Shinobi Legends Forum

Roleplay => Village Square => Topic started by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 17, 2013, 10:40:20 PM

Title: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 17, 2013, 10:40:20 PM
So maybe doing away with the claims list? The two ideas out right now are Kayenta's, who thinks if we are going to remove claims for summoning contracts like we are discussing then we should just blow them all up, and my idea for a limited jutsu list instead of a claimed list. I can't speak for Kay, but my idea is this.

Instead of having a list where people can just claim any non-elemental, non clan-affiliated jutsu, have a list of limited jutsu instead, that I guess would only be edited as a community. I'm just talking about the jutsu claims list I suppose, I don't think we should have multiple Samehadas or Kusanagi. Basically we would just be cutting off all the jutsu of the claims list but things that should be limited at risk of rp being even more ridiculous. So the claimed jutsu list would look something like this
#1 Darkshinobi
#2 Tsuyo
#3 Zojiin
Edo Tensei:
# 1 Kyu
# 2 Tsuyo
# 3 Trev
# 4 Rakudo
# 1 Bippity
# 2 Boppity
# 3 Boo
# 4

Plus whatever other jutsu we agree should go on it. If you noticed the empty number spots I put those there because I think whatever jutsu we put on this list should be limited like Edo Tensei is, not necessarily with a student-teacher rule but maybe just a certain amount of users. We all can agree that 50 people having Edo Tensei would be a detriment to rp so I think this list should be jutsu of similar power/usefulness that just should not be spammed. Questions? Opinions? Anything to add?
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Trev on August 17, 2013, 10:59:05 PM
I think this is an okay idea. I do think some things on the claimed list is a bit silly and people do get a little carries away with it. Plus I've always like the idea of most things being open to the public, with a few exceptions.

Though I question whether some people will want to drop their claims, and how as a community do we decide what is limited or not. I do agree with some limits, as I get asked on the daily to teach Edo Tensei, so if that wasn't claimed, I know almost everyone would have it.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 17, 2013, 11:11:55 PM
 :twisted: Let it begin!

Anyways, I am on Kay's siding with this. Limit OPness in RP and yada yada, this essentially means that you limit the number of users entirely to four, regardless of what actually goes down in RP.

Thing is, while it is all fair and dandy to limit this stuff, then who has it is limited to who already has it pretty much. What this really means is that a list of users has been put on a permanent cap on any technique deemed too OP to be released to just anyone in the SL community.

That sort of defeats the purpose of removing the claims list... Doesn't it? Replacing the claims list with another claims list doesn't seem to make much sense to me.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Keito Uzumaki on August 17, 2013, 11:21:12 PM
End to the claims list, yes. It has gotten quite ridiculous and a better more managed 'list' should be organized by the community on the forums possibly, so all may post their opinions and what not.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Luka on August 17, 2013, 11:49:21 PM
I was just thinking that as I was scrolling down, rather than limit, make things into a very simple, black and white format. Either a jutsu is available (potentially) to everyone, or no one gets it.

EMS I'd vote to ban because it's way overused. How many people actually have player character brothers that aren't alts who you then ripped their eyes out and took them for your own? A miniscule fraction, if any even have, of those that claim EMS.

Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Kage on August 17, 2013, 11:50:52 PM
I'm getting a little confused here. When we say an end to the claimed list, does that mean everything on it? Or does that only go for canon summons and techniques? I'm pretty sure that there are certain items that are pretty much one-of-a-kind, or are really hard to replicate. Although I do enjoy the thought of wielding six Sword of Totsukas and plastering myself with an armor made entirely out of duct-taped Yata Mirrors. You guys know I would totally do it too.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Luka on August 18, 2013, 12:03:46 AM
Those are objects, of course they need to be kept track of. This is, presumably, talking about canon jutsus. Obviously, if you create a jutsu, someone would have to come and learn it from you.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 12:32:30 AM
The claims list included both canon jutsu and many of the items. In hindsight, many people claiming items, they can just fight over who gets it or not... Let the zoning continue I say. If that doesn't decide it, then people void people anyway, so nothing new in that department either...

Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shinro on August 18, 2013, 12:56:47 AM
It's hilarious how you people think you're God, and get to decide the rp for other characters -- people that have nothing to do with your rules -- in this realm.

Let's get one thing straight: SL is not a rp website nor will it ever be until Oliver [Neji], himself, enforces rp and the rules for it, just like the staff in Akatokiyami do. Never will the whole populace of Sl accept your rules that only seems to hinder rp.

But if you insist with this delusion that order is established by creating rules and limitations, then, I suggest that you people enforce those rules to your community, not to everyone in SL. There are many who wish to express their feelings and creativity through other means of rp that may upset you guys, but that's no reason for them to be shunned or belittled about it. If someone wishes to rp as a demon or vampire, then so be it. As long as they're in their world, just like you're in yours, what harm can it do? Nothing. Nothing at all. And you wonder why SL has changed over the years?

I know some of us may deny it, but I bet many of you expressed your creativity by rping as a werewolf, demon, or vampire. In those times, people never shunned you, did they? Think back now, I remember how Raifudo used to consume "blood pills" because he was a vampire. And what harm did his rp do to others in sl? Nothing. He was accepted by many shinobi rpers, and he knows it. That's just one example. I could name others who rp'd as mythological creatures, but I think I made my point.

And this ridiculous notion that Bijuu challenges take priority over other rp that's taking place in a zone, is nonsense. If your bijuu challenge was placed on hold, and you take more than a week to resume, don't be surprised if your zone was taken over by another member of SL. You have no right to void their rp, for they are not part of your community that regulate or restrict rp.

In conclusion, your rules will never speak nor apply to everyone in SL. Village squares will never belong to you (that's what the clan halls are for). Public rp-zones will never be reserved for your silly bijuu challenges.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shinro on August 18, 2013, 12:58:28 AM
In a mad world, only the mad are sane.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 01:30:48 AM
It's hilarious how you people think you're God, and get to decide the rp for other characters -- people that have nothing to do with your rules -- in this realm.

Let's get one thing straight: SL is not a rp website nor will it ever be until Oliver [Neji], himself, enforces rp and the rules for it, just like the staff in Akatokiyami do. Never will the whole populace of Sl accept your rules that only seems to hinder rp.

But if you insist with this delusion that order is established by creating rules and limitations, then, I suggest that you people enforce those rules to your community, not to everyone in SL. There are many who wish to express their feelings and creativity through other means of rp that may upset you guys, but that's no reason for them to be shunned or belittled about it. If someone wishes to rp as a demon or vampire, then so be it. As long as they're in their world, just like you're in yours, what harm can it do? Nothing. Nothing at all. And you wonder why SL has changed over the years?

I know some of us may deny it, but I bet many of you expressed your creativity by rping as a werewolf, demon, or vampire. In those times, people never shunned you, did they? Think back now, I remember how Raifudo used to consume "blood pills" because he was a vampire. And what harm did his rp do to others in sl? Nothing. He was accepted by many shinobi rpers, and he knows it. That's just one example. I could name others who rp'd as mythological creatures, but I think I made my point.

And this ridiculous notion that Bijuu challenges take priority over other rp that's taking place in a zone, is nonsense. If your bijuu challenge was placed on hold, and you take more than a week to resume, don't be surprised if your zone was taken over by another members of SL. You have no right to void their rp, for they are not part of your community that regulate or restrict rp.

In conclusion, your rules will never speak nor apply to everyone in SL. Village squares will never belong to you (that's what the clan halls are for). Public rp-zones will never be reserved for your silly bijuu challenges.

I had a somewhat inflammatory response to that, but I thought it better to just summarize it on the grounds that people have a choice. They can let us 'dictate', ignore us, or click the report button if they feel stifled by our 'policies'. If we are being harassing, then do something about it and report us. If we're not being that harassing, then let it be.

It may not be a RP site by definition, but it's the choice of the players of what they tolerate amongst each other.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shinro on August 18, 2013, 01:37:09 AM
It's an understandable response. Hard truth tends to stir anger in many.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 01:44:29 AM
It's an understanding response. Hard truth tends to stir anger in many.

Maybe, but is that so wrong? It's not like we are keeping them from coming to the forums and having a say. It isn't like we are telling them that they can't come and voice their opinion, or send a representative. This is not Soviet Russia.  8)
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shinro on August 18, 2013, 01:56:28 AM
It's news to me that one requires to voice their opinions about rp in the forums. Is that how that works now?

Soviet Russia? Representative?

They're just members of Sl that wish to rp as they like. They have no representatives. And if they did, what good will that do? The community you partake in, Eric, constantly fight against each other, and can't seem to agree to their own rules halve of the time. They're like dogs that can't decide on what to chew next. Do you disagree? Also, I know my words may be harsh to some. I apologize if I offended anyone.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 02:06:47 AM
At least my community not only stands up for itself as a whole, and doesn't feel victimized by people constantly telling them what to do; without being able to do anything about it. We know that this is the internet, where, yah, if something bothers you, it's called the 'report' button, the 'ignore' function, or the forums.

you may have been misinformed, but there is a reason that there is a forum for this game. It's where you go to have discussions with other players. Like I said; if they have such an issue with it, there are options for what they (and we) can do to make it stop.

No need to apologize for speaking your mind.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Trev on August 18, 2013, 02:45:26 AM
I still can't concede to every jutsu being available to everyone, but who cares what I think. >>
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2013, 03:10:32 AM
I still can't concede to every jutsu being available to everyone, but who cares what I think. >>

Every jutsu can't be available to everyone, that'd be...weird. Look people claim jutsus either because they're greedy bastards or they think that if the common rp'ers had it. It would be used for 'evil'. If 200 people had zombies running around then...ya know. It just doesn't work that way.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Angra Mainyu on August 18, 2013, 04:25:39 AM
I still can't concede to every jutsu being available to everyone, but who cares what I think. >>

I'm with you on that note. The list can indisputably be shortened, though relinquishing it entirely can only produce more problems in the long run.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 04:47:17 AM
The thing is, the jutsu would not be available to just anyone. Those who already have it would still have it; and they are now free to teach it to whoever they want, and however many people they choose. People still have to get this stuff via RP (or OOC agreements at the least) if they want to be entirely legit.

It is not a free for all claiming spree. There are no limits on how many can learn the technique hard cap, but at the same time, the current users limit how many can actually use the technique, similar to how custom techniques have been treated.

If appeasement is necessary on the matter, then a list of jutsu that you cannot auto add to the arsenal without RP teaching and such. Will that at least appease any worries of hundreds of Edo zombies (when you still need to kill somebody IC in order to use it anyways...) rampaging through the realm?
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Kage on August 18, 2013, 04:56:11 AM
Well what specific jutsu needs to stay on this new Limited List? Edo Tensei for sure is what comes off the top of my head.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: UettoSenju on August 18, 2013, 05:15:33 AM
It's hilarious how you people think you're God, and get to decide the rp for other characters -- people that have nothing to do with your rules -- in this realm.

Let's get one thing straight: SL is not a rp website nor will it ever be until Oliver [Neji], himself, enforces rp and the rules for it, just like the staff in Akatokiyami do. Never will the whole populace of Sl accept your rules that only seems to hinder rp.

But if you insist with this delusion that order is established by creating rules and limitations, then, I suggest that you people enforce those rules to your community, not to everyone in SL. There are many who wish to express their feelings and creativity through other means of rp that may upset you guys, but that's no reason for them to be shunned or belittled about it. If someone wishes to rp as a demon or vampire, then so be it. As long as they're in their world, just like you're in yours, what harm can it do? Nothing. Nothing at all. And you wonder why SL has changed over the years?

I know some of us may deny it, but I bet many of you expressed your creativity by rping as a werewolf, demon, or vampire. In those times, people never shunned you, did they? Think back now, I remember how Raifudo used to consume "blood pills" because he was a vampire. And what harm did his rp do to others in sl? Nothing. He was accepted by many shinobi rpers, and he knows it. That's just one example. I could name others who rp'd as mythological creatures, but I think I made my point.

And this ridiculous notion that Bijuu challenges take priority over other rp that's taking place in a zone, is nonsense. If your bijuu challenge was placed on hold, and you take more than a week to resume, don't be surprised if your zone was taken over by another member of SL. You have no right to void their rp, for they are not part of your community that regulate or restrict rp.

In conclusion, your rules will never speak nor apply to everyone in SL. Village squares will never belong to you (that's what the clan halls are for). Public rp-zones will never be reserved for your silly bijuu challenges.

You are perfectly correct in everything you say. However just as those have the right to rp as they wish others have to right to rp as they wish also. IT should become known that if you do not wish to partake in what the rp community follows then of course you are free to rp as you wish... Everyone should be able to rp whatever they want where every they like so long as it does not break the site rules.

I understand that you are trying to point out that this should not be forced on those who do not follow the stricter rp at SL, but at the same time you have no right to say that the stricter rpers can not rp their way.

I honestly don't care about the claims list. Whether it stay or goes, is changed or not matters not to me. I will keep rping my way like I have always done.... Rp training in Konoha, traveling to meet friends, rp getting drunk and acting stupid, and things of the sort.... Because this is the right we all have.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 05:17:41 AM
Off the top of my head:

Impure Resurrection (Edo Tensei)

Flying Thunder God (Hiraishin)

Specific, unduplicatable items (Seven Ninja Swordsmen Swords, Yatara Mirror, Grass Cutter [Kusangi] blades, etc.)

Lightning Release Armour (Raiton no Yoroi)

Dead Soul Consuming Seal (Shikifuijin or whatever)

Body Recreation (The anime-only technique)

Corpse Reanimation or Manipulation (3-tails arc in the anime, Kabuto used it to control some dude)

Soul control techniques (like Dan's technique or even Oro's body sub technique)
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2013, 05:28:47 AM
Off the top of my head:

Impure Resurrection (Edo Tensei)

Flying Thunder God (Hiraishin)

Specific, unduplicatable items (Seven Ninja Swordsmen Swords, Yatara Mirror, Grass Cutter [Kusangi] blades, etc.)

Lightning Release Armour (Raiton no Yoroi)

Dead Soul Consuming Seal (Shikifuijin or whatever)

Body Recreation (The anime-only technique)

Corpse Reanimation or Manipulation (3-tails arc in the anime, Kabuto used it to control some dude)

Soul control techniques (like Dan's technique or even Oro's body sub technique)

'Unduplicatable' items are already under control. No one claims to have them. Seven Ninja Swords all are under Kiri's possession. No one disagrees with that. Kusanagi belongs to Tsuyo. No one disagrees with that. I don't think weapons need to be on a list due to people not arguing over who has what.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 05:34:35 AM
Fair enough.  8) I can agree with that.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 18, 2013, 06:36:10 AM
I said right in the first post that I was not talking about items, merely jutsu. Also, at no point did I or anyone else say, "Ok, let's go over the rules we are going to force upon everyone on SL." if people want to keep rping that they have their claimed jutsu they can, they don't have to follow our rules, just like how people can claim to be fantasy creatures when others don't like it. It seems incredibly presumptuous to make a multi-paragraph rant about how we are trying to control people when that was never the objective.

As for Eric's list I agree with Edo Tensei, Hiraishin and Body Recreation. I do not agree with Dead Soul Consuming Seal, that's a suicide technique that not even Edo Tensei can abuse, I say if you want to take your opponent out with you then do it. I also actually don't agree with Raiton no Yoroi because how do we limit that? Dozens of people claim it, who loses it and who keeps it? I don't think there is a fair way to decide that. I don't know what he means by corpse control, and would like to see that jutsu page.

By Oro's body substitution I assume you mean this?
It's kind of hard to limit things that aren't already claimed I am now realizing. I can't think of a fair way to say who would get to use it and who doesn't, unless we just want to say no one new can learn those jutsu without being taught by a current holder, but then for Raiton no Yoroi there would just be a list of like 75 people on it.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2013, 06:39:31 AM
By Oro's body substitution I assume you mean this?

From what I know only Bocc and I have claimed to know that technique.

Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 18, 2013, 06:40:49 AM
By Oro's body substitution I assume you mean this?

From what I know only Bocc and I have claimed to know that technique.

From what you know being the operative part of that sentence. What will you do if 15 more people say they have that jutus and just never used it?
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2013, 06:43:35 AM
By Oro's body substitution I assume you mean this?

From what I know only Bocc and I have claimed to know that technique.

From what you know being the operative part of that sentence. What will you do if 15 more people say they have that jutus and just never used it?

Allow it? I never 'claimed' it. If others have it good for them?
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 18, 2013, 06:47:32 AM
All I'm saying is techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users for if we intended to limit it.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2013, 06:49:29 AM
All I'm saying is techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users for if we intended to limit it.

Then I'll claim it since I already use it and I'm currently the only known user since Bocc is dead.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 18, 2013, 06:50:33 AM
All I'm saying is techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users for if we intended to limit it.

Then I'll claim it since I already use it and I'm currently the only known user since Bocc is dead.

He's an Edo Tensei zombie, so he'd still have it, but again, as soon as it is known you've claimed it anyone can say "Oh I've had it to." I mean go ahead, it couldn't hurt.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2013, 06:53:40 AM
All I'm saying is techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users for if we intended to limit it.

Then I'll claim it since I already use it and I'm currently the only known user since Bocc is dead.

He's an Edo Tensei zombie, so he'd still have it, but again, as soon as it is known you've claimed it anyone can say "Oh I've had it to." I mean go ahead, it couldn't hurt.

So what do we do here?

Like you've said; techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users.

Once a person claims it and then 50 other people claim it do we have them fight over it. The last one standing being the official 'holder' of said jutsu? That's really how claims are made, no?
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 18, 2013, 06:54:33 AM
All I'm saying is techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users for if we intended to limit it.

Then I'll claim it since I already use it and I'm currently the only known user since Bocc is dead.

He's an Edo Tensei zombie, so he'd still have it, but again, as soon as it is known you've claimed it anyone can say "Oh I've had it to." I mean go ahead, it couldn't hurt.

So what do we do here?

Like you've said; techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users.

Once a person claims it and then 50 other people claim it do we have them fight over it. The last one standing being the official 'holder' of said jutsu? That's really how claims are made, no?

We should just have one big battle royal with everyone on SL in it and the winner gets all the jutsu.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2013, 06:55:15 AM
All I'm saying is techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users for if we intended to limit it.

Then I'll claim it since I already use it and I'm currently the only known user since Bocc is dead.

He's an Edo Tensei zombie, so he'd still have it, but again, as soon as it is known you've claimed it anyone can say "Oh I've had it to." I mean go ahead, it couldn't hurt.

So what do we do here?

Like you've said; techniques that aren't already claimed would be much harder to make an official list of users.

Once a person claims it and then 50 other people claim it do we have them fight over it. The last one standing being the official 'holder' of said jutsu? That's really how claims are made, no?

We should just have one big battle royal with everyone on SL in it and the winner gets all the jutsu.

I'm down for that.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 04:57:28 PM
It it true that these rules apply to only a small group of Rpers and that the rest of SL basically will continue doing as they always have, being the majority of the rest of the site.

Just remember not to be badgering those who do not follow your rules when you run across them because they are everywhere. And a few of them have not been silenced by this loud sect proselytizing at the top of their lungs their particular agenda.

I think also that if Shinro. or anyone, wants to come on here and voice his opinions, a right everyone readily claims that ALL members of SL have, that when he does and you find that voice doesn't fall into step with the collective you should just say, go figure.

We discuss controversial topics here and know you are not preaching to the choir. The voice of dissidence is going to rise again and again. But to slam someone when they take on that role while claiming that the people of SL are FREE to come here and comment anytime they wish...well these are contradictory themes in misalignment.

Were these discussion more  amicable and less contentious bouts that de-evolve into character assassinations, then I would venture to say more of the members of SL would indeed come to comment. As it is, most people find it about as productive as self mutilation.

Sometimes topics divulge into such thing. Heck, many of the most recent ones have. But at the same time, there has been progress made in some I would argue. As you said, the voice of dissidence will keep on rising, and that gives hope that if all divulges into madness, at least it was not in vain.

Slam? Alright, I guess I should always post with someone's best feelings at heart, and hold back what I actually want to say. I mean, it didn't divulge into cursing, hate mail, and poking fun. It may have seemed that way since, you know, more people object to the 'controlling' statement than agree entirely with it.

Whether we like it or not, that's an attack on our character just as much as our own little arguments. Making us out as some big bad trolls out to rule SL when all we demand from the community is that if they RP with us, they follow our rules, and vice versa, we follow their rules if/when we RP with them (since, ya know, we're the minority so we have to RP with some of the majority at some point).

The few who have not been silenced continue to make their statements in their own ways. Literally, whatever works. If anyone, even me, expects to come to a forum where the people will just say 'okay, no response to that', then I can see how we seem to be the loud ones.

More on topic:

I said right in the first post that I was not talking about items, merely jutsu. Also, at no point did I or anyone else say, "Ok, let's go over the rules we are going to force upon everyone on SL." if people want to keep rping that they have their claimed jutsu they can, they don't have to follow our rules, just like how people can claim to be fantasy creatures when others don't like it. It seems incredibly presumptuous to make a multi-paragraph rant about how we are trying to control people when that was never the objective.

As for Eric's list I agree with Edo Tensei, Hiraishin and Body Recreation. I do not agree with Dead Soul Consuming Seal, that's a suicide technique that not even Edo Tensei can abuse, I say if you want to take your opponent out with you then do it. I also actually don't agree with Raiton no Yoroi because how do we limit that? Dozens of people claim it, who loses it and who keeps it? I don't think there is a fair way to decide that. I don't know what he means by corpse control, and would like to see that jutsu page.

By Oro's body substitution I assume you mean this?
It's kind of hard to limit things that aren't already claimed I am now realizing. I can't think of a fair way to say who would get to use it and who doesn't, unless we just want to say no one new can learn those jutsu without being taught by a current holder, but then for Raiton no Yoroi there would just be a list of like 75 people on it.

You make a fine point. I did add some techniques up there, namely lightning armour, that would be impossible to limit or regulate; so I'll just scratch that off my book. I meant Oro's eternal life technique thing:

And as for the body control thing:

I guess it would be easier to just use the already claims list techniques as a sort of reference. The thread that evolved concerning 'banned techniques' seems a little offly named for what we're working with here right? We're not banning the techniques, just limiting them.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 18, 2013, 06:21:25 PM
I'd agree at limiting Living Corpse Reincarnation, not Dead Soul Jutsu though, all that does is let you manipulate a dead body, essentially. Shadow does actually want to ban jutsu, that's a different discussion entirely.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Shadow on August 18, 2013, 08:46:07 PM
I'd agree at limiting Living Corpse Reincarnation, not Dead Soul Jutsu though, all that does is let you manipulate a dead body, essentially. Shadow does actually want to ban jutsu, that's a different discussion entirely.

Another option I brought up, yes. Do I want to? No. It just seems like no side will budge. We could however have the people who 'claim' these techs to sit down and make rules that we all agree upon? They did do it with Edo, I guess it worked?

So with a tech like the Raiton Armour thingy.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 18, 2013, 10:17:15 PM
I'd agree at limiting Living Corpse Reincarnation, not Dead Soul Jutsu though, all that does is let you manipulate a dead body, essentially. Shadow does actually want to ban jutsu, that's a different discussion entirely.

Another option I brought up, yes. Do I want to? No. It just seems like no side will budge. We could however have the people who 'claim' these techs to sit down and make rules that we all agree upon? They did do it with Edo, I guess it worked?

So with a tech like the Raiton Armour thingy.

Do we really want people manipulating corpses shortly after their death? Sounds like a fine way to cooperate with an Edo Tensei user.  ;)

Anyways, there are plenty of people that use ration no yoroi, it'd be a pain dragging them to the forums or a private dwelling. :P
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Kage on August 18, 2013, 10:18:16 PM
Well Lightning Release Armour is claimed by whoever now in days, and is spammed by mere Genin and Chuunin. The only thing three things that could beat it in terms of speed are Hirashin, Tailed Beast Chakra Mode and a Senjutsu chakra-powered Lightning Release Armour. But what most people forget, is the amount of chakra it can eat quickly. A is known for having chakra reserves comparable to that of a Tailed Beast, and has trained with it to the point of regularly using it with his Nintaijutsu. So overall, someone has to undergo lots and lots and lots and lots of physical training in order to use it to the point of actually being at A's level. Heck, he's taken on the Eight Tails multiple times and brought it down with his elbow alone.

tl;dr Call someone out on the amount of chakra it eats if it's used for quite a bit.

But in other news, Orochimaru's body replacement technique seems like another snake-like technique. He's a Sannin and somewhat a Sage after all, so he must have learned some Snake techniques as compared to Jiraiya learning some Toad techniques. And let's not forget that it's been stated that it also takes up a lot of chakra to use.

tl;dr Call someone out on the amount of chakra it eats if it's used for quite a bit.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 19, 2013, 06:06:03 AM
I'd agree at limiting Living Corpse Reincarnation, not Dead Soul Jutsu though, all that does is let you manipulate a dead body, essentially. Shadow does actually want to ban jutsu, that's a different discussion entirely.

Another option I brought up, yes. Do I want to? No. It just seems like no side will budge. We could however have the people who 'claim' these techs to sit down and make rules that we all agree upon? They did do it with Edo, I guess it worked?

So with a tech like the Raiton Armour thingy.

Do we really want people manipulating corpses shortly after their death? Sounds like a fine way to cooperate with an Edo Tensei user.  ;)

Anyways, there are plenty of people that use ration no yoroi, it'd be a pain dragging them to the forums or a private dwelling. :P

But the bodies can't do anything but move.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 19, 2013, 07:20:17 AM
The wiki itself points out that the bodies can use techniques.

And Living Corpse Reincarnation is very different from Oro's special brand of replacement techniques. Seeing as Sasuke could use the replacement technique after absorbing Oro, but knows hardly anything about natural energy and very little about senjutsu, I doubt it's a snake sage technique.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 19, 2013, 07:23:43 AM
The wiki itself points out that the bodies can use techniques.

Well there we go, don't let them use jutsu, problem solved.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 19, 2013, 06:05:45 PM
The wiki itself points out that the bodies can use techniques.

Well there we go, don't let them use jutsu, problem solved.

Sometimes the easiest solution may very well be the best. I suppose that's the quick way of nipping that on a grand scale.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Genesis on August 20, 2013, 07:08:04 AM
Even though Shinro said it in a condescending manner, I'll hate to admit it, he's kinda right.

I've been on SL for a year and a half...I joined this place in March of 2012 and had no idea how to rp, hell, I was lucky to even end up with a sentence that sounded grammatically correct. Over the course of a single year I (hopefully...I think) got better. I'm no kage or amazing fighter, but I can fend for myself.

As I grew from newbie to novice, I learned that a person in SL is NOTHING with something on that claims list. Looking at that list, I saw amazing rp'rs claiming something that could change the course of a battle; whether it be hirashin or the revered dragons...although I wonder how they inhabited the world of SL to this very day. ;)

There's a point to my little auto-bio, I assure you, just bear with me here.

At some point in the past few months I came to the realization that there was a glass ceiling, that there was a limit. In order to make it big here, one has to be, lack for a better word, a claiming whore to have the SLIGHTEST chance against the best around here. And I won't bring kg into this little rant because I want to stay relevant.

Agreeing with what Pete said before, we need mods and rules and frkn limitations.

Sure, we 'make' rules in this very forum, but then what? Who enforces them? And I'm pretty sure this new ruling would eventually be buried under countless new threads and what not.

Tl;dr - Took a noob a year to realize SL was broken.

Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 20, 2013, 07:16:14 AM
Which is why we are trying to remove the claims of most things? You just explained why this topic was made.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Genesis on August 20, 2013, 07:28:41 AM
I also called for more legit moderating...I personally don't think everyone should have the ability to summon meteors on their enemies. That's just me of course. ^^
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: sploofmoof on August 20, 2013, 10:55:48 AM
I also called for more legit moderating...I personally don't think everyone should have the ability to summon meteors on their enemies. That's just me of course. ^^

There are a few arguments people have against being moderated in their RP though. (And let's remember these are not my opinions but what I have read about here and on SL itself)

Some people do not believe that this rule making process here on the forums is open enough and that it winds up becoming a simple handful of people who wind up creating new rules for many on SL who have no idea a new rule was made.

Some people just want a more free-form RP style free from people telling them what they're doing is wrong, no matter what the rules are.  They just don't want anyone to have the opportunity to tell them "you're doing this wrong, gtfo." (although granted that can still happen without official rules based on what people find acceptable)

And then there are the other half of people who DO want regulation, set rules, and people to hold others to those values and whatnot.  And they typically say 'let those who don't want to follow our rules just go RP with themselves, we're not stopping them.' 

And the other half goes 'but you're limiting our RP options by changing how villages and everything works.'

Etc, etc.  It goes on and on forever and ever as I've noticed.  And to tell you the truth, neither of them are 'correct' in wanting their version of SL to be dominant.  SL was not intended to be an RP site, there are no official SL rules to RP by and even us GM's are simply here to help start new RP's, not to regulate or uphold any rules in place.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 20, 2013, 04:07:44 PM
...SL was not intended to be an RP site, there are no official SL rules to RP by and even us GM's are simply here to help start new RP's, not to regulate or uphold any rules in place.

If I may make a joke here, is this suggesting that the GM's are not doing their jobs anyways?  ;)

But jokes aside, removing the claims list was supposed to allow more free borne claiming; it is not going to remove the glass ceiling. If anything, it'll raise it to where we have far more people claiming (or creating) more.

Not a terrible thing, but if your goal was to stop everyone from claiming a bunch of stuff, then this thread is heading in the wrong direction. I thought we were removing the list to make it easier for people to get stuff.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 20, 2013, 07:34:13 PM
The point of the thread is not to make people more OP, if I saw some claim everything that was on the claims list after it got removed I would punt them into the sun. We all have common sense when it comes to extremes like that, it's why there did not need to be a rule saying that you can't have Rinnegan and Sage Mode.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 20, 2013, 08:21:42 PM
Because the resets don't work like that. I'm willing to bet someone would have claimed both sage mode and rinnegan were they given the chance.

And one person claiming everything is ludicrious anyways. Zenaku would be the only one who could defend all that stuff from challengers. xD

I would say most of us have the courtesy to not go to extremes like that.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Luka on August 20, 2013, 09:31:30 PM
Soul removal on a Child of Prophecy, what now!? >:3

Actually contributing to the topic, well... Kyu is right. As far as the rules of Shinobi Legends goes, there is not space for having RP moderated except for content that breaks site rules.

Even things that all of us know are not kosher, like autohitting, what does Neji say about autohitting in the rules? "You can do it, but other people probably won't want to play with you."

Since there's no room 'officially' for moderation of any kind, all we can really do is agree on something and try to lead by example for the rest of the community. Regardless of how we go about that, it needs to be made public knowledge.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Angra Mainyu on August 20, 2013, 11:31:50 PM
I'm willing to bet someone would have claimed both sage mode and rinnegan were they given the chance.

Still waiting on that one.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 21, 2013, 11:30:20 AM
I'm willing to bet someone would have claimed both sage mode and rinnegan were they given the chance.

Still waiting on that one.

They can't currently do it even semi-legitly because of how the resets are set up.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Angra Mainyu on August 21, 2013, 11:49:45 PM
I'm willing to bet someone would have claimed both sage mode and rinnegan were they given the chance.

Still waiting on that one.

They can't currently do it even semi-legitly because of how the resets are set up.

Claim Sage Mode on a character and then get a Rinnegan implant from another character; how isn't that even remotely-legit (aside from being well, OP)? The majority apparently decided that Rinnegan resets weren't necessary for one to be able to use an implanted Rinnegan, so this should be 'legit' (still not allowed, though).
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 22, 2013, 12:19:55 AM
I'm willing to bet someone would have claimed both sage mode and rinnegan were they given the chance.

Still waiting on that one.

They can't currently do it even semi-legitly because of how the resets are set up.

Claim Sage Mode on a character and then get a Rinnegan implant from another character; how isn't that even remotely-legit (aside from being well, OP)? The majority apparently decided that Rinnegan resets weren't necessary for one to be able to use an implanted Rinnegan, so this should be 'legit' (still not allowed, though).

You could claim that since your eyes change with most Sage Modes doujutsu wouldn't work.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Luka on August 22, 2013, 12:38:38 AM
Naruto's Kyuubi mode pupils mixed with Sage Mode eyes to  make those weird plus sign things. So,  who knows?
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Angra Mainyu on August 22, 2013, 12:59:56 AM
I'm willing to bet someone would have claimed both sage mode and rinnegan were they given the chance.

Still waiting on that one.

They can't currently do it even semi-legitly because of how the resets are set up.

Claim Sage Mode on a character and then get a Rinnegan implant from another character; how isn't that even remotely-legit (aside from being well, OP)? The majority apparently decided that Rinnegan resets weren't necessary for one to be able to use an implanted Rinnegan, so this should be 'legit' (still not allowed, though).

You could claim that since your eyes change with most Sage Modes doujutsu wouldn't work.

Should probably tell that to every else who's been using Sage Mode + Sharingan.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 22, 2013, 01:27:42 AM
I personally don't care, I'm just pointing it out.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Eric on August 22, 2013, 05:31:42 AM
I suppose it's a possible thought. Sage Mode user getting Rinnegan implants, I guess that wouldn't exactly be completely out of line, though they would suffer deficets if they didn't have the proper body to handle it (use more chakra is all).

So while I guess it's possible to legitly do it, that only reinforces the point that someone would attempt to claim it at some point, especially since we've had this little discussion. xD
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: sploofmoof on August 22, 2013, 06:16:02 AM
I suppose it's a possible thought. Sage Mode user getting Rinnegan implants, I guess that wouldn't exactly be completely out of line, though they would suffer deficets if they didn't have the proper body to handle it (use more chakra is all).

So while I guess it's possible to legitly do it, that only reinforces the point that someone would attempt to claim it at some point, especially since we've had this little discussion. xD

I highly doubt this is the first time anyone's ever thought about that happening >.>

I like to believe someone hasn't tried to seriously do it yet because they know that literally no one would take them seriously.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Kage on August 31, 2013, 09:24:27 AM
Bumping for more active input.

I suppose it's a possible thought. Sage Mode user getting Rinnegan implants, I guess that wouldn't exactly be completely out of line, though they would suffer deficets if they didn't have the proper body to handle it (use more chakra is all).

So while I guess it's possible to legitly do it, that only reinforces the point that someone would attempt to claim it at some point, especially since we've had this little discussion. xD

I highly doubt this is the first time anyone's ever thought about that happening >.>

I like to believe someone hasn't tried to seriously do it yet because they know that literally no one would take them seriously.

Also from the recent chapter revelations, isn't it implied that the Sage of Six Paths is called that because of him using Senjutsu (Sage status) and having the Rinnegan (of the Six Paths status)? This seems to be the case for Obito, since it's been identified that the jutsu that he is using is Senjutsu-affiliated?
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on August 31, 2013, 11:07:48 AM
Bumping for more active input.

I suppose it's a possible thought. Sage Mode user getting Rinnegan implants, I guess that wouldn't exactly be completely out of line, though they would suffer deficets if they didn't have the proper body to handle it (use more chakra is all).

So while I guess it's possible to legitly do it, that only reinforces the point that someone would attempt to claim it at some point, especially since we've had this little discussion. xD

I highly doubt this is the first time anyone's ever thought about that happening >.>

I like to believe someone hasn't tried to seriously do it yet because they know that literally no one would take them seriously.

Also from the recent chapter revelations, isn't it implied that the Sage of Six Paths is called that because of him using Senjutsu (Sage status) and having the Rinnegan (of the Six Paths status)? This seems to be the case for Obito, since it's been identified that the jutsu that he is using is Senjutsu-affiliated?

Goddammit Kage.
Title: Re: RIP Claims List?
Post by: Zojin on September 01, 2013, 08:55:19 PM
Also from the recent chapter revelations, isn't it implied that the Sage of Six Paths is called that because of him using Senjutsu (Sage status) and having the Rinnegan (of the Six Paths status)? This seems to be the case for Obito, since it's been identified that the jutsu that he is using is Senjutsu-affiliated?

I didn't get this implication at all from the chapters.  But either way, this is off topic.  If you want to talk about this further you should make a new thread about it.