Shinobi Legends Forum

Roleplay => Village Square => Topic started by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 04:40:59 AM

Title: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 04:40:59 AM
First off, if we decide to just void bijuu challenges and say you need to come find the hosts in rp, then fine, lets do that. I don't like the idea of just voiding them entirely though. We just need to make so it isn't beneficial to just be as insufferable as possible to your opponent.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 27, 2013, 04:45:24 AM
just void bijuu challenges and say you need to come find the hosts in rp

I'm in favor of that.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 27, 2013, 05:11:56 AM
just void bijuu challenges and say you need to come find the hosts in rp

I'm in favor of that.

That solves absolutely nothing. The end result will still be nothing but major OOC conflict and end in void after void. If anything the idea really makes things worse... Now the village boards will be polluted with this curse that brings nothing but hardship it seems plus it will clash with site rules no doubt. One major example I can think off is the fact that sure these events I bet the host and attacker are gonna want the board closed off to others for their rp. That isn't far to other rpers, who may not even follow your plot, and becomes a huge inconvenience to everyone which will just bring more fighting and make rping at SL even less fun cause people want to rule over others and why? So your OP character can get even more power so you can feel like you are billy bad ass because you can access a trillion skills all will forgetting the most important one, rp skill.

This is what SL has become whether you want to face it or not. A place were those who have super characters and accounts get to lead the rp world in the way they desire when SL was meant to have free rp with equal rights to even those who want to dance backed in the rains of Kirigakure while sporting their vampire fangs.   

The only way to start getting back to the way SL was meant to be played is to she'd ourselves of the very things that are dragging is farther and farther away from it.

Void these damn hindrance, stop being whinny power hungry chumps, and resort back to the ways that made SL the great site it was and still can be.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 05:18:35 AM
Like I ALSO said, we should just make some rules about taking months and months to post or something so it is not beneficial to be insufferable to your opponent. If you start swearing or calling your opponent an idiot or things you get auto hit by their attack or something.

Kirk your idea is not a final solution either. Ok no more bijuu. But I want to attack Kiri and get all the swordsmen blades. Alright void those. Ok I want to attack Kumo and get all the Sage Tools, ok void those too. Ok I want to attack Otogakure and get Edo Tensei, ok void that. We'd have to just void everything anyone could want to fight another person for. Even if we voided everything canon, ok I saw you have a cool custom sword imma come fight you and take it. We can't just void our problems away. The issue is not the Bijuu it is the Jinchuriki.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 27, 2013, 05:30:17 AM
just void bijuu challenges and say you need to come find the hosts in rp

I'm in favor of that.


First off, knowing who has what bijuu isn't exactly common knowledge (beyond metagaming), so you shouldn't need to worry about random folks strolling up to your village and going haywire to garner attention (unless they're well, complete maniacs in which a change in bijuu challenging rules would have next to no influence over whatsoever).

If the rules were to change, it's logical for new guidelines to be introduced in favor of both the hunter(s), the prize, and those that couldn't really give a toss. For instance, lock of a part of the village for those who wish to be involved and give others the chance to move to the other parts. That should be negotiated between the hunter(s) and the jinchuuriki (and perhaps the respective village council). There shouldn't be any Pain-level destruction going on unless the entire village population opts to participate; others are free to join and flee the fray as they please, even the hunter(s) if things look bad (if they can survive getting out).

Casual roleplayers shouldn't need to be involved.

Suddenly it isn't so terrible.

Bijuu shouldn't need to be banned outright. If you think they're OP, you might as well ban Ninjutsu in its entirety too, heck, even the concept of chakra. Because they'd provide means to be equally OP. And in its eventuality, RP won't even be based off of the Narutoverse anymore (not even a fan interpretation either).

As Rakudo's implied, banning bijuu could lead to a very gruellingly painful slippery slope.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 27, 2013, 05:55:42 AM
First off I'm not really so sure that SL was ever meant to follow the Naruverse outside of in game stuff. As I recall in elder days there were more vampire and werewolves then there were Shinobi or ninja.

And voiding the Biju are nothing more then a step in the right direction the finally result being that we need to go back to being a clan based system again. SL ran far more smoothly back when clans were more important then these village ideas. And the village boreds were a place for just random stuff. The zones were where all fighting basically took place and stuff of that sort.

So yeah I still strongly believe these tailed beast need to be shed along with this what is correct rp and what is not. What is official and what is not...

Like I have pointed out the reason you want do away with the Biju is because you are to power hungry. Having these things make you feel like you are better then everyone else and it is that very greed and power struggle among the community that considers itself the official rpers that has corrupted a great site.

I don't expect you to agree with me, he'll I don't even expect you to give my words much of a thought. But regardless I'm a fighter, all ways have been always will be, and I don't need some character to do it for me. I will stand for what I believe in and perhaps one day it may sink in just a little... Truly if the ways of old were so wrong them explain to me why SL seemed to be so much more enjoyable and prosperous back then?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 06:08:38 AM
It's called nostalgia Kirk, and I'm sorry but I think you're wrong. Regardless of what you think about me removing the bijuu from the game won't help anything. You think people are power hungry jerks because bijuu exist, while really people are power hungry jerks AND bijuu exist, they aren't related at all. People covet things because that's what people do.

I do want to get all 9 bijuu and if I do I'm just going to be the host of the 9 tails and spread the rest out again, FYI, I'm not just going to keep and defend all 9 forever.

I was exaggerating in my last post but that kinda is what will happen. If we void the bijuu people will just go, "Ok what is the next most powerful thing I can get?" and then it'll start all over with those. There should not have to be rules regarding polite and proper behavior in a bijuu fight, but we've shown that we clearly need some, and that's what will fix this issue. Some change in the rules has to occur, but voiding the bijuu is not it.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 27, 2013, 06:18:46 AM


I was referring more or less to things being removed from the Narutoverse, rather than being added in SL's case.

More like a step backwards. If bijuu aren't a vital ingredient to becoming OP, then you can sure as hell bet it'll be the techniques which are heavily sought after next. Removing one feeder of power won't famish it. Basically what Rakudo inferred.

Anyway, I am not in the least convinced that bijuu should be outright removed from the SL realm.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 27, 2013, 06:41:49 AM
I am convinced that biju should be removed outright from SL, at least from the mainstream continuum. My reasons are slightly concurrent with Kirk's, just at a slightly different angle.

Alright, biju are gone. What's next, the ninja swordsman swords? I don't recall them being even challengeable if you were to ask the holders, and there so far hasn't been any regulation on forcing them to fight. Problem solved. You want it bad enough, claim it anyways and see if they care enough about it. If they don't, then so be it right?

Can't really do that with the biju. You start running around with two kyubi and suddenly the whole donation mount thing starts to make RP sense rather than just leveling sense.

The next OP thing is already in existence; the Rinnegan and custom techniques of any background. Rinnegan-Sharingan is the next OP thing (hell, they're even more OP than the biju in my opinion, just less to fight about who has it). Nothing to grab for now...

So now what? Kageship? Plundering? Whatcha gonna do when boredom comes to you? Sad face sad face, whatcha gonna do when boredom comes to you...
Remove the biju. If there is something else to fight and kill each other over, it will be found, it will be exploited, and it just might get taken off the table of the mainstream as well.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 06:44:29 AM
The things don't need to be challenge-able like the bijuu, nothing else is, it doesn't stop people from trying to get them. If there are no bijuu all the wanna-be villains and such will be coming to Kiri for Samehada, or Iwa for the Kusanagi. It's not fixing the problem it's just stalling it.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kyutu - Super King - on October 27, 2013, 07:53:20 AM
I have to ask. What problem is it exactly the Bijuu are causing? I'm looking around, and I'm seeing nothing specific pointed out.

Is it because they are too OP? Well, so are a bunch of other things on SL, it has always been that way. Ever since I can remember there have always been people and things that were over-the-top, unkillable, and other "OP" things. Yet, good RPers could find a way to win anyway so there is that.

So then, is it because people are fighting over them? I think that's the point. They are  there to stimulate RP and country relations. If things about them were peaceful, then it'd be really damn boring. While I agree that the challenge system should be worked on or removed, the bijuu themselves are not the problem.

Are they interfering with non-rpers? This is a silly thing to say. Why the hell would non-rpers care? Are you seriously trying to say that non-rpers are  being affected at all by the rp world in SL? That makes no sense. At all.

So someone, please enlighten me as to what the issue is at its core; specifically why bijuu are the problem. As you can see, I really do not know what this topic is trying to argue and why.

As a side note, Uetto, I'm not sure where your memories are  founded, but I always remember people completely disliking vampires and werewolves and other things. The only reason some of them were even mildly accepted was because they RPed well and within the rules of the Naruto-verse. Even the most outlandish abilities still need to be justified with "chakra magic" or some such for anyone to even think about it  seriously for half a second, and even more justified were they to use it in some sort of battle. That's how it's always been.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 07:55:40 AM
I like this guy. ^
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 27, 2013, 10:31:03 AM


We could always do with more level-headed Rance's.

Bijuu...OP? Not really, a TBB on its own isn't almighty given the considerable number of techniques capable of siphoning/defending against it. A TBB coupled with Hiraishin/Kamui-warping could be considerably OP given just how 'unavoidable' it'd be though. But that isn't the bijuu's problem, it's the jinchuuriki's. And even then there's a ton of other jutsu capable of wiping people off the map in some form or another aside from what they (bijuu) are capable of unleashing.

Indeed, if the bijuu were gone, then what in God's name would stimulate/motivate a mass of people from differentiating origins to roleplay together? Mock exams? Half-baked missions or wars? You must be joking if these improvisations are a suitable excuse to mark 'treasure' hunting off the global To-Do list and general aspirations.

Casual roleplays may find it annoying that there are people quarreling over somebody attacking their village, which they only ever casually pay attention to, but hey, nobody's going to stop them from doing what they're doing at the time if they ask to be excluded from it and so forth. They have a right to post where they want, and so they shall. No rules are being infringed there.

Anyway, RP'ing was considerably simple in the past. Why? Because Kishi fed what can be considered 'vanilla' content to his fans, before unloading expansion after expansion of content. Yes, RP's different these days because there's a considerable number of powers which dwarf those introduced back when Naruto and Crapsuke was getting kicked around by Zabuza. Put the past aside and focus on the present for all its worth.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 27, 2013, 05:37:50 PM
The simple fact is that the Biju bread these crazy ooc conflicts that do nothing but cause problems. Of one can not see that then truly you are blind to the fact in my opinion.

I just strongly feel that taking the Biju away and reverting back to a more clan based rp ordeal would be beneficial.

As for OPness, well ideally of course I'd like to see it go down but that isn't really gonna happen. Me myself I careless what my opponent claims...  However I still think that it breeds problems and the Boju do inspire for you to be more OP. You try to become more OP to compete with the OP of the host and the cycle goes on and on.

Like I sad I don't intend for you to agree with me but I have the right to stated my mind no matter how outrageous my thoughts may be. If I step on a few toes then so be it, never really have been one to care what others think of me anyways.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 27, 2013, 08:22:37 PM
As Kyutu pointed out, it's not the problem of being OP. It's the problem of the quarrelling between those who do RP among them (since the non-RPers really don't care). The biju do not motivate people of different RPing styles and/or origins to RP together!

For one, many of the current hosts (and challengers) actually do belong to a certain RPing niche, if you would notice. All of the 'major' nations of SL (I put that in quotes since major can be relative) have at least one beast, and many times, the host belong to a somewhat familiar group of RPers who, in one shape or another, has links and lurking marks to said group.

Even within this group, there are sub-groups that usually vary between nations, but the major group has the same kind of rules and regs (more or less). Those of differing groups rarely get involved as far as I know of.

Arguing that the biju bring different origins together is invalid, because the biju are contested by the some for the few (albeit, with reason). The site itself is what brings people of different origins together, not these biju. Logging in and finding some folks who type similar, write something that you wanna be involved with. These biju and their challenges do none of that as it currently stands.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 08:25:52 PM
What is the problem then if we all belong to our own club anyway?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 27, 2013, 08:29:37 PM
What is the problem then if we all belong to our own club anyway?

To be quite frank our 'club' does tend to drive people away from SL.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 08:30:59 PM
What is the problem then if we all belong to our own club anyway?

To be quite frank our 'club' does tend to drive people away from SL.

Because we fight among ourselves? So why not just do what I suggested and add rules about proper behavior?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 27, 2013, 08:37:39 PM
What's the problem? Because it is rubbing our 'club' into a heated frenzy is what. Or maybe it's just Leaf nin that get so passionate about tailed beast matches...

Oh wait, no, it's not just Leaf nin. I was gonna make a quote, but that house thing is kind of worn out, as it is just waiting to come crashing down the way we're going. We remove the biju, or at least the challenges, then I think the second most frequent argument topic will finally be killed. For good.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 08:45:13 PM
What's the problem? Because it is rubbing our 'club' into a heated frenzy is what. Or maybe it's just Leaf nin that get so passionate about tailed beast matches...

Oh wait, no, it's not just Leaf nin. I was gonna make a quote, but that house thing is kind of worn out, as it is just waiting to come crashing down the way we're going. We remove the biju, or at least the challenges, then I think the second most frequent argument topic will finally be killed. For good.

And like I said I am ok with removing challenges.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 27, 2013, 08:47:16 PM
What's the problem? Because it is rubbing our 'club' into a heated frenzy is what. Or maybe it's just Leaf nin that get so passionate about tailed beast matches...

Oh wait, no, it's not just Leaf nin. I was gonna make a quote, but that house thing is kind of worn out, as it is just waiting to come crashing down the way we're going. We remove the biju, or at least the challenges, then I think the second most frequent argument topic will finally be killed. For good.

And like I said I am ok with removing challenges.

It sounds like a potential compromise, seeing as removing the biju has hardly the tire traction to take off in the wind. But what about the challengers that have already waited? (I'm not eager to fight most of them, but, to be fair, we do have to consider that aspect of it).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 08:49:34 PM
What's the problem? Because it is rubbing our 'club' into a heated frenzy is what. Or maybe it's just Leaf nin that get so passionate about tailed beast matches...

Oh wait, no, it's not just Leaf nin. I was gonna make a quote, but that house thing is kind of worn out, as it is just waiting to come crashing down the way we're going. We remove the biju, or at least the challenges, then I think the second most frequent argument topic will finally be killed. For good.

And like I said I am ok with removing challenges.

It sounds like a potential compromise, seeing as removing the biju has hardly the tire traction to take off in the wind. But what about the challengers that have already waited? (I'm not eager to fight most of them, but, to be fair, we do have to consider that aspect of it).

I'd say all Jinchuriki stop taking challengers and just finish up the ones they currently have, then be done with it.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 27, 2013, 08:53:05 PM
It's not like the lists are published, so how would you know whether or not anyone even had a list to fulfill? The only thing the challengers could do is protest on the forum, and other than the ones who already show up here, I doubt any others would.

Even then, it is almost A word vs B word.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 27, 2013, 08:55:27 PM
Void everything that is Shippuden >.>
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 27, 2013, 09:01:49 PM
It's not like the lists are published, so how would you know whether or not anyone even had a list to fulfill? The only thing the challengers could do is protest on the forum, and other than the ones who already show up here, I doubt any others would.

Even then, it is almost A word vs B word.

I don't think there are that many at this point anyway.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on October 27, 2013, 09:35:01 PM
Just remove the challenges. They put way too much of an official fight setting that really doesn't fit in with the whole "taking a Bijuu". If you want one, just look up what village has which in your daily shinobi newspaper, and go forth to said village. Or even seek out the person themselves.

And before people bring up the argument about not knowing who is a jinchuuriki, just look at the series for a bit. Everyone in Konoha seemed to know that Naruto and Kushina was one, and the same goes for Killer B and Nii for Kumo, Gaara for Suna. It's not hard AT ALL to find the tailed beasts really. It just takes a good reading in the newspaper and some conversation with the locals. Knowing what a Bijuu chakra signature feels like also really helps too if you can sense them/are a sensor.

So yeah, just change up HOW you can get them. You might have to fight an entire village and be seen as a criminal/bring strange looks to your own village, but that's exactly what happened in the series.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 27, 2013, 09:53:51 PM
The series had so much cannon fodder though. best bet would be to try to get the jincks while they're migrating from village to village.

If a jinck goes inactive, then does that give someone the ability to just, you know, claim it? Cause undoutably hording the biju within village is not and will not be unheard of.

We'd likely have to revisit the Rules of War again before the end of the year.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 27, 2013, 11:03:28 PM
I would also have to suggest that if this passes that we make it were the villages can not seal/store the beast. I know it may have been done cannon to an extent but I think it best to make the village have a host even if it has to be a lower class Shinobi after all the whole village can protect them now and no need for all host to be the best of the best.

I actually like this cause it allows for those often over looked to play a role as well. Instead of just watching the host fight and hoping they can get strong enough one day to challenge.

Still think that it may have some bad side effects but hey its a move I'm the right direction I suppose.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kyutu - Super King - on October 27, 2013, 11:59:25 PM
If I were to make an overall suggestion about Bijuu and RP relations,

1. Remove challenges - This is something many a people have said, and it makes sense. If the bijuu are there to stimulate RP, then challenges which are outside of RP don't help at all. The only point I could see to them in the first place is that it gives someone without sealing techniques the ability to obtain a bijuu. To solve this particular point people could get over it. If more seal-type characters need to get involved, then that's good, it's just more stimulation for RP. Whether or not people just randomly add sealing to their characters... well, that's not something we can deal with with any more than a slap on the wrist.

2. Responsibility- I believe if you take on a bijuu, you are assuming the responsibility to the site and others to roleplay. In that sense, any large leave of absence for any reason should result in a bijuu being removed, as otherwise it isn't fair or fun for the other players. I would say that 2 week inactivity would be the limit here, without really good reason. Real life was busy is not a  good reason, as I guarantee you that anyone could find at least a minute or two to log on within 2 weeks.
   So what do you do if you got your bijuu taken away and you want it back? RP it back, go take it from the person who got it. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

3. Ownership in case of absence -
      If the participant was in a battle when he went absent, the challenger receives the bijuu.
      If the owner was not in a battle, then the leader in his CLAN, which may or may not be the village, receives the bijuu. A clan will be the assumed as the clan they are listed as in game, which will usually be the village -- this is to keep any retroactive decisions from arising if they were part of a separate "internal clan" or something. If that were the case, then they  should have just made their own clan and gave it affiliation with the village.
     If the absentee was not part of any clan, then the beast is in a free for all position, the specifications of which (tournament, mission, war, etc.) is to be decided on by majority rules within a one week time period after confirmed removal of the bijuu, and to be acted out within a week after the decision.

Do these make sense?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 28, 2013, 12:43:49 AM
If I were to make an overall suggestion about Bijuu and RP relations,

1. Remove challenges - This is something many a people have said, and it makes sense. If the bijuu are there to stimulate RP, then challenges which are outside of RP don't help at all. The only point I could see to them in the first place is that it gives someone without sealing techniques the ability to obtain a bijuu. To solve this particular point people could get over it. If more seal-type characters need to get involved, then that's good, it's just more stimulation for RP. Whether or not people just randomly add sealing to their characters... well, that's not something we can deal with with any more than a slap on the wrist.

2. Responsibility- I believe if you take on a bijuu, you are assuming the responsibility to the site and others to roleplay. In that sense, any large leave of absence for any reason should result in a bijuu being removed, as otherwise it isn't fair or fun for the other players. I would say that 2 week inactivity would be the limit here, without really good reason. Real life was busy is not a  good reason, as I guarantee you that anyone could find at least a minute or two to log on within 2 weeks.
   So what do you do if you got your bijuu taken away and you want it back? RP it back, go take it from the person who got it. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

3. Ownership in case of absence -
      If the participant was in a battle when he went absent, the challenger receives the bijuu.
      If the owner was not in a battle, then the leader in his CLAN, which may or may not be the village, receives the bijuu. A clan will be the assumed as the clan they are listed as in game, which will usually be the village -- this is to keep any retroactive decisions from arising if they were part of a separate "internal clan" or something. If that were the case, then they  should have just made their own clan and gave it affiliation with the village.
     If the absentee was not part of any clan, then the beast is in a free for all position, the specifications of which (tournament, mission, war, etc.) is to be decided on by majority rules within a one week time period after confirmed removal of the bijuu, and to be acted out within a week after the decision.

Do these make sense?

Where have you been for SL's last year and some change?  :D That sounds like a great battle plan!
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 28, 2013, 05:09:29 AM
And Rance begins his conquest...

For the activity rule though, would that be like one has to post doing something in their village basically? Just so you exist in the world for people to come after you?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 28, 2013, 05:30:38 AM

Do these make sense?


For the activity rule though, would that be like one has to post doing something in their village basically? Just so you exist in the world for people to come after you?

I'd think that'd be the case. It'd help for hosts to post their present location in their bio too, since villages are accustomed to having their comment areas zerg rushed in eventful times.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 28, 2013, 05:39:56 AM

Do these make sense?


For the activity rule though, would that be like one has to post doing something in their village basically? Just so you exist in the world for people to come after you?

I'd think that'd be the case. It'd help for hosts to post their present location in their bio too, since villages are accustomed to having their comment areas zerg rushed in eventful times.

Zenaku might have trouble with this one.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 28, 2013, 05:41:01 AM
Zenaku might have trouble with this one.

Who's up for issuing the ultimatum?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 28, 2013, 11:24:19 AM
Well, if Zenaku is that inactive, then that would pose a problem for him. Not it though on issuing the ultimatum, at least not until we're sure that this is a done deal and all.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 28, 2013, 11:36:08 AM
Well, if Zenaku is that inactive, then that would pose a problem for him. Not it though on issuing the ultimatum, at least not until we're sure that this is a done deal and all.

Does anybody heavily disagree with Ranceman's battleplan?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 28, 2013, 01:56:00 PM
Well, if Zenaku is that inactive, then that would pose a problem for him. Not it though on issuing the ultimatum, at least not until we're sure that this is a done deal and all.

Does anybody heavily disagree with Ranceman's battleplan?
Well, if Zenaku is that inactive, then that would pose a problem for him. Not it though on issuing the ultimatum, at least not until we're sure that this is a done deal and all.

Does anybody heavily disagree with Ranceman's battleplan?
Well, if Zenaku is that inactive, then that would pose a problem for him. Not it though on issuing the ultimatum, at least not until we're sure that this is a done deal and all.

Does anybody heavily disagree with Ranceman's battleplan?

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 28, 2013, 02:31:51 PM
Anybody have anything else to throw into the mix along with Ranceman's commandments? Rules affecting other things, etc?

Or are we all fine with the abolishment of these challenges, relative activeness of hosts and the inheritance of an inactive host's bijuu?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 28, 2013, 02:49:49 PM
Speak within the timeframe of the week or hold your peace. That is all.  8)
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kyutu - Super King - on October 28, 2013, 02:54:19 PM
Actually, I have one more.

4. King's Rule - All beautiful women within the realm of SL - and everywhere else - belong to Mister Super King Kyutu.

Of course, this is already implied, but I feel it's nice to others to have it spelled out.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 28, 2013, 03:00:59 PM
Actually, I have one more.

4. King's Rule - All beautiful women within the realm of SL - and everywhere else - belong to Mister Super King Kyutu.

Of course, this is already implied, but I feel it's nice to others to have it spelled out.

Unfortunately they've all appeared to have disappeared... Hm...

So what, this thread'll remain open for another week before a final verdict's drawn (or a threshold in player approval's met)?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 28, 2013, 05:01:12 PM
Still think now village storing of Biju atleast for not over a week. A host must be foun with the week.

And if there is no village to get the beast being the person may be a loner then it goes up to contest style or something.

And perhaps we could ask Neji to make a message of the day about it.

As for that I think this will promote a lot more rp and I'm rather excited about it.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 28, 2013, 10:25:55 PM
@Angra Mainyu---> I is a beautiful woman and have not disappeared. :P

If you say so Kay, if you say so...

I guess I'll spam links (and descs.) to the thread.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Old Man Xia on October 28, 2013, 10:39:46 PM
I am for this as well.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Genesis on October 28, 2013, 10:45:51 PM
If I were to make an overall suggestion about Bijuu and RP relations,

1. Remove challenges - This is something many a people have said, and it makes sense. If the bijuu are there to stimulate RP, then challenges which are outside of RP don't help at all. The only point I could see to them in the first place is that it gives someone without sealing techniques the ability to obtain a bijuu. To solve this particular point people could get over it. If more seal-type characters need to get involved, then that's good, it's just more stimulation for RP. Whether or not people just randomly add sealing to their characters... well, that's not something we can deal with with any more than a slap on the wrist.

2. Responsibility- I believe if you take on a bijuu, you are assuming the responsibility to the site and others to roleplay. In that sense, any large leave of absence for any reason should result in a bijuu being removed, as otherwise it isn't fair or fun for the other players. I would say that 2 week inactivity would be the limit here, without really good reason. Real life was busy is not a  good reason, as I guarantee you that anyone could find at least a minute or two to log on within 2 weeks.
   So what do you do if you got your bijuu taken away and you want it back? RP it back, go take it from the person who got it. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

3. Ownership in case of absence -
      If the participant was in a battle when he went absent, the challenger receives the bijuu.
      If the owner was not in a battle, then the leader in his CLAN, which may or may not be the village, receives the bijuu. A clan will be the assumed as the clan they are listed as in game, which will usually be the village -- this is to keep any retroactive decisions from arising if they were part of a separate "internal clan" or something. If that were the case, then they  should have just made their own clan and gave it affiliation with the village.
     If the absentee was not part of any clan, then the beast is in a free for all position, the specifications of which (tournament, mission, war, etc.) is to be decided on by majority rules within a one week time period after confirmed removal of the bijuu, and to be acted out within a week after the decision.

Do these make sense?

Holy shit, this guy frkn nailed it.

The only bad thing I see here is someone meta-gaming their way out of a bijuu fight.

Challenger: Enters the village where the host lives.
Host: Coincidentally, leaves the village and goes on a coast to coast adventure that will span ALL of NarutoLand(?) and the course of many, many, months. He'll be all over the place. Derp.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 28, 2013, 10:58:46 PM
If I were to make an overall suggestion about Bijuu and RP relations,

1. Remove challenges - This is something many a people have said, and it makes sense. If the bijuu are there to stimulate RP, then challenges which are outside of RP don't help at all. The only point I could see to them in the first place is that it gives someone without sealing techniques the ability to obtain a bijuu. To solve this particular point people could get over it. If more seal-type characters need to get involved, then that's good, it's just more stimulation for RP. Whether or not people just randomly add sealing to their characters... well, that's not something we can deal with with any more than a slap on the wrist.

2. Responsibility- I believe if you take on a bijuu, you are assuming the responsibility to the site and others to roleplay. In that sense, any large leave of absence for any reason should result in a bijuu being removed, as otherwise it isn't fair or fun for the other players. I would say that 2 week inactivity would be the limit here, without really good reason. Real life was busy is not a  good reason, as I guarantee you that anyone could find at least a minute or two to log on within 2 weeks.
   So what do you do if you got your bijuu taken away and you want it back? RP it back, go take it from the person who got it. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

3. Ownership in case of absence -
      If the participant was in a battle when he went absent, the challenger receives the bijuu.
      If the owner was not in a battle, then the leader in his CLAN, which may or may not be the village, receives the bijuu. A clan will be the assumed as the clan they are listed as in game, which will usually be the village -- this is to keep any retroactive decisions from arising if they were part of a separate "internal clan" or something. If that were the case, then they  should have just made their own clan and gave it affiliation with the village.
     If the absentee was not part of any clan, then the beast is in a free for all position, the specifications of which (tournament, mission, war, etc.) is to be decided on by majority rules within a one week time period after confirmed removal of the bijuu, and to be acted out within a week after the decision.

Do these make sense?

Holy shit, this guy frkn nailed it.

The only bad thing I see here is someone meta-gaming their way out of a bijuu fight.

Challenger: Enters the village where the host lives.
Host: Coincidentally, leaves the village and goes on a coast to coast adventure that will span ALL of NarutoLand(?) and the course of many, many, months. He'll be all over the place. Derp.

*Coincidentally stumbles upon Genesis as he leaves for his vacation* Two can play at that game.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kyutu - Super King - on October 28, 2013, 11:09:55 PM
You can't exactly stop people from cheating like that by adding rules or anything. If they cheat and it's obvious that they've cheated, then the community will naturally add a penalty to that and they will be punished on a case by case basis.

As Rakudo just said, it could simple resolve by deus as simply as it would have the other way of the would be escapee, if the community were to agree with such an action.

This doesn't really need to be said, but it is reasonable to note that--like any community--SL is primarily defined by the players, not the rule makers. Things which a majority agrees should happen are the things that should happen. In that vain, I'm certain that any player found guilty of being, to be frank, an asshat, will be dealt with as naturally as breathing. Rules just set guidelines for people to follow, they do not in and of themselves carry weight, but rather the people themselves have the power. To that note, we shouldn't have to define every possible event and consequence before any arise. 

-Soapbox over-
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 28, 2013, 11:12:34 PM
The only bad thing I see here is someone meta-gaming their way out of a bijuu fight.

Challenger: Enters the village where the host lives.
Host: Coincidentally, leaves the village and goes on a coast to coast adventure that will span ALL of NarutoLand(?) and the course of many, many, months. He'll be all over the place. Derp.

In some other, long buried thread I proposed that to counter this the challenger should declare that they're after the host, and either apply a x-post restriction to when the host can flee the village, or restrict them from doing so altogether and permit them to flee to an inner sanctum (within the village). In the meantime the challenger is free to attack the village in some form or another (you don't need to be destroying random buildings; also excluding any casual roleplayers and others who'd rather not participate) in order to draw out the host due to some duty of theirs to protect the village, or excessive criticism from other villagers/clansmen.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Genesis on October 29, 2013, 12:26:07 AM
The only bad thing I see here is someone meta-gaming their way out of a bijuu fight.

Challenger: Enters the village where the host lives.
Host: Coincidentally, leaves the village and goes on a coast to coast adventure that will span ALL of NarutoLand(?) and the course of many, many, months. He'll be all over the place. Derp.

In some other, long buried thread I proposed that to counter this the challenger should declare that they're after the host, and either apply a x-post restriction to when the host can flee the village, or restrict them from doing so altogether and permit them to flee to an inner sanctum (within the village). In the meantime the challenger is free to attack the village in some form or another (you don't need to be destroying random buildings; also excluding any casual roleplayers and others who'd rather not participate) in order to draw out the host due to some duty of theirs to protect the village, or excessive criticism from other villagers/clansmen.

That's assuming the host is apart of a village. What would you do if he/she is a rouge ninja or is apart of a terrorist organization that has a hidden hq (think Akatsuki)?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 29, 2013, 12:30:15 AM
So I am guessing we should also shed the grace period ordeal as well?

Also I'd like to request the mastering of tails be reworked as it should take longer to do. I'd say at least a month per tail maybe longer. And I don't think resets should effect the time.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 29, 2013, 01:04:21 AM
Grace period? Well, it was apart of the biju challenges, so by defacto it could be.

And hey, the biju times are fine, except people exploit them ludicriously. I should be on 2 tails by now, but I haven't exactly done much training with Kokuo since my visit to Suna, which has considerably slowed me down.

I know people who have mastered the beast in one day and claim otherwise. Not always are there people to check up on these things. >_>

If the organization has a host, then that host has to eventually leave it's nest. Seriously, other than maybe Genesis, how many organizations out there would actually bother with holding onto a biju and stashing it?

Wait... We're all asshats to each other, so I retract that statement and see a new light. If they got a host, either the host gotta come outta the fox hole at least one or twice a month, or put some work into infiltration and find out where the base is. Use underground alts if you have to.

Can't have everything as easy as walk here and start fighting. xD
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 29, 2013, 01:50:05 AM
That's assuming the host is apart of a village. What would you do if he/she is a rouge ninja or is apart of a terrorist organization that has a hidden hq (think Akatsuki)?
If the organization has a host, then that host has to eventually leave it's nest. Seriously, other than maybe Genesis, how many organizations out there would actually bother with holding onto a biju and stashing it?

Wait... We're all asshats to each other, so I retract that statement and see a new light. If they got a host, either the host gotta come outta the fox hole at least one or twice a month, or put some work into infiltration and find out where the base is. Use underground alts if you have to.

Can't have everything as easy as walk here and start fighting. xD

For an organization (which I believe should have some established HQ), I'd think that they'd need to create conditions which can be met by non-members of it to locate their hideout. For instance, Tenryuuji (The current Genesis HQ) can be located by dragon summoners. Though if one were to tail residents who go out traveling occasionally (such as Teuchi/Ramen Guy) they'd be able to locate the place without having to meet the first condition. So yes, creating trails and leads every now and again should occur were an organization to possess a bijuu.

As for a rogue nin, well they probably should be moving from one accessible location to the next, or holed up in some little box fort in an accessible region (say, a forest or cavern). If an exit restriction were imposed, they'd be forced to remain within their region until the countdown's finished before even considering escape. And even then, there's nothing much stopping the hunter(s) from pursuing them to wheresoever they flee.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Zenaku on October 29, 2013, 01:14:23 PM
Activity isn't an issue for me. Just because i don't post every single second of every day doesn't mean i'm inactive at all. It just means i don't post. Except for weekends, there isn't not one situation that i'm away from SL longer than a couple of days. Proof of that can be seen by how many petitions i end up having to deal with at any given time. Whatever the case, these "rules" that you guys are proposing aren't doing anything to deal with OP claims. It's just making sure those who claim such things with Bijuu are active 8)
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 29, 2013, 02:13:30 PM
Activity isn't an issue for me. Just because i don't post every single second of every day doesn't mean i'm inactive at all. It just means i don't post. Except for weekends, there isn't not one situation that i'm away from SL longer than a couple of days. Proof of that can be seen by how many petitions i end up having to deal with at any given time. Whatever the case, these "rules" that you guys are proposing aren't doing anything to deal with OP claims. It's just making sure those who claim such things with Bijuu are active 8)

The titles just a joke, since I thought the idea of voiding the bijuu was ridiculous.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 29, 2013, 02:24:09 PM
Activity isn't an issue for me. Just because i don't post every single second of every day doesn't mean i'm inactive at all. It just means i don't post. Except for weekends, there isn't not one situation that i'm away from SL longer than a couple of days. Proof of that can be seen by how many petitions i end up having to deal with at any given time. Whatever the case, these "rules" that you guys are proposing aren't doing anything to deal with OP claims. It's just making sure those who claim such things with Bijuu are active 8)

So, we are getting somewhere? :D Yes!

My apologies Zenaku for mistaking such as inactivity.

And Kayenta, who drags people around nowadays? It's all about that space-time ninjutsu, bodybag over shoulder kind of thing. Maybe bring some acad just so that they can carry the load (no pun intended) and hoist the new prize off to be extracted.

And said person can hide out, for a small while, they just need to leave the village at some point at a reasonable interval. Like what, once a week someone said? That seems to compensate for grace period to some degree.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 29, 2013, 02:46:41 PM
Activity isn't an issue for me. Just because i don't post every single second of every day doesn't mean i'm inactive at all. It just means i don't post. Except for weekends, there isn't not one situation that i'm away from SL longer than a couple of days. Proof of that can be seen by how many petitions i end up having to deal with at any given time. Whatever the case, these "rules" that you guys are proposing aren't doing anything to deal with OP claims. It's just making sure those who claim such things with Bijuu are active 8)

So, we are getting somewhere? :D Yes!

My apologies Zenaku for mistaking such as inactivity.

And Kayenta, who drags people around nowadays? It's all about that space-time ninjutsu, bodybag over shoulder kind of thing. Maybe bring some acad just so that they can carry the load (no pun intended) and hoist the new prize off to be extracted.

And said person can hide out, for a small while, they just need to leave the village at some point at a reasonable interval. Like what, once a week someone said? That seems to compensate for grace period to some degree.

Why do they need to leave the village? Just post once a week. I mean in Naruto a lot of time the go to extents to keep Naruto in the village so he will be protected... I see nothing wrong with this.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Zenaku on October 29, 2013, 03:17:00 PM
As i have no interest in any of the other bijuu i'm perfectly fine with people who want to challenge me having to find me especially as at this point quite a few people don't really know what my character looks like. To be honest my character travels around as a strange older man that many wouldn't suspect had my past. Whatever works
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 29, 2013, 06:55:38 PM
Activity isn't an issue for me. Just because i don't post every single second of every day doesn't mean i'm inactive at all. It just means i don't post. Except for weekends, there isn't not one situation that i'm away from SL longer than a couple of days. Proof of that can be seen by how many petitions i end up having to deal with at any given time. Whatever the case, these "rules" that you guys are proposing aren't doing anything to deal with OP claims. It's just making sure those who claim such things with Bijuu are active 8)

So, we are getting somewhere? :D Yes!

My apologies Zenaku for mistaking such as inactivity.

And Kayenta, who drags people around nowadays? It's all about that space-time ninjutsu, bodybag over shoulder kind of thing. Maybe bring some acad just so that they can carry the load (no pun intended) and hoist the new prize off to be extracted.

And said person can hide out, for a small while, they just need to leave the village at some point at a reasonable interval. Like what, once a week someone said? That seems to compensate for grace period to some degree.

Why do they need to leave the village? Just post once a week. I mean in Naruto a lot of time the go to extents to keep Naruto in the village so he will be protected... I see nothing wrong with this.

They need to leave the village at some point because shortly after becoming a ninja, Naruto went out on a mission with his teammates to the Land of Waves.

Then he went off with Jiriaya, and ever since coming back, he's been leaving the village more and more frequently.

While fighting an entire village may be your idea of fun, some others would rather have a wild chase through Konoha Forest to the gates. Requiring anyone who wants to get a biju to always go through an entire village is both unrealistic and almost just as bad as the biju challenges.

The more people you get involved, the more of a headache it is going to be, especially if something is on the line. Making the jinck take a walk around their country (be it Konoha Forest or Emerald Coast over in Kiri) is not asking that much. You're acting as if they're required to leave absolutely any support they have.

And it's not even for that long at a time either! I'm not saying let them leave in one post and come back in the next, but unless the host is a Village Head, there is hardly an IC reason to stay cooped up in the village all day, every day for the rest of their hosting careers.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 29, 2013, 09:20:30 PM
And it's not even for that long at a time either! I'm not saying let them leave in one post and come back in the next, but unless the host is a Village Head, there is hardly an IC reason to stay cooped up in the village all day, every day for the rest of their hosting careers.

And if they are?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 29, 2013, 09:47:37 PM
Activity isn't an issue for me. Just because i don't post every single second of every day doesn't mean i'm inactive at all. It just means i don't post. Except for weekends, there isn't not one situation that i'm away from SL longer than a couple of days. Proof of that can be seen by how many petitions i end up having to deal with at any given time. Whatever the case, these "rules" that you guys are proposing aren't doing anything to deal with OP claims. It's just making sure those who claim such things with Bijuu are active 8)

So, we are getting somewhere? :D Yes!

My apologies Zenaku for mistaking such as inactivity.

And Kayenta, who drags people around nowadays? It's all about that space-time ninjutsu, bodybag over shoulder kind of thing. Maybe bring some acad just so that they can carry the load (no pun intended) and hoist the new prize off to be extracted.

And said person can hide out, for a small while, they just need to leave the village at some point at a reasonable interval. Like what, once a week someone said? That seems to compensate for grace period to some degree.

Why do they need to leave the village? Just post once a week. I mean in Naruto a lot of time the go to extents to keep Naruto in the village so he will be protected... I see nothing wrong with this.

They need to leave the village at some point because shortly after becoming a ninja, Naruto went out on a mission with his teammates to the Land of Waves.

Then he went off with Jiriaya, and ever since coming back, he's been leaving the village more and more frequently.

While fighting an entire village may be your idea of fun, some others would rather have a wild chase through Konoha Forest to the gates. Requiring anyone who wants to get a biju to always go through an entire village is both unrealistic and almost just as bad as the biju challenges.

The more people you get involved, the more of a headache it is going to be, especially if something is on the line. Making the jinck take a walk around their country (be it Konoha Forest or Emerald Coast over in Kiri) is not asking that much. You're acting as if they're required to leave absolutely any support they have.

And it's not even for that long at a time either! I'm not saying let them leave in one post and come back in the next, but unless the host is a Village Head, there is hardly an IC reason to stay cooped up in the village all day, every day for the rest of their hosting careers.

The Kage could always assign them body guards as well. Be it npc annu or just some body woul would want to be there if an attack should occur.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 29, 2013, 11:02:48 PM
The Kage could always assign them body guards as well. Be it npc annu or just some body woul would want to be there if an attack should occur.

Sounds good.

How long should a Kage be out in the open, though? Would half a day to a day suffice? They need to run their village as well, so it shouldn't have to be all that lengthy.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on October 30, 2013, 12:26:55 AM
The Kage could always assign them body guards as well. Be it npc annu or just some body woul would want to be there if an attack should occur.

Sounds good.

How long should a Kage be out in the open, though? Would half a day to a day suffice? They need to run their village as well, so it shouldn't have to be all that lengthy.

It makes no sense for a Kage to be out running around.  I mean they are a Kage there is already a big enough hit on their head.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 30, 2013, 12:31:01 AM
The Kage could always assign them body guards as well. Be it npc annu or just some body woul would want to be there if an attack should occur.

Sounds good.

How long should a Kage be out in the open, though? Would half a day to a day suffice? They need to run their village as well, so it shouldn't have to be all that lengthy.

It makes no sense for a Kage to be out running around.  I mean they are a Kage there is already a big enough hit on their head.

So then would you suggest that a jinchuuriki-kage be excluded from the "leave your village every so and so to be more easily targetable" notion?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 30, 2013, 11:52:54 AM
I wish I could say "as long as it is not abused", but I would be kidding myself if I were to say that.  :cry:

I would still probably say yes to that though.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 30, 2013, 12:30:35 PM
So unless anybody vehemently disagrees with this, then Kages are exempted from the weekly roam requirement.

I'd think that the hunter attacking the village (or through direct confrontation) would suffice, unless the Kage in particular can be more of a scumbag than myself and let everything around them be destroyed (which could very well, depending on whether or not anybody actually survives afterwards, trigger an uprising; curse those dictators!).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Zenaku on October 30, 2013, 03:38:33 PM
What about previous kages??  I don't remember the third traveling around
while minato was kage :o
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 31, 2013, 01:57:44 AM
What about previous kages??  I don't remember the third traveling around
while minato was kage :o

We barely even witnessed Hiruzen's life during the flashback when Minato was Kage, so for all we know he could've still been doing missions and the sort outside of the village.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 31, 2013, 02:22:43 AM
What about previous kages??  I don't remember the third traveling around
while minato was kage :o

We barely even witnessed Hiruzen's life during the flashback when Minato was Kage, so for all we know he could've still been doing missions and the sort outside of the village.

Probably trying out Jiraiya's peeping technique...  :twisted:
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 31, 2013, 03:43:39 AM
What about previous kages??  I don't remember the third traveling around
while minato was kage :o

We barely even witnessed Hiruzen's life during the flashback when Minato was Kage, so for all we know he could've still been doing missions and the sort outside of the village.

Probably trying out Jiraiya's peeping technique...  :twisted:

I wonder if he ever managed to learn it in the end... (Probably not)

Anyway, that could be motivation enough for him to leave the village every once in a while to study these 'intricate' perversion techniques (can't have the Mrs finding out!).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 31, 2013, 03:50:40 AM
Well, considering the Mrs. died during the Nine Tails Attack, and he left the village even then... :D

Albeit, his village was under attack by something the size of the Hokage Monument if not larger. Not coming out would have been very bad.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 31, 2013, 04:19:20 AM
Well, considering the Mrs. died during the Nine Tails Attack, and he left the village even then... :D

Albeit, his village was under attack by something the size of the Hokage Monument if not larger. Not coming out would have been very bad.

Though for all we know he could've been outside the village for months prior to Obito's faggotry making a mess of the peace...
Again, we only witnessed a very short period of when Minato was the active Kage and Hiruzen inactive (duty-wise).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 31, 2013, 04:23:27 AM
Well, considering the Mrs. died during the Nine Tails Attack, and he left the village even then... :D

Albeit, his village was under attack by something the size of the Hokage Monument if not larger. Not coming out would have been very bad.

Though for all we know he could've been outside the village for months prior to Obito's faggotry making a mess of the peace...
Again, we only witnessed a very short period of when Minato was the active Kage and Hiruzen inactive (duty-wise).

True, and I think his duty called more whenever the village was under imminent threat. Otherwise, he was probably just stamping papers for Genin and Chunin, and generally just helping Minato out with his duties when he could.

For SL sake, I think inactives would have to be considered  active Kage when it comes to that, as they are at least still Kage.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 31, 2013, 09:31:32 AM
For SL sake, I think inactives would have to be considered  active Kage when it comes to that, as they are at least still Kage.

So long as the Kage doesn't go join another village/organization and be given a different rank, I suppose this could stand.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Mioku on October 31, 2013, 11:46:33 AM
I'm actually curious to see how this works if it's implemented. Because although it is a good idea.. It takes that ONE person to turn even the best idea into the worst idea. That's just the SL cycle. Something happens it's new, It works, everyone loves it, One person abuses it by finding some loophole or whatever.. (Said person sometimes has a following of 'respected' friends to back him/her up on their terrible decision.) And it all goes downhill from there until the person is completely discredited or it comes here to the forums. I'm not talking about one particular event is just what I've seen over the years.

So before everyone just jumps on it and says go for it bro! There should be a better plan B option just in case. And I know that's not always possible since you can't control everything and everyone and not everyone will agree with everything. Buuuut it's still something I think should be kept in mind.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on October 31, 2013, 04:17:13 PM
Plan B huh? Well, if the first system is abused, then making a second system as backup would need to either fix the problems of the first, or be a completely different approach.

I guess plan B could be to outright get rid of the biju from competitive play.  :twisted:
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on October 31, 2013, 09:58:49 PM
I guess plan B could be to outright get rid of the biju from competitive play.  :twisted:

Pretty much.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on October 31, 2013, 11:40:17 PM
We can continue to ignore my idea of making rules to stop people from being horrible human beings for their own benefit, too.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 01, 2013, 12:39:11 AM
We can continue to ignore my idea of making rules to stop people from being horrible human beings for their own benefit, too.

That's basically plan B if you think about it.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kyutu - Super King - on November 01, 2013, 02:11:12 AM
I guess plan B could be to outright get rid of the biju from competitive play.  :twisted:

I can't believe you used that word unironically. Competitive roleplay? In the sense of SL, that doesn't exist. Some people roleplay, others don't, those are the only groups. If you want to sub divide it more than that then all you are doing is dividing the currently already small base that supports anything.

We can continue to ignore my idea of making rules to stop people from being horrible human beings for their own benefit, too.

That was never our job in the first place. Rules are for making guidelines on how the game works, not for how people should act. We aren't a social structure -- at least, not those of us here making rules on the role of bijuu in the game. We have no authority to dictate how people act with regards to these things.
They follow the guidelines and do their "job" properly, or someone better will take it from them. That's how it naturally works, no matter where you look. While we can write the guidelines, we are overstepping our bounds to decide what is proper.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 01, 2013, 03:00:01 AM
Well, zoning, period, is competitive RPing; same goes with the eventual fights over these biju. As far as I'm concerned, that is not sub-dividing; I'm aware there are those who never zone and never will.

I guess I should have specified competitive RPing rather than competitive play, since that includes PvP and all that sorts of stuff.

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 03, 2013, 04:19:56 PM
Can we agree this is to take effect? No one has come to turn it down in a mass majority.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Camel on November 04, 2013, 05:18:09 AM
Can we agree this is to take effect? No one has come to turn it down in a mass majority.

Honestly? I don't know...I figured it's a slippery slope from here since it wasn't turned down in a mass majority, however it still wasn't debated and agreed upon as the "SL Mass Majority" per se. ( It's just a few people agreeing with each other)

My question is before I even start to contemplate on agreeing with everything here is...have every village and/or it's Kage have their say in this topic yet?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 04, 2013, 05:35:30 AM
Can we agree this is to take effect? No one has come to turn it down in a mass majority.

Honestly? I don't know...I figured it's a slippery slope from here since it wasn't turned down in a mass majority, however it still wasn't debated and agreed upon as the "SL Mass Majority" per se. ( It's just a few people agreeing with each other)

My question is before I even start to contemplate on agreeing with everything here is...have every village and/or it's Kage have their say in this topic yet?

No, not every village, not even every Kage/Village/Clan head. The slope is not all that slippery, just not enough people trying to walk it is all.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 04, 2013, 05:39:30 AM
My question is before I even start to contemplate on agreeing with everything here is...have every village and/or it's Kage have their say in this topic yet?

I tossed a message in almost every village, the MoTD and the Mission HQ. If none of the (active) Kages have seen it, then something's definitely up. Otherwise I believe they have seen it, have briefly read through this topic (seeing as it would apply to them), though have chosen not to comment because either 1) they agree yet do not feel the need to say so or 2) they just don't care what happens.

If you feel like asking each and every Kage for this opinion, feel free too though. Though seeing as this is an open forum, there's no reason for them not to elaborate on any distinct distastes they have with the proposition in question.

I say just leave it undecided until the end of the week, and if nobody comes in by then to express something we haven't already expressed (generally something not entirely opposing this), then let it become official.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on November 04, 2013, 06:02:46 AM
I think we should summarize what exactly we're all agreeing on here. Here's what I've gathered from this thread.

- Zoning for a Bijuu is eliminated as an absolute requirement*
- The identities of Jinchuriki are common knowledge IC (Ex. Gaara of Sunagakure is the Jinchuriki of Shukaku, the One-Tailed Tanuki) (You would think that this would already be common knowledge.)
- In accordance with the rule mentioned above, knowledge of their EXACT location is not known by everyone. (Gaara may be of Sunagakure, but he may or may not be out of the village.)
- One must seek out a Jinchuriki, incapacitate/capture/bind/seal them and then extract the Bijuu from them. Even if this means having to take on multiple defenders from the village or party that is with the Jinchuriki.
- Every Bijuu requires a host. Maximum time limit to find one is a week. (Penalty for not finding a host within the time limit has not been specified.)

And whatever was said in here.
If I were to make an overall suggestion about Bijuu and RP relations,

1. Remove challenges - This is something many a people have said, and it makes sense. If the bijuu are there to stimulate RP, then challenges which are outside of RP don't help at all. The only point I could see to them in the first place is that it gives someone without sealing techniques the ability to obtain a bijuu. To solve this particular point people could get over it. If more seal-type characters need to get involved, then that's good, it's just more stimulation for RP. Whether or not people just randomly add sealing to their characters... well, that's not something we can deal with with any more than a slap on the wrist.

2. Responsibility- I believe if you take on a bijuu, you are assuming the responsibility to the site and others to roleplay. In that sense, any large leave of absence for any reason should result in a bijuu being removed, as otherwise it isn't fair or fun for the other players. I would say that 2 week inactivity would be the limit here, without really good reason. Real life was busy is not a  good reason, as I guarantee you that anyone could find at least a minute or two to log on within 2 weeks.
   So what do you do if you got your bijuu taken away and you want it back? RP it back, go take it from the person who got it. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

3. Ownership in case of absence -
      If the participant was in a battle when he went absent, the challenger receives the bijuu.
      If the owner was not in a battle, then the leader in his CLAN, which may or may not be the village, receives the bijuu. A clan will be the assumed as the clan they are listed as in game, which will usually be the village -- this is to keep any retroactive decisions from arising if they were part of a separate "internal clan" or something. If that were the case, then they  should have just made their own clan and gave it affiliation with the village.
     If the absentee was not part of any clan, then the beast is in a free for all position, the specifications of which (tournament, mission, war, etc.) is to be decided on by majority rules within a one week time period after confirmed removal of the bijuu, and to be acted out within a week after the decision.

Do these make sense?

Flesh out and build upon these new rules, since I can already see a few loopholes here and there.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 04, 2013, 06:06:53 AM
Flesh out and build upon these new rules, since I can already see a few loopholes here and there.

Mind sharing?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 04, 2013, 06:20:33 AM
I think it was agree as well you got to step outside some. I don't really agree with the every week ordeal but at least once a month I would say.

Also if a Biju goes up without a host let it run free and whoever grabs it first gets it... I just love this idea is all. I know it will cause crazyness but hey it would be fun no doubt.

I think the time travel between villages should also be monitored here, incase someone was to call in help no getting there in a split second of posting but you need to actually wait and rp it as takign time.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on November 04, 2013, 06:27:14 AM
I think it was agree as well you got to step outside some. I don't really agree with the every week ordeal but at least once a month I would say.

Also if a Biju goes up without a host let it run free and whoever grabs it first gets it... I just love this idea is all. I know it will cause crazyness but hey it would be fun no doubt.

I think the time travel between villages should also be monitored here, incase someone was to call in help no getting there in a split second of posting but you need to actually wait and rp it as takign time.

Gonna be having fun with Hiraishin marked Jinchuriki in Konoha no doubt then.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 04, 2013, 06:32:36 AM
I think it was agree as well you got to step outside some. I don't really agree with the every week ordeal but at least once a month I would say.

Also if a Biju goes up without a host let it run free and whoever grabs it first gets it... I just love this idea is all. I know it will cause crazyness but hey it would be fun no doubt.

I think the time travel between villages should also be monitored here, incase someone was to call in help no getting there in a split second of posting but you need to actually wait and rp it as takign time.

Once a month sounds alright, as long as they're still accessible (and active) within their village.

Letting the bijuu run rampant sounds fun. Multiple parties clashing together while constantly having to avoid TBB's could leave a pretty big dent.

Travel between villages really should depend on the speed of the transportation means one uses. On foot it should take a day or so if done non-stop and without interruption, and with a mount excelling in speed probably only half to a few hours.

I think though that bijuu should be able to be stored in objects, such as massive pots and the sort though only for a few days to a week max, just in case somebody defeats a bijuu though doesn't want it. Apply a cooldown to this as well, say a fortnight or so, so that it can't be abused (i.e. keep bijuu in jar, seal in someone, unseal it from them the next second and seal it back in the jar for another week, then rinse and repeat).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on November 04, 2013, 06:36:42 AM
Flesh out and build upon these new rules, since I can already see a few loopholes here and there.

Mind sharing?
If a Jinchuriki is ambiguously in the wilderness. There seems to be no real rule about that. I would like to suggest that they become open game for anyone that is, or has with them, a proficient sensor. This could also apply to those who are Missing-nin or are just not affiliated with a village and like to keep their whereabouts unknown.

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 04, 2013, 06:42:21 AM
If a Jinchuriki is ambiguously in the wilderness. There seems to be no real rule about that. I would like to suggest that they become open game for anyone that is, or has with them, a proficient sensor. This could also apply to those who are Missing-nin or are just not affiliated with a village and like to keep their whereabouts unknown.

That seems sound.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on November 04, 2013, 10:40:21 AM
If a Jinchuriki is ambiguously in the wilderness. There seems to be no real rule about that. I would like to suggest that they become open game for anyone that is, or has with them, a proficient sensor. This could also apply to those who are Missing-nin or are just not affiliated with a village and like to keep their whereabouts unknown.

That seems sound.

That's exactly the situation my alt, the current 4 tails host is in. I figured I'd just wander from village to village. Sometimes staying in town, sometimes sleeping in the mountains, or whatever. I'd certainly be more exposed than village allied jinchuriki, since even if I was in town the people would have no real reason to support me over whoever is attacking me.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 04, 2013, 12:54:26 PM
Flesh out and build upon these new rules, since I can already see a few loopholes here and there.

Mind sharing?
If a Jinchuriki is ambiguously in the wilderness. There seems to be no real rule about that. I would like to suggest that they become open game for anyone that is, or has with them, a proficient sensor. This could also apply to those who are Missing-nin or are just not affiliated with a village and like to keep their whereabouts unknown.

I disagree with the notion that the tailed beast even be in the wilderness for any extended amount of time; after all, who is going to GM the tailed beast fighting? A potentially neutral party? GM's? An agreed upon person or something?

It would seem incredibly abusable if the party that wants to catch the beast is also RPing the actual fighting of the creature. I mean, just from SL history, hardly is that a fair fight for the tailed beast if its soon to be owner is controlling its actions (the same can be said for mounts, but that's a different story and doesn't really require all that many whips anyways).

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 04, 2013, 01:14:36 PM
I disagree with the notion that the tailed beast even be in the wilderness for any extended amount of time; after all, who is going to GM the tailed beast fighting? A potentially neutral party? GM's? An agreed upon person or something?

It would seem incredibly abusable if the party that wants to catch the beast is also RPing the actual fighting of the creature. I mean, just from SL history, hardly is that a fair fight for the tailed beast if its soon to be owner is controlling its actions (the same can be said for mounts, but that's a different story and doesn't really require all that many whips anyways).

Possibly someone who doesn't like any of the challengers and jinchuuriki in general and would rather TBB them all in the face than let anybody have the bijuu? Just kidding; valid point made.

On that point then it'd be better not to let a beast run rampant.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 04, 2013, 03:58:53 PM
I still like the idea of letting them run loss and I'm sure we could find one person who wouldn't be judgmental to sides. Like possible Kay who does her own thing, Zen probably would do good, I'd trust Kamui, umm Sabu, someone could be choosen.

Plus I like the idea of if a village doesn't find a host within a week the beast goes rampaging in their village.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Ratatosk on November 04, 2013, 05:57:00 PM
- One must seek out a Jinchuriki, incapacitate/capture/bind/seal them and then extract the Bijuu from them. Even if this means having to take on multiple defenders from the village or party that is with the Jinchuriki.

Not that I will get involved in this RPing, but if the host is captured and the beast is extracted unless they have Uzumaki/Senju OP lifeforce , they almost certain won't be alive after the extraction. In this case it will also give the host a risk for having such power at their hands. Unless the choice is to abolish death after extraction for said host.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 04, 2013, 06:12:01 PM
- One must seek out a Jinchuriki, incapacitate/capture/bind/seal them and then extract the Bijuu from them. Even if this means having to take on multiple defenders from the village or party that is with the Jinchuriki.

Not that I will get involved in this RPing, but if the host is captured and the beast is extracted unless they have Uzumaki/Senju OP lifeforce , they almost certain won't be alive after the extraction. In this case it will also give the host a risk for having such power at their hands. Unless the choice is to abolish death after extraction for said host.

Abolish death from getting your biju extracted... Well, I think it would be more convenient to abolish the 'permanent' death stance that pervades. Granted, I'm not one of those that wants to see Yumei walking through the gates of Konoha again anytime soon with a force of twenty dragon knights and a self-proclaimed diety, but getting rid of permanent death might would remove some of the die-hardness of avoiding being defeated in RP.

... Well...  :oops: Maybe I'm the wrong person to speak about die-hardness, but maybe a revival time period depending on how strong someone is could supplement outright death abolishment when tailed beasts are extracted?

Even Kushina was going to die eventually, though she kicked for so long afterwards that she put Hashirama to shame.  8)
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on November 05, 2013, 05:58:59 AM
Even Kushina was going to die eventually, though she kicked for so long afterwards that she put Hashirama to shame.  8)
You have to remember that she just gave birth before getting Kurama ripped out of her. That alone will cause some definite blood-loss and exhaustion. So her Uzuamki-ness pretty much kept her alive, until she took a giant claw through her stomach.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 05, 2013, 12:16:31 PM
Granted, I'm not one of those that wants to see Yumei walking through the gates of Konoha again anytime soon with a force of twenty dragon knights and a self-proclaimed diety, but getting rid of permanent death might would remove some of the die-hardness of avoiding being defeated in RP.

Only 20 dragon knights? Does the concept of zerg rushing ( mean nothing to you?!?!

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 05, 2013, 02:30:45 PM
Granted, I'm not one of those that wants to see Yumei walking through the gates of Konoha again anytime soon with a force of twenty dragon knights and a self-proclaimed diety, but getting rid of permanent death might would remove some of the die-hardness of avoiding being defeated in RP.

Only 20 dragon knights? Does the concept of zerg rushing ( mean nothing to you?!?!
Not really...
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 05, 2013, 05:53:17 PM
Granted, I'm not one of those that wants to see Yumei walking through the gates of Konoha again anytime soon with a force of twenty dragon knights and a self-proclaimed diety, but getting rid of permanent death might would remove some of the die-hardness of avoiding being defeated in RP.

Only 20 dragon knights? Does the concept of zerg rushing ( mean nothing to you?!?!

If you also choose the time of your attack wisely, then yes. If you choose wrong, quantity will not beat quality of the same number.

And I said twenty because of the way I control my companions; there is no way I'd be able to individually command more than maybe five at a time (that's regardless of the turn limits) and twenty only if they were grouped up, preferably two groups of ten or four groups of five.

Zerg rushing only works if your quantity has a quality as a whole better than the quality of the opposing quantity as a whole. 2^3 vs 2 x 3 sort of way to look at it. The former produces more than the latter, but whether 8 will win out against 6 has so many other factors in the real fight.

I'm no expert on childbirth, so I'm not going to debate (as if I could, ha) on whether or not she lost enough blood for it have been important to the situation or not.

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on November 05, 2013, 11:51:52 PM
Another thing I wanted to bring up was custom/fan villages. If they so happen to somehow out of random chance and luck to obtain a Bijuu. I'm guessing that a free zone would have to be used for public interaction/attack.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Genesis on November 06, 2013, 12:06:27 AM
Another thing I wanted to bring up was custom/fan villages. If they so happen to somehow out of random chance and luck to obtain a Bijuu. I'm guessing that a free zone would have to be used for public interaction/attack.

You should know this better than anyone else...Ame, for example, usually uses the rain zone or something if this were to come up. I see no problems here.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on November 06, 2013, 05:09:44 AM
Another thing I wanted to bring up was custom/fan villages. If they so happen to somehow out of random chance and luck to obtain a Bijuu. I'm guessing that a free zone would have to be used for public interaction/attack.

You should know this better than anyone else...Ame, for example, usually uses the rain zone or something if this were to come up. I see no problems here.
But I was talking about a fanon village. A lot more of them seem to be popping up here and there.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 06, 2013, 05:50:26 AM

Similar concept. The zones are relatively free to use at any time. I said relatively because interrupting someone else's RP for your own (while theirs is still actively posting and stuff) is a little rude, albeit, not something that you can't do.   :twisted:

If the zones don't work, then... Well, the gardens don't work, can't have a fight there. But... Then again, that could be a useful gimmick... :D
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 06, 2013, 10:27:54 AM
Alternatively create an alt as I've seen a few others doing intentionally (for planting in such villages run in clans). Others for instance may be run in a dwelling (Tenryuuji for instance being run in one of my Cityhouses), and hence accessibility is as simple as requesting a key.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 06, 2013, 12:00:24 PM
Alternatively create an alt as I've seen a few others doing intentionally (for planting in such villages run in clans). Others for instance may be run in a dwelling (Tenryuuji for instance being run in one of my Cityhouses), and hence accessibility is as simple as requesting a key.

Well, if you bring an entire force of shinobi with you, then does that entire force need to have alts? Or do the alts need to have alts if it are the alts being sent after you? I say dwelling locations still have to have a public space to attack. Infiltration is one thing, all out attacks are another and should be treated as such.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 06, 2013, 01:44:03 PM
Well, if you bring an entire force of shinobi with you, then does that entire force need to have alts? Or do the alts need to have alts if it are the alts being sent after you? I say dwelling locations still have to have a public space to attack. Infiltration is one thing, all out attacks are another and should be treated as such.

I dare say they'd all need to use alts if they don't feel like leaving their village clan (or w/e) temporarily.

I disagree with the notion that dwelling locations need a public space to attack, as long as the dwelling owner doesn't refuse to hand over keys to those who've conducted feasible actions to access whatsoever the context of it may be. There's no reason that all-out attacks, or so you say, can't be conducted inside of the dwelling, and inside of the dwelling alone (unless you have like 10+ players trying to attack it for God knows why).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 06, 2013, 03:48:19 PM
Well, if you bring an entire force of shinobi with you, then does that entire force need to have alts? Or do the alts need to have alts if it are the alts being sent after you? I say dwelling locations still have to have a public space to attack. Infiltration is one thing, all out attacks are another and should be treated as such.

I dare say they'd all need to use alts if they don't feel like leaving their village clan (or w/e) temporarily.

I disagree with the notion that dwelling locations need a public space to attack, as long as the dwelling owner doesn't refuse to hand over keys to those who've conducted feasible actions to access whatsoever the context of it may be. There's no reason that all-out attacks, or so you say, can't be conducted inside of the dwelling, and inside of the dwelling alone (unless you have like 10+ players trying to attack it for God knows why).

They should still have to venture out once a month just like those in villages have to do. You can't just stay hidden behind your dragon forces like that if I can't stay hidden behind Konoha's forces.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 06, 2013, 05:56:50 PM
Well, if you bring an entire force of shinobi with you, then does that entire force need to have alts? Or do the alts need to have alts if it are the alts being sent after you? I say dwelling locations still have to have a public space to attack. Infiltration is one thing, all out attacks are another and should be treated as such.

I dare say they'd all need to use alts if they don't feel like leaving their village clan (or w/e) temporarily.

I disagree with the notion that dwelling locations need a public space to attack, as long as the dwelling owner doesn't refuse to hand over keys to those who've conducted feasible actions to access whatsoever the context of it may be. There's no reason that all-out attacks, or so you say, can't be conducted inside of the dwelling, and inside of the dwelling alone (unless you have like 10+ players trying to attack it for God knows why).

So why should clans have to make public areas in the zones then? After all, all the attackers have to do is send their alts on over to the clan in question and RP the battling there. Even the main villages could use their clan halls for this purpose.

There would be no reason to use the zones at all for a 'public' location. It's all of them are compelled to use the zones or none of them are compelled.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 06, 2013, 10:04:06 PM
So why should clans have to make public areas in the zones then? After all, all the attackers have to do is send their alts on over to the clan in question and RP the battling there. Even the main villages could use their clan halls for this purpose.

There would be no reason to use the zones at all for a 'public' location. It's all of them are compelled to use the zones or none of them are compelled.

I don't know, I'm not the one who came up with that. Perhaps the clan founder didn't like cluttering their clan with an invasion while there were others who'd rather go on about their daily activities? There's no reason such a reason and method should be universal.

I tend to think the zones are better used as non-village locations rather than substitutes for village-based battles. That being said, I don't quite see why you'd need to be compelled to use them (in this jinchuuriki-focal context) unless your character ventured outside of whatsoever village they were in and encounter a rabble of hunters.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 06, 2013, 11:08:29 PM
So why should clans have to make public areas in the zones then? After all, all the attackers have to do is send their alts on over to the clan in question and RP the battling there. Even the main villages could use their clan halls for this purpose.

There would be no reason to use the zones at all for a 'public' location. It's all of them are compelled to use the zones or none of them are compelled.

I don't know, I'm not the one who came up with that. Perhaps the clan founder didn't like cluttering their clan with an invasion while there were others who'd rather go on about their daily activities? There's no reason such a reason and method should be universal.

I tend to think the zones are better used as non-village locations rather than substitutes for village-based battles. That being said, I don't quite see why you'd need to be compelled to use them (in this jinchuuriki-focal context) unless your character ventured outside of whatsoever village they were in and encounter a rabble of hunters.

In the jinck focal point, some clans already use the zones as their public interactions; that's out of convenience I am sure, and they can continue doing it and all. However, it was earlier voiced that the clans would need/have to have a public place to hold the attack.

If that were the consensus case, I wanted it to be universal; I don't want dwelling users to keep all of their invasion RP completely private while some clans are compelled to put theirs in the zones. I was under the impression that there was the idea that clans would have to use public areas for this sort of thing, and wanted it to be relatively balanced out if it becomes a necessity for clans.

Make it a necessity for any establishments, or just have it purely as an option.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 06, 2013, 11:12:37 PM
In the jinck focal point, some clans already use the zones as their public interactions; that's out of convenience I am sure, and they can continue doing it and all. However, it was earlier voiced that the clans would need/have to have a public place to hold the attack.

If that were the consensus case, I wanted it to be universal; I don't want dwelling users to keep all of their invasion RP completely private while some clans are compelled to put theirs in the zones. I was under the impression that there was the idea that clans would have to use public areas for this sort of thing, and wanted it to be relatively balanced out if it becomes a necessity for clans.

Make it a necessity for any establishments, or just have it purely as an option.

For the sake of jinchuuriki hunting, then I guess this should be the general consensus (unless one of the many viewers who've chosen to remain silent wish to say anything against it). However, this should only apply to those villages that have jinchuuriki hiding within them.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 07, 2013, 03:17:53 PM
In the jinck focal point, some clans already use the zones as their public interactions; that's out of convenience I am sure, and they can continue doing it and all. However, it was earlier voiced that the clans would need/have to have a public place to hold the attack.

If that were the consensus case, I wanted it to be universal; I don't want dwelling users to keep all of their invasion RP completely private while some clans are compelled to put theirs in the zones. I was under the impression that there was the idea that clans would have to use public areas for this sort of thing, and wanted it to be relatively balanced out if it becomes a necessity for clans.

Make it a necessity for any establishments, or just have it purely as an option.

For the sake of jinchuuriki hunting, then I guess this should be the general consensus (unless one of the many viewers who've chosen to remain silent wish to say anything against it). However, this should only apply to those villages that have jinchuuriki hiding within them.

Fair enough. I have no qualms with that being the stipulation. Any organization/village/location with a jinck should have a public location, whether they are a dwelling or a clan.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on November 13, 2013, 11:33:28 PM
So what is going on with this? We are waiting for at least the 5 Kage to comment, right?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 02:11:54 AM
It seems to sit with the vast majority, and given the sizeable timeframe since I spammed a notice site-wide I don't think anybody else has much to add aside from what's already been presented.

I guess we just need to fully summarize the changes and if everybody remains silent, make them happen.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 14, 2013, 02:50:20 AM
It seems to sit with the vast majority, and given the sizeable timeframe since I spammed a notice site-wide I don't think anybody else has much to add aside from what's already been presented.

I guess we just need to fully summarize the changes and if everybody remains silent, make them happen.

This. I'd give my opinion if it was summarized and didn't require to read eight pages of discussion.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 04:17:29 AM
(Aside from traditional challenges being removed entirely.)
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 14, 2013, 04:58:13 AM
(Aside from traditional challenges being removed entirely.)
  • You must know about who is a jinchuuriki IC'ly. Even then, knowledge of their precise location must be located IC'ly.
  • Jinchuuriki have an obligation to roleplay, making a post in a public location at least once every fortnight. That said those part of a village must exit it within this period, if only for a couple of days (somewhere in the zones, most likely); Kage of the major villages who are jinchuuriki are exempted from this, Kage of minor villages are not, however. Those with no affiliations need only post in the zones, if not close to a village.
  • Jinchuuriki in addition have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijuu if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post in public a fortnight), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan will inherit the bijuu; if the jinchuuriki wasn't in the clan, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.
  • Unless a jinchuuriki has outstanding life force from being either an Uzumaki, have Hashirama's DNA (/Mokuton) or are downright immortal, they will die when stripped of their bijuu and be left in a weakened state.

Two things:

1. *They will die when stripped of their Bijuu and those with exceptional life force will be left in a weakened state.

2. They shouldn't have to exit their village. If, say, Eric was still in Konoha and he publicly RPed in Konoha within the required time limit, then there is no need for him to exit the village. Why would he need to in the first place? To make it easier on hunters? If so, that's stupid. It was hard for the Akatsuki in the series so it shouldn't be any easier for players especially since most Jincuriki leave their from time to time. I did it some of the time, Kirk did, Eric did/is, etc.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 05:04:32 AM
Two things:

1. *They will die when stripped of their Bijuu and those with exceptional life force will be left in a weakened state.

2. They shouldn't have to exit their village. If, say, Eric was still in Konoha and he publicly RPed in Konoha within the required time limit, then there is no need for him to exit the village. Why would he need to in the first place? To make it easier on hunters? If so, that's stupid. It was hard for the Akatsuki in the series so it shouldn't be any easier for players especially since most Jincuriki leave their from time to time. I did it some of the time, Kirk did, Eric did/is, etc.

@1: What would stop every single host from claiming an exceptional life force, then? There should be a risk of death involved. If one lacks an outstanding life force and fear death, then hosting a bijuu shouldn't be in their best interests (it isn't obligatory to host one afterall). Simple.

@2: I agree with that, though the others don't seem to be on the same note.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 14, 2013, 05:07:06 AM
Two things:

1. *They will die when stripped of their Bijuu and those with exceptional life force will be left in a weakened state.

2. They shouldn't have to exit their village. If, say, Eric was still in Konoha and he publicly RPed in Konoha within the required time limit, then there is no need for him to exit the village. Why would he need to in the first place? To make it easier on hunters? If so, that's stupid. It was hard for the Akatsuki in the series so it shouldn't be any easier for players especially since most Jincuriki leave their from time to time. I did it some of the time, Kirk did, Eric did/is, etc.

@1: What would stop every single host from claiming an exceptional life force, then? There should be a risk of death involved. If one lacks an outstanding life force and fear death, then hosting a bijuu shouldn't be in their best interests (it isn't obligatory to host one afterall). Simple.

@2: I agree with that, though the others don't seem to be on the same note.

1. I was fixing your grammatical error. You already stated what one would need to qualify as having an exceptional life force and I agree with it.

2. So?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 05:10:34 AM
1. I was fixing your grammatical error. You already stated what one would need to qualify as having an exceptional life force and I agree with it.

2. So?

@1: Gotcha.

@2: So now we need to wait for those against it to either agree with it, or (re-)present their argument against it.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 05:25:13 AM
[Excuse the double post.]

These are the... 'arguments' presented against #2:

They should still have to venture out once a month just like those in villages have to do. You can't just stay hidden behind your dragon forces like that if I can't stay hidden behind Konoha's forces.

Why should clans have to make public areas in the zones then? After all, all the attackers have to do is send their alts on over to the clan in question and RP the battling there. Even the main villages could use their clan halls for this purpose.

There would be no reason to use the zones at all for a 'public' location. It's all of them are compelled to use the zones or none of them are compelled.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on November 14, 2013, 05:42:51 AM
  • You must know about who is a jinchuuriki IC'ly. Even then, knowledge of their precise location must be located IC'ly.
Like I said before, isn't knowing who the Jinchuriki are common knowledge? Sure people may not know what they look like exactly, but their names would be something that's commonly spread around.

And let's not forget about the rule concerning wanderers/unaffiliated people.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 05:48:51 AM
  • You must know about who is a jinchuuriki IC'ly. Even then, knowledge of their precise location must be located IC'ly.

Like I said before, isn't knowing who the Jinchuriki are common knowledge? Sure people may not know what they look like exactly, but their names would be something that's commonly spread around.

And let's not forget about the rule concerning wanderers/unaffiliated people.

Not unless somebody who knew them personally was a chatterbox. Of course, if somebody announced they were a jinchuuriki with another spreading their name around, then of course it'd be likely for others to learn that. If the creation of a jinchuuriki was kept discreet/classified, then it'd be considerably unlikely for anybody to learn that until somebody involved screws up and lets loose information (or the jinchuuriki by openly demonstrating their bijuu's power).

Of course those seeking wanderers or unaffiliated persons could wander themselves and 'conveniently' wind up in a location nearby, so long as they aren't completely metagaming (if being in a similar area at a similar time can be considered metagaming at all), so no problem there.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 14, 2013, 06:21:39 AM
[Excuse the double post.]

These are the... 'arguments' presented against #2:

They should still have to venture out once a month just like those in villages have to do. You can't just stay hidden behind your dragon forces like that if I can't stay hidden behind Konoha's forces.

Why should clans have to make public areas in the zones then? After all, all the attackers have to do is send their alts on over to the clan in question and RP the battling there. Even the main villages could use their clan halls for this purpose.

There would be no reason to use the zones at all for a 'public' location. It's all of them are compelled to use the zones or none of them are compelled.

I'm not really seeing how either of those are arguing that Jichuriki should RP outside their village. Kirk seems like he's saying that if he has to do it then you'd have to. Eric, though, I can't really tell what he's trying to get at.

  • You must know about who is a jinchuuriki IC'ly. Even then, knowledge of their precise location must be located IC'ly.
Like I said before, isn't knowing who the Jinchuriki are common knowledge? Sure people may not know what they look like exactly, but their names would be something that's commonly spread around.

And let's not forget about the rule concerning wanderers/unaffiliated people.

No. Just like when a new 'Kage is chosen it isn't really known unless a multitude of people visit the village and spread the news or the 'Kage and villagers/Shinobi do so themselves. Same goes for Bijuu. Unless the people of the village -- if they even know about it -- go around IC spreading the word or the Jinchuriki uses it's Bijuu's powers, then no one will ever really know.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 06:28:44 AM
I'm not really seeing how either of those are arguing that Jichuriki should RP outside their village. Kirk seems like he's saying that if he has to do it then you'd have to. Eric, though, I can't really tell what he's trying to get at.

Eric was more or less saying that everybody should use the public zones, specifically minor villages using their clan halls for when people are hunting their jinchuuriki. Probably pestered that they 'have it easy' in concealing information that the public shouldn't even need to know about. But then again, it only closer inspection has little relevance to what you asked earlier.

I guess some just want it 'easy' after losing their ability to issue challenges directly, entirely bypassing the defenses and defenders other villages have in place. Really if getting those bijuu back from strongly guarded territory is a deterrence, then those concerned should do all they can to prevent such territories from obtaining bijuu in the first place.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 14, 2013, 06:35:02 AM
I'm not really seeing how either of those are arguing that Jichuriki should RP outside their village. Kirk seems like he's saying that if he has to do it then you'd have to. Eric, though, I can't really tell what he's trying to get at.

Eric was more or less saying that everybody should use the public zones, specifically minor villages using their clan halls for when people are hunting their jinchuuriki. Probably pestered that they 'have it easy' in concealing information that the public shouldn't even need to know about. But then again, it only closer inspection has little relevance to what you asked earlier.

It's very rare that minor villages get Bijuu and, if they do, then if you wanted to be sure that they were RPing when they were supposed to then you should create an alt or something to monitor them.

I guess some just want it 'easy' after losing their ability to issue challenges directly, entirely bypassing the defenses and defenders other villages have in place. Really if getting those bijuu back from strongly guarded territory is a deterrence, then those concerned should do all they can to prevent such territories from obtaining bijuu in the first place.

Exactly. Do such villages have them now? Yes, but once someone obtains them then it should be hard to fall into that villages hands again. Not to mention that some villages may either 'sit' on the Bijuu or dispose of them if this is put into place. Why? Because having one can actually kill you now whereas before it just forced you to fight people.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 06:42:18 AM

Really we'd only need one to a couple of alts managed by volunteers to check if these minor villages have their jinchuuriki posting at set intervals (for those with their activities staged in the clan hall). If anything questionable occurs then they can easily dish out PDF's containing the comment lines and toss them up here.

If people don't like these minor villages they can't readily access obtaining bijuu then yes, just cripple them so they can't again anytime soon. Just kill/seal the host after extracting the bijuu from them, if extracting it from them alone wasn't enough, not too difficult.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 14, 2013, 07:43:41 AM
What exactly is a fortnight?

Also I don't think you should strip a Biju if the host can't post due to some rl issues. I mean come on we all have a life and we can't help the effects that take place sometimes... Now you trying to tell people what to do in RL? Really!!!  It's like saying oh your parent just died to bad you having you beast taken, oh your child was just born oh well, you had to work late this week to earn some extra money for your families hospital bills your loss why should your RL issues come first?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 08:02:16 AM
What exactly is a fortnight?

Also I don't think you should strip a Biju if the host can't post due to some rl issues. I mean come on we all have a life and we can't help the effects that take place sometimes... Now you trying to tell people what to do in RL? Really!!!  It's like saying oh your parent just died to bad you having you beast taken, oh your child was just born oh well, you had to work late this week to earn some extra money for your families hospital bills your loss why should your RL issues come first?

A fortnight is plenty of time for the host to make just one post, regardless of circumstances. As heartless as it sounds, not many would be happy for their roleplay to be stalled just because of one person's situation - it's plain unfair to the others. Really, hosts should be obligated to understand now that if they cannot commit to posting regularly (once a fortnight), then they will be stripped regardless of the reason. If they've some excruciatingly dire situation taking precedence, then being a host on SL should barely be a concern. In this case though we can just strip them of the bijuu without killing their character, and if they want it back later when their situation's calmed down, they can hunt for it back.

Bottom-line: Hosts have a big responsibility in return for great power, though if one has even bigger RL responsibilities, then it shouldn't be at all on their itinerary to become one. And if RL suddenly hammers down, then the host should be able to forfeit their bijuu without killing their prized character so that they can gain the opportunity to hunt it back later if they so wish.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on November 14, 2013, 02:41:48 PM
  • You must know about who is a jinchuuriki IC'ly. Even then, knowledge of their precise location must be located IC'ly.

Like I said before, isn't knowing who the Jinchuriki are common knowledge? Sure people may not know what they look like exactly, but their names would be something that's commonly spread around.

And let's not forget about the rule concerning wanderers/unaffiliated people.

Not unless somebody who knew them personally was a chatterbox. Of course, if somebody announced they were a jinchuuriki with another spreading their name around, then of course it'd be likely for others to learn that. If the creation of a jinchuuriki was kept discreet/classified, then it'd be considerably unlikely for anybody to learn that until somebody involved screws up and lets loose information (or the jinchuuriki by openly demonstrating their bijuu's power).

Of course those seeking wanderers or unaffiliated persons could wander themselves and 'conveniently' wind up in a location nearby, so long as they aren't completely metagaming (if being in a similar area at a similar time can be considered metagaming at all), so no problem there.
  • You must know about who is a jinchuuriki IC'ly. Even then, knowledge of their precise location must be located IC'ly.
Like I said before, isn't knowing who the Jinchuriki are common knowledge? Sure people may not know what they look like exactly, but their names would be something that's commonly spread around.

And let's not forget about the rule concerning wanderers/unaffiliated people.

No. Just like when a new 'Kage is chosen it isn't really known unless a multitude of people visit the village and spread the news or the 'Kage and villagers/Shinobi do so themselves. Same goes for Bijuu. Unless the people of the village -- if they even know about it -- go around IC spreading the word or the Jinchuriki uses it's Bijuu's powers, then no one will ever really know.
In every single instance where a Jinchuriki's life or backstory has been shown, apparently EVERYONE in their village knew exactly who they were. It's the main reason why some of them end up being isolated and become loners. It's the price of having such a large beast of pure chakra and power sealed inside you. People WILL come after you, or even resent you for having or depending on a Bijuu.

Just look at what Gaara has been through. Naruto and Bee when through the exact same thing too. Everyone in their village knew who they were, and of their status as a Jinchūriki. It's not even one of the best-kept secrets either, since Kumogakure had even kidnapped Kushina for the sole purpose of controlling Kurama's power.

It's a reasonable thing to have in this new system, where hunting down a Jinchūriki is something that will have to be done. Although for wanderers, anybody who has some keen sensing skills could probably sense an abnormally large mass of chakra. It would be even easier if someone has some experience and knowledge of what a Tailed Beast's chakra is like. And the fact that they are unaffiliated with a village would make being a wandering Jinchūriki a somewhat short life if they cannot defend themselves well against those who may seek out the power they hold.

This could all inspire more IC actions, decisions and consequences of obtaining a Tailed Beast. They are usually considered the property, and a sort of symbol of power, by a village anyways. Unless specified.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 02:55:31 PM


The Kage most likely did something like that, literally announcing to the entire village as to who the jinchuuriki of x bijuu was. Surely they had a right to know who their 'hero' or 'scapegoat' was in the series, right? Because they were viewed early on as weapons which depending on how well villages were able to contain their prejudices, wind up leading to the defection or alienation of them. hence it wasn't really farfetched for outsiders such as the Akatsuki to locate the jinchuuriki when people were willing to let loose information able those monsters in humans forms wandering somewhere in the land.

But yes, it is undeniable that someone will be after the bijuu in your possession. If only of course they had knowledge of whether or not you well and truly had it in the first place. Fact is, SL doesn't follow the series that closely, we don't hold as much animosity or value towards jinchuuriki (as in the series) and rarely ever discuss it in-character on a wide-scale. While I suppose it is logical for extremely keen sensors to detect who is a jinchuuriki (and perhaps jinchuuriki being able to detect other jinchuuriki, perhaps not very accurately but still gain a lead), hunters should still be forced to gather information should they possess neither of these perks.

Besides, knowing who the jinchuuriki of x bijuu doesn't automatically let you discover where they may be. If nobody knows or refuses to tell the truth regardless of the circumstances, and the hunter lacks techniques (or other means) to force the truth out of them, then they'd be forced to locate information and leads the hard way.

So anyway, I believe that unless the Kage were blunder-heads and didn't keep the jinchuuriki's creation confidential, as well as keeping a tight leash on those involved, then it shouldn't be public knowledge as to who is 'that' jinchuuriki until somebody spills the beans, or a freaky-keen sensor/jicnhuuriki detects them manually.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Kage on November 14, 2013, 03:21:00 PM


The Kage most likely did something like that, literally announcing to the entire village as to who the jinchuuriki of x bijuu was. Surely they had a right to know who their 'hero' or 'scapegoat' was in the series, right? Because they were viewed early on as weapons which depending on how well villages were able to contain their prejudices, wind up leading to the defection or alienation of them. hence it wasn't really farfetched for outsiders such as the Akatsuki to locate the jinchuuriki when people were willing to let loose information able those monsters in humans forms wandering somewhere in the land.

But yes, it is undeniable that someone will be after the bijuu in your possession. If only of course they had knowledge of whether or not you well and truly had it in the first place. Fact is, SL doesn't follow the series that closely, we don't hold as much animosity or value towards jinchuuriki (as in the series) and rarely ever discuss it in-character on a wide-scale. While I suppose it is logical for extremely keen sensors to detect who is a jinchuuriki (and perhaps jinchuuriki being able to detect other jinchuuriki, perhaps not very accurately but still gain a lead), hunters should still be forced to gather information should they possess neither of these perks.

Besides, knowing who the jinchuuriki of x bijuu doesn't automatically let you discover where they may be. If nobody knows or refuses to tell the truth regardless of the circumstances, and the hunter lacks techniques (or other means) to force the truth out of them, then they'd be forced to locate information and leads the hard way.

So anyway, I believe that unless the Kage were blunder-heads and didn't keep the jinchuuriki's creation confidential, as well as keeping a tight leash on those involved, then it shouldn't be public knowledge as to who is 'that' jinchuuriki until somebody spills the beans, or a freaky-keen sensor/jicnhuuriki detects them manually.
I'm pretty ok with this then.

But what about the unaffiliated/wandering Jinchūriki issue? This seems to be one of the biggest loopholes that I've come across, since they can claim to be ambiguously in the wilderness whenever they're not in a village. Should that mean that they can be tracked down and encountered (in a zone) if the same conditions as above are met?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 03:27:10 PM
But what about the unaffiliated/wandering Jinchūriki issue? This seems to be one of the biggest loopholes that I've come across, since they can claim to be ambiguously in the wilderness whenever they're not in a village. Should that mean that they can be tracked down and encountered (in a zone) if the same conditions as above are met?

If the hunter is coincidentally within the same zone and possesses the ability to locate them, then why not? Fact of the matter is that there are less safeguards for wandering jinchuuriki, seeing that anybody can access the zone relative to their hiding hole (which is why it'd be more advantageous for them to be a part of/hide within a village).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on November 14, 2013, 07:24:56 PM
I was under the impression that it wasn't going to be common knowledge that "There is a Jinchuriki of the 9 tails in Kumo, his name is Zenaku." and so on, just so people couldn't hide it forever. If we are deciding to make it harder for the hunters then we could nix that like you guys are saying now.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 14, 2013, 09:52:10 PM
I was under the impression that it wasn't going to be common knowledge that "There is a Jinchuriki of the 9 tails in Kumo, his name is Zenaku." and so on, just so people couldn't hide it forever. If we are deciding to make it harder for the hunters then we could nix that like you guys are saying now.

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on November 15, 2013, 02:00:03 AM
Wow awkward typo. I meant to say I thought it WAS going to be common knowledge. Just that they exist in a certain village essentially so you have somewhere to start.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 15, 2013, 02:22:08 AM
It'd be silly to know where the jinchuuriki of a bijuu was should it be secretly extracted from its host and laundered into the possession of a wandering shinobi or a small village that never releases any information regarding it to the outside world.

Fact is the confidentiality of handling the management of a jinchuuriki's whereabouts and information regarding them being a host plays a major factor (or damn well should) in determining whether the outside world has enough information to pinpoint the area they can be located in.

As mentioned earlier, it'd make sense, were a village to keep its jinchuuriki's identity (and potentially, their existence) hidden, for a keen-as-hell sensor or another jinchuuriki to be able to sense them out.

In other words, it should only be common knowledge if the jinchuuriki's associates gloated excessively in public or information was spilled some way or another for an outsider to access.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 15, 2013, 04:59:00 AM
Two things:

1. *They will die when stripped of their Bijuu and those with exceptional life force will be left in a weakened state.

2. They shouldn't have to exit their village. If, say, Eric was still in Konoha and he publicly RPed in Konoha within the required time limit, then there is no need for him to exit the village. Why would he need to in the first place? To make it easier on hunters? If so, that's stupid. It was hard for the Akatsuki in the series so it shouldn't be any easier for players especially since most Jincuriki leave their from time to time. I did it some of the time, Kirk did, Eric did/is, etc.

Requiring the jincks to leave their village, at a single time of the month or so, is not really asking that much. No one ever said that they had to leave alone; you could still have an entire escort of shinobi that are just as capable of defenders in the field as they were at home. Going into their local countryside like Konoha Forest in your example is good enough.

The point of that argument is, in a sense, to make it just a little easier on the hunters; the jinck could still carry around a huge load and rear guard, but at least the battle would not be in the village were there to be a huge strew fest. As anyone involved in hosting and challenges know, biju battles can get rather heated if you put the right people in the mix.

At least, if they have left their village, people can still leave the village in order to help them out should the time occur (and they're just talking a stroll in the surrounding countryside), so saying that the jincks would be much more poorly defended is a load even a whore shouldn't have to swallow, unless the village has hax barriers and such. :P

Another part of this was to prevent hoarding from extending to hosts. Yeah, I get it, it's totally a fair option to tell the jinck that they can't leave, the series shows that. But, at the same time, the series also shows how unpractical that is, especially if the jinck is on the stronger side.

There are no rampant shinobi wars going on right now, and missions are hardly a cut-throat occupation, making the hunter have to go through not just the people, but the walls, the buildings, and literally make them destroy the village just to have a chance at the tailed beast is quite ludicrous.

Not just for the hunter(s), but even for the villagers themselves. The Kage wants to hoard the beast in the pot smoker down in the basement; Bocc returns to SL (most lucid example that comes to mind atm) with an army of stone shinobi and derp rushes the village. Now the entire village is caught up in this, and in one way or another, it forces everyone in the village to participate one way or another in the biju game.

Large RP's nowadays, fail, and it is not always just because of how long it takes people to post (though that's part of it) and RL getting in the way (a big part of it). Some would say "Well, they can just post doing something else somewhere else".

Well, no, not really, we all know the style in which Bocc (or anyone attacking a villager) would go, if given the chance, he would bring the entire village to bear just to repel; no half-loyal citizen of any village is going to just go about their daily lives, buying bread and fapping to the Icha Icha series while everything around them is getting shredded in some huge battle.

And if they do... Then their characterization better not even bat an eye if a meteor-sized piece of wood crashes down on their favorite food shop.

Summary: Making the jincks leave their village/hideout every now and again, for the time listed previously, makes this whole thing fairer for the hunters, and reasonable for the general inhabitants of said village, and it isn't exactly asking for an arm and a leg either.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 15, 2013, 05:05:36 AM
Summary: Making the jincks leave their village/hideout every now and again, for the time listed previously, makes this whole thing fairer for the hunters, and reasonable for the general inhabitants of said village, and it isn't exactly asking for an arm and a leg either.

And just how long should they be outside for, a day? Would visiting another village qualify if they were required to pass through the zones?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 15, 2013, 05:35:29 AM
Summary: Making the jincks leave their village/hideout every now and again, for the time listed previously, makes this whole thing fairer for the hunters, and reasonable for the general inhabitants of said village, and it isn't exactly asking for an arm and a leg either.

And just how long should they be outside for, a day? Would visiting another village qualify if they were required to pass through the zones?

The time we previously agreed on should be sufficient. Didn't we say like once a week or once a month or something?

And visiting another village would by definition count, as they're not in their own village anymore. The zone thing would be extra. I mean, if people start hunting, kick the jinkc out and watch the fireworks?

Or, just say that travel through the zones would count... 
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 15, 2013, 05:44:15 AM
Most do leave their village, though. I don't see the point in making it mandatory especially when if they're one of the more active Jinchuriki. Also, if they attack a village then it not only promotes more RP but it makes it harder on them and that's what one should expect when trying to kill anyone. It's not easy so we shouldn't make it easy just because there is a Tailed Beast involved. As for the whole 'it makes it a cluster ****' that's because Bocc' was terrible at attacking villages because he never planned or discussed it and just rushed in half the time. However, look at when Zenaku did it: it went pretty smooth and the only time I can recall something going wrong was in Kiri and that was due to Cmage.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 15, 2013, 06:02:09 AM
Most do leave their village, though. I don't see the point in making it mandatory especially when if they're one of the more active Jinchuriki. Also, if they attack a village then it not only promotes more RP but it makes it harder on them and that's what one should expect when trying to kill anyone. It's not easy so we shouldn't make it easy just because there is a Tailed Beast involved. As for the whole 'it makes it a cluster ****' that's because Bocc' was terrible at attacking villages because he never planned or discussed it and just rushed in half the time. However, look at when Zenaku did it: it went pretty smooth and the only time I can recall something going wrong was in Kiri and that was due to Cmage.

If most leave their village, then they should have no problem with this mandatory addition. :)

Attacking someone or a group promotes just as much RP as attacking a village. The evidence is, well, evident; attacking a village, some defenders come to do the job. Attacking in a random location out in the 'wild', some defenders come to do the job. There is no significant increase that village fights have over zone-based ones in the art of 'generating' more RP.

Honestly, Bocc was not that terrible; surprise was a, well, surprising element, that went unusually well in Konoha. There was a little bickering, but the fight finished, even as a few stomped for the whole matter to be voided. I prefer Bocc's method, when it comes to attacking active villages, and that is just me.

I can't say on Zenaku's times, because I never knew Zenaku even attacked any villages.

You're acting as if this suddenly puts the biju right into the horny lap of hunters, which quite frankly, it does not. The hunters still have to work to get the tailed beasts, because it is not only just a short window of opportunity, but rarely would a smart host take this time to go out completely alone if they suspect that they are on a hit list.

There is a fine line between making something difficult enough to maintain the challenge and making something so difficult that no one is going to bother.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 15, 2013, 06:10:43 AM
The time we previously agreed on should be sufficient. Didn't we say like once a week or once a month or something?

I was referring to how long they shouldn't be in their village, rather than how often they should leave it. Personally I don't think they should have to spend any longer than a day outside if it's in regards to this little rule, regardless of how badly it lines up with the schedules of prospective hunters.

Most do leave their village, though. I don't see the point in making it mandatory especially when if they're one of the more active Jinchuriki. Also, if they attack a village then it not only promotes more RP but it makes it harder on them and that's what one should expect when trying to kill anyone. It's not easy so we shouldn't make it easy just because there is a Tailed Beast involved. As for the whole 'it makes it a cluster ****' that's because Bocc' was terrible at attacking villages because he never planned or discussed it and just rushed in half the time. However, look at when Zenaku did it: it went pretty smooth and the only time I can recall something going wrong was in Kiri and that was due to Cmage.

There's more or less just a problem with impacting the village community that wants no part of the conflict and being forced into it were the entire village threatened with destruction.

I do think there should be risk of village destruction, and really if somebody's to be blamed for such an event, it should be the jinchuuriki's responsibility to face the ridicule. That being said, jinchuuriki should not be killed before the extraction takes place (I'm sure though that's already a thing; it'd be silly to destroy a village and also the jinchuuriki along with it).

Though anyway, I think forcing the host to leave their village once a month is deadset fair, even if it's just to visit another, heavily fortified village for a day or so. Fact is the hunters won't receive direct notification as to when this will occur until perhaps after the host states that they've just performed their mandatory relocation for the month.

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 15, 2013, 06:21:01 AM
The time we previously agreed on should be sufficient. Didn't we say like once a week or once a month or something?

I was referring to how long they shouldn't be in their village, rather than how often they should leave it. Personally I don't think they should have to spend any longer than a day outside if it's in regards to this little rule, regardless of how badly it lines up with the schedules of prospective hunters.

Most do leave their village, though. I don't see the point in making it mandatory especially when if they're one of the more active Jinchuriki. Also, if they attack a village then it not only promotes more RP but it makes it harder on them and that's what one should expect when trying to kill anyone. It's not easy so we shouldn't make it easy just because there is a Tailed Beast involved. As for the whole 'it makes it a cluster ****' that's because Bocc' was terrible at attacking villages because he never planned or discussed it and just rushed in half the time. However, look at when Zenaku did it: it went pretty smooth and the only time I can recall something going wrong was in Kiri and that was due to Cmage.

There's more or less just a problem with impacting the village community that wants no part of the conflict and being forced into it were the entire village threatened with destruction.

I do think there should be risk of village destruction, and really if somebody's to be blamed for such an event, it should be the jinchuuriki's responsibility to face the ridicule. That being said, jinchuuriki should not be killed before the extraction takes place (I'm sure though that's already a thing; it'd be silly to destroy a village and also the jinchuuriki along with it).

Though anyway, I think forcing the host to leave their village once a month is deadset fair, even if it's just to visit another, heavily fortified village for a day or so. Fact is the hunters won't receive direct notification as to when this will occur until perhaps after the host states that they've just performed their mandatory relocation for the month.


If you're all dead-set on it then I'll agree as well. The only problem I had with it was that it forced people to do something that most already do.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 15, 2013, 06:24:31 AM
Oh. Yeah, a day should be fine enough. Abuse by standing just a few feet from the village gates might prompt a different reaction depending on how much of an issue that causes.

Ironically, Nathan, it is for those who don't already do it that the point will have the most impact on. Hosts that don't will just have something to adhere to, while hosts that do can just carry on as normal.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 15, 2013, 06:28:10 AM
Just let the hosts roam for the day at their discretion. If they're barely distant from their village, then of course that'd be completely questionable.

It's easy enough for the hosts, and is still difficult for the hunters (seeing they'd need to log on every day just to see if their 'prize' has gone on their mandatory day-long trip).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on November 15, 2013, 06:56:13 AM
Oh. Yeah, a day should be fine enough. Abuse by standing just a few feet from the village gates might prompt a different reaction depending on how much of an issue that causes.

Ironically, Nathan, it is for those who don't already do it that the point will have the most impact on. Hosts that don't will just have something to adhere to, while hosts that do can just carry on as normal.

So since i am going to be wandering can I just rp that anyone who comes to get me is attacked by a wandering tribe of 100 bears?
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 15, 2013, 07:09:30 AM
So since i am going to be wandering can I just rp that anyone who comes to get me is attacked by a wandering tribe of 100 bears?

Unless a Game Master is willing to do that for you or you're the one leading the tribe, you're out of luck.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 15, 2013, 07:16:42 AM
I think we should all keep in mind meta-gaming as well. Lets say I am a host and step out of my village to train for a day to follow this rule. An attacker can't just leave somewhere like Kiri and make it to my in time... No random attacks in other words. If we are to promote good rp then these hunters need to scout, locate the host village then buy time waiting for them to step outside.

Also what about if the host is to locked with the village or somewhere else. Lets face it it is not uncommon to get rp locked for two weeks or even a month.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 15, 2013, 07:23:17 AM
I think we should all keep in mind meta-gaming as well. Lets say I am a host and step out of my village to train for a day to follow this rule. An attacker can't just leave somewhere like Kiri and make it to my in time... No random attacks in other words. If we are to promote good rp then these hunters need to scout, locate the host village then buy time waiting for them to step outside.

Also what about if the host is to locked with the village or somewhere else. Lets face it it is not uncommon to get rp locked for two weeks or even a month.

If the jinchuuriki left their village and say headed into the zones, then it wouldn't be entirely uncanny for a hunter to leave theirs and wind up in the exact same zone as they. Of course, if the jinchuuriki just kept posting in their village area (while generally being a fair distance away from it), then it'd be uncanny for a hunter to leave their village at the same time and make it there within a day (unless they have a mode of transportation capable of getting them there within one, like some Space-Time Ninjutsu or an extremely fast summon). It'd be better for the hunters though to just camp it out in the wilderness/zones so that the moment the jinchuuriki leaves their village, they'd be ready to intercept them (though of course, that would take effort in keeping active long enough to discover the exact day this will occur).

If there's an RP lock that goes for longer than two weeks, theen I say the jinchuuriki be given the right to ditch whatever they were participating in as long as it wasn't targeting/affecting them directly to go take their day-long trip, return the next day and assuming they aren't encountered by a hunter, resume being locked in RP (seeing as it'd be unlikely the RP would resume the moment they leave it if it hasn't budged for that long).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 15, 2013, 07:57:13 AM
I think we should all keep in mind meta-gaming as well. Lets say I am a host and step out of my village to train for a day to follow this rule. An attacker can't just leave somewhere like Kiri and make it to my in time... No random attacks in other words. If we are to promote good rp then these hunters need to scout, locate the host village then buy time waiting for them to step outside.

Also what about if the host is to locked with the village or somewhere else. Lets face it it is not uncommon to get rp locked for two weeks or even a month.

If the jinchuuriki left their village and say headed into the zones, then it wouldn't be entirely uncanny for a hunter to leave theirs and wind up in the exact same zone as they. Of course, if the jinchuuriki just kept posting in their village area (while generally being a fair distance away from it), then it'd be uncanny for a hunter to leave their village at the same time and make it there within a day (unless they have a mode of transportation capable of getting them there within one, like some Space-Time Ninjutsu or an extremely fast summon). It'd be better for the hunters though to just camp it out in the wilderness/zones so that the moment the jinchuuriki leaves their village, they'd be ready to intercept them (though of course, that would take effort in keeping active long enough to discover the exact day this will occur).

If there's an RP lock that goes for longer than two weeks, theen I say the jinchuuriki be given the right to ditch whatever they were participating in as long as it wasn't targeting/affecting them directly to go take their day-long trip, return the next day and assuming they aren't encountered by a hunter, resume being locked in RP (seeing as it'd be unlikely the RP would resume the moment they leave it if it hasn't budged for that long).

Well often we rp the zones as being our village's outskirts so that's what I was getting at. For instance zone 5 if Konoha's outskirts about a mike out if so I guess. Good distance from the village itself but still far from other villages. Even from like Suna where one would have to travel through a desert then plans then the Forrest to reach zone 5. That's a pretty good hike. Those coming from Kiri have to sail across an ocean. Kumo is days away ect.
I was just saying this should play an effect of course there are space time and such by how would you magically know I left the village if you are all the way in another village with out some inside works with long distant communication or just straight up meta-gaming?

That seems far enough. I just wanted to make that issue known as I'm sure it will occur.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 15, 2013, 08:10:45 AM
how would you magically know I left the village if you are all the way in another village with out some inside works with long distant communication or just straight up meta-gaming?

Visiting the same a location out of pure coincidence can't really be considered metagaming if the hunter claims to have been there pursuing prey or whatever without making indication that they knew the jinchuuriki would be there in the first place.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 15, 2013, 03:49:17 PM
how would you magically know I left the village if you are all the way in another village with out some inside works with long distant communication or just straight up meta-gaming?

Visiting the same a location out of pure coincidence can't really be considered metagaming if the hunter claims to have been there pursuing prey or whatever without making indication that they knew the jinchuuriki would be there in the first place.

I was getting at you are talking to someone in Kiri for example and see ooc wise that the host is out of the village so you randomly leave Kiri to go get the for some odd reason without you chara yet even knowing that they are out or if they are a host perhaps. That makes no logically sense as the time it would take to travel would be to great.

Now if you aren't rping in a village then yes you can say that your character was randomly in the location. Although I still find it to he meta-gaming I suppose it is allowed.

Truthfully in my mind the only people who should be able to just be in a random location like that would be wondering rogue shinobi. If you rp in a village then your character should be in that village and you have to rp leaving and traveling. Not oh my character is a Kumo Shinobi who has been in Kumo this whole week but is randomly in Konoha's outskirts today.

I still like the idea of hunters gathering intel, scouting, and waiting/hunting for their prey. Just appearing out of the blue is not hunting by any means. Plus you still have to gain the knowledge the person is a host.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 15, 2013, 05:02:38 PM
how would you magically know I left the village if you are all the way in another village with out some inside works with long distant communication or just straight up meta-gaming?

Visiting the same a location out of pure coincidence can't really be considered metagaming if the hunter claims to have been there pursuing prey or whatever without making indication that they knew the jinchuuriki would be there in the first place.

I was getting at you are talking to someone in Kiri for example and see ooc wise that the host is out of the village so you randomly leave Kiri to go get the for some odd reason without you chara yet even knowing that they are out or if they are a host perhaps. That makes no logically sense as the time it would take to travel would be to great.

Now if you aren't rping in a village then yes you can say that your character was randomly in the location. Although I still find it to he meta-gaming I suppose it is allowed.

Truthfully in my mind the only people who should be able to just be in a random location like that would be wondering rogue shinobi. If you rp in a village then your character should be in that village and you have to rp leaving and traveling. Not oh my character is a Kumo Shinobi who has been in Kumo this whole week but is randomly in Konoha's outskirts today.

I still like the idea of hunters gathering intel, scouting, and waiting/hunting for their prey. Just appearing out of the blue is not hunting by any means. Plus you still have to gain the knowledge the person is a host.

The last part shouldn't be too difficult, as many of the hosts I have met are normally not too secretive about their status' as hosts. I think I"ve only met one or two exceptions to that. Chakra isn't always a great measure either, as, who doesn't have a large chakra pool nowadays?

Wouldn't it have been easier to just say that potential hunters and pray alike (in other words, almost anyone) would need to RP the travel between their home and their destination again? I remember that used to be there, but it got pretty lax cause of how tedious it got over time.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 15, 2013, 05:19:28 PM
how would you magically know I left the village if you are all the way in another village with out some inside works with long distant communication or just straight up meta-gaming?

Visiting the same a location out of pure coincidence can't really be considered metagaming if the hunter claims to have been there pursuing prey or whatever without making indication that they knew the jinchuuriki would be there in the first place.

I was getting at you are talking to someone in Kiri for example and see ooc wise that the host is out of the village so you randomly leave Kiri to go get the for some odd reason without you chara yet even knowing that they are out or if they are a host perhaps. That makes no logically sense as the time it would take to travel would be to great.

Now if you aren't rping in a village then yes you can say that your character was randomly in the location. Although I still find it to he meta-gaming I suppose it is allowed.

Truthfully in my mind the only people who should be able to just be in a random location like that would be wondering rogue shinobi. If you rp in a village then your character should be in that village and you have to rp leaving and traveling. Not oh my character is a Kumo Shinobi who has been in Kumo this whole week but is randomly in Konoha's outskirts today.

I still like the idea of hunters gathering intel, scouting, and waiting/hunting for their prey. Just appearing out of the blue is not hunting by any means. Plus you still have to gain the knowledge the person is a host.

The last part shouldn't be too difficult, as many of the hosts I have met are normally not too secretive about their status' as hosts. I think I"ve only met one or two exceptions to that. Chakra isn't always a great measure either, as, who doesn't have a large chakra pool nowadays?

Wouldn't it have been easier to just say that potential hunters and pray alike (in other words, almost anyone) would need to RP the travel between their home and their destination again? I remember that used to be there, but it got pretty lax cause of how tedious it got over time.

Yeah the travel issue should apply to all. It's like when a village request back up from another village. The back up usually can't come right away. When Iwa was invaded everyone had to wait for a rp day to pass until getting there rp wise.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 16, 2013, 05:35:01 AM
Yeah the travel issue should apply to all. It's like when a village request back up from another village. The back up usually can't come right away. When Iwa was invaded everyone had to wait for a rp day to pass until getting there rp wise.

That'd be great.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on November 16, 2013, 05:48:16 AM
Yeah the travel issue should apply to all. It's like when a village request back up from another village. The back up usually can't come right away. When Iwa was invaded everyone had to wait for a rp day to pass until getting there rp wise.

That'd be great.

Maybe we could set up a handy little chart if we wanted to make it official. Something like,
Turns for reinforcements to arrive
Same zone: 0 turns
Same area (like within Konoha's forest or something): 1-2 turns

I suppose that gets a little unwieldy the farther away we get, since it to be realistic it would be like

Opposite end of the country: 125 turns (since that would probably translate into an hour, tops)
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 16, 2013, 06:09:21 AM
Maybe we could set up a handy little chart if we wanted to make it official. Something like,
Turns for reinforcements to arrive
Same zone: 0 turns
Same area (like within Konoha's forest or something): 1-2 turns

I suppose that gets a little unwieldy the farther away we get, since it to be realistic it would be like

Opposite end of the country: 125 turns (since that would probably translate into an hour, tops)

Seeing people have been using real time for determining travel (for instance, a 24 hour day to travel from one village to another), it may be better to stick to that (because really, who'd want to keep count of 125, or even 40 posts?) and instead establish potential time cuts depending on transportation (it'd be a less intricate alternative). Like using a ground-based summon to cut it by 25% (/3 hours) and aerial summon by say 40-50% (less obstacles, can fly across large bodies of water).
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Akasaka Rakudo on November 16, 2013, 06:16:53 AM
Maybe we could set up a handy little chart if we wanted to make it official. Something like,
Turns for reinforcements to arrive
Same zone: 0 turns
Same area (like within Konoha's forest or something): 1-2 turns

I suppose that gets a little unwieldy the farther away we get, since it to be realistic it would be like

Opposite end of the country: 125 turns (since that would probably translate into an hour, tops)

Seeing people have been using real time for determining travel (for instance, a 24 hour day to travel from one village to another), it may be better to stick to that (because really, who'd want to keep count of 125, or even 40 posts?) and instead establish potential time cuts depending on transportation (it'd be a less intricate alternative). Like using a ground-based summon to cut it by 25% (/3 hours) and aerial summon by say 40-50% (less obstacles, can fly across large bodies of water).

Yeah that seems a lot more... possible. xD
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 16, 2013, 04:17:40 PM
Why don't we just, you know, do the same thing everyone usually does in SL and go Village > Zone > Zone > Other Village. Simple as that. There doesn't need to be any time limits placed on it.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 16, 2013, 05:20:11 PM
Why don't we just, you know, do the same thing everyone usually does in SL and go Village > Zone > Zone > Other Village. Simple as that. There doesn't need to be any time limits placed on it.

Then the hunters would post leaving in the same turn that they arrive in intermittent steps.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Nathan on November 16, 2013, 06:58:43 PM
Why don't we just, you know, do the same thing everyone usually does in SL and go Village > Zone > Zone > Other Village. Simple as that. There doesn't need to be any time limits placed on it.

Then the hunters would post leaving in the same turn that they arrive in intermittent steps.

And? It's traveling and doesn't take long by SL standards. Not to mention that it wouldn't matter if the person was camping out and waiting for them. If they tried to leave on the same post then the person would just intercept them.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 16, 2013, 07:25:24 PM
Why don't we just, you know, do the same thing everyone usually does in SL and go Village > Zone > Zone > Other Village. Simple as that. There doesn't need to be any time limits placed on it.

If you are in Kiri and want to go aid in an attack in Konoha you have to wait for some time to pass for your travel. It makes no logic sense to travel there in a matter a seconds just cause you can post that fast. Rp wise it takes you character time.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 16, 2013, 09:11:02 PM
If we're going to go real RP time, by the time you would arrive the fight would probably be over, since it would take some hours to travel and the timeframe for most RP fights is at most thirty minutes to an hour.

So just having a little time before you can just waltz from here to there isn't that much of an issue.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 16, 2013, 09:17:20 PM
If we're going to go real RP time, by the time you would arrive the fight would probably be over, since it would take some hours to travel and the timeframe for most RP fights is at most thirty minutes to an hour.

That's pretty much the point. Unless the battle is supposed to be outstanding, then there was probably no reason for Kiri to assist Konoha at all (besides, the moment a key defender logs off the 'invasion' or whatever you choose to call it would be put essentially on halt if their presence is required, hence giving valuable time to any defenders not in the village to travel back). Though, travelling time between different villages would differ seeing as some are closer than others, with Kiri getting the worst of the lot having a sea to cross.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 16, 2013, 09:47:08 PM
If we're going to go real RP time, by the time you would arrive the fight would probably be over, since it would take some hours to travel and the timeframe for most RP fights is at most thirty minutes to an hour.

That's pretty much the point. Unless the battle is supposed to be outstanding, then there was probably no reason for Kiri to assist Konoha at all (besides, the moment a key defender logs off the 'invasion' or whatever you choose to call it would be put essentially on halt if their presence is required, hence giving valuable time to any defenders not in the village to travel back). Though, travelling time between different villages would differ seeing as some are closer than others, with Kiri getting the worst of the lot having a sea to cross.

Well, Suna has a desert to cross, Kumo has a bunch of mountains with dizzying heights, Ame has a giant rain filled lake, Iwa has, like, canyons and deep ravines, and then you have that darn rebel Konoha that only has a forest to go through.

In retrospect, which would take longer would depend on mode of transportation. If everyone is flying, then I think you would get to Konoha faster from Kiri than from Kumo (just by scoping out the SL map).

If you have to walk or use a purely earth bound mount, then Kumo would definitely be faster, unless your mount is both a strong, fast, and well directioned swimmer.

*Plus, if the RP were to be stalled in the location, then arguably one still couldn't enter the fight till the appropriate time has happened in the fight, for things to catch up. By that's just over-complicating things, and it would be easier just to have limits on travel time.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Angra Mainyu on November 16, 2013, 10:24:00 PM
Well, Suna has a desert to cross, Kumo has a bunch of mountains with dizzying heights, Ame has a giant rain filled lake, Iwa has, like, canyons and deep ravines, and then you have that darn rebel Konoha that only has a forest to go through.

In retrospect, which would take longer would depend on mode of transportation. If everyone is flying, then I think you would get to Konoha faster from Kiri than from Kumo (just by scoping out the SL map).

If you have to walk or use a purely earth bound mount, then Kumo would definitely be faster, unless your mount is both a strong, fast, and well directioned swimmer.

*Plus, if the RP were to be stalled in the location, then arguably one still couldn't enter the fight till the appropriate time has happened in the fight, for things to catch up. By that's just over-complicating things, and it would be easier just to have limits on travel time.

If you're flying at a high enough altitude, I don't think Kumo's mountains would be much of a bother to pass, though that's only if the summon can handle it and you know the exact location where the village is (or you know, through a powerful sensing technique).

And I don't quite see why any potential defenders would need to wait even after reaching the village to join the fray, though they'd be shoved into the queue if they attempt to interact with anything associated with the inactive poster.

Still though, with all these factors to consider it'd be best to have a table or something established for helping to sort out travel time depending on the type of transportation used.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: UettoSenju on November 16, 2013, 10:49:56 PM
I think compensate on all of it just place a one day rl time waiting on travels. It still be be far fetched to rp related time as some 10 minute rp time battles can take 10 days rl, but it just give a time of wait regardless.

If you ate traveling by mount then just make it a wait of five posting rounds.

And space/time require no waiting time. Most allied village I think got around the waiting issue by creating a means to get there via space/time... Or atleast I did with a few of Konoha's allies: Suna, Kumo, Kiri, Iwa.

Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Eric on November 16, 2013, 11:38:11 PM
Well, Suna has a desert to cross, Kumo has a bunch of mountains with dizzying heights, Ame has a giant rain filled lake, Iwa has, like, canyons and deep ravines, and then you have that darn rebel Konoha that only has a forest to go through.

In retrospect, which would take longer would depend on mode of transportation. If everyone is flying, then I think you would get to Konoha faster from Kiri than from Kumo (just by scoping out the SL map).

If you have to walk or use a purely earth bound mount, then Kumo would definitely be faster, unless your mount is both a strong, fast, and well directioned swimmer.

*Plus, if the RP were to be stalled in the location, then arguably one still couldn't enter the fight till the appropriate time has happened in the fight, for things to catch up. By that's just over-complicating things, and it would be easier just to have limits on travel time.

If you're flying at a high enough altitude, I don't think Kumo's mountains would be much of a bother to pass, though that's only if the summon can handle it and you know the exact location where the village is (or you know, through a powerful sensing technique).

And I don't quite see why any potential defenders would need to wait even after reaching the village to join the fray, though they'd be shoved into the queue if they attempt to interact with anything associated with the inactive poster.

Still though, with all these factors to consider it'd be best to have a table or something established for helping to sort out travel time depending on the type of transportation used.

It's the distance on the map is why I said that, not the mountains themselves. Granted, it would be easier flying at lower altitudes but I think you get the point. It's like, a longer line to be drawn from Konoha to Kumo than Konoha to Kiri.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Raifudo Oppa on November 22, 2013, 04:37:59 PM
I heard "Kumo" mentioned and came on to mention this:

Everyone in Kumo knows my Water Collapse jutsu and can teleport everywhere in the world within split seconds.

Because reasons.

Something something reasons...

In all honesty, though, if you're that important to a village when you're on leave you'd figure they'd have some means of getting your butt there in a jiffy (I.E. summoning).

P.S. Not sure if the above was mentioned, but I don't want to read 12 pages.

P.S.S. Hi guys.

Edit/P.S.S.S. I was joking about everyone knowing it.

P.S.S.S.S. Duh.
Title: Re: Perma Ban Bijuu Pls, Bijuu OP
Post by: Sabumaru on November 24, 2013, 08:41:52 AM
Edit/P.S.S.S. I was joking about everyone knowing it.
