Shinobi Legends Forum

Game Development => Feature Requests => Events => Topic started by: TheSandDemon on May 27, 2007, 01:08:01 AM

Title: ~Here is an event I think you will like~
Post by: TheSandDemon on May 27, 2007, 01:08:01 AM
As you wonder into the forest to slay an enemy, you begin to notice it is getting dark out even though it is the middle of the day. As you continue walking you begin to have feel an intense feeling of power. Suddenly a dark figure appears before you. He starts to walk toward you; you might want to ready you weapon.

At this point, there will be two choices.

#1 Kill the dark figure

#2 See what He wants from you

If you chose the first one, the ninja will have 75% more attack and 65% more defense.

If you win, you will receive 3500 ex.

If you lose however, you will lose all gold and 10% and 2 gems.

The second will say something like this.

The dark figure approaches you and sticks out his hand. You can either run away or see what is in his hand.

There will either be a gem, 1000 gold, or a 5% chance it will be one of the things you need to get the seven star tattoo enhanced. I can’t tell what that is because that is a game secret. So if neji sees this, he will know what I mean 
Title: Re: ~Here is an event I think you will like~
Post by: Gyu~ru~ru on May 27, 2007, 01:27:49 AM
Reasons to shoot this down,

1) Lame choose A or B event.

2) Oliver wouldn't make getting the seven star tattoo easier. He made it hard for a reason.
Title: Re: ~Here is an event I think you will like~
Post by: Ace on May 27, 2007, 01:28:54 AM
Ummm....doesn't seem like a well thought out idea, and also Neji is busy with many other things.
Title: Re: ~Here is an event I think you will like~
Post by: Mithras on May 27, 2007, 01:40:47 AM
and then the stats are lame...
are you trying to open so many topic till one event will be accepted?? >.<
Title: Re: ~Here is an event I think you will like~
Post by: Ace on May 27, 2007, 01:43:06 AM
A little off topic but try to focus on one idea at a time.
Title: Re: ~Here is an event I think you will like~
Post by: KoinuInuzuka on June 26, 2007, 12:44:00 AM
I agree it's not all that great it needs alot more thought put into it
Title: Re: ~Here is an event I think you will like~
Post by: cmage on June 26, 2007, 12:46:15 AM