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Messages - RichardUchiha

Pages: [1] 2
Clan Requests / Re: Clan Visiting System
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:58:10 AM »
Not bad of an idea.
If it matters, you have my vote.

Though here are a few questions to keep in mind and begin formulating:
1. How will this system exactly work?
    - Example: I am the leader (rank 30/31), I let you be a guest to chat my in clan halls. Well, do you think there should be
                      another list with names of members who have visiting rights seen by all, or just of certain ranks?

2. Limitations?
    - Are the limitations like a time limit really needed? If the clan leader or rank 25 or higher accepts you to be a visitor, well, doesn't
      that mean he/she can revoke that visitation? That basically is your sense.

From what I can tell, I'm thinking a little differently about this than you. And this method might possibly be easier to do, rather than creating time limits and such.

As Ice said, it seems to make sense for everyone to be able to see since one of the main reasons for this visiting system is the ability to read and post there; as for another list, I thought about that a bit and it may be easy to just have the lowest rank in the actual membership list be for visitors, however not allow the clan to change the names of the visitors rank. So they'd be on the actual members list, technically, just with a clear sign pointing out that they are only visiting.

The time limit thing, now that I read back again, seems like a pointless suggestion; that being said, however, it still makes sense to limit the number of clans a person can visit, otherwise you'd have clan hoppers hanging out in every possible clan at once.

Clan Requests / Re: Clan Visiting System
« on: May 20, 2011, 05:53:35 AM »
Dawwww! Am I wonderful?
Shhh. You'll hear you.

Game Related Discussions / Re: Overpowered Forest Enemies
« on: May 20, 2011, 04:41:01 AM »
If you're using your chakra abilities fully for ONE multi-fight, then you're doing it wrong.

Figure out what each stat does with the others. Some people do the mistake of investing into one single stat or into all of them but never a combination. We're given each stat for a purpose. Learn them and make them your own.

I was about to also post your stats and go over them, but I saw that you reborn'd again.

And, no, enemies aren't "a lot stronger", you're just "a lot weaker" than them.
Hm. I'm surprised I never thought of it that way. Thanks for the info.

Clan Requests / Re: Clan Visiting System
« on: May 19, 2011, 11:39:05 PM »
So yeah, you wonderful moderators should totally agree to this system.

Game Related Discussions / Overpowered Forest Enemies
« on: May 18, 2011, 06:20:56 PM »
Alright, I can't be the only one who's noticed this, but I'm pretty sure the forest enemies have gotten a lot stronger recently.  Is anyone else really peeved by this? I find it rather annoying when I run into a group of enemies and it takes them two rounds to kill me before I can escape, and I often am killed by groups of even three enemies even while holding the maximum weapons and fully utilizing my chakra abilities.

Clan Requests / Re: Clan Visiting System
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:35:43 PM »
Yeah, I like the idea of letting people visit. It'll definitely improve gameplay. I think that there should def. be an option to just turn off visitation though, in case for sure you don't want people visiting (as in, if you were in the Akatsuki clan b/c I'm sure they don't want people visiting them due to secrecy reasons) but I'm sure that the main village clans would benefit from this option.

So this would mean that you can already be a part of a clan while simultaneously be a visitor to another clan, but would you be able to visit more than one clan at a time, or would it be like a... one thing kind of deal? While being a visitor of one clan, you can only visit there, and then you'd have to withdraw visitation to vist another one?

I did think it would be a nice idea to allow visitation to a few clans at once instead of just one. There would be a limit, of course, to prevent people from hanging out everywhere at once, which I think I mentioned toward the end of the topic. I like the idea of being able to turn of visitors too, though, same as you can turn off applicants.

Clan Requests / Re: Clan Visiting System
« on: May 02, 2011, 02:41:06 PM »
I thought of something like this recently to.
My reason was different though, I want to be in the serious Kiri RP clan, but I wanna be able to go to my friends random fun clan to.
I like the idea.
Glad you like it. The recent spike in large village-based clans is actually one of the things that encouraged me to suggest this.

Clan Requests / Clan Visiting System
« on: April 30, 2011, 05:44:48 AM »
I've been thinking recently about requesting a system for visiting a clan, in addition to the option of joining it; something similar to the application system, where the current higher-ups in the clan would still need to approve it. Here's the basic idea.

There would be some sort of button or command on the main clan page similar to the application button, only instead reading "request visitation to this clan", or possibly a button only for clan leaders that will let them invite people to visit their clan instead of allowing anyone to apply. Upon accepting this, the person in question would be able to visit the main clan halls, chat and RP with the ones inside without having any actual authority or powers in the clan, or having to make an actual commitment to the clan itself. I believe this would benefit in allowing for much more cross-clan RP potential, as well as helping clans acquire more members by letting people use the visiting system to check things out before they would decide to join. In addition to this, possibly add a time limit of a certain number of days a person can visit the clan at any one time, or limit the number of clans they can visit, so as to prevent clan hoppers from hanging out in every clan out there at once.

There are more details I had in mind, I think, but I can't seem to remember them at the moment. When I do, I'll be certain to edit this post and add them in. For now though, good idea, bad idea?

Spam / Re: Who misses KoinuInuzuka?
« on: May 21, 2008, 10:22:49 PM »
...Ok hold on...

Akatsuki were on i would have told you if I were actually on or whatever I think... don't know seems hard to process in my mind so early in the morning. And mention that moment one more time and I shall hunt you down and torture you till you scream uncle!! >.<

-gets poked by Reisei falls over and pokes her with a stick- >>;;

Of course i remember our good old garden days Azrael!!  X3 And I am not a fish << Koinu means PUPPY!!

Sounga! doomstar! err play nice x.x;;

-pops Akatsuki and Rinoa- Stop thinking about it >.<
Yesh i remember shikkifujjin << but i only met you a few times on the forum.

Err Hello to you too cmage <<;;

And yeah yeah Richard I did return. Also I did try for the KoinuInuzuka name like 2 or three times and it kept telling me it was taken. Oh well..... it happens.

OK I think I got everybody <<;;; you should be impressed X3

Well, the name KoinuInuzuka isn't taken right now. >>

Spam / Re: Shinobi World
« on: May 21, 2008, 04:24:39 AM »
You know that Konoha is in Fire Country, don't you? >.>

Spam / Re: Penguins...why are people obssessed with penguins?
« on: May 21, 2008, 03:51:28 AM »
but they secretly cheat on each other >.>

Pshh, penguins are way too awesome to cheat on each other. <.<

Spam / Re: Penguins...why are people obssessed with penguins?
« on: May 21, 2008, 03:38:30 AM »
It is said that when a penguin finds its mate, they stay together for life. If the other one dies, they spend the rest of their life alone. >.>

Spam / Re: Who misses KoinuInuzuka?
« on: May 21, 2008, 03:37:12 AM »
Ah, you finally agreed to come back! :D Took ya long enough. >.> And the name KoinuInuzuka hasn't been taken. xP

Spam / Re: Who misses KoinuInuzuka?
« on: May 19, 2008, 04:11:33 AM »
Keep posting everyone, we've almost got her!  :eek:

Spam / Re: Who misses KoinuInuzuka?
« on: May 18, 2008, 11:19:18 PM »
Ah, and to let everyone (who knows her) know, she told me to tell everyone this:

"The reason I lost my last account HikariTsukishiro was due to the fact that I had lost my net. And just now got it back. I haven't been able to get back online to reactivate the account."

Her exact words. =P

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