Shinobi Legends Forum

Game Development => Feature Requests => Topic started by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 04:39:31 PM

Title: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 04:39:31 PM
Ok to prevent spoilers I will not give anything away here. As we all know Kakashi got his Sharingan by surgery. Well....I was thinking we all know that doctors office in the special place right? I mean does anyone really use it? Truthfully? Well why not turn it into a center for Kekkei Genkai Transfers you could have DNA transplants to get the Hyouton Bloodline/Kimimaro's Bloodline/Aburame Bloodline. Then you could have eye surgery's for the Sharingan/Byakugan. This would of course only be a higher ranking player option since its in the special place. It would cost 100,000 gold and 500 gems to get one or maybe different prices since some kekkei genkais are more desireable than others. I like this idea alot and i dont think anyone has suggested it, but if you dont like it (Gyururu :D) then please shoot it down nicely. Of course surgery is permanent as well so you wouldnt have to worry about being born without your kekkei genkai!
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 29, 2007, 04:55:14 PM
I like this idea...but you know that everyone will have Kekkai Genkai then. Just like Kyuubi.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 04:57:49 PM
Yea thats the only thing I thought about it that I didn't like maybe you could only do it at a certain rank....If you tried at Sannin it might say "IM sorry sir but your body will not be able to handle the effects of this operation. maybe only master hokage and up? I dont know... :roll:
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 29, 2007, 04:59:49 PM
Still, most people would be able to get it. Raise the price?
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: SleepyHead on September 29, 2007, 05:00:30 PM
i like the sound of that and it might be a good idea for only hokage and above or something :roll: or maybe even make it an event to get a token or something like that xD
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 29, 2007, 05:01:07 PM
Sorry for double post but I think this should be moved to the "Feature Requests"
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 05:03:20 PM
Perhaps raising the price to 850 gems and 350,000 gold? i dont know but itd definitely have to be more than kyuubi! Hmmm a token might work...except any player who got one could get the transfer...I dont know how to move topics Taumaster :?: lol
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 29, 2007, 05:04:58 PM
That's a lot better price. Token...nah....but maybe you have to be level 15 too or have a certain amount of experience.

No mods to move this either
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: SleepyHead on September 29, 2007, 05:05:41 PM
that could work as well ;) lol
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 29, 2007, 05:07:56 PM
It would prevent any old grand hokage from getting it. Kekkai genkai are supposed to be special...possibly there's a limited number of each one? (Ex. Only 5 sharingans available)
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 05:09:09 PM
True Taumaster cause everyone would get Sharingan or Byakugan Perhaps it could be like the stables only sharingan/byakugan would appear once every blue moon! :D
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: SleepyHead on September 29, 2007, 05:10:50 PM
i think it would work better like in the stables  :-? but with added requirements other than amount of oro kills etc (not sure what though xD)
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Uchihabeast on September 29, 2007, 05:12:02 PM
I think its good, BUT!

Alot higher price, and put it as Grand hokage and up
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Gaara_Sand_burial on September 29, 2007, 05:13:33 PM
I don't like it to say the truth .-.;
But maybe that's cause I'll never get the gems for it. <<
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 05:14:49 PM
Heres what I had in mind (SOrta like Sleepy said)
You walk into the office and Mr. ______ greets you! Hello sir Im offering Kekkei Genkai Transfers
Then you get a list of whats available that day...perhaps
DNA Transplant/Aburame
DNA Transplant/Hyouton and thats it...
and then if you get lucky sharingan may pop up one day or even byakugan!
Just another thought
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: SleepyHead on September 29, 2007, 05:17:34 PM
thats what i was thinking about  :)
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 05:20:43 PM
But as i said before Sharingan and Byakugan would cost way more than say aburame simply because their more desireable but none of them would be cheap.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: SleepyHead on September 29, 2007, 05:22:39 PM
but would the trade in part work :?: >> << >>
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Gaara_Sand_burial on September 29, 2007, 05:22:58 PM
How does the aburame clan have a bloodline? As far as i know the bugs aren't one... .-.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Uchihabeast on September 29, 2007, 05:23:31 PM
How does the aburame clan have a bloodline? As far as i know the bugs aren't one... .-.

but So you learn that Bloodline! >_<;
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: SleepyHead on September 29, 2007, 05:24:23 PM
i thinks it's a contract >> xD
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 05:24:39 PM
aburame is a bloodline ability as i recall...and no the trading in wouldnt work its a permanent surgery i mean a doctor cant take out DNA or your eyeballs ^^
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Gaara_Sand_burial on September 29, 2007, 05:26:37 PM
aburame is a bloodline ability as i recall...and no the trading in wouldnt work its a permanent surgery i mean a doctor cant take out DNA or your eyeballs ^^
It's just bug taming .-. Not a bloodline.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: kboogi on September 29, 2007, 05:27:17 PM
Well, the problem with the surgery means you are just getting "implants" and will not be able to harness the full power of the kekkei genkai. Kakakshi & Yamanto are perfect examples as how they are limited because they are not of "pure blood"...Good idea though, I guess this could be implemented for the "lesser" ones without having to restart your account all the way that means we must decide which kekkei genkai are greater than the other...
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 05:29:42 PM
Well Kakashi still has pretty good control over his Sharingan but i see your point. Hmm I have no idea how you could use the full power of an implanted bloodline.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Uchihabeast on September 29, 2007, 05:32:15 PM
Well Kakashi still has pretty good control over his Sharingan but i see your point. Hmm I have no idea how you could use the full power of an implanted bloodline.
Something like.. Kakashi cant have the real Mangekyou sharingan.. Itachi and sasuke Can.. (Well if sasuke Learnd it.)
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 05:33:27 PM
Yes Kakashi cant unlock the Mangekyou but as ive heard it may be arumor but Kakashi unlocks a new type of Sharingan....
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: kboogi on September 29, 2007, 05:37:54 PM
Kakakshi did unlock that crappy Mangekyou, it hasn't been explained exactly how yet...
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Uchihabeast on September 29, 2007, 05:41:58 PM
Kakakshi did unlock that crappy Mangekyou, it hasn't been explained exactly how yet...

Kakashi made his own Mangakyou Sharingan.. Not the REAL one. <<
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Gaara_Sand_burial on September 29, 2007, 05:42:31 PM
Kakakshi did unlock that crappy Mangekyou, it hasn't been explained exactly how yet...

Kakashi made his own Mangakyou Sharingan.. Not the REAL one. <<
No it's just a different version..It is the Mangekyou. >.>
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: SleepyHead on September 29, 2007, 05:42:39 PM
i take it you mean the one he uses on deidara >>
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Uchihabeast on September 29, 2007, 05:44:26 PM
Yes... Kakashi made his own.. Itachi has the real one.

Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Gaara_Sand_burial on September 29, 2007, 05:47:10 PM
Yes... Kakashi made his own.. Itachi has the real one.

There's no such thing as making your own .-.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: kboogi on September 29, 2007, 05:51:23 PM
Exactly, Itachi had a theory on how to get that level which doesn't proves to be true at the moment since it hasn't been revealed that Kakakshi killed his best friend...unless he killed Rin...
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 29, 2007, 05:57:34 PM
so is the like going to be put in?
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 05:57:52 PM
But how he did it is besides the point isnt it? I mean he unlocked the Mangekyou Sharingan and hes not pure blood which means it can be done...^^
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Gaara_Sand_burial on September 29, 2007, 06:04:40 PM
But how he did it is besides the point isnt it? I mean he unlocked the Mangekyou Sharingan and hes not pure blood which means it can be done...^^
But then, maybe he uses ALOT more energy or something : /
We need more info on his Mangekyou ><
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 06:06:57 PM
Agreed, i've only seen a short clip of him activating it and it seems hes concentrating rather hard. Perhaps when Neji looks at this topic he can shed some light on it if he knows anything about it.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 06:36:19 PM
OK officially here are all of the Kekkei Genkais:
-Byakugan/Hyuuga Clan (Eye Surgery) Cost: Gold 500,000 Gems 1,000
-Hyoton/Haku's CLan (DNA Transplant) Cost: Gold 450,000 Gems 650 Gems
-Kurama's Clan Kekkei Genkai/Kurama Clan/Every now and then a Kurama Clan member is born with extreme genjutsu skill and can even kill their victims using it. It can also inflict physical pain not just mental pain. (DNA Transplant) Cost:250,000 Gold 400 Gems
-Mokuton (yamato)/This is the Firsts Kekkei Genkai...Orochimaru wanted it for himself so he injected 600 test subjects with the firsts blood. Yamato was the only to survive but he can use the firsts abilities extinsively (DNA Transplant) Cost:250,000 Gold 500 Gems
-Ranmaru's Kekkei Genkai/Similar to the Byakugan one of the only things that can interfere with the Byakugan similar to zetsus spying technique (Eye Surgery)Cost: 200,000 GOld 400 Gems
-Sharingan/Mangekyou Sharingan/Kakashi's Sharingan/Uchiha Clan (Eye Surgery) Sidenote: You could only get the Sharingan Eye Surgery Mangekyou would have to be unlocked. Cost:500,000 Gold 1,000 Gems
-Shikotsumyaku/Kimimaros Kekkei Genkai (Bone Marrow Transplant/DNA Transplant) Cost:250,000 Gold 650 Gems
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 29, 2007, 07:02:42 PM
Not many of each would be available?
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 29, 2007, 07:12:30 PM
I was thinking like the mount systems itd be a random chance with some having more of a chance than appearing than example you come in on day 1 and say that the kurama dna transplant and the hyoton are available. Day 2 Only hyoton may be available. Day 3 Ranmaru,Kimimaro,and mokuton. Day 4 might be none. Day 5 you get super lucky and either ssharingan or byakugan is available! along with maybe kimimaros mokuton. You see a random chance of something appearing. And choose your surgery carefully cause it cant be undone!
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: ryushi on September 29, 2007, 09:52:39 PM
A few questions:
1. Can a person obtain more than one bloodline? If so is there a max? If not is there a way to get your current bloodline taken away?
2. Doesn't Neji already have plans for everything? I still like the idea, just wondering......

And if this is put in I think gems should be a little easier to obtain.

I like this much more than having to start all over again.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 30, 2007, 12:09:12 AM
No only one bloodline 2 or more would be god like and i dont think their should be a removal option but if it does the surgery would cost alot to take your kekkei genkai out. Yes I believe Neji had some plans for this but as i recall he was asking for ideas...I think gems should be just as hard to get because Sharingan shouldnt be 100 gems and 10,000 gold then everyone would have it a blodline shouldnt be something everyone has.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Abysss on September 30, 2007, 01:02:04 AM
I;m sure neji already has a plan of them, this way is too easy. Althoguh I do hope the Kekki Genkai will help in pvps...
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 30, 2007, 01:26:27 AM
Well if you think about Kyuubi is way to easy as well ^^
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Abysss on September 30, 2007, 02:11:12 AM
Well if you think about Kyuubi is way to easy as well ^^
Is it now? waiting for months for it to show up, needing a large amount of gems and gold to get it, I think thats pretty difficult :/
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Maria on September 30, 2007, 02:13:19 AM
Well if you think about Kyuubi is way to easy as well ^^
Is it now? waiting for months for it to show up, needing a large amount of gems and gold to get it, I think thats pretty difficult :/

Thats why I'm saving up my gems. And I saw pakkun in the mount store >>
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 30, 2007, 02:18:29 AM
You guys arent grasping my full idea the idea is the not as wanted kekkei genkais would be available more often then say the Sharingan which would be just as rare as kyuubi maybe even more rare....and plus 1000 Gems thats quite a bit more than kyuubi is...
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 30, 2007, 05:06:49 AM
Yes, make the sharigan appear once every...month..or less than that.
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: cmage on September 30, 2007, 06:17:52 AM
make Sharingan and Byakugan into a 5 % chance of success from the surgery after paying 100,000 gold and 850 gems  :twisted:
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Kyosuke on September 30, 2007, 06:43:01 AM
make Sharingan and Byakugan into a 5 % chance of success from the surgery after paying 100,000 gold and 850 gems  :twisted:

I was just about to ask about success rates. xD

Something like:

(Insert Surgery-Related Dialogue here)

All seems to be going well when snick!

"Uh-oh... I don't think that was supposed to be removed."

You can see a light in the distance of your vision. You feel your last breath escape your lips, and one by one each of your senses begin to fail. The Surgeon has performed a malpractice. You are dead.

You lose all gold on hand and 15% of your experience. Where's that lawyer of yours?
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Neji on September 30, 2007, 10:01:26 AM
Erm. I won't read 5 pages of it, so I simply tell you:

I am about 70% done with it, and NO you will not "simply get it by implants".

Full stop. =)

It should be a decision that works, for a high price. But a calculatable one =)
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: czarguy on September 30, 2007, 02:30:22 PM
it was just an idea i figured you already had one...
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Chaoskin on September 30, 2007, 02:33:10 PM
70% done, get the other 30% done and get it out there woot
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Disharmony on September 30, 2007, 05:12:49 PM
We should make Neji the walk of the destiny in the streets haha xD, that'd be funny, everyone on the sides cheering neji on with papers on his hand to reach his computer to program kekkai genkai in shinobi legends  :D
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Demon Bandit Taumaster on September 30, 2007, 05:23:03 PM
Yay kekkai genkai! Ugh, I've waited forever neji. Hurry up!
....Just kidding. Take your time, make these as best as possible. We believe in you  ;)
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: Kyosuke on September 30, 2007, 06:28:17 PM
Yay kekkai genkai! Ugh, I've waited forever neji. Hurry up!
....Just kidding. Take your time, make these as best as possible. We believe in you  ;)

Tau. That was like, the tackiest thing ever.  :)
Title: Re: Kekkei Genkai...I may have a solution!
Post by: kboogi on September 30, 2007, 06:52:01 PM
Lock up time...