Shinobi Legends Forum

Game Development => Feature Requests => Topic started by: Rinn on September 20, 2013, 03:53:15 AM

Title: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Rinn on September 20, 2013, 03:53:15 AM
Bad navigation is a pain, a terrible terrible pain, it's caused me to loose hours of playing time, hours that I cannot get back. Sl is a bit of a race at least for me. And I like to know I have a fair shot.

It takes me approximately 3 game-days (8 hour days) so exactly one real-life day (24 hrs) to get an oro kill (at this level at least, for others it's more(fresh start chars)). When I'm free and able to log in I'd like to. But I cannot if I'm technically locked out of game-play through the bad navigation error/bug whatever you want to call it.

You probably get my point.

What I'm suggesting is it's fixed somehow, even if it's something temporary like increasing the current timeout timer to maybe 20 minutes or so. Throughout the course of gameplay there are sometimes when you can't help or know if you're going to have to instantly get up from in front of the laptop nor would you know when you can return.

Too many times I've gotten up, returned to a timeout, then when I've tried logging in I cannot access anything but my mail. (And the only way I access mail is by the address bar/history copying and pasting the link) It's really really frustrating and I think it's unfair. I know by now the issue is known about by staff but I'm just pleading for it to be fixed so my suggestion:

A) Increase the timeout to at least fifteen or twenty minutes
B) Troubleshoot to fix the "Click here to continue" link

(Note: I'm fully aware that the pvp aspect of the game requires one to be offline, the timeout does add a bit of a challenge game-wise and is a necessity to reduce server load I'd wager but a bug that's restricting game-play should have something done about it, I mean it's only hurting the players and in turn the game.

I'm also aware that game administrators can fix it manually, but there's not an administrator that's on every two to three hours, being locked out of the game for hours on end is not fun at all.
Not everyone uses an alt, and like me would prefer to stick to one character.)
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Eric on September 20, 2013, 08:27:17 PM
Have you send messages to the moderators several times regarding this? Although I get the page frequently when first logging in, I don't get it whenever I am just coming back from a timeout. And even then, the link has worked fine for me ever since the mods twicked it the first time.

Then again, that's just personal experience. You may be working with a different set of browser and settings.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Zojin on September 25, 2013, 06:52:21 PM
Eric, which browser/settings are you using?  I get broken navs every time I time out...and I'm talking every time >>;

The continue link never worked for me.  Each time I accidentally time out I basically have to wait for a mod to fix my account's navs.  Thankfully I never had to wait over two days though.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Eric on September 25, 2013, 06:59:08 PM
Internet Explorer *10, one of the two. Any further detailed browser settings would be kind of tricky to sift through without knowing what settings I'd be looking for.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Zojin on September 25, 2013, 07:26:08 PM
SL is designed to work best with IE? >_________>;
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Kage on September 25, 2013, 09:38:01 PM
I rarely if-ever get a bad nav. But whenever I do, I just refresh and I'm fine.

Try using Chrome instead.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Zojin on September 25, 2013, 09:45:14 PM
Strange.  I am using chrome.  Maybe I'll try refreshing next time and see if that works for me.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Rinn on September 25, 2013, 10:09:51 PM
I use chrome, and someone uses internet explorer...Internet explorer is like apple to the world, pretty and neat but bad compatibility. I'll be damned if Sl works fine with I.E  :D but I use Chrome, thanks for the input guys.

Whenever I timeout, I ALWAYS get the black screen and that dredded bad nav, and have to wait sometimes hours on end for an admin to sort me out.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on September 25, 2013, 10:24:55 PM
I use Chrome but only get broken navs prolly 1/4 of the time.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Eric on September 26, 2013, 04:45:38 AM
I've been using IE with Sl since I first started SL sometime in '08. IE works fine with SL.

I don't fully understand people's hatred of IE, unless you're talking youtube. Version 9 was much less troublesome when it came to youtube videos of extraordinary length.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Camel on September 26, 2013, 05:32:58 AM
The *choice* of browser shouldn't necessary be an issue at all really.
Does the bad navigation "page" occur more frequently when you have AJAX on or off?
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Eric on September 26, 2013, 06:47:46 AM
After about 30 minutes of AJAX, everything starts slowing down for my browser. AJAX very well may have something to do with it, as I normally do not have it on.

*Turning it off returned things back to normal. If it isn't AJAX itself or the others, then it might very well be something else in their preferences.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Zojin on September 26, 2013, 07:02:46 PM
Happens to me either way every time I timeout >>
And just tried refreshing a few minutes ago when my navs broke again.  Didn't help.

Why do navs break so often anyways?  I have never seen this on any other site besides this one.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Kage on September 26, 2013, 10:19:29 PM
Forgot to mention that I don't use AJAX ever. In my entirety of being on SL, I've only gotten a bad nav twice. But even then, I was able to return to whatever I was doing by clicking on the "continue" link.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Eric on September 27, 2013, 02:12:21 AM
Zojin, do you have AJAX on? From kage and I's experiences, it would seem as if AJAX might be the cause of the frequent nature of your bad navs.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Styx on September 27, 2013, 07:00:09 AM
Ajax is the cause of the bad navs. I used to have it on and every time I timed-out I would get the broken navs. However since I've turned it off I haven't broken my navs at all.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Rinn on September 27, 2013, 08:34:41 AM
I just turned ajax off, I've learned after a while I move around enough in-game to know when a new mail comes anyone since as far as I know that's the only feature that uses ajax.

I'll see how I do without it, I have been practicing to just sign out when I'm going to be getting up from in fron of my pc for over 3-5 minutes anyway just to be a good sport. I still hope it just does get fixed so we can use the feature.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Eric on September 27, 2013, 05:16:19 PM
"See if it gives your computer a headache" - Neji's warning regarding AJAX.

Well, it may not give the computer a headache, but it sure does mess with the navigation. xD
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Zojin on September 28, 2013, 02:00:21 AM
I'll check once my navs are fixed >_>;
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Tsuyo on September 29, 2013, 11:40:41 PM
When I get badnavs(Quite often) I can't get out. However, recently I found a workaround for it that always manages to work.

When you time out, DO NOT go to the main page and log in(or refresh for that matter. It should look as if you're in the game.), but log in with the mailbox window.(If you don't have one open, I don't know what to tell you.). You should get the Badnavs screen. Now, exit that mailbox, and through the main page, open a new mailbox. The MB should come up no problem. Now, through the main page, go to another location, and you should be good.
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Rinn on September 30, 2013, 05:15:20 AM
Styx, Eric and that other guy was right! The Ajax feature being enabled must have something to do with the un-fixable need a mod to fix you up bad navigation issue. For the past few days I've timed out multiple times with the feature off and never even got the badnav screen when I signed back int. It's no coincidence :D
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Zojin on October 02, 2013, 06:34:36 PM
Soooo noob question.  How do I turn AJAX off? >_>
Title: Re: Bad Navigation Workaround?
Post by: Rinn on October 02, 2013, 06:50:28 PM
Under the header -Other- is the option Preference then go to Display Preferences and you should see "Turn Ajax On and across from it a drop down box, make sure it reads: No

Then click save.