Shinobi Legends Forum

Roleplay => Village Square => Topic started by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 05:04:36 AM

Title: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 05:04:36 AM
Okay so this is happening more and more as time continues on, Handing away Biju with no form of work or real reason other than "hey i'ma just give this to you."

I don't like this because I personally have done nothing but work for Biju for quite  some time. and while it hasn't effected me directly. I see it as a unfair.

The rules for the Biju (IF we even follow them anymore) state this:

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

The way that I see it, quitting the game is forfeiting your active status and the Biju should be either A. given to the leader of your Clan/organization, or B. A tournament is held to decide who is the new Biju owner.

In most cases I feel as though the Latter would be the more appropriate response to Quitting the site. But I personally feel it's strongly unfair that people can just be given biju because the host wants to give it to them, It's different if the owner of the Biju that was given away had actually fought for that Biju such as Bocc with Son Goku. I feel this is unfair because it seems that the Biju are being given away to people who have done literally nothing for them. While we who are actually working to acquire are Biju are left to dry, and random individuals are given the Biju for next to no reason.

So I personally believe that from this point on (at the least) we should have tournaments for the Biju of site quitters.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Masane on December 19, 2014, 05:08:02 AM
This is something that I find unfair as well. We just read the thread about giving Bijuu away and from what I see, that rule has beeen broken. I think it is wrong because I have been trying literally for months to get a Bijuu and people who have done nothing are just getting them left and right.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Eric on December 19, 2014, 05:15:51 AM
Okay so this is happening more and more as time continues on, Handing away Biju with no form of work or real reason other than "hey i'ma just give this to you."

I don't like this because I personally have done nothing but work for Biju for quite  some time. and while it hasn't effected me directly. I see it as a unfair.

The rules for the Biju (IF we even follow them anymore) state this:

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

The way that I see it, quitting the game is forfeiting your active status and the Biju should be either A. given to the leader of your Clan/organization, or B. A tournament is held to decide who is the new Biju owner.

In most cases I feel as though the Latter would be the more appropriate response to Quitting the site. But I personally feel it's strongly unfair that people can just be given biju because the host wants to give it to them, It's different if the owner of the Biju that was given away had actually fought for that Biju such as Bocc with Son Goku. I feel this is unfair because it seems that the Biju are being given away to people who have done literally nothing for them. While we who are actually working to acquire are Biju are left to dry, and random individuals are given the Biju for next to no reason.

So I personally believe that from this point on (at the least) we should have tournaments for the Biju of site quitters.

So are you saying I should give my beast back to Konoha since I didn't really work to get it (sure as heck worked to keep it though) as defined by the current rules?
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 05:18:43 AM
No, i'm not trying to say that we should strip anyone who had recieved Biju in this manner, I'm saying that we should moderate these rules that we had been set up cause they're being ignored, the way I see it. More or less i'm saying from this point on we should not just give Biju away like that. Biju should be a sacred thing on this site, not just toys passed around, they should be worked for.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Masane on December 19, 2014, 05:19:49 AM
Also if you go inactive, your beast would go to Konoha. Not just given to some random who did nothing for it.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Bocchiere on December 19, 2014, 05:23:41 AM
That's a... liberal interpretation of that rule.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 05:26:45 AM
That's a... conservative counter argument. The rules should not have been set up in the first place if they were intended to be disregarded.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Masane on December 19, 2014, 05:27:03 AM
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Bocchiere on December 19, 2014, 05:30:18 AM
That's a... conservative counter argument. The rules should not have been set up in the first place if they were intended to be disregarded.

They aren't, because the rule your citing isn't about people quitting the game. If someone goes inactive for a period of time they can be stripped of their bijuu. Which I enforce, trust me. It has nothing to do with, "I'm leaving now, this tailed beast belongs to so-and-so."

If they just give it to someone else and that person assumes their challengers, as I've done for the 2 tails, than you've lost nothing you're just fighting someone else for the beast if you've challenged them.

The only thing this would do is actually force people to rp giving their bijuu to someone before they leave, which you can't make a rule to prevent, so it would be fairly pointless.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 05:36:15 AM
Yes but at the same time it's unfair that there were two people in line for the Matatabi, and the first fight was literally about to start. I don't see the fairness is giving it to someone else even if they assume the  challenge list. The way that I see it is that if the Host wants to quit the game, then fine. But at the least a tournament should be held between the challengers of that list to decide who gets the Biju, instead of throwing someone random in to get it, as in your case lol.

People who challenge for the Biju can sit for MONTHS waiting for Biju fights to continue on so that they can get their chance. How is it fair to them that some random Joe gets to step in and assume the role as Jinchuriki, when they were in line for the beasts far beforehand. Machina did the work to find night TWICE for matatabi, just for him to hand it off to you? I don't see the fairness in that.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Masane on December 19, 2014, 05:41:24 AM
Seriously. If some one just gave me a Bijuu, you guys would not have that. I worked for months to get this cat and you did NOTHING and you have it. Now I'm forced to face you in OOC stupidity.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Eric on December 19, 2014, 06:06:07 AM

... For next would be nice to have a better way to handle what happens. Because it is NOT fair that a challenger may never actually get their match due to how long things take and so on.

Any suggestions? Is this where we need to finally set up a system for tournaments? Or is it time we start having disclaimers in the rules about this kind of thing? What would be the optimal course of action?
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Masane on December 19, 2014, 06:09:37 AM
I meant to say Akatsuki. Konoha slipped for some reason. I don't think that it should have went to me according to the rule. It should have gone right to Kumogakure.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 06:14:55 AM
As a challenger, I personally remain to disagree with resolving Biju by gifting them to other individuals. When you're on the list expecting to be fighting either the current host or one of the challengers in front of you, and suddenly some random jumps the ladder and takes the spot of the Jinchuriki? It's kinda like "Really?" You know what I mean? Like I stated before, i'm not saying we retract what's already been done, but instead set something up for the future. I.e Hosts who decide to quit the game, their Biju is then subjected to be the prize for a trounament, incorporating either the challengers of the host, or the challengers and anyone else who wishes to fight for the beast. This would not only be more fair of a way to resolve the retirement from host status, whenever that retirement is of their own volition. And over all it would bring more rp into the area, by giving a tournament for anyone who wants the Biju in question, in opens up a lot of rp activity as well as entertainment(at least if you enjoy reading threads, like I personally do.) Threads could be created for the tournament and players would be bracketed off into individual fights, and move up through the rounds. It's like a World Martial Arts tournament lol. It would even get to the point where we could reach out to people who did not know that this Biju was up for grabs and there was a tournament to enter for it, we could also increase activity on the forum. Which in all honesty I believe is the better place for Rp, much more organized and manageable. This would prevent that horrendous crap of fights and things getting deleted (Such as in the case with Madara and Sabu currently. As the messages are gone they are hitting a grey area in the fight decision.) I honestly do not enjoy the fact that people can pass Biju like a ball. With no work or anything relative to the situation. We try to ground into the Acads heads as well as others that we should roleplay everything out, but when you finally get to the upper end of the industry, it's not at all what you'd expect it do be.   
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Bocchiere on December 19, 2014, 06:22:57 AM
Seriously. If some one just gave me a Bijuu, you guys would not have that. I worked for months to get this cat and you did NOTHING and you have it. Now I'm forced to face you in OOC stupidity.

I've won the Nibi in combat, twice, for your information.

I do agree that bijuu fights should be on forum.

Again, Night could have then just rp'd coming back to me and giving me the bijuu then.

You know what though? I honestly don't care. If it's a bijuu of an Akatsuki member I'll fight in the tourney, if it isn't, I don't care. I'm more than happy to solve problems by cracking skulls.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Masane on December 19, 2014, 06:34:02 AM
Even still, I did not see you doing anything around the time I was in order to obtain it this time so what makes you so worthy over me or Kumo?
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 06:38:21 AM
With the character that has it now?

But then again, to proceed in the idea of fairness, we could but rule on the tournament, allowing for more fair battles between the upper and lower nin. Though this is just an idea. It's not like i'm really upset at anyone for doing it, I just feel as though we should begin keeping things in check. Everyone complains about the condition of the site but not too many do much to try and fix it.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Masane on December 19, 2014, 06:39:54 AM
I would be all for that.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 06:45:51 AM
There would be a tournament Moderator. I could be the tournament moderator. I would have absolutely no problem figuring out the works and running the Tournament threads. This is an idea i'm really serious about and will actually take the effort to make it work provided i'm given the proper necessities,
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 07:06:57 AM
You mean like a separate thread discussing tournaments? Or what?
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Bocchiere on December 19, 2014, 07:12:52 AM
Even still, I did not see you doing anything around the time I was in order to obtain it this time so what makes you so worthy over me or Kumo?

Because it was Night's bijuu and he can do what he pleases with it?

You earned a shot at a bijuu and you got that.

If this happened like 5 times in succession and prevented you for challenging for 6 months I could see the issue. You seemed to think Night was giving you the run around and yet now that I've started our fight immediately you are still not satisfied.

The CHALLENGER is entitled to a CHALLENGE, that's all. You got that, Ichirou has gotten that.

I ignored the 2 weeks grace I get on Bel and opted to fight you immediately. Eric opted to ignore the 3 month break he'd get from Ichirou and instead opted to fight him as soon as he was free. You both have been given extras that were not required to be given.

Man, you know you're getting older when you want to start ranting about kids these days.

I'm ok with setting up rules for the tourney but the idea for the tournament was proposed on the circumstance of if the Jinchuriki had no affiliations. I just want to make that clear. If Sabu decides to take up a strict vow of Mormonism and never returns to SL, the 7 tails returns to Akatsuki and, if we want to make rules for it, I'll be happy to organize a tourney of challengers. Challengers, and me.

So yes, I agree, let's make a new topic for rules on how these delightful tournaments will work.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 07:24:39 AM
You act as if we're children ranting about how you old folks are being ridiculous. I'm not saying I haven't been given the chances for Biju that I want. I even said that what i'm speaking on hasn't directly effected me. It hasn't nothing to do with me. I just don't think it's a good idea for the site to be passing Biju around like that.

It may have been Night's Biju but there is still the rule, and my entire argument is that I see that quitting the game fits in to that rule. I'm not butt hurt that people are getting Biju, I couldn't care less. I'll just continue to go for biju until I got one, and then keep going. I feel like for the sake of Fairness that we should regulate Biju more strictly and treat them like the treasures they should be treated as.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Ѕhadow on December 19, 2014, 07:30:27 AM
For my part of Saiken. This is how it is.

I obtain Saiken.

Wait a few weeks. Uzumakiwarrior challenges me. I don't take him up on it and ignore it. He was challenging every jink at that time. Advance to now. I got no challenges and no one pm'ing me about the aspects of it, ect.

Kayenta challenges me on Yugito. I state what I wanted and even offered to nerf myself. She was in a bad mood or something and withdrew even after I offered the nerf. Before I was challenged by her I was planning to give it away.

In truth Uzumakiwarrior was my first and only challenger. I gave it to him with regards as a friend.

However since it is in my possession and NO ONE was on my wait list I gave it away. Like how Kayenta did with her snake contract or anyone else did with anything.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 07:35:57 AM
If I remember right I myself challenged you and even tried to discuss setting up the rp
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Ѕhadow on December 19, 2014, 07:37:32 AM
If I remember right I myself challenged you and even tried to discuss setting up the rp

I told you what I wanted and from there you withdrew. The point I'm making is that I had no one on my list.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 07:40:51 AM
Yes but I had been in Suna and talked to you about meeting you in Suna a few times to no avail, but all that aside i'm not saying anything about receding your gift of the Saiken or Nights Gift of the Nibi, I'm just saying for future reference, to create more rp opportunity as well as a little more fairness
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Ѕhadow on December 19, 2014, 07:46:46 AM
Yes but I had been in Suna and talked to you about meeting you in Suna a few times to no avail, but all that aside i'm not saying anything about receding your gift of the Saiken or Nights Gift of the Nibi, I'm just saying for future reference, to create more rp opportunity as well as a little more fairness

I don't agree with the Night situation myself, but that's already been discussed.

As far as fairness and rp goes. I accomplished both of those when I gave it to Uzumakiwarrior. He actively rps and I always see him on. Fairness part, as I've said already, I had no one on the waiting list or I would have given it to the first one in line. It would have been him either way.

Next time? I don't see why it needs to change. You give it to the first challenger on your list. If you have none then you give to to whoever you want? Or a previous challenger who withdrew.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 08:01:14 AM
I just don't like that the most valuable things in the site are passive toys.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Ѕhadow on December 19, 2014, 08:10:48 AM
I just don't like that the most valuable things in the site are passive toys.

" and treat them like the treasures they should be treated as. "

>> << >> Mhm
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Warren on December 19, 2014, 01:34:35 PM
As heavily as a disagree with Eric on a lot of things, I'll have to commend him over one thing regarding bijuu; he doesn't just wait around doing nothing, bagging tails and suddenly achieving a perfect link with his bijuu for some inexplicable reason.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Eric on December 19, 2014, 05:16:46 PM
Alright, since the commenting has calmed down and I have gotten some sleep, let's begin to look at this from my perspective.

TL,DR : Change the rules so that the host cannot give away their tailed beast, it can only go to tournament, use the current challenge rules for tournament; or just get rid of the tailed beasts altogether (;))

Tailed beasts were supposed to be, as stated, valuable. I wanted to get rid of them altogether, but that is a dead argument at this point. If we have to keep them, I felt that it should be good that one person does not horde them on a single account or whatever for an extended amount of time. That aside, we already know that there are very few current candidates for hosts: let's take Akatsuki for example. If one of us who currently has a beast leaves, the beasts inevitably would either go to Bocc or one of his alts (due to the decreasing number of suitable candidates in the organization).

With that background in mind, it is imperative that we figure out on what basis we are doing anything period.

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

This is the rule that has been put up for the reason why something should even be done. If we are going to take passing off the beast due to upcoming activity as this rule, then the only ones that could get the tailed beast gifted are (if they are part of an organization/clan) the leader of the clan/organization. Otherwise, the beast would be gifted to a central pool for the sake of a tournament, which we have procrastinated FAR too long in making rules for.

Using this rule then, the biju gifting of the future would only ever go to tournament if the person is not affiliated with anyone or anything. Which is highly unlikely considering where the tailed beasts are at this moment.

Before I carry on, I would like to note that I would be the first to try to hunt Sabu's mormon crew down just to raid his wives cabinent. Not for children, but for the wives. >_>

Digression aside, the only way to discourage gifting among organization-mates would be to make a new rule specifically dealing with biju gifting of this and other sorts. The primary concern seems to be that the changing of hosts, after the challenger has waited so long to fight them, is unfair.

1] ºHow to Challenge a Jinchurikiº
 In order to challenge a Jinchuriki & obtain a Biju, one must extend an invitation to its host; this places you on the list of challengers that each host must update in a publicly accessibly spot. [Either as a post in this thread or on the wikia as a discussion topic on the tailed beasts page. Here]  The two will make all arrangements for when the match will begin and where. Should the Jinchuriki ignore or refuse the invitation(s)-with no reason given- 3 times consecutively, you may report it to other Jinchuriki. Subject for such an event's invitation, for proof & reference of a challenge, must be titled: (Number of tails) - (Name of Jinchuriki); the body of the message may be as you please (though manners & politeness would of course make things much smoother).

THIS rule would be a better place to start a petition for a change. It specifically states that you must extend an invitation to the host; there are no guidelines that state that a new host must inherit the challenger list of the prior. The only mention of the list:

ºChallenge Listº
For purposes of verification each host much keep a record of who is next on the challenge list. This avoids misconduct and is an aid to challengers when seeking a host to challenge. It is suggested this be posted on the NarutoProfiles Wikia as a forum discussion thread to the tailed beasts topic.

Does not include an inheritance portion to it. As a result, new hosts would not be obligated to follow the challenger list of their predecessor, because you are challenging the host, not the tailed beast, to battle.

This is unfair if there is a serious threat of host changing by exchange. Considering the mess that was done when the exchange was done late in the process, an earlier exchange more or less went more smoothly, but only presented the threat of exchange as more prevalent, especially since Athos is not a member of the Akatsuki (unless Shadow defected and forgot to tell anyone, which defectors sometimes do, to Athos' clan/organization).

Moving forward, the main point of this thread is to make host exchanges by gifting of biju less unfair for challengers in general. Implicitly (and I believe in my special rules, I would have to double-check) new hosts tend to inherit the challenge lists of their formers, though this is not necessarily required of them, so making it mandatory would not solve the problem.

Since the invitation is to that host, then you are signing up to fight that host by their rules. IF that host changes while you are on the list, then you would have to re-extend the invitation unless they decide to accept your previous one (as many people have done) and you are technically apart of a new que.

If this is deemed unfair, then the only solution is that host exchange while there are challengers on the list is not permitted, and that a tourney that excludes all current jinchurikii or biju summoners be held to determine its placing. While this would "solve" that issue, it would create one where now the challenger might STILL have to face an even stronger opponent in order to get the tailed beast. Granted, at least it would be contested I suppose, so for challengers, that would be a compromise.

However, this somewhat punishes jinch-heavy groups/clans/villages who's main activity base are hosts out of necessity. But allowing other jinchs  and biju summoners into this tournament would simply encourage them to stock up on biju for their accounts. Already two is the implied limit, and that by itself is a handful, unless you are someone people don't challenge frequently anyways.

As for the tournament rules, some basic guidelines can make sure activity does not get slowed without punishment, treat it as a massive biju challenge.

ºHow to declare a winnerº
The battle commences with the initial post & terminates once either combatant is unable to continue. Such a feat can result in several ways, including knock-outs (concussions, etc.), full paralysis, almost-fatal wounds & so forth. So long both parties declare it plausible & understand the longevity/risk of the claim, it's considered eligible for use. However, things can, of course, become debatable in attempt to reach such a goal & in doing so arguments are bound to commence. If need be, either party can have onlookers & such /dis/agree with the action until a verdict is reached. If desired, either party can have other hosts or officials of sorts represent them for a more "legitimized" (as some have called it) reasoning or "Back-up".

Like any other zone fight, rules are established as support for completing the quarrel without need for troubles to arise. Those basic rules are also adopted into host-challenges. The rules are as follows [unless agreed upon both parties (with proof) to be something otherwise]

ºNo Auto-Hittingº
Auto-Hitting is recognized as being a direct action following through without consent of the opposing party.

ºNo God-Moddingº
God-Modding has been recognized as an incorrect claim of one or more super-powers incapable of one's possession or against what one's character establishes. Several other things have been regarded God-Modding such as dodging every attack, extreme maneuvers & such. If God-Modding should occur, the opposing party will object to it & things can be negotiated from there.

Let all of that be partly based off of the original rules the host had, in order to have continuity and consistency in that manner.

ºHosts Must Committ to Active Statusº
Jinchūriki have an obligation to be active, and are stripped of their bijū if they cannot get online and do their round (1 post every week), regardless of the reason. The leader of their clan/organization will inherit the bijū; if the jinchūriki wasn't in a clan/organization, then a tournament/event can be arranged to determine a suitable host.

This needs to be re-worded in order to specify RP or in the fight itself, but this can be adapted to the fight/tournament rules, and hence, a week is as long as you will be allowed to dally. Any longer and you are automatically disqualified, booted, cut from the line, proven to be the weakest link and thus cut from the chain, etc.

Who will host the tournament? Who will moderate and be judge for it? Well... We have moderators and GM's and people who don't care about biju. I say we have a halfway decent pool to choose from. The only criteria is that they are not (even with an alt) participating in the brawling.

Now, brunch awaits me. Discuss. If you would like to bask in the length of my post, you may do so, but I advise shades so that you can still read it. I didn't make this for my own writing sake ya know.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 19, 2014, 06:43:57 PM
Like I said before i'm perfectly fine with moderating/hosting the tournaments, in fact I would love to do it. I'd have no problem excluding myself from said tournament and all that Jazz, because i'll actually put the work in to run the tournaments effectively

Even with a limit of two Biju per individual, people will inevitably used Alts to continue to horde their Biju mass, so instead of just allowing people to gift them away placing them within a tournament would be more of a fair way to regulate the beasts.

As far as fighting stronger opponents, first of all people should not enter the tournament and not expect to find experienced players participating. But for the sake of fairness players could be split into their respective brackets based on obvious skill levels, i.e we wouldn't put someone whom only possessed the Byakugan, against someone with a stack of Kg and abilities, utilizing this form of moderation we would be able to keep the stronger players fighting the stronger players and the weaker players fighting the weaker, at least until the finals where as whoever had made it that far will have to fight who ever else made it that far. Of course at the same time there wont always be weaker players to match up with weaker players and inevitably someone who doesn't have access to the same amounts of skills that some of the 'higher-ups' possess will end up fighting someone out of their league, but that can't really be avoided. If anything it gives initiative for players to improve their skills for the tournaments.

These tournament ideas also wouldn't be restricted to just Biju tournaments, provided we could get the proper resources we could possibly gift Dp to the winners, or possible some techniques or something, just something to have as a prize.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Hazama on December 20, 2014, 12:42:59 AM

This topic, in my opinion, was only brought up because of people and their more selfish wants.
"Athos got a beast handed to him? Well, damn, I wish I had friends like him! Let's make the Bijuu rules even more detailed and complicated just so they can be tossed into a tourney!"

That's all this boils down to. Someone is, all in all, upset that the Bijuu wasn't a handout to them but to someone else. Had one of the people who started this topic been the one who had a Bijuu handed to them then this topic wouldn't even exist. I think it's utterly selfish, but I'm sure nothing but angry denial from my post.

SL can't even formulate working chuunin exams and you want to put together tourneys for Bijuu? I've always thought that was ridiculous and now, it seems, it is time to voice that opinion. I agree with what Shadow had said;

Give it to the next challenger on the list and if there is no one, then the person with the beast should give it to whom they choose.

Besides, wasn't the rules of a tourney only for being stripped of inactivity? I haven't read the pages in of this talk, so please excuse me if I'm out of the loop. But there is a huge difference between giving one away and losing one from inactivity. Actually, this was one of the most common ways Bijuu got around not too long ago here on SL.

Do you know how many crappy battles and tourneys would have had to been set up? Countless. So in this case, where the Two Tails and Six tails were given away in a single week. So would it be a single tourney and the winner gets both? Or would there have to be two whole separate tourneys?

I think it's silly.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Eric on December 20, 2014, 02:26:31 AM
Admittedly, you should read a topic before you comment so you CAN be in the loop and know what you are talking about with confidence.

Uhm...Excuse me? We most certainly do have working Chuunin Exams and Jounin Exams too, thank you very much.

Anyone else insulted here? lol

oh yeah...the cry babies who didn't get a bijuu for Christmas.


Count me in the cry baby arena too!


I WON a Jounin Exams for Pete's sake, I am offended as well. :(

And if the challengers are finding the current system unfair, then I proposed a way to try to assuage that. If that's not the consensus, then we carry on. That's all I can currently add to this discussion.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 20, 2014, 02:46:03 AM
I didn't make this topic because I was upset that you got the Six tails, Bud. I made this topic because I saw it as unfair. I couldn't care less who gets handed anything, I just wanted to implore a more FAIR system of doing things, as well as open up RP activity.

If you had read the thread, you would know that I even mentioned that this hasn't effected me directly. You know why it hasn't? Because I don't care about hand outs. As much as i've been snarled at since I started on this site (Before Ichirou) about RP being so important to get techs and all that Jazz I just think it's stupid to see people passing Biju around.

The only reason that any thing such as Tournaments wouldn't work is because there are people who are too lazy to actually conduct real rp. We people like Kayenta do proactive things (like revitalizing the missions) they bring rp activity to the site. That's what i'm trying to do with this. I've also stated that these tournaments also aren't Solely based upon Biju, I want to bring them into the world for Roleplay. So slander me all you want about how i'm butthurt about Biju, but I couldn't care less about getting passed one in such a simple way.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Suishou Koji on December 24, 2014, 08:28:17 AM
You know Kumogakure cares when we disperse the Bijuu after obtaining all of them. But this really has nothing to do with the topic does it? Happy Holidays!
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Ѕhadow on December 24, 2014, 06:27:13 PM
You know Kumogakure cares when we disperse the Bijuu after obtaining all of them. But this really has nothing to do with the topic does it? Happy Holidays!

I'm going to add some salty 'Grinch-ness' to these happy holidays. >>

Kumogakure did nothing. The word 'we' is not the right word to use here. Zenaku is just one person. Zenaku did it, even then he was given like 1/2 of them or 1/3 or some shit if I remember correctly.

Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Garō, Ichirou on December 24, 2014, 10:19:01 PM
Hold up, waaaiiitttt

We gon' rock it till the wheels fall off
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Bocchiere on December 25, 2014, 12:11:18 AM
Yeah I captured the 2 tails for Kumo back then. Dat fight with Luka was something alright.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Ѕhadow on December 25, 2014, 06:04:25 AM
I'm not saying Kumo nin weren't involved, just that Kumo didn't do an all out thing. They were cooperated with and RP was thought out, bijuu were given to the village.

Koji, the way he worded it was very egocentric. Saying we should be grateful.

Bah Humbug.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Suishou Koji on December 25, 2014, 07:09:33 AM
Shadow, you are such a scrooge.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Eric on December 25, 2014, 07:40:56 AM
Shadow, you are such a scrooge.

I would have to agree with Shadow on that mark, just from the experience Konoha had with its tailed beasts ending up in the hands of Zenaku. Yeah, Kumo helped, but the outcome would have been very different without Zenaku being Zenaku.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Ѕhadow on December 25, 2014, 07:58:11 AM
I'm just wondering what happens when Akatsuki gets all the bijuu. After Bocc does his 10 tails thing.

Probably going to hand them back out.
Title: Re: Handing away Biju
Post by: Ѕhadow on December 25, 2014, 08:21:57 AM
Shadow, you are such a scrooge.

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