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Messages - Rinn

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Naruto / Re: Your favorite Naruto villain and why
« on: January 25, 2015, 04:20:30 AM »
No, he was an all-out power hungry scumbag pretty much. The uchiha coup-de-tat? Shisui could have stopped that with koto amatsukami, easily, but Danzo deliberately called him out to try take the eyes and force the coup so Itachi would have to wipe out the clan.

Why? Because he wanted koto amatsukami from the eyes for himself to genjutsu others, and more sharingans for his izanagi spam.

Koto only works on once, two individuals max. Even if the Uchiha Clan head suddenly said "hey, let's try to make peace", you think the rest of the Uchiha would have just went along with that? Shisui's Koto might could have stalled, but it eventually would have simply made it even harder for the Uchiha clan to be put down quietly if they ever found out what really went down. Koto is detectable by others around the target/victim.

My favorite villain though would have to be Madara as well. Up until the very end of his life, he stuck to his guns, and didn't get converted like so many other of his pawns. He followed through with his vision, and his plan. There was no talking him out of the plot. He got a little too OP though in the grand scheme of things, but so did every other significant character.

What Eric said about Madara if I'm allowed. Madara Uchiha

Village Square / Re: Sharingan's Power: Kamui
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:21:12 AM »
I totally agree, all the kamui users really came from out of no where. At the same time you can't tell characters who to model their character after.

Village Square / Re: An actual guide on how to rp or roleplay.
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:16:13 AM »
I think basic things to consider are helpful to an RP. I get lots of questions about how to RP.

I try to be as open ended in my replies as possible and reply as follows:

Imagine what you want your character to be.
-Who is this person you will be playing and making run through the world of SL?
-What do they look like?
-How do they feel about certain things like their village or war or crime? This is useful in determining if you will be a villain type, or good aligned or maybe a bit of both.
-What are their goals going to be?
-What thoughts might be running through their head?

Then imagine the world around you.
-What are you doing?
-What does the land look like?
-Is the weather affecting your actions or character?

Then just try to describe these things as best you can imagine when you make a post, even something so simple as walking down the street.
-Who do you see around you?
-What can you hear?
-How does your character react to these things?

Then I remind them to keep things semi-believable.
-Are you close enough to over hear what those people said?
-Can you really see inside the shop what that person is wearing?
-Is it likely that you are fast enough to catch that runner before he gets away?

And always keep in mind the don'ts of RP
-No godmodding
-No metagaming
-No character control
-No attacks on an entry post

These are just some things to get a person thinking. I am sure there is much much more that could be said.

This sums up how I feel personally.

Village Square / Re: Amenotejikara
« on: December 01, 2014, 04:41:49 AM »
Eric you always post words of wisdom. Always. I understand what you're saying Kage cause I won't give up being Uchiha. But most people instead of selecting one or the other they're just merging. I'm one to speak because I have implanted Senju DNA through Tsuyo. However this is a direct result of me being simply too under-powered to survive in the shinobilege-verse as I was. I'm still considerably underpowered compared to alot.

Village Square / Re: Amenotejikara
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:29:17 AM »
Hey @Kayenta one or two is fine. But a vast majority and I'm proudly not a sensory ninja, I cannot sense chakra save for my sharingan which allows me to see chakra and my six path rinnegan (the duration it's implanted)

My point Kayenta was not that it was impossible to be born in one area and have the element of was that it's so common. Just like sharingan, mangekyou sharingan, rinnegan, space-time ninjutsu. I'm not saying restrict these things, I'm just saying alot of ninja are alike and it's not for argument's sake just stating.

Village Square / Re: Amenotejikara
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:13:03 PM »

It would take time and a collection of community level-heads to properly lay out a system. I think anything can be implemented with proper guidelines and planning just as Edo Tensei is. The thing is it's time consuming but not impossible. I personally cannot sit down right now and figure out a a balanced way of implementing these techniques. As for me I'm still catching up with the anime. I'm pre-final battle/ Obito becomes jinchuriki so my knowledge of the techniques are nil besides what I might see on the wikia and sometimes that's as legit as those degrees you can get online from the chinese.

As a community though our greatest issue- in my opinion is balance. I'm a huge fan of canon but fact is alot of characters just take it too far with the power-ups in my honest opinion. Notice my repetition of opinion? I'm totally pro-character freedom but if you have nine power-ups a combination of doujutsu + other various buffs and KG it'll take a genius ( let's be honest there aren't a whole lot of) or someone with an equal or greater power level.

Sometimes I read a zone fight then I look at the character biographies of the ninjas fighting and there's no cohesion. There's very little in their bio of how said techniques were acquired nor any mention of training, their ninja rank doesn't reflect the rank of the jutsu they're using, somehow they've gained affinity in elements not common in their region/village and at their character's rank and age they have some unexplained prodigious talent so they've mastered the jutsu and or jutsus entirely.

My point is this is both a very fun and difficult community to deal with in term of roleplay guidelines but nothing is impossible.

Discussions / Re: Who trained you in SL? [If you had anyone]
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:48:44 AM »

Discussions / Re: Who trained you in SL? [If you had anyone]
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:15:15 AM »
You know Rakudo was me right? I don't train anyone though, not officially anyway. Best way to learn is  by doing and you don't need a teacher for that. Though I do answer questions if asked. :D

No I didn't know that you were Rakudo :O I thought he had left. OMG 

Discussions / Re: Ban Techniques?
« on: November 28, 2014, 05:13:20 AM »
Or we could just cut out the middle man and ban fun.

rofl Although I must say I totally understand where Rinha is coming from.

Discussions / Re: Who trained you in SL? [If you had anyone]
« on: November 23, 2014, 04:55:29 AM »
Tsuyo to some extent. I begged Rakudo before I met Tsuyo when I had just started the game but he rejected me. I should be ashamed to admit that.

Village Square / Re: Opening: Sunagakure's Kazekage
« on: November 17, 2014, 05:13:06 AM »
Most things move so slowly within the community. I'd go inactive (not log in) for like about a week and a half or more, come back and most arcs that I'm aware of either just died down or they aren't very far from where they were a week ago. Just saying

Village Square / Re: Opening: Sunagakure's Kazekage
« on: November 17, 2014, 04:53:48 AM »
Was a Kazekage selected?

Village Square / Re: Clan/Bloodline
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:52:17 AM »
I totally understand that and I get a good vibe from what you're saying. Have you ever roleplayed with someone, was waiting for their response they logged out of that character to log into another one of their characters and totally left you hanging. So they're online for hours on another character totally disregarding you and you're stuck. When that first happened to me I nearly quit and for months on end I was bitter. I realize that's childish and it still does bother me a little, but it was in that moment I realized something.

Also your signature is winning!

Village Square / Re: Clan/Bloodline
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:34:34 AM »
That's funny. Well said Keito oh..I forgot alot of ninjas were also convinced I was someone's alt too. That was upsetting too. I can hardly develop one character, I just can't have more than one active account because of scheduling but mainly I'm just too precise and I like everything just about fleshed out really nice. Can you have dedication to a story if you've got more than one account?

Game Related Discussions / Re: Just an Idea.
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:25:00 AM »
So to reiterate this is JUST an idea that had come across my mind after reading through the whole, "Lets nerf everyone everywhere" thread, which I can both agree and disagree with, but my topic isn't necessarily about that, It's just an Idea that came through my head as i read the board,

So one of the original points in starting the nerf topic was that new players were getting "swept under the rug" right? This was brought to light with the information that learning proper RP rules/ developing a style could take years, as well as the whole "Resets = Rp" thing, which I do not agree with,

But I think a better way for us (as a ROLEPLAYING site) to decrease the amount of swept under the rug players is to actively regulate actual Senju, Uchiha, Uzumaki, Hyuuga, Nara, Inuzuka, etc etc clans, using the clans to help spawn new players whom wish to be of these decents, and training them up as such, to improve upon Rp legitimacy (as far as KG go) and to help bring up the lower ranking players, as well as giving us higher players something to do, albeit "Slice-of-life" role playing. This -in my opinion- would really help the site in a roleplay manner, and i'm aware that most of these clans already exist, though I think they should be emphasized on, they all be made separate clans even if they operate within a clan, (such as the Senju operating within Konoha, There'd be the Senju clan to regulate actual members of the Senju clan, but they could still rp within Konoha as the home base, i'm sure anyone reading this understands what I mean) This way anyone who wanted to be born an Uchiha or a Senju could actually come to someone and be like "hey can I be born this?" and then an rp could be worked out from there, parents chosen or whatever and the character could be born, rp train to awaken his/her whatever KG, and then train it up as such.

Of course all of this would take active members to accomplish. That's the only way to hold anything together on the site would be rp activity, people gotta get up and get active with stuff if they want to enjoy the rp, we can't just sit around and complain about not enjoying it if nothings really being done in actuality to enjoy this site.

I personally love this site. It's a really good way to bring out one's imagination and forms of expression and I wouldn't want to nerf that, I feel like there are ways outside of nerfing to bring up the community, and that is the community. We'd have to come together and actually become active lol.

I mean, maybe i'm just rambling. but I feel like an idea such as this would work out, or could be improved upon and implemented, of course that would be up to us as a community to decide, which would be the point of the forum.. so here I am!

This makes soooo much sense. OMG this is exactly how I feel, not like there should be more restrictions..but to actually have someone be an Uchiha or an Uzumaki to have Uchiha or Uzumaki clan traits would be awesome. An not have a non-clanned person "awakening" sharingan but claiming to be senju. Or someone owning two senju parents but "awakening" sharingan. Or someone with a sharingan implant but wielding it with very little drawbacks as if it were their own from the beginning. Or someone using one-handed handseals because that's what they want there characters to do. What I find alot of shinobi doing is giving themselves so many strengths that they've barely got weaknesses. So alot of fights I read consists of purely S-ranked jutsu and or Sage Modes/Susanoo etc etc. Man you said this all so perfectly. All I'm saying it'll be nice to see an Uchiha with two elements, or a Nara with two elements, and not all 5 or 4/5. I understand the resets really do mean something. Or for actual combat to consist of a well-written taijutsu sequence or sequences and it's not all pow pow, boom boom a point-black firing of a mega super-duper ninjutsu. Also any Ototon or "sound users" should be shot. Yes, shot. Lol don't mind me, I'm totally just ranting right now, and I know if you check Rinn's profile you'd be like such a hypocrite. This guy has sharingan, mangekyou sharingan, and the Rinnegan! But it's only because I've grown to realize my character would stand, and in my honest opinion because of my rp-style still might not stand a very good chance vs one of the more higher tier/well-known roleplayers.

I also like that you've made mention of the treatment of new players. I have to be honest if it wasn't for the help that I literally had to pursue Rakudo for and later Tsuyo I would not have been playing today because when I first joined the game the players who were here were not very helpful at all. I'll never forget Nathan taking the time to mail me and explain how to post using ";" then I got a handle. Everything I know I had to learn through inquiring.

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