you're paying a fair amount of gold to get it.

Now, in one game day, at MOST you can withdraw 9,000 gold, and that's level 15. So, at most, with that, you could withdraw... Hey, lookie there, 1 gem? :D Dang, those "noobs" sure are nifty; working around the system. I am sure that one gem will go towards the gem hall of fame, massively.

When I was still leveling, in a normal game day I would get around 20,000gold. Even now, as level 15, sitting, wasting all my turns, I get around 10-40k gold a game day. And that's why I believe it should be based partially on your dk rating.

Maybe... 500g(dk)=1G?
g=gold, G=gem
For someone with 49 kills like myself, it would take 24,500 gold for a gem. For an Acad, after all, 500 gold IS a lot, and a gem is still a lot.

For your information, Kyuubi costs 100,000 gold and 650 gems.
At level 15, a Sannin+ can go to Hoshigakure and withdraw up to 36000 gold in one day.
Anyway, why would you need the gems? To purchase a mount, or elixirs?
Academy Students should be used to not obtaining a lot of gems  in the beginning. Heck, I have a Chuunin I rarely go on who has 120 gems, and that's without directly paying for gems.
Honestly, the game's still easy to navigate through without the option, so like John Lennon and Paul McCartney have stated, "Let it be."

Item Forge Requests / Re: The Sword Of the 2 Hokage
« on: June 23, 2010, 11:09:05 AM »
I hope you've realized that items forged via Anko's shop in Kirigakure are consumables only. If the Second Hokage' sword could be forged more than once, and with great ease (please do not try to bring in a statement like "What if the components were difficult to find", for it is self-explanatory), then it wouldn't exactly be unique, now would it?

Feature Requests / Re: Chakra Seal
« on: June 23, 2010, 10:21:10 AM »
For "Search suicidally (till the end)", it can be a hotkey for the letter "d" or "y". I think those letters arent being used in the forest "main page".

EDIT: Most preferably "y" >.>

I'd go with using "a", considering "y" is adjacent to "t", which is Go Thrillseeking.


Make the option only available to people of a certain rank (Like Master -Kage), or decent Reborns, so that it could be ensured (unless a total noob purchased a high ranking account) that only experienced players would ever consider using this option to kill forest fights.

Feature Requests / Re: Rinnegan
« on: June 23, 2010, 10:08:39 AM »
Note that Sage Mode had only defeated a selective amount of Pein's Six Paths, not not ultimately defeating Nagato himself, who had self-sacrificed to use a forbidden technique with such a low remaining amount of chakra.

Veteran players would be complaigning about not being able to obtain this KG, having fully reseted their accounts far too many times to actually obtain its unique abilities. If the Rinnegan were made obtainable despite having been a member of the Uchiha/Hyuuga and Kaguya/Lotus, it'll just form even more complications.

So in this case, I'd have to say No as well.

Feature Requests / Re: New KG
« on: June 23, 2010, 10:03:10 AM »
There aren't enough techniques for either of these to offically become a KG on SL. There are only a selective few abilities in each, which is barely enough to be used ingame effectively, if at all.

Discussions / Re: Keys and Rasengan
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:54:29 AM »
Let's just say... you need to be a lot more powerful in order to try and obtain Rasengan ingame... or just be nice to Ero-Sennin...  :D

Discussions / Re: gem is in coffers.
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:53:02 AM »
A compromise to this would be to have Clan Coffers, that could store gold and gems.

Only level 30/31 clan members would be able to spend them, and they could only spend them for clan purposes (change clan avy, possibly future clan functions).

No character would have personal access to the gems

Gems / Gold / etc. put into the Clan Coffers could NOT be reclaimed, even if the clan dissolved

The clan coffers idea would make for a nice addition to the clan founder's horrible life of changing the clan avi every now and again with their own gems; no one would be able to withdraw gems for their own benefit, only storing them for uses like changing the clan's avatar, or purchasing and decorating a tree during the Christmas events.

Shops or other instances / Re: Gold --> Gems?
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:48:31 AM »
If this happened, then everyone with multi-accounts would be storing all of their gold somewhere it would be easy to make large withdrawals from (cityhouses + castles), and purchase large amounts of gems in mass numbers. That would just make the Gem-holding rankings in the Hall of Fame completely useless, considering the amount of effort into obtaining these gems would become. Not to mention pretty soon there'd be a large amount of players with Kyuubi's they had purchased with these gems, instead of earning them the hard way the rest of us were forced into doing, causing absolute chaos between the veteran players of the game and the noobs who don't wish to put any effort into obtaining these little items.

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