Shinobi Legends Forum

Roleplay => Village Square => Topic started by: Seiryu on June 10, 2007, 09:52:41 PM

Title: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 10, 2007, 09:52:41 PM
You are one of the many contestants in the worlds first official shinobi combat tournament. However, before you can participate in the actual topurnament, you have to make it through an unofficial preelemination round which is basically a free- for all fight that is held to weed out those who are too weak for the tournament.

You are not allowed to kill your opponents, but you can use any means you deem neccesary to win your fights. However, killing your opponent will result in disqualification, so watch out not to go overboard when the fighting gets intense.

Those who make it through the preelemination round participate in a series of 1 on 1 battles until every shinobi has fought each of his opponents once. Once the last fight is over, the shinobi with the highest number of victories will be awarded a large amount of Ryo as well as a golden throphy as a token of his victory.


Seiryu steps into the large arena and looks around thinking "Looks like I´m the first who has reached the arena. Oh well, that only means i have time for some warmup training." before he goes into a fighting stance and starts to practice his fighting moves while waiting for his first opponents.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 11, 2007, 05:00:33 AM
Maria walks in and sees a boy about her age already in the arena. 'Hmm that could be my first opponent, I'd better look and see what justu he's using she thinks to herself, geting closer to the boy.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 11, 2007, 09:09:36 AM
Seiryu stops training when he noticed that another contestant, a girl about his age had entered the arena and was closing in on him. Turning towards her he said "Ah, you´re one of the other contestants, right ? My name is Shurako Seiichiro, and I´m representing the Shurako clan from Kirigakure at this tournament. And who are you ?"

While waiting for the girl´s answer Seiryu crosses his arms in front of his chest and thinks "My clans´ unique fighting style, the ryutsume taijutsu should come in handy at this tournament. I just hope there are some more taijutsu specialists at this tournament, otherwise this tournament won´t be much of a challenge."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 11, 2007, 02:34:20 PM
Sushi slowly walks in and sees a boy and girl who appear to be a lot younger than him already here.
He frowns, then sits down beneath a tree and waits for more people to get here.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: protofusion on June 11, 2007, 02:47:08 PM
proto teleports to the side of the arena and sees 3 people 2 boys one younger than him and one older than him and one girl younger than him hmmm now how should i go about winning this tournament he says to himself
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 11, 2007, 03:19:35 PM
Seiichiro a.k.a kirigakure no seiryu watches as two more contestants enter the arena. "These guys look promising. Guess i´m not the only monster here..."

"Of course not. I´m here too." said the voice of the kuroryu in the back of his mind.

"Just remember not to interfere with the battle unless i tell you to. i don´t want to get disqualified just because you can´t control yourself."

"Well, you enjoy a good fight as much as i do, so you better take your own advices."

"Yeah, yeah. i just wish the fight would actually start. I´m slowly getting tired of waiting for the other contestants."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 11, 2007, 06:37:09 PM
pulls a small bone out of his hand and begins to stab it into the ground to pass the time.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 11, 2007, 07:55:36 PM
Seiryu raises an eyebrow as he sees one of the other contestants pull a small bone out of his hand and stab it into the ground. "Could it be ? Is he a surviving member of the kaguya clan ? I heard that all members of that clan had been killed when they decided to wage war against kirigakure. How convinient. I allways wanted to see which of our clans is stronger. And now I finally get the chance to fight a member of that treacherous clan. Must be my lucky day..."

Seiryu slowly walks over to the kaguya clan member and says "Well, I guess we´ve waited for long enough. I suggest we get this preelemination round started. I´m getting tired of waiting for new contestants. How about you ?"

Staring into the eyes of the kaguya clan member seiryu tilts his head and says "I´m Shurako Seiichiro, of the Shurako clan. The clan that is now considered the strongest clan of taijutsu experts now that you kaguyas are no longer around. But as far as I know our two clans never had the chance to put their skills to the test in a fight 1 on 1. Until today, that is."

Jumping away from the kaguya clan member seiryu assumed a fighting stance and started to release chakra through his fingertips, causing light blue flames to appear on his fingertips. "Let´s see what is stronger, you bones, or my claws !"
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 12, 2007, 12:36:50 AM
Maria waches as more opponents enter and the boy she was talking to leaves and starts fighting. She decides to walk over there and meet the other contestants "Hey my name is Maria Akizakura, from the Akizakura clan. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" She asked to the boy that was watching the other two fight.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 12, 2007, 01:06:01 AM
remains where he is sitting, Don't be so confident, let us wait for more people to arrive.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: protofusion on June 12, 2007, 01:54:14 AM
he walks toward a tree and laid down in the shade staring at the clouds and says
Yes let us wait for more people before we get started
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 12, 2007, 02:09:50 AM
Maria watched as the boy older than her walked off without telling her his name. "The least you can do is tell me your name!!!" she yelled. Stomping off to a corner of the arena to practice her justu
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 12, 2007, 08:17:12 PM
Seiryu´s face twitched for a second as the kaguya member told him to wait for more opponents to arrive. For a short moment he considered attacking the kaguya clan member, but decided against it as that would´ve been what the kuroryu wanted. Turning away from the kaguya clan member Seiryu stopped releasing chakra through his fingertips and walked leaned against a nearby wall.

Everything was silent for about a minute, but them Seiryu heard the sound of flapping wings as a hawk flew through a window just underneath the ceiling and dropped a scroll in the middle of the arena before it turned around and left the room through the same window it used to enter the room. Curious what could be written on the scroll Seiryu walked over to the scroll and picked it up from the floor. Opening the scroll he noticed that it was the same handwriting as in the invitation.

Dear contestants,

First of all, let me thank you for comming. I too used to be a shinobi when I was younger until i was heavily injured during a mission. It has been 30 years since that fateful day, and i have grown tired of living like that, so I decided to summon skilled shinobi from all over the world and watch them fight.

I know that you´re now probably waiting for more contestants to arrive, but there won´t be any. The contestants of the tournament are divided into groups of four so nobody can get a look at the secrets of all his enemys. Only one member of each group will advance to the actual tournament, so don´t be afraid to give your all even though this is just the preelemination round. I wish you the best of luck

P.S. I Will find out when you break the rules and kill your opponents, so just follow the rules and you will be fine.

After reading aloud what was written on the scroll so the others in the arena could hear him Seiryu closed the scroll and walked over to the kaguya clan member, a almost wicked grin on his face. "You heard that ? Looks like there´s no point in waiting any longer, so mwe might as well get this fight started." said Seiryu before he once more assumed a fighting stance and started to release chakra through his fingertips. "Allright, come at me with everything you got !"
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 12, 2007, 11:11:35 PM
Sighs as he rises from his sitting position, "You still aren't following the rules....... Groups of four."
Calls the other two over, "Let's see what everyone is made of......."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Shikki on June 13, 2007, 12:09:50 AM
*walks in with a bunch of explosives* am i late?
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 13, 2007, 01:26:59 AM
Walks as the other boy asks for her.  "Groups of four thats all right with me" she said.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: protofusion on June 13, 2007, 01:59:05 AM
That is fine by me he says as he approches his opponents
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Shikki on June 13, 2007, 03:19:46 AM
Jumps in K >.>
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 13, 2007, 08:47:56 AM
Oout of character: since the contestants are divided into groups of four, let´s assume that shikkifujjin´s chara has entered another arena. You are free to create a second chara for this arena, just like me.

Meanwhile in another arena:

Sugosa Kanjuro from sunagakure walks into the arena thinking "Looks like I´mone of the first who got here, there´s only that guy who´s loaded with explosives. An explosives specialist huh ? That could get interesting."

Kanjuro leans aagainst a nearby wall and looks over to the other contesant before he pulls a scroll out of the scroll holder ob his back and plays around with it. "I just hope the other contestants get here soon. I want to try out my new technique."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 13, 2007, 04:50:57 PM
returns to his sitting position
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 13, 2007, 08:29:42 PM
returns to his sitting position

Out of character: No more one- liners please

Seiryu took a deep breath as he tried to calm down. "Okay, since everybodys here now, I suggest we finally get this battle started. I´m tired of sitting around waiting for the battle to begin."

"Actually I´m usually pretty good at controling myself, but this time I have the chance to take on a member of the kaguya clan, so it´s not surprising that I´m getting all worked up... Or is this your doing, Kuroryu ?"

"I don´t have anything to do with it. What good would it do me anyway ?"

"You hope that I acidentally kill one of my enemies so you can enjoy the sight of dead enemy shinobi and the smell of fresh blood as you used to before you were slain by my grandfather and some of your eccense was trapped in the sword he used to kill you, the sword that was forged out of one of your venomous fangs torn out during your battle with my grandfather."

"Hmph, guess you just  know me too well to fall for that old trick."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 14, 2007, 01:52:29 AM
Reisei walked into the large arena and looked around to see her opponents. She waved to them and conversed, "Hey you guys. I'm Reisei Kosame here representing the Kosame clan. You can all call me Rei though. It'll be fun fighting you."She took in a deep breath and checked her scrolls and set down a large wrapped up object against a wall. She then sat on a bench waiting for the event to begin.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 14, 2007, 02:02:42 AM
Sits calmly under a tree trying not to show how anxious he is.
When is it going to start? I need a fight..... I've been waiting for a chance like this to show my full potential
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: anbumiko on June 14, 2007, 02:06:02 AM
a big ship crashes into the podium and into the arena as miko looks onwards on the top sail of the red dragon
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Shikki on June 14, 2007, 02:18:44 AM
A Bigger ship crashes into the other ship with a sail of the Rum Lord

when we gonna fight?
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 14, 2007, 03:10:41 AM
Rei yawns and looks over at Shikki and says, "I guess when we have enough contestants, no?"
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 14, 2007, 03:51:42 AM
Starts to sigh "All right lets start shall we?" she asked the others. 'Hopefuly I don't need to use my most powerful justu on thes boys' she thought to herself. Smirking a little
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 14, 2007, 09:15:28 AM
Kanjuro looks over to Rei and notices the large wrapped up object near herthinking "Another ninja puppeteer ? This should be interesting." before he looks over to the two shinobi that arrived at the arena aboard large ships and shouts "Hey, there´s one contestant too much in this arena. One of you needs to head over to another arena !" before he walks over to them and adds "I suggest you toss a coin or something. Whatever you do, do it quickly. We havn´t got all day you know."

"Yeah, let´s do this." said Seiryu before he looked at the kaguya clan member and said "Come on, get up allready. Or would you prefer ... if I make you stand up ?" said Seiryu before he started to spin around his axis and delivered a powerful kick to the head of the kaguya clan member. The battle had officially begun.

" I guess we might as well get started." said Kanjuro before he placed the scroll he had been playing with on the ground before him and kneeled down. Unrolling the summoning scroll Kanjuro did a few handsigns before he placed his right hand on the symbol in the middle of the scroll, causing the puppet contained inside to appear in a puff of smoke.

As the smoke had cleared the puppet named Yojimbo became clearly visible. Clad in a tattered cloak the puppet held a katana in each of it´s four hands, it´s empty eyes staring at it´s enemies from underneath a flat straw hat. Slowly standing up Kanjuro extended his fingers in the direction of the puppet as he created the chakra strings that would enable Yojimbo to move. "I´m ready whenever you are." said Kanjuro with a grin.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 14, 2007, 03:11:15 PM
takes a powerful blow to the head that makes his head snap backwards, he turns his head back to Seiryu with a look of indifference. "You're not going to do much damage attacking at a place with a high density of bone......" He rises from his sitting position withdrawing a knife made of bone. "But clearly you're anxious to start so I'll try to make this quick stands in a fighting stance waiting for Seiryu to make his move.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Dante on June 14, 2007, 04:47:09 PM
In white smoke Dante appeared near Proto.

That was really easy his slaves never noticed i was in Miko ship, free pass jajajaja-thinks- and smiles really big

Then a guy dressed in black aproach him and says, Please, the people that doesnt belong to this tournament come with me, if you are strong enough at the end you may fight this group.

Pff, i thought this would be a decent tournament, its not better if we all fight in the same Arena? -Says Loudly-

Nobody will stand against the fury of the Hanzo clan -thinks-

Off rol: well, jejej i hope im not to late, Seiryu, were you the one who create this topic right?? well, if you want make a list of all combatants you want in 1 arena and the others in the other arena (unless you want all 1, is your choice)
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 14, 2007, 07:49:57 PM
Off rol: well, jejej i hope im not to late, Seiryu, were you the one who create this topic right?? well, if you want make a list of all combatants you want in 1 arena and the others in the other arena (unless you want all 1, is your choice)

Out of character: will do. Here´s the list of combatants for each arena:

Arena 01: Seiryu, Maria, the kaguya clan member (I hope he´ll introduce himself soon) and Proto.

Arena 02: Kanjuro, Rei, shikkifujin and the captain of the "red dragon"

Arena 03, Dante, the captain of the "Rum Lord" and the next to people who join this RP.

Noticing that his kick didn´t do as much damage as it should´ve done Seiryu begins to circle the kaguya clan member while always keeping an eye on the other two combatants before he dashes towards his enemy and twists his right foot to spin around the kaguya clan member and position himself behind him before he attacks with his left hand aiming for his opponent´s neck. As his hand gets closer to his enemies´ neck the light blue flames on his fingertips start to extend into sharp claws of chakra almost half as long as his fingers. "That´s almost too easy... "

Out of character: I didn´t write down how the attack hits his enemy to give you a chance to react. After all, our charas are supposed to roughly equal, so your chara should at least have a chance to defend himself."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 14, 2007, 08:24:34 PM
Out of character: I wasnt paying attention and was in a sitting position, no chance to react.


falls onto his hands, and sends a backwards kick at Seiryu's stomach, as the kick moves towards Seiryu a sharp bone beings to jut out of his foot, "Sushigewd, last of the Kaguya clan will not be so easily defeated!"
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 14, 2007, 09:14:00 PM
Blocks the kick attack by grabbing the bone coming out of his foot before he jumps  over his opponent with the bone still in hand and lands a kick between the shoulder blades. Then he pulls the bone down to stab his opponent with his own bone before he jumps away from Sushiewd to avoid a possible counterattack.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Ulrich on June 14, 2007, 09:39:19 PM
*appears and kicks Seiryu*
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 14, 2007, 10:35:18 PM
Out of Character: You can't take my bones ther're still connected.


Gets up from the ground where he was laying face first and gets back into a fighting stance, "I have yet to see any real strategy, what are you playing at?" looks over at Maria and Proto, his other opponents, "are you just going to stand there?"
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Ulrich on June 14, 2007, 10:45:24 PM
*decides to watch instead*
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 15, 2007, 12:07:02 AM
Looks up at Sushi "I thought you two would never ask." she unties her giant fan and charges forward twards the other two.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 15, 2007, 12:22:07 AM
Rei glanced over a Kanjuro's puppet and smiled, "Well this'll be interesting." She then unwrapped the object she had been carrying to reveal a white puppet dressed in a black cloak and hood. She smiled again and pointed her hands out toward her puppet and connected chakra strings to its wooden body from her fingers. She then flicked her fingers and the chest compartment of the puppet opened  and the puppet reached inside pulling out a medium sized scythe only to be extended soon after. She looked at her puppet with a smirk and said,"Ready, Zetsumei?" The puppets eyes began to glow a dull blue color and it raised the scythe it was holding.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Dante on June 15, 2007, 12:37:36 AM
* Walks and a little while later he is in the 2nd Arena*

Mmm, A puppeteer? (rei) an interesting skill, deadly, but easy to counter-attack if the other fighters doesnt know how to fight her..... They will die. -thinks-

Well, they will call me to fight, so, i will see this fight and maybe go to the other arena if this 1 turns boring...

Jajaja, theres the guy who brought me here  (miko). Can they fight? lets see what this kids can do.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: protofusion on June 15, 2007, 03:54:27 AM
he rushes at maria throws a kunai and jumps back a few feet
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 15, 2007, 01:15:06 PM
Wasting no more time Rei began to move her fingers as if playing a piano, "Now Zetsumei, Go!" Her puppet glided at Kanjuro in a quick zig-zag pattern, breezing by the opposing puppet. She whipped the chakra strings and the puppet was lifted into to the air and when it reached over Kanjuro's head the puppet slashed down with it's scythe.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 15, 2007, 03:15:47 PM
Evading the puppet´s scythe with a quick jump to the side Kanjuro pulled back the chakra strings that held Yojimbo, causing it to land on the back of the puppet before it jumped off it´s back again while still facing Zetsumei. Pulling on one of the chakra strings kanjuro opened the mouth of his puppet and revealed the flamethrower hidden there. A second later a large flame came shooting out of Yojimbo´s mouth and rapidly spread across Zetsumei´s cloak and body.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 15, 2007, 06:20:40 PM
Rei pulled back the chakra strings quickly and her puppet flew back to her but still the damage had been done to Zetsumei. She put out the remaining flames and then pulled one of the chakra strings as a rip chord and Zetsumei's chest opened up up and she reached in a pulled out a large scroll she placed opened it and placed on the ground. She performed a few hand signs and a female puppet with a a wooden exterior and painted to look like a female Knight appeared in the place of the scroll and connected her chakra strings to the new puppet. Rei looked over at Zetsumei, who was badly damaged and fallen over on the floor, and said, "Well we tried, Zetsumei, but it is Ikioi's turn now." Rei then pulled two chakra strings and Ikioi flicked out her arms and two blades extruded from her the backs of her hands.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 15, 2007, 06:46:15 PM
Out of Character: You can't take my bones ther're still connected.

Well, it´s not like I pulled the bone out or something, I simply grabbed it and used it against you while it was still attatched to your foot.

"A new puppet ? And by judging it´s appearance it looks like another attack- type puppet. Oh well, ´lets see what this one can do... thought Kanjuro before he started to move his fingers just like Rei did before, causing Yojimbo to rush at the enemy puppet. Pulling the four chakra strings connected to Yojimbo´s armes in quick succession Kanjuro watched as the puppet started to hack away at Ikioi with all four of it´s katanas. Kanjuro then pulled another chakra string, and Yojimbo´s upper right arm split in the middle and fired a load of senbon past Ikioi and into the direction of Rei.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 15, 2007, 07:04:33 PM
Rei yanked the chakra strings back and Ikioi quickly defended against the four blades and senbon  then she was pulled to the front of Rei. Rei then moved her fingers in hand signs and spoke out, "Kugutsu Hei no Jutsu!"<Puppet Wall> The gears in her puppet cause the puppet to morph inside out so now the puppet had a metal exterior and then continuing the morph Ikioi extended and formed a dome over Rei and the remaining senbon deflected off. "..That was close." Rei thought to herself.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 15, 2007, 07:51:49 PM
extends his index finger and points it at Proto, he then shoots two bullets made of bone and extremely high speeds at Proto's head. "Try blocking those."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: protofusion on June 15, 2007, 11:27:00 PM
as he jumps to the side he turns in the direction of sushigewed and starts doing handseals Rat, Horse, Dragon, Ox, Tiger and says: Fire style; Fire Dragon Flame Missile jutsu
try dodging that
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 16, 2007, 02:40:46 AM
grins, okay, shoots down the jutsu with an enormous ammount of bone bullets, "My bones are endless!!"
throws a couple of regular kunai at Maria.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Dante on June 16, 2007, 02:42:42 AM
*on 2nd arena*   

Two pupeteers?  naaa, boring.....   keeps walking and just a couple of minutes is on 1st arena.

proto: try dodging that  and a huge fire missil came out directed to sushi. 

Mmmm, this is better. 
 but, can he spend every time that amount of chackra?  
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 16, 2007, 02:47:45 AM
points at Dante, "We have a visitor........." replaces his right arm with a sword made of bone.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 16, 2007, 04:07:31 AM
Sees the kunai comeing at her and opens up her fan and blows them back then smirks "Wind Sythe Jutsu!!!" she also throws in some of her kunai and shurikan into the wirlwind


Out of Character: Dante your supposed to be  in the third arena. Curently you are the only one in that arena exept...


Arisa Kinamoto walked into the third arena. On her way there she heard fighting in the other arenas. "I wonder if the others have started fighting. Hopefuly I'm not too late." she thought out loud.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 16, 2007, 01:13:37 PM
Is currently being targeted by all three opponents, "Excellent" Waits for someone to attack him.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 16, 2007, 07:24:17 PM
Kanjuro watched as Rei´s puppet morphed into a metal dome and deflected the senbon that it couldn´t deflect before. "That´s a nice trick, I give her that. But sooner or later she´ll have to come out of there, and when that happens, I will show her what I´m really made off. thought kanjuro before took the larger of the two scrolls out of his scroll holder and placed it on the ground. Opening the scroll Kanjuro performed a few handsigns and thought "With this puppet, there´s no way I could lose this fight." before he placed his hand on the seal in the middle of the scroll."Come, Tetsuoushi."

A second later Kanjuro was enveloped by a puff of smoke. As the smoke cleared he gazed upon a large, heavily armored puppet well over two meters in height with heavy looking black samurai- like metal armor covering it´s entire body and a horned helmet on it´s head and a large spear in hand. Kanjuro grinned as he cut off the chakra strings on his right hand that were connected to Yojimbo just a moment ago and connected the chakra strings to Tetsuoushi, which straighened itself and turned towards the metal dome created by Rei´s Kugutsu Hei no jutsu. Moving the fingers on his right hand as if he would play piano Kanjuro caused Tetsuoushi to slowly walk towards the metal dome, where it came to a stop and lifted it´s spear as if it wanted to pierce it. "Man I wanna see her face when she gets out of there." thought Kanjuro with a wide grin on his face.

Meanwhile Seiryu was waiting for a good moment to attack Sushigewd as he circled around him. "What´s with the confidence of this guy ? He just stands there and waits for us to make a move. Oh well, if he insists... thought Seiryu before he sprinted towards his opponent until he was directly in front of him and sent him flying with a kick to the chin. Jumping after his opponent Seiryu extended his chakra claws and performed several clawswipes and kicks before he kicked his opponent towards the ground and shouted "Take that! Shurako- ryu, Hiiryu- rendan!!!" before he came down on the kaguya clan member, hitting him with a powerful kick in the stomach just as he hit the ground. Bet you didn´t see that one coming."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 16, 2007, 07:36:37 PM
Two small holes opened in the dome and a chakra string shot out through one and connected to her fallen puppet Zetsumei. She move the chakra string around and Zetsumei quickly slid across the ground and stopped in front of Kanjuro. She pulled the chakra string as a rip chord and many holes opened. A second later poisonous paralyzing gas enveloped the surrounding area by a good fifty yards. When the gas had reached the dome she was in the holes closed. "Bet he didn't see that coming.. She thought to herself.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Dante on June 16, 2007, 09:27:55 PM
Off rol (or Out of character): yes maria... i know i dont belong to the 1st arena, but im not fighting... im just watching....  thats why i didnt attack anyone..... arisa kinamoto is going to the 3rd arena, but in the 3rd arena is only  the captain of the "Rum Lord"( i dont know his name) and me, and theres have to be at least 4 ppl, but im kinda geting bored so lets c what happens..... well...

Sushi pointed at me, and quickly 1 girl quickly make a jutsu and the other guy start attacking sushi, and this 1 was much better good fighters powerfull jutsus, but, from nothing the same guy with black leather coat appears besides me, and tell me... Dante-san you cant be on this arena, and there someone new at yours can you come with me please...More ppl?? mmmm.....  OK, i follow you....  then they walked to the 3rd arena. Damm, that fight  was cool   -thinks-
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 16, 2007, 10:28:59 PM
Kanjuro´s eyes widened for a moment when he noticed the poison gas coming out of holes all across Zetsumei. Quickly leaning backward he took a deep breath of the still uncontaminated air before he kicked Zetsumei away before he sat down, his mouth shut tight and his left hand covering his nose. "Thank god I´m good at holding my breath." thought Kanjuro as he stared over to the metal dome She´s good. I guess I can consider myself lucky to get to fight such a skilled puppeteer... The gas is already starting to evaporate. just a few more seconds and it should be completely neutralized."

Kanjuro continued to stare over to the metal dome while he waited for the gas to be completely neutralized. When he felt that he had waited long enough, he slowly stood up and pulled one of the chakra strings on his right hand, causing Tetsuoushi to repeaditly whack the metal dome with the pointy side of it´s spear. Slowly but surely the side of the dome attacked by Tetsuoushi was deformed by the impacts of the huge puppet´s heavy spear. "I will tear down this barrier no matter how long it takes. Sooner or later she has to get out of there."
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 17, 2007, 01:43:08 AM
Rei heard the dome protecting her start to cave in due to the attacks from the heavy spear and with the chakra strings still attached the dome reformed back into a the puppet it once was. Rei and Ikioi both jumped back. She looked at the damage on Ikioi's chest. "Not too too bad," She said quietly to herself. She then quickly whipped the chakra strings around and Ikioi darted at Tetsuoushi then Ikioi rammed the blades on her hands into the arm joints of Tetsuoushi to sever the joints.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 17, 2007, 02:29:23 PM
gets up off the ground...... "So much God-Modding its not even funny......." returns to his fighting stance and doesnt appear to be effected by the attack, but he recieved to large swipes down his face that are now bleeding rather badly. Alright, I need to take this a little more seriously he thinks as he prepares for another attack.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: protofusion on June 17, 2007, 03:15:00 PM
ooc: godmodding who where?

hmmm he said it seems the only way we can defeat the kaguya clan member is by inflicting enough serious wounds that will draw blood so i should take the intiative  

throws a mass barrage of kuni and shirukin at sushi
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 17, 2007, 04:04:09 PM
OOC: that wasn´t god- modding. Your chara let his guard down and got what he deserved, that´s all.

Kanjuro sighed as Ikioi attempted to severe Tetsuoushi´s arm joints. "You as a fellow puppeteer should now that severed puppet limbs can easily be reattatched. Let me show you..." said Kanjuro before he pulled the two chakra strings leading to Tetsuoushi´s arms, causing them to detatch themselves from the puppet´s body. The he pulled on the other chakra strings attatched to Tetsuoushi, making it jump back before he once again manipulated the two chakra strings connected to it´s arms so that they slid across the ground and reattatched themselves to Tetsuoushi´s body. "Well, I really enjoyed our fight, but everything has to come to an end. I suppose you would prefer to go down with a big bang rather than a whimper, right ?"  said Kanjuro and added "You probably know that all but the most skilled puppeteers have trouble  completely controlling two or more puppets at the same time without an extra set of hands, right ? But if the puppets were to move like one..."

Kanjuro pulled the chakra thread that led to Tetsuoushi´s body like a ripcord, causing two holes to open in the torso of the puppet before he started to manipulate the chakra strings that extended from his left hands towards Yojimbo, which responed by sheathing it´s swords and gliding over to Tetsuoushi, where it climbed onto the right shoulder of the larger puppet and placed the hands of it´s lower two arms in the holes in Tetsuoushi´s torso. As it did so, Yojimbo´s upper arms split open and it´s mouth opened, revealing the senbon launchers hidden in both arms and the flamethrower in it´s mouth. "The preparations are complete. I´m ready for the final act of this battle."  said Kanjuro with a grin.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 17, 2007, 04:22:17 PM
Rei swallowed hard. "Is this the end.." she thought to herself. "No. I still have one move left." She whipped the chakra strings attached to Ikioi and the puppet flew into the combined puppets. Rei then made handsings, Kugutsu Kibaku no Jutsu. the blue chakra strings attached to Ikioi began to turn read and a high pitched squeal was heard from Ikioi as she became white.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Seiryu on June 17, 2007, 04:58:10 PM
Kanjuro knew he had only seconds to react when Rei used the jutsu that would cause her puppet to self destruct. "Even Tetsuoushi won´t get out of there unharmed if he get´s caught in the explosion." thought Kanjuro before he pulled the chakra string connected to the puppet´s right arm. Tetsuoushi responded by reaching forward and catching Ikioi out of the air and throwing it into the air before Kanjuro manipulated the chakra strings connected to both arms of Tetsuoushi, which used the blunt end of it´s spear to bat Ikioi away. The puppet exploded just far enough away to allow Tetsuoushi and Yojimbo to remain unharmed. Whipping the chakra strings attatched to Tetsuoushi Kanjuro caused his puppet to jump forward. it came to a stop directly before Rei with it´s spear pointing at her face.

"You fought well. I applaud you for that. If you want, I´ll help you reassemble your puppets once this round is over. I have no doubt that you´ll become a great Ninja puppeteer. The only thing I´d have to critizise is that you sacrifized your last puppet without even thinking of a different strategy first. If you would´ve thought it through, you might´ve come up with a strategy that would´ve allowed you to win. But other than that, you did very well.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: ReiseiKosame on June 17, 2007, 05:36:39 PM
She gave a light chuckle at her defeat, "I was never a good strategist anyways but Ikioi, I'll have to rebuild totally and Zetsumei can be patched up in a day but thanks though. Rei picked up Zetsumei and a few key pieces to Ikioi then left the arena losing to a great puppeteer.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 17, 2007, 07:13:34 PM
Maria looks onward and sees that not a single one of them is hurt 'Not even a scratch, these guys are on a whole differnt level than me, mabye even Thatjutsu couldn't hurt them, but I have to win this for Him' she starts to do complicated handsigns.

Arisa looked and saw a boy with a man in a leather coat. 'Who are they?' she thought as she sat in a tree. "Hey, who are you guys? she asked
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 17, 2007, 07:37:00 PM
OCC: He shouldnt be able to hit me automatically like that, especially that many times.


moves to the side and pulls out his bone sword slicing at the kunai and shuriken with intense speed, then a shuriken gets him in the shoulder knocking him to the ground momentarily. He pulls the shuriken out of his shoulder and throws it into a nearby tree. He then takes his sword and makes a dash towards Proto swiping with his sword over and over again trying to draw blood.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Dante on June 17, 2007, 09:42:46 PM
while we were walking to the 3rd arena, sudenly i heard a female voice over a tree "Hey, who are you guys? (arisa) she asked.

I looked her, and answered, My name is Dante Hanzo, a girl like her wouldnt know who is my sensei nor my clan so i wont bother explaining her -thinks-
And my friend is the security guard   :D with a big smile in his face.

Ohh, Arisa-chan please come with me to the 3rd arena, there is where you will fight.

So, she is participating on the tournament, mmm i wonder what skill could she have. -thinks-
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Maria on June 19, 2007, 01:37:34 AM
"Nice to meet you, but did you know my name? I never said who I was." she said in a confused voice. 'Mabye he's psycic or something. Personaly I hope he is.'.

OOC: Isn't Shikki in the second arena? where did he go?

Maria finaly finished up her hand signs and made another fan apper out of the sky. "As much as I hate to do this but you leave me no choice but to use my ultimate justu"'Aside from that justu.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: protofusion on June 19, 2007, 02:45:32 AM
as he jumps back away from sushi he makes a sword of water out of his own chakara and goes into a defensive stance
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Shikki on June 19, 2007, 02:46:49 AM
*hides in the shadows waiting for his chance* >_>;
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: sushigewd2.0 on June 19, 2007, 03:05:09 AM
*runs over to proto and* kicks out his right foot to trip up proto then spins around and slices at the back of proto's neck.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: protofusion on June 19, 2007, 11:44:26 PM
OOC: thank you

flips up off the ground and stabs at sushi in the stomach area
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Dante on June 20, 2007, 01:48:03 AM
"Nice to meet you, but did you know my name? I never said who I was." she said in a confused voice. 'Mabye he's psycic or something. Personaly I hope he is.'.

OOC: Isn't Shikki in the second arena? where did he go?

Maria finaly finished up her hand signs and made another fan apper out of the sky. "As much as I hate to do this but you leave me no choice but to use my ultimate justu"'Aside from thatjustu.

"Nice to meet you, but did you know my name? I never said who I was."

If i tell you i will have to kill you, this gentleman here is Dante Hanzo of the Hanzo clan, please Both come with me to the 3rd arena, there is where you to will fight.

What?! i have to fight her?, i guess this guy is not only a security guard, can he really know whos my clan?-thinks-
Well, i guess i dont have another choice, so, im really kinda bored so, lets go there faster.
So, we have another fighter in the tournament? i guess the third group is completed.

they walked to the next fighter, and  3 mins later, they can see a very young kid with short hair, dressed with a riped shirt and dirty pants.

Thats right Kiba, good kid, a dark voice that can only be heard inside his head, here we can get a lot of fun, no please i dont want to, Yes you want this, you desire this, you begged me for this, wait, we have company.

Here is the 3rd fighter.  Look Kiba, look that girl, can you imagine the sounds of her bones been broken by your fist, can you hear her screaming, while you rip her skin off, NO!!! stop!! please i dont want hear that!!! stop!!....  the kid grabs his head and lies on the floor, please stop!!  then he stops sreaming.
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Jakuya on June 24, 2007, 10:17:58 PM
* runs in yelling* OH NO! IM LATE! *she runs past the waiting contestans and the contestans already done* Im here! sign me up! *starts to wach the battle*
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Jakuya on June 24, 2007, 10:21:57 PM
Jakuya stares strange on the guy holding his head, talking to himself, she hopes she will not end up fighting him..

the battle promotor aproaches her, telling her that she must be on a four man team, she stares back yelling "WHAT" she looks down and sits down to watch the tournament
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Jakuya on July 06, 2007, 08:27:21 PM

*sorry for the bad languge, and for beeing non rpg*
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Ulrich on July 10, 2007, 06:37:50 AM
What is the point of sparring here? Do it in the fighting zones on SL! Man! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Title: Re: Shinobi tournament RP
Post by: Sasukesharingan on July 24, 2007, 04:34:55 AM
*shots ulruch* just shut up!